const assert = require('assert') const clipboardy = require('clipboardy') const { menus, screens, elements, NETWORKS } = require('../elements') let abiClipboard const importContractAccount = async (f, account1, getCreatedAccounts) => { describe('Proxy contract', async () => { const proxyContract = '0x0518ac3db78eb326f42dbcfb4b2978e8059989a5' const proxyABI = [{'constant': true, 'inputs': [], 'name': 'proxyOwner', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'address'}], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'view', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': true, 'inputs': [], 'name': 'version', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'string'}], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'view', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': false, 'inputs': [{'name': 'version', 'type': 'string'}, {'name': 'implementation', 'type': 'address'}], 'name': 'upgradeTo', 'outputs': [], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': true, 'inputs': [], 'name': 'implementation', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'address'}], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'view', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': true, 'inputs': [], 'name': 'upgradeabilityOwner', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'address'}], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'view', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': false, 'inputs': [{'name': 'version', 'type': 'string'}, {'name': 'implementation', 'type': 'address'}, {'name': 'data', 'type': 'bytes'}], 'name': 'upgradeToAndCall', 'outputs': [], 'payable': true, 'stateMutability': 'payable', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': false, 'inputs': [{'name': 'newOwner', 'type': 'address'}], 'name': 'transferProxyOwnership', 'outputs': [], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'function'}, {'inputs': [], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'constructor'}, {'payable': true, 'stateMutability': 'payable', 'type': 'fallback'}, {'anonymous': false, 'inputs': [{'indexed': false, 'name': 'previousOwner', 'type': 'address'}, {'indexed': false, 'name': 'newOwner', 'type': 'address'}], 'name': 'ProxyOwnershipTransferred', 'type': 'event'}, {'anonymous': false, 'inputs': [{'indexed': false, 'name': 'version', 'type': 'string'}, {'indexed': true, 'name': 'implementation', 'type': 'address'}], 'name': 'Upgraded', 'type': 'event'}] // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars const joinedABI = [{'constant': true, 'inputs': [], 'name': 'proxyOwner', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'address'}], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'view', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': true, 'inputs': [], 'name': 'version', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'string'}], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'view', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': false, 'inputs': [{'name': 'version', 'type': 'string'}, {'name': 'implementation', 'type': 'address'}], 'name': 'upgradeTo', 'outputs': [], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': true, 'inputs': [], 'name': 'implementation', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'address'}], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'view', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': true, 'inputs': [], 'name': 'upgradeabilityOwner', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'address'}], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'view', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': false, 'inputs': [{'name': 'version', 'type': 'string'}, {'name': 'implementation', 'type': 'address'}, {'name': 'data', 'type': 'bytes'}], 'name': 'upgradeToAndCall', 'outputs': [], 'payable': true, 'stateMutability': 'payable', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': false, 'inputs': [{'name': 'newOwner', 'type': 'address'}], 'name': 'transferProxyOwnership', 'outputs': [], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'function'}, {'inputs': [], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'constructor'}, {'payable': true, 'stateMutability': 'payable', 'type': 'fallback'}, {'anonymous': false, 'inputs': [{'indexed': false, 'name': 'previousOwner', 'type': 'address'}, {'indexed': false, 'name': 'newOwner', 'type': 'address'}], 'name': 'ProxyOwnershipTransferred', 'type': 'event'}, {'anonymous': false, 'inputs': [{'indexed': false, 'name': 'version', 'type': 'string'}, {'indexed': true, 'name': 'implementation', 'type': 'address'}], 'name': 'Upgraded', 'type': 'event'}, {'constant': true, 'inputs': [], 'name': 'desc', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'string'}], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'view', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': true, 'inputs': [], 'name': 'methodFromImplementation', 'outputs': [{'name': 'yep', 'type': 'bool'}], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'pure', 'type': 'function'}] describe('imports ABI of proxy and implementation together', async () => { it('opens import account menu', async () => { await f.setProvider(NETWORKS.SOKOL) const menu = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await const item = await f.waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.import2) await const importAccountTitle = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.title) assert.equal(await