use std::u64; use jsonrpc_core as json_rpc; use serde_json as json; use web3::types::{Address, BlockNumber, Filter, FilterBuilder, U256}; use crate::config::{ContractType, PoaContract}; use crate::error::{Error, Result}; use crate::response::common::BallotCreatedLog; use crate::response::v1::{KeysVotingState, ProxyVotingState, ThresholdVotingState, VotingState}; use crate::response::v2::{ BallotInfo, EmissionBallotInfo, KeysBallotInfo, ProxyBallotInfo, ThresholdBallotInfo, }; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum RpcMethod { CallContractFunction, GetLogs, GetLastMinedBlockNumber, } impl Into for RpcMethod { fn into(self) -> String { let s = match self { RpcMethod::CallContractFunction => "eth_call", RpcMethod::GetLogs => "eth_getLogs", RpcMethod::GetLastMinedBlockNumber => "eth_blockNumber", }; s.into() } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RpcClient { endpoint: String, client: reqwest::Client, } impl RpcClient { pub fn new(endpoint: String) -> Self { let client = reqwest::Client::new(); RpcClient { endpoint, client } } fn build_request( &self, method: RpcMethod, params: Vec, ) -> Result { let method_call = json_rpc::types::request::MethodCall { jsonrpc: Some(json_rpc::types::version::Version::V2), method: method.into(), params: Some(json_rpc::types::Params::Array(params)), id: json_rpc::types::id::Id::Num(1), }; let request_data: json_rpc::types::request::Call = method_call.into(); self.client .post(&self.endpoint) .json(&request_data) .build() .map_err(|e| Error::FailedToBuildRequest(e)) } fn send(&self, req: reqwest::Request) -> Result { let resp: json_rpc::types::response::Response = self .client .execute(req) .map_err(|e| Error::RequestFailed(e))? .json() .unwrap(); if let json_rpc::types::response::Response::Single(resp_status) = resp { match resp_status { json_rpc::types::response::Output::Success(resp) => return Ok(resp.result), json_rpc::types::response::Output::Failure(e) => { return Err(Error::JsonRpcResponseFailure(e)) } }; } unreachable!("Recieved multiple responses for single request"); } pub fn get_last_mined_block_number(&self) -> Result { let req = self.build_request(RpcMethod::GetLastMinedBlockNumber, vec![])?; if let json::Value::String(s) = self.send(req)? { let s = s.trim_left_matches("0x"); let block_number = u64::from_str_radix(s, 16).unwrap(); return Ok(block_number); } unreachable!("Received a non-string response from `eth_blockNumber` call"); } fn get_logs(&self, filter: Filter) -> Result> { let params = vec![json::to_value(filter).unwrap()]; let req = self.build_request(RpcMethod::GetLogs, params)?; let result = self.send(req)?; Ok(json::from_value(result).unwrap()) } /// V1 and V2 pub fn get_ballot_created_logs( &self, contract: &PoaContract, start: BlockNumber, stop: BlockNumber, ) -> Result> { let event = contract.event("BallotCreated"); let event_sig = event.signature(); let filter = FilterBuilder::default() .topics(Some(vec![event_sig]), None, None, None) .address(vec![contract.addr]) .from_block(start) .to_block(stop) .build(); self.get_logs(filter)? .into_iter() .map(|web3_log| { let web3::types::Log { topics, data, block_number, .. } = web3_log; let raw_log = ethabi::RawLog::from((topics, data.0)); let ethabi_log = event .parse_log(raw_log) .map_err(|e| Error::FailedToParseRawLogToLog(e))?; BallotCreatedLog::from_ethabi_log(ethabi_log, block_number.unwrap()) }) .collect() } /// V1 pub fn get_voting_state(&self, contract: &PoaContract, ballot_id: U256) -> Result { let function = contract.function("votingState"); let tokens = vec![ethabi::Token::Uint(ballot_id)]; let encoded_input = function.encode_input(&tokens).unwrap(); let function_call_request = web3::types::CallRequest { to: contract.addr, data: Some(encoded_input.into()), from: None, gas: None, gas_price: None, value: None, }; let rpc_method_params = vec![ json::to_value(function_call_request).unwrap(), json::to_value(BlockNumber::Latest).unwrap(), ]; let req = self.build_request(RpcMethod::CallContractFunction, rpc_method_params)?; if let json::Value::String(s) = self.send(req)? { let s = s.trim_left_matches("0x"); let bytes = hex::decode(s).unwrap(); let outputs = function.decode_output(&bytes).unwrap(); let voting_state: VotingState = match contract.kind { ContractType::Keys => KeysVotingState::from(outputs).into(), ContractType::Threshold => ThresholdVotingState::from(outputs).into(), ContractType::Proxy => ProxyVotingState::from(outputs).into(), ContractType::Emission => return Err(Error::EmissionFundsV1ContractDoesNotExist), }; return Ok(voting_state); } unreachable!