mobx NewBallot storage is added

This commit is contained in:
viktor 2017-12-19 17:29:09 +03:00
parent 7db3fbd574
commit 2976b11a61
1 changed files with 115 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
import { observable, computed, action } from 'mobx';
class NewBallotStore {
BallotType = {
keys: 1,
minThreshold: 2,
proxy: 3
KeysBallotType = {
add: 1,
remove: 2,
swap: 3
KeyType = {
mining: 1,
voting: 2,
payout: 3
@observable ballotType;
@observable keysBallotType;
@observable keyType;
@observable validatorMetadata;
@observable ballotMetadata;
constructor() {
this.ballotType = this.BallotType.keys;
this.keyType = this.KeyType.mining;
this.keysBallotType = this.KeysBallotType.add;
this.ballotMetadata = {
memo: "",
affectedKey: ""
this.validatorMetadata = {
fullName: "",
address: "",
state: "",
zipCode: "",
licenseID: "",
licenseExpiration: ""
@computed get isBallotForKey() {
return this.ballotType === this.BallotType.keys
@computed get isBallotForMinThreshold() {
return this.ballotType === this.BallotType.minThreshold
@computed get isBallotForProxy() {
return this.ballotType === this.BallotType.proxy
@computed get isAddKeysBallotType() {
return this.keysBallotType === this.KeysBallotType.add
@computed get isRemoveKeysBallotType() {
return this.keysBallotType === this.KeysBallotType.remove
@computed get isSwapKeysBallotType() {
return this.keysBallotType === this.KeysBallotType.swap
@computed get isMiningKeyType() {
return this.keyType === this.KeyType.mining
@computed get isVotingKeyType() {
return this.keyType ===
@computed get isPayoutKeyType() {
return this.keyType === this.KeyType.payout
@action("change ballot type")
changeBallotType = (e, _ballotType) => {
console.log("change ballot type", _ballotType);
this.ballotType = _ballotType;
@action("change keys ballot type")
changeKeysBallotType = (e, _keysBallotType) => {
console.log("change keys ballot type", _keysBallotType);
this.keysBallotType = _keysBallotType;
@action("change affected key type")
changeKeyType = (e, _keyType) => {
console.log("change affected key type", _keyType);
this.keyType = _keyType;
@action("change ballot metadata")
changeBallotMetadata = (e, field) => {
this.ballotMetadata[field] =;
console.log("ballot metadata", field, this.ballotMetadata[field])
@action("change validator metadata")
changeValidatorMetadata = (e, field) => {
this.validatorMetadata[field] = e?("";
console.log("validator metadata", field, this.validatorMetadata[field])
const newBallotStore = new NewBallotStore();
export default newBallotStore;
export { NewBallotStore };