importAccountTitle.getText(), screens.importAccounts.textTitle) }) it("Select type 'Proxy'", async () => { await f.delay(1000) const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.selectArrow) await const item = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.itemProxyContract) await }) it("Fill 'Address' with valid proxy contract , SOKOL", async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractAddress) await f.clearField(field, 100) await field.sendKeys(proxyContract) }) it('ABI of Proxy + Implementation is fetched and matches the pattern', async () => { await f.delay(5000) const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractABI) abiClipboard = await field.getText() console.log(abiClipboard) assert.deepEqual(JSON.parse(abiClipboard), joinedABI, "ABI isn't fetched") }) it("Click button 'Import', main screen opens", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport) await const ident = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.identicon, 20) assert.notEqual(ident, false, "main screen isn't opened") }) }) describe("Check 3dots menu for 'Proxy' account", () => { it('open 3dots menu', async () => { const menu = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await await f.waitUntilShowUp( const items = await f.driver.findElements( assert.equal(items.length, 5, '3dot menu has incorrect number of items') }) it('Check text of items', async () => { const items = await f.driver.findElements( assert.equal(await items[0].getText(), 'View on block explorer', '1st item has incorrect text') assert.equal(await items[1].getText(), 'Show QR Code', '2nd item has incorrect text') assert.equal(await items[2].getText(), 'Copy address to clipboard', '3d item has incorrect text') assert.equal(await items[3].getText(), 'Copy ABI to clipboard', '4th item has incorrect text') assert.equal(await items[4].getText(), 'Update implementation ABI', '5th item has incorrect text') }) it("Click 'Update implementation ABI'", async () => { const items = await f.driver.findElements( await items[4].click() const menu = await f.waitUntilShowUp(, 20) assert.equal(menu, false, "3dot menu wasn't closed") }) }) describe("Remove imported 'Proxy' account", async () => { it("Label 'PROXY' present", async () => { const menu = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await await f.delay(2000) await f.waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.label) const labels = await f.driver.findElements(menus.account.label) const label = labels[1] assert.equal(await label.getText(), 'PROXY', 'label incorrect') }) it('Delete imported account', async () => { await f.waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.delete) const items = await f.driver.findElements(menus.account.delete) await items[1].click() const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.deleteImportedAccount.buttons.yes) await const buttonArrow = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.settings.buttons.arrow) await const identicon = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.identicon) assert.notEqual(identicon, false, 'main screen didn\'t opened') }) }) }) describe('Simple contract', async () => { const contractSokol = '0x215b2ab35749e5a9f3efe890de602fb9844e842f' console.log('Contract ' + contractSokol + ' , Sokol') const wrongAddress = '0xB87b6077D59B01Ab9fa8cd5A1A21D02a4d60D35' const notContractAddress = '0x56B2e3C3cFf7f3921Dc2e0F8B8e20d1eEc29216b' describe('Import Contract', async () => { it('opens import account menu', async () => { await f.setProvider(NETWORKS.ROPSTEN) const menu = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await const item = await f.waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.import2) await const importAccountTitle = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.title) assert.equal(await importAccountTitle.getText(), screens.importAccounts.textTitle) }) it("Warning's text is correct", async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.warning) assert.equal(await field.getText(), 'Imported accounts will not be associated with your originally created Nifty Wallet account seedphrase.', "incorrect warning's text") }) it("Select type 'Contract'", async () => { await f.delay(1000) const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.selectArrow) await await f.delay(2000) const item = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.itemContract) await }) it("Field 'Address' is displayed", async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractAddress) assert.notEqual(field, false, "field 'Address' isn't displayed") await field.sendKeys(wrongAddress) }) it("Button 'Import' is displayed", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport) assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Import' isn't displayed") assert.equal(await button.getText(), 'Import', 'wrong name of button') }) it("Button 'Import' is disabled if incorrect address", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport) assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), false, 'button enabled') }) it("Field 'ABI' is displayed", async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractABI) assert.notEqual(field, false, "field 'ABI' isn't displayed") }) it("Field 'ABI' is empty if contract isn't verified in current network", async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractABI) assert.equal(await field.getText(), '', "field 'ABI' isn't displayed") }) it("Fill 'Address' with not contract address , SOKOL", async () => { await