("received non-string JSON response from `votingState`"); } /// V2 // TODO: When V2 contracts have been published and ballots have begun, test that calling // `.getBallotInfo()` with `Address::zero()` for the `votingKey` works (we don't care if // `votingKey` has voted yet). pub fn get_ballot_info(&self, contract: &PoaContract, ballot_id: U256) -> Result { // pub fn get_ballot_info(&self, contract: &PoaContract, ballot_id: U256, voting_key: Option
) -> Result { let function = contract.function("getBallotInfo"); /* let mut tokens = vec![ethabi::Token::Uint(ballot_id)]; if function.inputs.len() == 2 { if let Some(voting_key) = voting_key { tokens.push(ethabi::Token::Address(voting_key)); } } */ let mut tokens = vec![ethabi::Token::Uint(ballot_id)]; if function.inputs.len() == 2 { tokens.push(ethabi::Token::Address(Address::zero())); } let encoded_input = function.encode_input(&tokens).unwrap(); let function_call_request = web3::types::CallRequest { to: contract.addr, data: Some(encoded_input.into()), from: None, gas: None, gas_price: None, value: None, }; let rpc_method_params = vec![ json::to_value(function_call_request).unwrap(), json::to_value(BlockNumber::Latest).unwrap(), ]; let req = self.build_request(RpcMethod::CallContractFunction, rpc_method_params)?; if let json::Value::String(s) = self.send(req)? { let s = s.trim_left_matches("0x"); let bytes = hex::decode(s).unwrap(); let outputs = function.decode_output(&bytes).unwrap(); let ballot_info: BallotInfo = match contract.kind { ContractType::Keys => KeysBallotInfo::from(outputs).into(), ContractType::Threshold => ThresholdBallotInfo::from(outputs).into(), ContractType::Proxy => ProxyBallotInfo::from(outputs).into(), ContractType::Emission => EmissionBallotInfo::from(outputs).into(), }; return Ok(ballot_info); } unreachable!("received non-string JSON response from `getBallotInfo`"); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::env; use std::str::FromStr; use web3::types::{Address, BlockNumber, U256}; use super::RpcClient; use crate::config::{ContractType, ContractVersion, Network, PoaContract}; use crate::response::v1::VotingState; use crate::response::v2::BallotInfo; use crate::tests::{ setup, SOKOL_NETWORK, V1_CONTRACT_TYPES, V1_VERSION, V2_CONTRACT_TYPES, V2_VERSION, }; #[test] fn test_get_last_mined_block_core() { setup(); let rpc_url = env::var("CORE_RPC_ENDPOINT") .expect("Missing env-var: `CORE_RPC_ENDPOINT`"); let client = RpcClient::new(rpc_url); let res = client.get_last_mined_block_number(); assert!(res.is_ok()); // As of writing this test, the last mined block number on the Core POA chain was 6245220. let last_mined_block_number = res.unwrap(); assert!(last_mined_block_number >= 6245220); } #[test] fn test_get_last_mined_block_sokol() { setup(); let rpc_url = env::var("SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT") .expect("Missing env-var: `SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT`"); let client = RpcClient::new(rpc_url); let res = client.get_last_mined_block_number(); assert!(res.is_ok()); // As of writing this test, the last mined block number on the Sokol POA chain was 6107511. let last_mined_block_number = res.unwrap(); assert!(last_mined_block_number >= 6107511); } #[test] fn test_get_ballot_created_logs_for_keys_v1_contract() { setup(); let contract = PoaContract::read(ContractType::Keys, SOKOL_NETWORK, V1_VERSION) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to load contract: {:?}", e)); let rpc_url = env::var("SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT") .expect("Missing env-var: `SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT`"); let client = RpcClient::new(rpc_url); let res = client.get_ballot_created_logs( &contract, BlockNumber::Earliest, BlockNumber::Latest, ); assert!