import FileSaver from 'file-saver' import JSzip from 'jszip' import Keys from './components/Keys' import KeysManager from './utils/keysManager' import Loading from './components/Loading' import React, { Component } from 'react' import addressGenerator from './utils/addressGenerator' import getWeb3 from './utils/getWeb3' import networkAddresses from './utils/addresses' import swal from 'sweetalert' import { Footer } from './components/Footer' import { Header } from './components/Header' import { Home } from './components/Home' import { constants } from './utils/constants' import { isTestnet } from './utils/utils' import './assets/stylesheets/index.css' function generateElement(msg) { let errorNode = document.createElement('div') errorNode.innerHTML = `
` return errorNode } class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this) this.saveFile = blob => { FileSaver.saveAs(blob, ``) } this.state = { web3Config: {}, mining: null, isDisabledBtn: props.generateKeysIsDisabled, isTestnet: false } this.keysManager = null getWeb3() .then(async web3Config => { return networkAddresses(web3Config) }) .then(async config => { const { web3Config, addresses } = config this.keysManager = new KeysManager() await this.keysManager.init({ web3: web3Config.web3Instance, netId: web3Config.netId, addresses }) console.log('culo ' + isTestnet(web3Config.netId)) this.setState({ isTestnet: isTestnet(web3Config.netId), isDisabledBtn: false, web3Config }) }) .catch(error => { if (error.msg) { this.setState({ isDisabledBtn: true }) swal({ icon: 'warning', title: 'Warning', content: error.node }) } }) } componentDidMount() { if (window.location.hash.indexOf('just-generate-keys') !== -1) { this.setState({ loading: true }) setTimeout(async () => { const { mining, voting, payout } = await this.generateKeys() this.setState({ loading: false }) await this.generateZip({ mining, voting, payout, netIdName: 'manualCreation' }) }, 150) } } async generateKeys(cb) { const mining = await addressGenerator() const voting = await addressGenerator() const payout = await addressGenerator() this.setState({ mining, voting, payout, keysGenerated: true }) return { mining, voting, payout } } async generateZip({ mining, voting, payout, netIdName }) { const zip = new JSzip() zip.file(`${netIdName}_keys/mining_key_${mining.jsonStore.address}.json`, JSON.stringify(mining.jsonStore)) zip.file(`${netIdName}_keys/mining_password_${mining.jsonStore.address}.txt`, mining.password) zip.file(`${netIdName}_keys/voting_key_${voting.jsonStore.address}.json`, JSON.stringify(voting.jsonStore)) zip.file(`${netIdName}_keys/voting_password_${voting.jsonStore.address}.txt`, voting.password) zip.file(`${netIdName}_keys/payout_key_${payout.jsonStore.address}.json`, JSON.stringify(payout.jsonStore)) zip.file(`${netIdName}_keys/payout_password_${payout.jsonStore.address}.txt`, payout.password) zip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' }).then(blob => { FileSaver.saveAs(blob, ``) }) } async onClick() { this.setState({ loading: true }) const initialKey = this.state.web3Config.defaultAccount let isValid try { isValid = await this.keysManager.isInitialKeyValid(initialKey) } catch (e) { isValid = false } if (Number(isValid) !== 1) { this.setState({ loading: false }) const invalidKeyMsg = `The key is an invalid Initial key
or you're connected to the incorrect chain!
Please make sure you have loaded correct Initial key in MetaMask.

Your current selected key is ${initialKey}
Current Network ID is ${this.state.web3Config.netId}` swal({ icon: 'error', title: 'Error', content: generateElement(invalidKeyMsg) }) return } if (Number(isValid) === 1) { const { mining, voting, payout } = await this.generateKeys() // add loading screen await this.keysManager .createKeys({ mining: mining.jsonStore.address, voting: voting.jsonStore.address, payout: payout.jsonStore.address, sender: initialKey }) .then(async receipt => { if (receipt.status === true || receipt.status === '0x1') { this.setState({ loading: false }) swal('Congratulations!', 'Your keys are generated!', 'success') await this.generateZip({ mining, voting, payout, netIdName: this.state.web3Config.netIdName }) } else { this.setState({ loading: false, keysGenerated: false }) let content = document.createElement('div') let msg = `Transaction failed` content.innerHTML = `
Something went wrong!

Please contact Master Of Ceremony

` swal({ icon: 'error', title: 'Error', content: content }) } }) .catch(error => { this.setState({ loading: false, keysGenerated: false }) let content = document.createElement('div') let msg if (error.message.includes(constants.userDeniedTransactionPattern)) msg = `Error: ${constants.userDeniedTransactionPattern}` else msg = error.message content.innerHTML = `
Something went wrong!

Please contact Master Of Ceremony

` swal({ icon: 'error', title: 'Error', content: content }) }) } } render() { let loader = this.state.loading ? : '' // let createKeyBtn = ( //

Create keys from initial key


// In this application, you will create mining, payout and voting keys. The app will make your initial key // unusable after the process. Please proceed with care, don't lose your keys and follow instructions. //

// //
// ) return (
{this.state.keysGenerated ? ( ) : ( )}
) } } export default App