f.setProvider(NETWORKS.SOKOL) const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractAddress) await f.clearField(field, 100) await field.sendKeys(notContractAddress) }) it("Button 'Import' is disabled if not contract address", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport) assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), false, 'button enabled') }) it("Fill 'Address' with valid contract , SOKOL", async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractAddress) await f.clearField(field, 100) await field.sendKeys(contractSokol) }) it("Button 'Import' is enabled if contract address is correct", async () => { await f.delay(5000) const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport) assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), true, 'button enabled') }) it('ABI is fetched ', async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractABI) abiClipboard = await field.getText() assert.equal(abiClipboard.length, 4457, "ABI isn't fetched") }) it('icon copy is displayed for ABI ', async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.iconCopy) assert.notEqual(field, false, "icon copy isn't displayed") await }) it('Check clipboard buffer', async () => { const text = clipboardy.readSync() assert.equal(text, abiClipboard, "address account wasn't copied to clipboard") }) it("Click button 'Import', main screen opens", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport) await const ident = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.identicon, 20) assert.notEqual(ident, false, "main screen isn't opened") }) }) describe("Check 3dots menu for 'Contract' account", () => { it('open 3dots menu', async () => { const menu = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await await f.waitUntilShowUp( const items = await f.driver.findElements( assert.equal(items.length, 4, '3dot menu has incorrect number of items') }) it('Check text of items', async () => { const items = await f.driver.findElements( assert.equal(await items[0].getText(), 'View on block explorer', '1st item has incorrect text') assert.equal(await items[1].getText(), 'Show QR Code', '2nd item has incorrect text') assert.equal(await items[2].getText(), 'Copy address to clipboard', '3d item has incorrect text') assert.equal(await items[3].getText(), 'Copy ABI to clipboard', '4th item has incorrect text') }) it("Click 'Copy ABI'", async () => { const items = await f.driver.findElements( await items[3].click() const menu = await f.waitUntilShowUp(, 20) assert.equal(menu, false, "3dot menu wasn't closed") }) it('Check clipboard buffer', async () => { const text = clipboardy.readSync() assert.equal(text, abiClipboard, "ABI wasn't copied to clipboard") }) }) describe('Execute Method screen', () => { const notContractAddress = '0x56B2e3C3cFf7f3921Dc2e0F8B8e20d1eEc29216b' describe("Check UI and button's functionality", () => { it("Click button 'Execute method'", async () => { await f.driver.navigate().refresh() await f.delay(2000) const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonExecuteMethod) assert.notEqual(button, false, "button doesn't displayed") assert.equal(await button.getText(), 'Execute methods', 'button has incorrect name') await }) it('title is displayed and correct', async () => { const title = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.title) assert.notEqual(title, false, 'title isn\'t displayed') assert.equal(await title.getText(), screens.executeMethod.titleText, 'incorrect text') }) it('Click arrow button leads to main screen', async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonArrow) await const identicon = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.identicon, 40) assert.notEqual(identicon, false, "main screen isn't opened") }) }) describe('Check output for data type : ADDRESS', () => { const address = '0x56B2e3C3cFf7f3921Dc2e0F8B8e20d1eEc29216b' it("Click button 'Execute method'", async () => { await f.driver.navigate().refresh() await f.delay(2000) const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonExecuteMethod) assert.notEqual(button, false, "button doesn't displayed") assert.equal(await button.getText(), 'Execute methods', 'button has incorrect name') await }) it("Select method 'returnAddress'", async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.selectArrow) await await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.items) const list = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.items) await list[3].click() assert.equal(list.length, 22, "drop down menu isn't displayed") }) it("Button 'Call data' is displayed and disabled", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCall) assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Call data' isn't displayed") assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), false, "Button 'Call data' is enabled") }) it("Fill out input field 'Address'", async () => { await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldParameter) const fields = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.fieldParameter) assert.notEqual(fields[0], false, "field parameter#1 isn't displayed") await fields[0].sendKeys(address) }) it("Button 'Call data' is displayed and enabled", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCall) assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Call data' isn't displayed") assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), true, "Button 'Call data' is disabled") await }) it('method returns correct value', async () => { await f.delay(3000) await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput) const