import Web3 from 'web3' import { constants } from './constants' const errorMsgNoMetamaskAccount = `You haven't chosen any account in MetaMask. Please choose your initial key in MetaMask and reload the page. Check POA Network wiki for more info.` const errorMsgDeniedAccess = 'You have denied access to your accounts' function generateElement(msg) { let errorNode = document.createElement('div') errorNode.innerHTML = `
` return errorNode } async function getAccounts(web3) { let accounts if (window.ethereum) { accounts = await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_accounts' }) } else { accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts() } return accounts } async function getNetId(web3) { let netId if (window.ethereum) { const { chainId } = window.ethereum netId = web3.utils.isHex(chainId) ? web3.utils.hexToNumber(chainId) : chainId } else { netId = await } return netId } let getWeb3 = (onAccountChanged) => { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // Wait for loading completion to avoid race conditions with web3 injection timing. window.addEventListener('load', async function() { let web3 // Checking if Web3 has been injected by the browser (Mist/MetaMask) if (window.ethereum) { web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum) console.log('Injected web3 detected.') if (!window.ethereum.autoRefreshOnNetworkChange) { window.ethereum.on('chainChanged', () => { window.location.reload() }) } try { await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' }) } catch (e) { reject({ msg: errorMsgDeniedAccess, node: generateElement(errorMsgDeniedAccess) }) return } } else if (window.web3) { web3 = new Web3(window.web3.currentProvider) console.log('Injected web3 detected.') } else { console.error('Metamask not found') reject({ msg: errorMsgNoMetamaskAccount, node: generateElement(errorMsgNoMetamaskAccount) }) return } const netId = await getNetId(web3) console.log('netId', netId) let netIdName let errorMsg = null if (netId in constants.NETWORKS) { netIdName = constants.NETWORKS[netId].NAME console.log(`This is ${netIdName}`) } else { netIdName = 'ERROR' errorMsg = `You aren't connected to POA Network. Please switch on Metamask and refresh the page. Check POA Network wiki for more info. Current Network ID is ${netId}` console.log('This is an unknown network.') } document.title = `${netIdName} - DApp Keys Generation` if (errorMsg !== null) { reject({ msg: errorMsg, node: generateElement(errorMsg) }) return } const accounts = await getAccounts(web3) const defaultAccount = accounts[0] || null let currentAccount = defaultAccount ? defaultAccount.toLowerCase() : null function onUpdateAccount(account) { if (account && account !== currentAccount) { currentAccount = account onAccountChanged(account) } } if (window.ethereum) { window.ethereum.on('accountsChanged', accs => { const account = accs && accs.length > 0 ? accs[0].toLowerCase() : null onUpdateAccount(account) }) } else if (web3.currentProvider.publicConfigStore) { web3.currentProvider.publicConfigStore.on('update', obj => { const account = obj.selectedAddress ? obj.selectedAddress.toLowerCase() : null onUpdateAccount(account) }) } if (defaultAccount === null) { reject({ msg: errorMsgNoMetamaskAccount, node: generateElement(errorMsgNoMetamaskAccount) }) return } resolve({ web3Instance: web3, netIdName, netId, defaultAccount }) }) }) } export default getWeb3