import React from 'react'; import moment from 'moment'; import { observable, action, computed, autorun } from "mobx"; import { inject, observer } from "mobx-react"; import { toAscii } from "../helpers"; import { constants } from "../constants"; import swal from 'sweetalert2'; const ACCEPT = 1; const REJECT = 2; @inject("commonStore", "contractsStore", "ballotStore", "routing") @observer export class BallotKeysCard extends React.Component { @observable startTime; @observable endTime; @observable timeToFinish; @observable affectedKey; @observable affectedKeyType; @observable affectedKeyTypeDisplayName; @observable ballotType; @observable ballotTypeDisplayName; @observable creator; @observable progress; @observable totalVoters; @observable isFinalized; @observable isFiltered; @computed get votesForNumber() { let votes = (this.totalVoters + this.progress) / 2; return votes; } @computed get votesForPercents() { if (this.totalVoters <= 0) return 0; let votesPercents = Math.round(this.votesForNumber / this.totalVoters * 100); return votesPercents; } @computed get votesAgainstNumber() { let votes = (this.totalVoters - this.progress) / 2; return votes; } @computed get votesAgainstPercents() { if (this.totalVoters <= 0) return 0; let votesPercents = Math.round(this.votesAgainstNumber / this.totalVoters * 100); return votesPercents; } @action("Get ballotTypeDisplayName") getBallotTypeDisplayName(ballotType) { const { ballotStore } = this.props; switch(parseInt(ballotType, 10)) { case ballotStore.KeysBallotType.add: this.ballotTypeDisplayName = "add"; break; case ballotStore.KeysBallotType.remove: this.ballotTypeDisplayName = "remove"; break; case ballotStore.KeysBallotType.swap: this.ballotTypeDisplayName = "swap"; break; default: this.ballotTypeDisplayName = ""; break; } } @action("Get affectedKeyTypeDisplayName") getAffectedKeyTypeDisplayName(affectedKeyType) { const { ballotStore } = this.props; switch(parseInt(affectedKeyType, 10)) { case ballotStore.KeyType.mining: this.affectedKeyTypeDisplayName = "mining"; break; case this.affectedKeyTypeDisplayName = "voting"; break; case ballotStore.KeyType.payout: this.affectedKeyTypeDisplayName = "payout"; break; default: this.affectedKeyTypeDisplayName = ""; break; } } @action("Get start time of keys ballot") getStartTime = async () => { const { contractsStore, id } = this.props; let startTime = await contractsStore.votingToChangeKeys.getStartTime(id); this.startTime = moment.utc(startTime * 1000).format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm:ss A'); } @action("Get end time of keys ballot") getEndTime = async () => { const { contractsStore, id } = this.props; let endTime = await contractsStore.votingToChangeKeys.getEndTime(id); this.endTime = moment.utc(endTime * 1000).format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm:ss A'); } @action("Calculate time to finish") calcTimeToFinish = () => { const now = moment(); const finish = moment.utc(this.endTime, 'DD/MM/YYYY h:mm:ss A'); let ms = finish.diff(now); if (ms <= 0) return this.timeToFinish = moment(0, "h").format("HH") + ":" + moment(0, "m").format("mm") + ":" + moment(0, "s").format("ss"); let dur = moment.duration(ms); this.timeToFinish = Math.floor(dur.asHours()) + moment.utc(ms).format(":mm:ss"); } @action("Get times") getTimes = async () => { await this.getStartTime(); await this.getEndTime(); this.calcTimeToFinish(); } @action("Get ballot type of keys ballot") getBallotType = async () => { const { contractsStore, id } = this.props; let ballotType = await contractsStore.votingToChangeKeys.getBallotType(id); this.ballotType = ballotType; this.getBallotTypeDisplayName(ballotType); } @action("Get affected key type of keys ballot") getAffectedKeyType = async () => { const { contractsStore, id } = this.props; let affectedKeyType = await contractsStore.votingToChangeKeys.getAffectedKeyType(id); this.affectedKeyType = affectedKeyType; this.getAffectedKeyTypeDisplayName(affectedKeyType); } @action("Get affected key of keys ballot") getAffectedKey = async () => { const { contractsStore, id } = this.props; let affectedKey = await contractsStore.votingToChangeKeys.getAffectedKey(id); this.affectedKey = affectedKey; } @action("Get creator") getCreator = async () => { const { contractsStore, id } = this.props; let votingState = await contractsStore.votingToChangeKeys.votingState(id); this.getValidatorFullname(votingState.creator); } @action("Get