fields = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput) assert.notEqual(fields[1], false, "field 'Output' isn't displayed") const text = await f.waitUntilHasValue(fields[1]) assert.equal(text.toLowerCase(), address.toLowerCase(), 'incorrect value was returned') }) it('icon copy cliboard is displayed and clickable', async () => { const icon = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.copy) assert.notEqual(icon, false, 'icon copy isn\'t displayed') await }) it('Check clipboard buffer', async () => { const text = clipboardy.readSync() assert.equal(text.toLowerCase(), address.toLowerCase(), "output wasn't copied to clipboard") }) it("2nd call doesn't throw the error", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCall) assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Call data' isn't displayed") await const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput) assert.notEqual(field, false, "field 'Output' isn't displayed") const text = await f.waitUntilHasValue(field) assert.equal(text.toLowerCase(), address.toLowerCase(), 'incorrect value was returned') }) }) describe('Check output for data type : STRING', () => { const stringValue = 'POA network' it("Select method 'returnString'", async () => { await f.delay(3000) const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.selectArrow) await await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.items) const list = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.items) await list[14].click() assert.equal(list.length, 22, "drop down menu isn't displayed") }) it('Fill out input parameter field ', async () => { await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldParameter) const fields = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.fieldParameter) assert.notEqual(fields[0], false, "field parameter#1 isn't displayed") await fields[0].sendKeys(stringValue) }) it("Click button 'Call data' ", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCall) assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Call data' isn't displayed") assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), true, "Button 'Call data' is disabled") await }) it('method returns correct value', async () => { await f.delay(3000) await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput) const fields = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput) assert.notEqual(fields[1], false, "field 'Output' isn't displayed") const text = await f.waitUntilHasValue(fields[1]) assert.equal(text, stringValue, 'incorrect value was returned') }) it('icon copy cliboard is displayed and clickable', async () => { const icon = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.copy) assert.notEqual(icon, false, 'icon copy isn\'t displayed') await }) it('Check clipboard buffer', async () => { const text = clipboardy.readSync() assert.equal(text.toLowerCase(), stringValue.toLowerCase(), "output wasn't copied to clipboard") }) }) describe('Check output for data type : BOOLEAN', () => { it("Select method 'returnBoolean'", async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.selectArrow) await await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.items) const list = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.items) await list[5].click() assert.equal(list.length, 22, "drop down menu isn't displayed") }) it('Select value TRUE from dropdown menu', async () => { const arrows = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.selectArrow) await arrows[1].click() await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.items) const list = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.items) assert.equal(await list[1].getText(), 'true', 'TRUE menu item: incorrect text') assert.equal(list.length, 2, "drop down menu isn't displayed") await list[1].click() }) it("Click button 'Call data' ", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCall) assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Call data' isn't displayed") assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), true, "Button 'Call data' is disabled") await }) it('method returns correct value: TRUE', async () => { await f.delay(3000) await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput) const fields = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput) assert.notEqual(fields[0], false, "field 'Output' isn't displayed") const text = await f.waitUntilHasValue(fields[0]) assert.equal(text, 'true', 'incorrect value was returned') }) it('Select value FALSE from dropdown menu', async () => { const arrows = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.selectArrow) await arrows[1].click() await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.items) const list = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.items) assert.equal(await list[0].getText(), 'false', 'FALSE menu item: incorrect text') assert.equal(list.length, 2, "drop down menu isn't displayed") await list[0].click() }) it("Click button 'Call data' ", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCall) assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Call data' isn't displayed") assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), true, "Button 'Call data' is disabled") await }) it('method returns correct value, FALSE', async () => { await f.delay(3000) await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput) const fields = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput) assert.notEqual(fields[0], false, "field 'Output' isn't