
205 lines
7.5 KiB

extern crate clap;
extern crate colored;
extern crate error_chain;
extern crate ethabi;
extern crate ethabi_derive;
extern crate ethabi_contract;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate web3;
mod cli;
mod error;
mod stats;
mod util;
mod validator;
use error::{Error, ErrorKind};
use ethabi::Address;
use stats::Stats;
use std::default::Default;
use std::fs::File;
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use util::{HexBytes, HexList, TopicFilterExt, Web3LogExt};
use web3::futures::Future;
/// The maximum age in seconds of the latest block.
const MAX_BLOCK_AGE: u64 = 60 * 60;
// The `use_contract!` macro triggers several Clippy warnings.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(too_many_arguments, redundant_closure, needless_update))]
mod contracts {
use_contract!(key_mgr, "KeysManager", "abi/KeysManager.abi.json");
use contracts::*;
#[serde(rename_all = "SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE")]
struct ContractAddresses {
metadata_address: String,
keys_manager_address: String,
/// Shows a warning if the node's latest block is outdated.
fn check_synced<T: web3::Transport>(web3: &web3::Web3<T>) {
let id = web3::types::BlockId::Number(web3::types::BlockNumber::Latest);
let block = web3.eth().block(id).wait().expect("get latest block");
let now = SystemTime::now()
.expect("Current timestamp is earlier than the Unix epoch!");
if block.timestamp < (now.as_secs() - MAX_BLOCK_AGE).into() {
eprintln!("WARNING: The node is not fully synchronized. Stats may be inaccurate.");
/// Finds all logged ballots and returns statistics about how many were missed by each voter.
fn count_votes(
url: &str,
verbose: bool,
contract_addrs: &ContractAddresses,
) -> Result<Stats, Error> {
// Calls `println!` if `verbose` is `true`.
macro_rules! vprintln { ($($arg:tt)*) => { if verbose { println!($($arg)*); } } }
let (_eloop, transport) = web3::transports::Http::new(url).unwrap();
let web3 = web3::Web3::new(transport);
let voting_contract = voting::VotingToChangeKeys::default();
let net_con_contract = net_con::NetworkConsensus::default();
let val_meta_contract = val_meta::ValidatorMetadata::default();
let key_mgr_contract = key_mgr::KeysManager::default();
let val_meta_addr =
util::parse_address(&contract_addrs.metadata_address).expect("parse contract address");
let key_mgr_addr =
util::parse_address(&contract_addrs.keys_manager_address).expect("parse contract address");
let ballot_event = voting_contract.events().ballot_created();
let vote_event = voting_contract.events().vote();
let change_event = net_con_contract.events().change_finalized();
let init_change_event = net_con_contract.events().initiate_change();
// Find all ballots and voter changes.
let ballot_or_change_filter = (ballot_event.create_filter(None, None, None))
// FIXME: Find out why we see no `ChangeFinalized` events, and how to obtain the initial voters.
let mut voters: Vec<Address> = Vec::new();
let mut stats = Stats::default();
let mut prev_init_change: Option<net_con::logs::InitiateChange> = None;
vprintln!("Collecting events…");
let mut event_found = false;
// Iterate over all ballot and voter change events.
for log in ballot_or_change_filter.logs(&web3)? {
event_found = true;
if let Ok(change) = change_event.parse_log(log.clone().into_raw()) {
// If it is a `ChangeFinalized`, update the current set of voters.
"• ChangeFinalized {{ new_set: {} }}",
voters = change.new_set;
} else if let Ok(init_change) = init_change_event.parse_log(log.clone().into_raw()) {
// If it is an `InitiateChange`, update the current set of voters.
"• InitiateChange {{ parent_hash: {}, new_set: {} }}",
if let Some(prev) = prev_init_change.take() {
let raw_call = util::raw_call(key_mgr_addr, web3.eth());
let get_voting_by_mining_fn = key_mgr_contract.functions().get_voting_by_mining();
voters = vec![];
for mining_key in prev.new_set {
let voter = get_voting_by_mining_fn.call(mining_key, &*raw_call)?;
if voter != Address::zero() {
prev_init_change = Some(init_change);
} else if let Ok(ballot) = ballot_event.parse_log(log.into_raw()) {
// If it is a `BallotCreated`, find the corresponding votes and update the stats.
vprintln!("• {:?}", ballot);
let votes = vote_event
.create_filter(ballot.id, None)
.map(|vote_log| {
let vote = vote_event.parse_log(vote_log.into_raw())?;
if !voters.contains(&vote.voter) {
vprintln!(" Unexpected voter {}", vote.voter);
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, Error>>()?;
stats.add_ballot(&voters, &votes);
} else {
return Err(ErrorKind::UnexpectedLogParams.into());
if !event_found {
return Err(ErrorKind::NoEventsFound.into());
vprintln!(""); // Add a new line between event log and table.
// Finally, gather the metadata for all voters.
let raw_call = util::raw_call(val_meta_addr, web3.eth());
let get_mining_by_voting_key_fn = val_meta_contract.functions().get_mining_by_voting_key();
let validators_fn = val_meta_contract.functions().validators();
for voter in voters {
let mining_key = match get_mining_by_voting_key_fn.call(voter, &*raw_call) {
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("Failed to find mining key for voter {}: {:?}", voter, err);
Ok(key) => key,
let validator = validators_fn.call(mining_key, &*raw_call)?.into();
stats.set_metadata(&voter, mining_key, validator);
fn main() {
let matches = cli::get_matches();
let url = matches.value_of("url").unwrap_or("");
let verbose = matches.is_present("verbose");
let contract_file = matches
let file = File::open(contract_file).expect("open contracts file");
let contract_addrs = serde_json::from_reader(file).expect("parse contracts file");
let stats = count_votes(url, verbose, &contract_addrs).expect("count votes");
println!("{}", stats);