import { getNetworkFullName } from './utils' let messages = {} messages.wrongRepo = function(repo) { return `There is no such file in configured repo ${repo}` } messages.invalidaVotingKey = 'The current key is not a valid Voting Key! Please make sure you have loaded the correct Voting Key in MetaMask / Nifty Wallet.' messages.noMetamaskAccount = 'Your MetaMask / Nifty Wallet is locked.' messages.noMetamaskFound = 'MetaMask / Nifty Wallet is not found. Please, install/activate it to be able to make transactions.' messages.userDeniedAccessToAccount = 'You have denied access to your accounts' messages.networkMatchError = function(netId) { const networkName = getNetworkFullName(Number(netId)) return `Networks in DApp and MetaMask (Nifty Wallet) do not match. Switch MetaMask / Nifty Wallet to ${networkName} or change the network in DApp.` } messages.poaGnoMerging = 'POA is joining the Gnosis Chain ecosystem, and token holders can now swap POA for STAKE and then STAKE for GNO on the Gnosis Chain! More info and instructions here.' messages.poaGnoMerged = 'POA Network merged with the Gnosis Chain.
More information about the merger.' export default messages