displayed") const text = await f.waitUntilHasValue(fields[0]) assert.equal(text, 'false', 'incorrect value was returned') }) it('icon copy cliboard is displayed and clickable', async () => { const icon = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.copy) assert.notEqual(icon, false, 'icon copy isn\'t displayed') await }) it('Check clipboard buffer', async () => { const text = clipboardy.readSync() assert.equal(text.toLowerCase(), 'false', "output wasn't copied to clipboard") }) }) describe('Check output for data type : BYTES', () => { const bytesValue = '0x010203' it("Select method 'returnBytes1'", async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.selectArrow) await await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.items) const list = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.items) await list[7].click() assert.equal(list.length, 22, "drop down menu isn't displayed") }) it('Fill out input parameter field ', async () => { await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldParameter) const fields = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.fieldParameter) assert.notEqual(fields[0], false, "field parameter#1 isn't displayed") await fields[0].sendKeys(bytesValue) }) it("Click button 'Call data' ", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCall) assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Call data' isn't displayed") assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), true, "Button 'Call data' is disabled") await }) it('method returns correct value', async () => { await f.delay(3000) await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput) const fields = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput) assert.notEqual(fields[1], false, "field 'Output' isn't displayed") const text = await f.waitUntilHasValue(fields[1]) assert.equal(text, bytesValue, 'incorrect value was returned') }) it('icon copy cliboard is displayed and clickable', async () => { const icon = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.copy) assert.notEqual(icon, false, 'icon copy isn\'t displayed') await }) it('Check clipboard buffer', async () => { const text = clipboardy.readSync() assert.equal(text.toLowerCase(), bytesValue.toLowerCase(), "output wasn't copied to clipboard") }) }) describe('Check output for data type : UINT256', () => { const uint256Value = '1122334455667788991122334455667788' it("Select method 'returnUint256'", async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.selectArrow) await await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.items) const list = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.items) await list[17].click() assert.equal(list.length, 22, "drop down menu isn't displayed") }) it('Fill out input parameter field ', async () => { await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldParameter) const fields = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.fieldParameter) assert.notEqual(fields[0], false, "field parameter#1 isn't displayed") await fields[0].sendKeys(uint256Value) }) it("Click button 'Call data' ", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCall) assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Call data' isn't displayed") assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), true, "Button 'Call data' is disabled") await }) it('method returns correct value', async () => { await f.delay(3000) await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput) const fields = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput) assert.notEqual(fields[1], false, "field 'Output' isn't displayed") const text = await f.waitUntilHasValue(fields[1]) assert.equal(text, uint256Value, 'incorrect value was returned') }) it('icon copy cliboard is displayed and clickable', async () => { const icon = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.copy) assert.notEqual(icon, false, 'icon copy isn\'t displayed') await }) it('Check clipboard buffer', async () => { const text = clipboardy.readSync() assert.equal(text.toLowerCase(), uint256Value.toLowerCase(), "output wasn't copied to clipboard") }) }) describe('Check output for data type : INT256', () => { const int256Value = '-1122334455667788991122334455667788' it("Select method 'returnInt256'", async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.selectArrow) await await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.items) const list = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.items) await list[10].click() assert.equal(list.length, 22, "drop down menu isn't displayed") }) it('Fill out input parameter field ', async () => { await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldParameter) const fields = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.fieldParameter) assert.notEqual(fields[0], false, "field parameter#1 isn't displayed") await fields[0].sendKeys(int256Value) }) it("Click button 'Call data' ", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCall) assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Call data' isn't displayed") assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), true, "Button 'Call data' is disabled") await }) it('method returns correct value', async () => { await f.delay(3000) await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput) const fields = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput) assert.notEqual(fields[1], false, "field 'Output' isn't displayed") const text = await f.waitUntilHasValue(fields[1]) assert.equal(text, int256Value, 