import React, { Component } from 'react' import './stylesheets/application.css' import PlacesAutocomplete, { geocodeByAddress } from 'react-places-autocomplete' import moment from 'moment' import Loading from './Loading' import { messages } from './messages' import helpers from './helpers' import { constants } from './constants' class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.checkValidation = this.checkValidation.bind(this) this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this) this.onChangeFormField = this.onChangeFormField.bind(this) this.getKeysManager = this.getKeysManager.bind(this) this.getMetadataContract = this.getMetadataContract.bind(this) this.getVotingKey = this.getVotingKey.bind(this) this.onChangeAutoComplete = address => { const form = this.state.form form.fullAddress = address this.setState({ form }) } this.onSelect = this.onSelectAutocomplete.bind(this) this.state = { web3Config: {}, form: { fullAddress: '', expirationDate: '', postal_code: '', us_state: '', firstName: '', lastName: '', licenseId: '' }, hasData: false } this.defaultValues = null this.isValidVotingKey = false } async setMetadata() { const currentData = await this.getMetadataContract().getValidatorData({ votingKey: this.getVotingKey() }) const hasData = currentData.postal_code ? true : false this.defaultValues = currentData const pendingChange = await this.getMetadataContract().getPendingChange({ votingKey: this.getVotingKey() }) if (Number(pendingChange.minThreshold) > 0) { var msg = ` First Name: ${pendingChange.firstName}
Last Name: ${pendingChange.lastName}
Full Address: ${pendingChange.fullAddress}
Expiration Date: ${pendingChange.expirationDate}
License ID: ${pendingChange.licenseId}
US state: ${pendingChange.us_state}
Zip Code: ${pendingChange.postal_code}
` helpers.generateAlert('warning', 'You have pending changes!', msg) } this.setState({ form: { fullAddress: currentData.fullAddress, expirationDate: currentData.expirationDate, postal_code: currentData.postal_code, us_state: currentData.us_state, firstName: currentData.firstName, lastName: currentData.lastName, licenseId: currentData.licenseId }, hasData }) } async setIsValidVotingKey() { this.isValidVotingKey = await this.getKeysManager().isVotingActive(this.getVotingKey()) if (!this.isValidVotingKey) { helpers.generateAlert('warning', 'Warning!', messages.invalidaVotingKey) } } getKeysManager() { return this.props.web3Config.keysManager } getMetadataContract() { return this.props.web3Config.metadataContract } getVotingKey() { return this.props.web3Config.votingKey } checkValidation() { const isAfter = moment(this.state.form.expirationDate).isAfter(moment()) let keys = Object.keys(this.state.form) keys.forEach(key => { if (!this.state.form[key]) { this.setState({ loading: false }) helpers.generateAlert('warning', 'Warning!', `${key} cannot be empty`) return false } }) if (isAfter) { } else { this.setState({ loading: false }) helpers.generateAlert('warning', 'Warning!', 'Expiration date should be valid') return false } return true } async onSelectAutocomplete(data) { let place = await geocodeByAddress(data) let address_components = {} for (var i = 0; i < place[0].address_components.length; i++) { var addressType = place[0].address_components[i].types[0] switch (addressType) { case 'postal_code': address_components.postal_code = place[0].address_components[i].short_name break case 'street_number': address_components.street_number = place[0].address_components[i].short_name break case 'route': address_components.route = place[0].address_components[i].short_name break case 'locality': address_components.locality = place[0].address_components[i].short_name break case 'administrative_area_level_1': address_components.administrative_area_level_1 = place[0].address_components[i].short_name break default: break } let form = this.state.form form.fullAddress = `${address_components.street_number} ${address_components.route} ${ address_components.locality }` form.us_state = address_components.administrative_area_level_1 form.postal_code = address_components.postal_code this.setState({ form }) } } async onClick() { this.setState({ loading: true }) const isFormValid = this.checkValidation() if (isFormValid) { const votingKey = this.getVotingKey() console.log('voting', votingKey) const isValid = await this.getKeysManager().isVotingActive(votingKey) console.log(isValid) if (isValid) { // // add loading screen await this.sendTxToContract() } else { this.setState({ loading: false }) helpers.generateAlert('warning', 'Warning!', messages.invalidaVotingKey) return } } } async sendTxToContract() { this.getMetadataContract() .createMetadata({ firstName: this.state.form.firstName, lastName: this.state.form.lastName, licenseId: this.state.form.licenseId, fullAddress: this.state.form.fullAddress, state: this.state.form.us_state, zipcode: this.state.form.postal_code, expirationDate: moment(this.state.form.expirationDate).unix(), votingKey: this.getVotingKey(), hasData: this.state.hasData }) .then(receipt => { console.log(receipt) this.setState({ loading: false }) helpers.generateAlert('success', 'Congratulations!', 'Your metadata was sent!') }) .catch(error => { console.error(error.message) let errDescription if (error.message.includes(constants.userDeniedTransactionPattern)) errDescription = `Error: User ${constants.userDeniedTransactionPattern}` else errDescription = error.message this.setState({ loading: false }) var msg = ` Something went wrong!

${errDescription} ` helpers.generateAlert('error', 'Error!', msg) }) } onChangeFormField(event) { const field = const value = let form = this.state.form form[field] = value this.setState({ form }) } render() { if (!this.isValidVotingKey) { return null } const BtnAction = this.state.hasData ? 'Update' : 'Set' const AutocompleteItem = ({ formattedSuggestion }) => (
{formattedSuggestion.mainText} {formattedSuggestion.secondaryText}
) const inputProps = { value: this.state.form.fullAddress, onChange: this.onChangeAutoComplete, id: 'address' } let loader = this.state.loading ? : '' let createKeyBtn = (
) let content = createKeyBtn return (
{loader} {content}
) } } export default App