(res.is_ok()); // As of writing this test, there were 69 VotingToChangeKeys V1 ballots on the Sokol chain. let ballot_created_logs = res.unwrap(); assert!(ballot_created_logs.len() >= 69); } #[test] fn test_get_ballot_created_logs_for_keys_v2_contract() { setup(); let contract = PoaContract::read(ContractType::Keys, SOKOL_NETWORK, V2_VERSION) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to load contract: {:?}", e)); let rpc_url = env::var("SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT") .expect("Missing env-var: `SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT`"); let client = RpcClient::new(rpc_url); let res = client.get_ballot_created_logs( &contract, BlockNumber::Earliest, BlockNumber::Latest, ); assert!(res.is_ok()); // As of writing this test, there were 2 VotingToChangeKeys V2 ballots on the Sokol chain. let ballot_created_logs = res.unwrap(); assert!(ballot_created_logs.len() >= 2); } #[test] fn test_get_voting_state_for_threshold_v1() { setup(); let contract = PoaContract::read(ContractType::Threshold, SOKOL_NETWORK, V1_VERSION) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to load contract: {:?}", e)); let rpc_url = env::var("SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT") .expect("Missing env-var: `SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT`"); let client = RpcClient::new(rpc_url); let ballot_id = U256::from(0); let res = client.get_voting_state(&contract, ballot_id); assert!(res.is_ok()); if let VotingState::Threshold(threshold_voting_state) = res.unwrap() { let expected_creator = Address::from_str("82e4e61e7f5139ff0a4157a5bc687ef42294c248").unwrap(); let expected_proposed_value = U256::from(4); assert_eq!(threshold_voting_state.creator, expected_creator); assert_eq!(threshold_voting_state.proposed_value, expected_proposed_value); } } #[test] fn test_get_ballot_info_for_emission_v2() { setup(); let contract = PoaContract::read(ContractType::Emission, Network::Sokol, ContractVersion::V2) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to load contract: {:?}", e)); let rpc_url = env::var("SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT") .expect("Missing env-var: `SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT`"); let client = RpcClient::new(rpc_url); let ballot_id = U256::from(0); let res = client.get_ballot_info(&contract, ballot_id); assert!(res.is_ok()); if let BallotInfo::Emission(emission_ballot_info) = res.unwrap() { let expected_creator = Address::from_str("82e4e61e7f5139ff0a4157a5bc687ef42294c248").unwrap(); let expected_receiver = Address::from_str("9a1f6adb5bd804b5d8bd21dd7aeb44edecbaa313").unwrap(); let expected_amount = U256::from_dec_str("10441000000000000000000").unwrap(); assert_eq!(emission_ballot_info.creator, expected_creator); assert_eq!(emission_ballot_info.receiver, expected_receiver); assert_eq!(emission_ballot_info.amount, expected_amount); } } #[test] fn test_get_voting_state_for_all_v1_contracts() { setup(); let rpc_url = env::var("SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT") .expect("Missing env-var: `SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT`"); let client = RpcClient::new(rpc_url); let ballot_id = U256::from(0); for contract_type in V1_CONTRACT_TYPES.iter() { let contract = match PoaContract::read(*contract_type, SOKOL_NETWORK, V1_VERSION) { Ok(contract) => contract, Err(e) => panic!("Failed to load contract: {:?}", e), }; let res = client.get_voting_state(&contract, ballot_id); assert!(res.is_ok()); } } #[test] fn test_get_ballot_info_for_all_v2_contracts() { setup(); let rpc_url = env::var("SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT") .expect("Missing env-var: `SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT`"); let client = RpcClient::new(rpc_url); let ballot_id = U256::from(0); for contract_type in V2_CONTRACT_TYPES.iter() { let contract = match PoaContract::read(*contract_type, SOKOL_NETWORK, V2_VERSION) { Ok(contract) => contract, Err(e) => panic!("Failed to load contract: {:?}", e), }; let res = client.get_ballot_info(&contract, ballot_id); assert!(res.is_ok()); } } }