'incorrect value was returned') }) it('icon copy cliboard is displayed and clickable', async () => { const icon = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.copy) assert.notEqual(icon, false, 'icon copy isn\'t displayed') await }) it('Check clipboard buffer', async () => { const text = clipboardy.readSync() assert.equal(text.toLowerCase(), int256Value.toLowerCase(), "output wasn't copied to clipboard") }) }) describe('Check executed method', () => { it("Select method 'transfer'", async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.selectArrow) await await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.items) const list = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.items) await list[21].click() assert.equal(list.length, 22, "drop down menu isn't displayed") }) it("Button 'Copy ABI encoded' is displayed", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCopyABI) assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Copy ABI encoded' isn't displayed") }) it("Button 'Copy ABI encoded' is disabled", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCopyABI) assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), false, "button 'Copy ABI encoded' enabled") }) it("Button 'Next' is disabled", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonNext) assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), false, "button 'Next' enabled") }) it("Fill out parameter '_value' with valid data", async () => { await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldParameter) const fields = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.fieldParameter) assert.notEqual(fields[1], false, "field address isn't displayed") await fields[1].sendKeys('1') }) it("Button 'Copy ABI encoded' is disabled", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCopyABI) assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), false, "button 'Copy ABI encoded' enabled") }) it("Button 'Next' is disabled", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonNext) assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), false, "button 'Next' enabled") }) it("Fill out parameter '_to' with wrong data", async () => { await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldParameter) const fields = await f.driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.fieldParameter) assert.notEqual(fields[0], false, "field address isn't displayed") await fields[0].sendKeys(wrongAddress) }) it("Error message if click 'Copy ABI encoded' with wrong address", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCopyABI) await const error = await f.waitUntilShowUp(elements.error) assert.notEqual(error, false, 'no error message') }) it('Close error message', async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(elements.errorClose) await const title = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.title) assert.notEqual(title, false, "error message isn't closed") }) it.skip("Error message if click 'Next' with wrong address", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonNext) await const error = await f.waitUntilShowUp(elements.error) assert.notEqual(error, false, 'no error message') }) it.skip('Close error message', async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(elements.errorClose) await const title = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.title) assert.notEqual(title, false, "error message isn't closed") }) it("Fill out parameter '_to' with valid data", async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldParameter) await f.clearField(field, 100) await field.sendKeys(notContractAddress) assert.notEqual(field, false, "field address isn't displayed") }) it("Button 'Next' is enabled", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonNext) assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), true, "button 'Next' disabled") }) it("Button 'Copy ABI encoded' is enabled", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCopyABI) assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), true, "button 'Copy ABI encoded' disabled") await }) it("Click button 'Next'", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonNext) assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Next' isn't displayed") await }) }) }) describe('Choose Contract Executor', () => { it('Title is displayed and correct', async () => { await f.delay(5000) const title = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.title) assert.notEqual(title, false, 'title isn\'t displayed') assert.equal(await title.getText(), screens.chooseContractExecutor.titleText, 'incorrect text') }) it('Two accounts displayed', async () => { const accs = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.account) assert.notEqual(accs, false, 'accounts aren\'t displayed') const accounts = await f.driver.findElements(screens.chooseContractExecutor.account) assert.equal(accounts.length, 4, "number of accounts isn't 2") }) it("Click arrow button leads to 'Execute Method' screen ", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.buttonArrow) assert.notEqual(button, false, 'button isn\'t displayed') await await f.delay(2000) const title = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.title) assert.notEqual(title, false, 'title isn\'t displayed') assert.equal(await title.getText(), screens.executeMethod.titleText, "'Execute Method' screen isn't opened") }) it("Return back to 'Choose Contract Executor' screen", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonNext) assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Next' isn't