use chrono::{DateTime, Utc}; use ethabi; use web3::types::{Address, U256}; use crate::response::common::{u256_to_datetime, BallotType, KeyType}; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum BallotInfo { Keys(KeysBallotInfo), Threshold(ThresholdBallotInfo), Proxy(ProxyBallotInfo), Emission(EmissionBallotInfo), } impl From for BallotInfo { fn from(keys_ballot_info: KeysBallotInfo) -> Self { BallotInfo::Keys(keys_ballot_info) } } impl From for BallotInfo { fn from(threshold_ballot_info: ThresholdBallotInfo) -> Self { BallotInfo::Threshold(threshold_ballot_info) } } impl From for BallotInfo { fn from(proxy_ballot_info: ProxyBallotInfo) -> Self { BallotInfo::Proxy(proxy_ballot_info) } } impl From for BallotInfo { fn from(emission_ballot_info: EmissionBallotInfo) -> Self { BallotInfo::Emission(emission_ballot_info) } } impl BallotInfo { pub fn contract_name(&self) -> String { match self { BallotInfo::Keys(_) => "VotingToChangeKeys.sol".into(), BallotInfo::Threshold(_) => "VotingToChangeMinThreshold.sol".into(), BallotInfo::Proxy(_) => "VotingToChangeProxyAddress.sol".into(), BallotInfo::Emission(_) => "VotingToManageEmissionFunds.sol".into(), } } pub fn email_text(&self) -> String { match self { BallotInfo::Keys(info) => info.email_text(), BallotInfo::Threshold(info) => info.email_text(), BallotInfo::Proxy(info) => info.email_text(), BallotInfo::Emission(info) => info.email_text(), } } } /// Returned by the V2 Keys contract's `.getBallotInfo()` function: /// #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct KeysBallotInfo { pub start_time: DateTime, pub end_time: DateTime, pub affected_key: Address, pub affected_key_type: KeyType, pub new_voting_key: Address, pub new_payout_key: Address, pub mining_key: Address, pub total_voters: U256, pub progress: U256, pub is_finalized: bool, pub ballot_type: BallotType, pub creator: Address, pub memo: String, pub can_be_finalized_now: bool, } impl From> for KeysBallotInfo { fn from(tokens: Vec) -> Self { let start_time = { let uint = tokens[0].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); u256_to_datetime(uint) }; let end_time = { let uint = tokens[1].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); u256_to_datetime(uint) }; let affected_key = tokens[2].clone().to_address().unwrap(); let affected_key_type = tokens[3].clone().to_uint().unwrap().into(); let new_voting_key = tokens[4].clone().to_address().unwrap(); let new_payout_key = tokens[5].clone().to_address().unwrap(); let mining_key = tokens[6].clone().to_address().unwrap(); let total_voters = tokens[7].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); let progress = tokens[8].clone().to_int().unwrap(); let is_finalized = tokens[9].clone().to_bool().unwrap(); let ballot_type = tokens[10].clone().to_uint().unwrap().into(); let creator = tokens[11].clone().to_address().unwrap(); let memo = tokens[12].clone().to_string().unwrap(); let can_be_finalized_now = tokens[13].clone().to_bool().unwrap(); KeysBallotInfo { start_time, end_time, affected_key, affected_key_type, new_voting_key, new_payout_key, mining_key, total_voters, progress, is_finalized, ballot_type, creator, memo, can_be_finalized_now, } } } impl KeysBallotInfo { fn email_text(&self) -> String { format!( "Voting Start Time: {}\n\ Voting End Time: {}\n\ Ballot Type: {:?}\n\ Affected Key: {:?}\n\ Affected Key Type: {:?}\n\ New Voting Key: {:?}\n\ New Payout Key: {:?}\n\ Voting has Finished: {}\n\ Number of Votes Made: {}\n\ Mining Key: {:?}\n\ Ballot Creator: {:?}\n\ Memo: {}\n", self.start_time, self.end_time, self.ballot_type, self.affected_key, self.affected_key_type, self.new_voting_key, self.new_payout_key, self.is_finalized, self.total_voters, self.mining_key, self.creator, self.memo, ) } } /// Returned by the V2 Threshold Contract's `.getBallotInfo()` function: /// #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct ThresholdBallotInfo { pub start_time: DateTime, pub end_time: DateTime, pub total_voters: U256, pub progress: U256, pub is_finalized: bool, pub proposed_value: U256, pub creator: Address, pub memo: String, pub can_be_finalized_now: bool, pub already_voted: bool, } impl From> for ThresholdBallotInfo { fn from(tokens: Vec) -> Self { let start_time = { let uint = tokens[0].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); u256_to_datetime(uint) }; let end_time = { let uint = tokens[1].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); u256_to_datetime(uint) }; let total_voters = tokens[2].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); let progress = tokens[3].clone().to_int().unwrap(); let is_finalized = tokens[4].clone().to_bool().unwrap(); let proposed_value = tokens[5].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); let creator = tokens[6].clone().to_address().unwrap(); let memo = tokens[7].clone().to_string().unwrap(); let can_be_finalized_now = tokens[8].clone().to_bool().unwrap(); let already_voted = tokens[9].clone().to_bool().unwrap(); ThresholdBallotInfo { start_time, end_time, total_voters, progress, is_finalized, proposed_value, creator, memo, can_be_finalized_now, already_voted, } } } impl ThresholdBallotInfo { fn email_text(&self) -> String { format!