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2018-05-07 06:41:59 -07:00
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# `poa-governance-notifications`
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
A CLI tool for monitoring a blockchain for POA Network governance ballots. This tool can be used to
monitor _any_ chain that uses POA Network's governance contracts.
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
More info regarding governance can be found in
[POA Network's Wiki](https://github.com/poanetwork/wiki/wiki/Governance-Overview).
POA Network's governance contracts can be found in the
[`poa-network-consensus-contracts` repo](https://github.com/poanetwork/poa-network-consensus-contracts/tree/master/contracts),
all Solidity files prefixed with "Voting" are classified as a "governance contract".
The `poagov` command line tool is distributed as a binary for Linux and
OSX. The `poagov` binary can be built from source for both OSX and Linux using the code in this repo.
### Downloading the `poagov` Binary
*Note:* the `poagov` binary requires `libssl` to be installed prior to
usage, if you do not have `libssl` installed, go to the "Requires libssl"
section in this README to find out how to download it.
2018-12-18 06:54:55 -08:00
# Download `poagov` for Debian/Ubuntu:
$ curl -OL https://github.com/poanetwork/poa-governance-notifications/releases/download/v2.0.0/poagov-2.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ tar -xvzf poagov-2.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ rm poagov-2.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ cd poa-governance-notifications
$ mv sample.env .env
# Optionally rename binary from `poagov-2.0.0-linux-x86_64` to `poagov`:
2018-12-18 06:54:55 -08:00
$ mv poagov-2.0.0-linux-x86_64 poagov
2018-12-18 06:54:55 -08:00
# Or download `poagov` for OSX:
$ curl -OL https://github.com/poanetwork/poa-governance-notifications/releases/download/v2.0.0/poagov-2.0.0-osx-x86_64.tar.gz
$ tar -xvzf poagov-2.0.0-osx-x86_64.tar.gz
$ rm poagov-2.0.0-osx-x86_64.tar.gz
$ cd poa-governance-notifications
$ mv sample.env .env
# Optionally rename binary from `poagov-2.0.0-osx-x86_64` to `poagov`:
2018-12-18 06:54:55 -08:00
$ mv poagov-2.0.0-osx-x86_64 poagov
# If you did not rename your binary in the previous step, replace "poagov"
# in the following commands with your Linux or OSX binary's name:
$ chmod +x poagov
$ ./poagov --help
### Building `poagov` from Source
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
To build the `poagov` CLI tool from source, clone this repo and run:
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
$ cargo build --release
2018-12-12 14:58:09 -08:00
`poagov` can be built with Rust 1.31.0-stable or later and requires `libssl`;
see the "Running and Building `poagov` Requires `libssl`" section in this README for more information.
##### Testing `poagov`
2018-10-10 08:39:02 -07:00
You can run `poagov`'s tests to ensure that everything is working properly:
$ cargo test --release
### Running and Building `poagov` Requires `libssl`
SMTP over TLS requires that you have a native TLS library installed on your
machine, the preferred library for Linux and OSX is OpenSSL >= 1.0.1,
otherwise known as `libssl`.
If running `cargo build --release` panics with an error like:
"error: failed to run custom build command for `openssl-sys v0.9.28
Could not find directory of OpenSSL installation
you probably do not have `libssl` installed.
You can use `dpkg` to check to see if you have `libssl` installed, and if so
which version(s) are installed:
$ dpkg -l | grep libssl
To install `libssl` on Debian/Ubuntu run the following:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config libssl-dev
To install `libssl` on MacOS run the following:
$ brew update
$ brew install openssl
Then try to rebuild `poagov` using:
$ cargo clean
$ cargo build --release
If you are on OSX and installed OpenSSL using Homebrew and continue to get
compilation errors for any of the Rust crates: `openssl`, `openssl-sys`, or
`openssl-sys-extras`, try building with the following:
$ cargo clean
$ OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=$(brew --prefix openssl)/include \
OPENSSL_LIB_DIR=$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib \
cargo build --release
There is a known issue regarding the `openssl-sys` crate not being able to
find `libssl` installed with Homebrew on OSX; more information can be found on
[Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34612395/openssl-crate-fails-compilation-on-mac-os-x-10-11/34615626#34615626).