displayed") await }) it("Button 'Next' is disabled by default", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.buttonNext) assert.notEqual(button, false, 'button isn\'t displayed') assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), false, 'button enabled by default') }) it('User is able to select account', async () => { await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.account) const accounts = await f.driver.findElements(screens.chooseContractExecutor.account) const account = accounts[1] await const selected = await f.driver.findElements(screens.chooseContractExecutor.selectedAccount) assert.equal(selected.length, 1, "account isn't selected") }) it('User is able to select only one account', async () => { const account = (await f.driver.findElements(screens.chooseContractExecutor.account))[2] await const selected = await f.driver.findElements(screens.chooseContractExecutor.selectedAccount) assert.equal(selected.length, 1, 'more than one accounts are selected') }) it("Click button 'Next' open 'Confirm transaction' screen", async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.buttonNext) await await f.delay(3000) const reject = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.confirmTransaction.button.reject) assert.notEqual(reject, false, "button reject isn't displayed") }) it("Button 'Buy POA' is displayed", async function () { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.confirmTransaction.button.buyEther) assert.equal(await button.getText(), 'Buy POA', 'button has incorrect name') assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), true, 'button is disabled') }) it("Open screen 'Buy'", async function () { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.confirmTransaction.button.buyEther) await const title = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.buyEther.title) assert.equal(await title.getText(), 'Buy POA', "screen 'Buy POA' has incorrect title text") const arrow = await f.waitUntilShowUp(elements.buttonArrow) await }) it("Click button 'Reject' open contract's account screen", async () => { const reject = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.confirmTransaction.button.reject) assert.equal(await reject.getText(), 'Reject', 'button has incorrect name') await const buttonExecute = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonExecuteMethod) assert.notEqual(buttonExecute, false, "contract's account hasn't opened") }) it("Button arrow leads to executor's account screen", async () => { assert.equal(await f.executeTransferMethod(0, account1), true, "can't execute the method 'transfer'") await f.delay(2000) const arrow = await f.waitUntilShowUp(elements.buttonArrow) await await f.delay(2000) const address = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.address) assert.equal((await address.getText()).toUpperCase(), getCreatedAccounts()[0], "executors account isn't opened") }) it('Switch to contract account ', async () => { const accountMenu = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await const item = await f.waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.account4) await await f.delay(2000) const address = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.address) assert.equal((await address.getText()).toUpperCase(), contractSokol.toUpperCase(), "contract's account isn't opened") }) it("Confirm transaction: button 'Reject All' leads to contract's account screen", async () => { assert.equal(await f.executeTransferMethod(0, account1), true, "can't execute the method 'transfer'") const rejectAll = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.confirmTransaction.button.rejectAll) assert.equal(await rejectAll.getText(), 'Reject All', 'button has incorrect name') await await f.delay(2000) const address = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.address) assert.equal((await address.getText()).toUpperCase(), contractSokol.toUpperCase(), "contract account isn't opened") }) it("Confirm transaction: button 'Submit' leads to contract's account screen", async () => { assert.equal(await f.executeTransferMethod(2, account1), true, "can't execute the method 'transfer'") await f.delay(2000) const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.confirmTransaction.button.submit) assert.equal(await button.getAttribute('value'), 'Submit', 'button has incorrect name') await await f.delay(2000) const address = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.address) assert.equal((await address.getText()).toUpperCase(), contractSokol.toUpperCase(), "contract account isn't opened") }) it("Label 'CONTRACT' present", async () => { const menu = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await await f.waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.label) const label = (await f.driver.findElements(menus.account.label))[1] assert.equal(await label.getText(), 'CONTRACT', 'label incorrect') }) it('Delete imported account', async () => { await f.waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.delete) const items = await f.driver.findElements(menus.account.delete) await items[1].click() const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.deleteImportedAccount.buttons.yes) await const buttonArrow = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.settings.buttons.arrow) await const identicon = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.identicon) assert.notEqual(identicon, false, 'main screen didn\'t opened') }) }) }) } module.exports = importContractAccount