import React, { Component } from 'react' import getWeb3 from './getWeb3' import KeysManager from './keysManager' import Keys from './Keys' import swal from 'sweetalert' import './index/index.css' import addressGenerator from './addressGenerator' import JSzip from 'jszip' import FileSaver from 'file-saver' import { constants } from './constants' import networkAddresses from './addresses' import Header from './Header' import Footer from './Footer' import Loading from './Loading' function generateElement(msg) { let errorNode = document.createElement('div') errorNode.innerHTML = `
` return errorNode } class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this) this.saveFile = blob => { FileSaver.saveAs(blob, ``) } this.state = { web3Config: {}, mining: null, isDisabledBtn: props.generateKeysIsDisabled } this.keysManager = null getWeb3() .then(async web3Config => { return networkAddresses(web3Config) }) .then(async config => { const { web3Config, addresses } = config this.keysManager = new KeysManager() await this.keysManager.init({ web3: web3Config.web3Instance, netId: web3Config.netId, addresses }) this.setState({ isDisabledBtn: false, web3Config }) .then(async config => { const { web3Config, addresses } = config this.keysManager = new KeysManager() await this.keysManager.init({ web3: web3Config.web3Instance, netId: web3Config.netId, addresses }) this.setState({ isDisabledBtn: false, web3Config }) }) .catch(error => { if (error.msg) { this.setState({ isDisabledBtn: true }) swal({ icon: 'warning', title: 'Warning', content: error.node }) } }) }) } componentDidMount() { if (window.location.hash.indexOf('just-generate-keys') !== -1) { this.setState({ loading: true }) setTimeout(async () => { const { mining, voting, payout } = await this.generateKeys() this.setState({ loading: false }) await this.generateZip({ mining, voting, payout, netIdName: 'manualCreation' }) }, 150) } } async generateKeys(cb) { const mining = await addressGenerator() const voting = await addressGenerator() const payout = await addressGenerator() this.setState({ mining, voting, payout, keysGenerated: true }) return { mining, voting, payout } } async generateZip({ mining, voting, payout, netIdName }) { const zip = new JSzip() zip.file(`${netIdName}_keys/mining_key_${mining.jsonStore.address}.json`, JSON.stringify(mining.jsonStore)) zip.file(`${netIdName}_keys/mining_password_${mining.jsonStore.address}.txt`, mining.password) zip.file(`${netIdName}_keys/voting_key_${voting.jsonStore.address}.json`, JSON.stringify(voting.jsonStore)) zip.file(`${netIdName}_keys/voting_password_${voting.jsonStore.address}.txt`, voting.password) zip.file(`${netIdName}_keys/payout_key_${payout.jsonStore.address}.json`, JSON.stringify(payout.jsonStore)) zip.file(`${netIdName}_keys/payout_password_${payout.jsonStore.address}.txt`, payout.password) zip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' }).then(blob => { FileSaver.saveAs(blob, ``) }) } async onClick() { this.setState({ loading: true }) const initialKey = this.state.web3Config.defaultAccount let isValid try { isValid = await this.keysManager.isInitialKeyValid(initialKey) } catch (e) { isValid = false } console.log(isValid) if (Number(isValid) !== 1) { this.setState({ loading: false }) const invalidKeyMsg = `The key is an invalid Initial key
or you're connected to the incorrect chain!
Please make sure you have loaded correct Initial key in MetaMask.

Your current selected key is ${initialKey}
Current Network ID is ${this.state.web3Config.netId}` swal({ icon: 'error', title: 'Error', content: generateElement(invalidKeyMsg) }) return } if (Number(isValid) === 1) { const { mining, voting, payout } = await this.generateKeys() // add loading screen await this.keysManager .createKeys({ mining: mining.jsonStore.address, voting: voting.jsonStore.address, payout: payout.jsonStore.address, sender: initialKey }) .then(async receipt => { console.log(receipt) if (receipt.status === true || receipt.status === '0x1') { this.setState({ loading: false }) swal('Congratulations!', 'Your keys are generated!', 'success') await this.generateZip({ mining, voting, payout, netIdName: this.state.web3Config.netIdName }) } else { this.setState({ loading: false, keysGenerated: false }) let content = document.createElement('div') let msg = `Transaction failed` content.innerHTML = `
Something went wrong!

Please contact Master Of Ceremony

` swal({ icon: 'error', title: 'Error', content: content }) } }) .catch(error => { console.error(error.message) this.setState({ loading: false, keysGenerated: false }) let content = document.createElement('div') let msg if (error.message.includes(constants.userDeniedTransactionPattern)) msg = `Error: ${constants.userDeniedTransactionPattern}` else msg = error.message content.innerHTML = `
Something went wrong!

Please contact Master Of Ceremony

` swal({ icon: 'error', title: 'Error', content: content }) }) } } render() { let loader = this.state.loading ? : '' let createKeyBtn = (

Create keys from initial key

In this application, you will create mining, payout and voting keys. The app will make your initial key unusable after the process. Please proceed with care, don't lose your keys and follow instructions.

) let content if (this.state.keysGenerated) { content = } else { content = createKeyBtn } return (
) } } export default App