# This module is wrapper for web3.py module from web3 import Web3, Account from json import load as jload def toChecksumAddress(_addr): return Web3.toChecksumAddress(_addr) def connectionToRPCProvider(_rpc_link): ch = None try: ch = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(_rpc_link)) except e: pass return ch def decryptPrivateKey(_file, _pwd): with open(_file) as keyfile: encrypted_key = keyfile.read() keyfile.close() ac_obj = Account() decrypted_key = ac_obj.decrypt(encrypted_key, _pwd) return ac_obj.privateKeyToAccount(decrypted_key) def initContractAtAddress(_web3, _file, _address): with open(_file) as f: contract_abi = jload(f) f.close() if type(contract_abi) == dict: contract_abi = contract_abi['abi'] contract_factory = _web3.eth.contract( abi = contract_abi, ) return contract_factory(_address) def fromEther(_value): return Web3.toWei(_value, 'ether') def toEther(_value): return Web3.fromWei(_value, 'ether')