validator full name") getValidatorFullname = async (_miningKey) => { const { contractsStore } = this.props; let validator = await contractsStore.validatorMetadata.validators(_miningKey); let firstName = toAscii(validator.firstName); let lastName = toAscii(validator.lastName); let fullName = `${firstName} ${lastName}` this.creator = fullName ? fullName : _miningKey; } @action("Get total voters") getTotalVoters = async () => { const { contractsStore, id } = this.props; let totalVoters = await contractsStore.votingToChangeKeys.getTotalVoters(id); this.totalVoters = Number(totalVoters); } @action("Get progress") getProgress = async () => { const { contractsStore, id } = this.props; let progress = await contractsStore.votingToChangeKeys.getProgress(id); this.progress = Number(progress); } @action("Get isFinalized") getIsFinalized = async() => { const { contractsStore, id } = this.props; this.isFinalized = await contractsStore.votingToChangeKeys.getIsFinalized(id); } isValidaVote = async () => { const { contractsStore, id } = this.props; let isValidVote = await contractsStore.votingToChangeKeys.isValidVote(id, contractsStore.votingKey); return isValidVote; } isActive = async () => { const { contractsStore, id } = this.props; let isActive = await contractsStore.votingToChangeKeys.isActive(id); return isActive; } vote = async ({choice}) => { const { commonStore, contractsStore, id } = this.props; const { push } = this.props.routing; if (!contractsStore.isValidVotingKey) { swal("Warning!", constants.INVALID_VOTING_KEY_MSG, "warning"); return; } commonStore.showLoading(); let isValidVote = await this.isValidaVote(); if (!isValidVote) { commonStore.hideLoading(); swal("Warning!", constants.INVALID_VOTE_MSG, "warning"); return; }, choice, contractsStore.votingKey) .on("receipt", () => { commonStore.hideLoading(); swal("Congratulations!", constants.VOTED_SUCCESS_MSG, "success").then((result) => { push(`${commonStore.rootPath}`); }); }) .on("error", (e) => { commonStore.hideLoading(); swal("Error!", e.message, "error"); }); } finalize = async (e) => { const { commonStore, contractsStore, id } = this.props; const { push } = this.props.routing; if (!contractsStore.isValidVotingKey) { swal("Warning!", constants.INVALID_VOTING_KEY_MSG, "warning"); return; } if (this.isFinalized) { swal("Warning!", constants.ALREADY_FINALIZED_MSG, "warning"); return; } commonStore.showLoading(); let isActive = await this.isActive(); if (isActive) { commonStore.hideLoading(); swal("Warning!", constants.INVALID_FINALIZE_MSG, "warning"); return; } contractsStore.votingToChangeKeys.finalize(id, contractsStore.votingKey) .on("receipt", () => { commonStore.hideLoading(); swal("Congratulations!", constants.FINALIZED_SUCCESS_MSG, "success").then((result) => { push(`${commonStore.rootPath}`); }); }) .on("error", (e) => { commonStore.hideLoading(); swal("Error!", e.message, "error"); }); } constructor(props) { super(props); this.isFinalized = false; this.getTimes(); this.getAffectedKey(); this.getAffectedKeyType(); this.getBallotType(); this.getCreator(); this.getTotalVoters(); this.getProgress(); this.getIsFinalized(); } componentDidMount() { this.interval = setInterval(() => { this.calcTimeToFinish() }, 1000) } componentWillUnmount() { window.clearInterval(this.interval); } hideCard = () => { let { commonStore } = this.props; let hideCard = commonStore.isActiveFilter && this.isFinalized; if (commonStore.searchTerm) { if (commonStore.searchTerm.length == 0) return hideCard; if (String(this.affectedKey).toLowerCase().includes(commonStore.searchTerm)) return (hideCard && false); if (String(this.affectedKeyTypeDisplayName).toLowerCase().includes(commonStore.searchTerm)) return (hideCard && false); if (String(this.ballotTypeDisplayName).toLowerCase().includes(commonStore.searchTerm)) return (hideCard && false); if (String(this.creator).toLowerCase().includes(commonStore.searchTerm)) return (hideCard && false); } else { return hideCard; } return true; } render () { let { contractsStore } = this.props; let ballotClass = this.hideCard() ? "ballots-i display-none" : "ballots-i"; return (






Key type


Affected key




To close


Votes: {this.votesAgainstNumber}



Votes: {this.votesForNumber}


Minimum {contractsStore.keysBallotThreshold} from {contractsStore.validatorsLength} validators is required to pass the proposal


Ballot ID: {}
); } }