The above solution comes from the linked Stack Overflow thread.
More information on common issues encountered while installing the
`openssl` Rust crate can be found [here](https://crates.io/crates/openssl).
### Usage
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
Once you have built or downloaded `poagov`, you can print out the CLI usage by
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
# If you downloaded the `poagov` binary run:
$ poagov --help
# Or, if you built `poagov` from source run:
$ target/release/poagov --help
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
2018-12-18 06:54:55 -08:00
poagov 2.0.0
Monitors a POA Network blockchain for governance events.
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
poagov [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
--core Monitors POA Network's Core Network for governance ballots
--sokol Monitors POA Network's Sokol network for governance ballots
--xdai Monitors the xDai Network for governance ballots
--v1 Monitors the v1 governance contracts
--v2 [default] Monitors the v2 governance contracts, if no contract version CLI argument is given by
-k, --keys Monitors the blockchain for ballots to change keys
-t, --threshold Monitors the blockchain for ballots to change the minimum threshold
the user, we set this CLI flag
-p, --proxy Monitors the blockchain for ballots to change the proxy address
-e, --emission Monitors the blockchain for ballots to manage emission funds
--earliest Monitor for governance events starting at the blockchain's first block
--latest Monitor for governance events starting at the blockchain's most recently mined block
--email Enables email notifications (SMTP configuration options must be set in your `.env` file)
--log-emails Logs the full email body for each notification generated, this option does not require the
`--email` flag to be set
--log-file Logs are written to files in the ./logs directory, logs are rotated chronologically across 3
files, each file has a max size of 4MB
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
--block-time <value> The average number of seconds it takes to mine a new block
-n, --limit <value> Stops `poagov` after this many notifications have been generated (this option can be
useful when testing `poagov`)
--start <value> Start monitoring for governance events at this block (inclusive)
--tail <value> Start monitoring for governance events for the `n` blocks prior to the last mined block
Hitting `[ctrl-c]` while `poagov` is running will cause the process to gracefully shutdown.
##### Required CLI Arguments
Each time you run `poagov`, three CLI arguments are required:
1. The chain (specify only one): `--core`, `--sokol`, `--xdai`.
2. The governance ballots to monitor (specify at least one): `--keys`, `--threshold`, `--proxy`, `--emission`.
3. The block in the chain from where to start monitoring (specify only one): `--earliest`, `--latest`, `--start=<block_number>`, `--tail=<value>`.
##### Notes on the Hardfork Version CLI Options: `--v1` and `--v2`
`--v1` indicates that you want to monitor for governance events prior to the
Sokol and Core hardforks that will occur in September-2018 and November-2018
`--v2` indicates that you want to monitor for governance events that occurred
after the above hardfork dates.
We default to `--v2` being set as it will monitor the currently deployed contract.
- More information regarding the planned hardforks for the POA Sokol and Core
chains in September and November 2018 can be found
### Optional Arguments
Providing the `--v1` flag will tell `poagov` to look for ballots corresponding
to the hardfork #1 governance contracts. The hardfork #1 contracts are not
currently being by POA Network and not new governance notifications will be
generated, however you can use `poagov` to view all past `--v1` ballots that
have occurred using:
$ poagov <--core, --sokol> --v1 --earliest -ktp
Providing the `--email` flag will enable governance notification via email. To
use this option, you must first configure SMTP in your `.env` file.
Providing the `--block-time=<value>` will set how often `poagov` will query the
blockchain for new governance events. Defaults to 30 seconds.
Providing the `--log-emails` flag will print the full text for a notification
email to `stderr` when governance events are found. When this option is set,
email text will be logged regardless of whether or not the `--email` flag is
Setting the `--log-file` flag will write logs to a file in the `logs/`
directory. Logs are rotated chronologically across three files. Once the
`logs/` directory has reached its max number of files, the oldest log file will
be deleted to make room for the next log file. Log files have a max size of
4MB; the log files will rotated once the current log file has reached the max
file size.