( "Voting Start Time: {}\n\ Voting End Time: {}\n\ Proposed New Min. Threshold: {}\n\ Voting has Finished: {}\n\ Number of Votes Made: {}\n\ Ballot Creator: {:?}\n\ Memo: {}\n", self.start_time, self.end_time, self.proposed_value, self.is_finalized, self.total_voters, self.creator, self.memo, ) } } /// Returned by the V2 Proxy Contract's `.getBallotInfo()` function: /// #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct ProxyBallotInfo { pub start_time: DateTime, pub end_time: DateTime, pub total_voters: U256, pub progress: U256, pub is_finalized: bool, pub proposed_value: Address, pub contract_type: U256, pub creator: Address, pub memo: String, pub can_be_finalized_now: bool, // pub already_voted: bool, } impl From> for ProxyBallotInfo { fn from(tokens: Vec) -> Self { let start_time = { let uint = tokens[0].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); u256_to_datetime(uint) }; let end_time = { let uint = tokens[1].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); u256_to_datetime(uint) }; let total_voters = tokens[2].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); let progress = tokens[3].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); let is_finalized = tokens[4].clone().to_bool().unwrap(); let proposed_value = tokens[5].clone().to_address().unwrap(); let contract_type = tokens[6].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); let creator = tokens[7].clone().to_address().unwrap(); let memo = tokens[8].clone().to_string().unwrap(); let can_be_finalized_now = tokens[9].clone().to_bool().unwrap(); // let already_voted = tokens[10].clone().to_bool().unwrap(); ProxyBallotInfo { start_time, end_time, total_voters, progress, is_finalized, proposed_value, contract_type, creator, memo, can_be_finalized_now, // already_voted, } } } impl ProxyBallotInfo { fn email_text(&self) -> String { format!( "Voting Start Time: {}\n\ Voting End Time: {}\n\ Proposed New Proxy Address: {:?}\n\ Voting has Finished: {}\n\ Number of Votes Made: {}\n\ Ballot Creator: {:?}\n\ Memo: {}\n", self.start_time, self.end_time, self.proposed_value, self.is_finalized, self.total_voters, self.creator, self.memo, ) } } /// Returned by the V2 Emission Contract's `.getBallotInfo()` function: /// #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct EmissionBallotInfo { pub creation_time: DateTime, pub start_time: DateTime, pub end_time: DateTime, pub is_canceled: bool, pub is_finalized: bool, pub creator: Address, pub memo: String, pub amount: U256, pub burn_votes: U256, pub freeze_votes: U256, pub send_votes: U256, pub receiver: Address, } impl From> for EmissionBallotInfo { fn from(tokens: Vec) -> Self { let creation_time = { let uint = tokens[0].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); u256_to_datetime(uint) }; let start_time = { let uint = tokens[1].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); u256_to_datetime(uint) }; let end_time = { let uint = tokens[2].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); u256_to_datetime(uint) }; let is_canceled = tokens[3].clone().to_bool().unwrap(); let is_finalized = tokens[4].clone().to_bool().unwrap(); let creator = tokens[5].clone().to_address().unwrap(); let memo = tokens[6].clone().to_string().unwrap(); let amount = tokens[7].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); let burn_votes = tokens[8].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); let freeze_votes = tokens[9].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); let send_votes = tokens[10].clone().to_uint().unwrap(); let receiver = tokens[11].clone().to_address().unwrap(); EmissionBallotInfo { creation_time, start_time, end_time, is_canceled, is_finalized, creator, memo, amount, burn_votes, freeze_votes, send_votes, receiver, } } } impl EmissionBallotInfo { fn email_text(&self) -> String { format!( "Creation Time: {}\n\ Voting Start Time: {}\n\ Voting End Time: {}\n\ Amount: {}\n\ Burn Votes: {}\n\ Freeze Votes: {}\n\ Send Votes: {}\n\ Receiver: {:?}\n\ Voting was Canceled: {}\n\ Voting has Finished: {}\n\ Ballot Creator: {:?}\n\ Memo: {}\n", self.creation_time, self.start_time, self.end_time, convert_wei_to_poa(self.amount), self.burn_votes, self.freeze_votes, self.send_votes, self.receiver, self.is_canceled, self.is_finalized, self.creator, self.memo, ) } } /// Converts the `amount` field found in the `VotingToManageEmissionFunds` contract from Wei to /// POA. fn convert_wei_to_poa(amount_in_wei: U256) -> f64 { let whole_poa = amount_in_wei / U256::exp10(18); let remaining_poa = { let whole_with_padding = whole_poa * U256::exp10(18); (amount_in_wei - whole_with_padding).low_u64() as f64 }; let fraction_of_a_poa = { let eighteen_zeros: String = (0..18).map(|_| '0').collect(); let max_fract: f64 = format!("1{}", eighteen_zeros).parse().unwrap(); remaining_poa / max_fract }; whole_poa.low_u64() as f64 + fraction_of_a_poa }