Setting the `--limit=<value>` option will cause `poagov` to stop once `value`
number of notifications have been generated. This option is useful when testing.
### Setting up the `.env` File
2018-05-02 06:31:18 -07:00
When the `poagov` CLI tool is run, the process' environment variables are
2018-10-10 12:29:42 -07:00
loaded via an `.env` file. The `.env` file contains configuration variables
that are not specified via the command line. You are required to have an `.env`
file in the same directory as your `Cargo.toml` or `poagov` binary.
2018-05-02 06:31:18 -07:00
2018-10-10 12:29:42 -07:00
If you downloaded a `.tar.gz` compressed archive containing the `poagov` binary
and you do not have an `.env` file in the unarchived directory, manually copy
the `sample.env` file in this repo into a file called `.env` in the same
directory as the `poagov` binary.
2018-05-02 06:31:18 -07:00
When building from source, the `sample.env` file will be copied into the `.env`
2018-10-10 12:29:42 -07:00
2018-10-10 12:29:42 -07:00
The default `.env` file will contain the default configuration values required
to run `poagov`. If you wish to enable email notifications, you must add the
required SMTP config values to your `.env` file. See the "Setting up Email
Notifications" section for details.
##### Setting up Email Notifications
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
In order to enable email notifications, you must change the name of the
`sample.env` file to `.env`. Then, you must add values for the following
SMTP config options in your `.env` file:
2018-04-24 10:02:52 -07:00
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
Add a comma-separated list of email address to the `EMAIL_RECIPIENTS` config
option in your `.env` file. These addresses will be sent emails when `poagov`
encounters new ballots.
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
*Note* `poagov` forces SMTP email notifcations to be sent over TLS/STARTTLS, if
your SMTP Host does not support TLS or STARTTLS, `poagov` will `panic!`.
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
You may notice that we default `SMTP_PORT` to port 587 for STARTTLS, but you
may use any port for which your outgoing email server is listening; port 465 is
commonly used for TLS.
2018-04-24 09:57:06 -07:00
Your SMTP configuration should look something like the following:
### An Explained Example
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
$ poagov --sokol --v1 -kt --earliest --email --log-emails --limit=1
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
- `--sokol` monitors the Sokol chain.
- `--v1` monitors the governance contracts deployed prior to September-2018.
- `-k` monitors the `VotingToChangeKeys` contract.
- `-t` monitors the `VotingToChangeMinThreshold` contract.
- `--earliest` start monitoring from the first block in the blockchain.
- `--email` sends out email notifications to each address in the `EMAIL_RECIPIENTS` env-var.
- `--log-emails` for each governance notification generated, log the corresponding email body.
- `--limit=1` stop running `poagov` after one ballot notification has been generated.
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
### Logs
2018-04-21 09:59:11 -07:00
Logs are written to `stderr` by default; if the `--log-file` CLI flag is set,
then logs will be written to a file in the `logs.` directory. Logged
information includes: the generation of governance notifications, sending an
email successfully, failing to send an email, blocks that we have finished
monitoring, email bodies generated (using the `--log-emails` CLI option).
The following is an example command with its corresponding logs:
$ poagov --sokol --v1 --threshold --earliest --limit=3
Oct 10 15:18:09.863 INFO starting poagov...
Oct 10 15:18:10.287 INFO governance notification, block_number: 525296, ballot_id: 0, ballot: Threshold
Oct 10 15:18:10.287 INFO governance notification, block_number: 599789, ballot_id: 1, ballot: Threshold
Oct 10 15:18:10.287 INFO governance notification, block_number: 1078816, ballot_id: 2, ballot: Threshold
Oct 10 15:18:10.287 WARN reached notification limit, gracefully shutting down..., limit: 3
2018-04-24 10:04:20 -07:00