
274 lines
10 KiB

use std::u64;
use ethabi;
use hex;
use jsonrpc_core as json_rpc;
use reqwest;
use serde_json as json;
use web3;
use web3::types::{Address, BlockNumber, Filter, FilterBuilder, U256};
use config::{ContractType, PoaContract};
use error::{Error, Result};
use response::{v1, v2};
use response::common::BallotCreatedLog;
pub enum RpcMethod {
impl Into<String> for RpcMethod {
fn into(self) -> String {
let s = match self {
RpcMethod::CallContractFunction => "eth_call",
RpcMethod::GetLogs => "eth_getLogs",
RpcMethod::GetLastMinedBlockNumber => "eth_blockNumber",
pub struct RpcClient {
endpoint: String,
client: reqwest::Client,
impl RpcClient {
pub fn new(endpoint: String) -> Self {
let client = reqwest::Client::new();
RpcClient { endpoint, client }
fn build_request(
method: RpcMethod,
params: Vec<json::Value>,
) -> Result<reqwest::Request>
let method_call = json_rpc::types::request::MethodCall {
jsonrpc: Some(json_rpc::types::version::Version::V2),
method: method.into(),
params: Some(json_rpc::types::Params::Array(params)),
id: json_rpc::types::id::Id::Num(1),
let request_data: json_rpc::types::request::Call = method_call.into();
.map_err(|e| Error::FailedToBuildRequest(e))
fn send(&self, req: reqwest::Request) -> Result<json::Value> {
let resp: json_rpc::types::response::Response = self.client
.map_err(|e| Error::RequestFailed(e))?
if let json_rpc::types::response::Response::Single(resp_status) = resp {
match resp_status {
json_rpc::types::response::Output::Success(resp) => return Ok(resp.result),
json_rpc::types::response::Output::Failure(e) => return Err(Error::JsonRpcResponseFailure(e)),
unreachable!("Recieved multiple responses for single request");
pub fn get_last_mined_block_number(&self) -> Result<u64> {
let req = self.build_request(RpcMethod::GetLastMinedBlockNumber, vec![])?;
if let json::Value::String(s) = self.send(req)? {
let s = s.trim_left_matches("0x");
let block_number = u64::from_str_radix(s, 16).unwrap();
return Ok(block_number);
unreachable!("Received a non-string response from `eth_blockNumber` call");
fn get_logs(&self, filter: Filter) -> Result<Vec<web3::types::Log>> {
let params = vec![json::to_value(filter).unwrap()];
let req = self.build_request(RpcMethod::GetLogs, params)?;
let result = self.send(req)?;
/// V1 and V2
pub fn get_ballot_created_logs(
contract: &PoaContract,
start: BlockNumber,
stop: BlockNumber,
) -> Result<Vec<BallotCreatedLog>>
let event = contract.event("BallotCreated");
let event_sig = event.signature();
let filter = FilterBuilder::default()
.topics(Some(vec![event_sig]), None, None, None)
.map(|web3_log| {
let web3::types::Log {topics, data, block_number, .. } = web3_log;
let raw_log = ethabi::RawLog::from((topics, data.0));
let ethabi_log = event.parse_log(raw_log)
.map_err(|e| Error::FailedToParseRawLogToLog(e))?;
BallotCreatedLog::from_ethabi_log(ethabi_log, block_number.unwrap())
/// V1
pub fn get_voting_state(&self, contract: &PoaContract, ballot_id: U256) -> Result<v1::VotingState> {
let function = contract.function("votingState");
let tokens = vec![ethabi::Token::Uint(ballot_id)];
let encoded_input = function.encode_input(&tokens).unwrap();
let function_call_request = web3::types::CallRequest {
to: contract.addr,
data: Some(encoded_input.into()),
from: None,
gas: None,
gas_price: None,
value: None,
let rpc_method_params = vec![
let req = self.build_request(RpcMethod::CallContractFunction, rpc_method_params)?;
if let json::Value::String(s) = self.send(req)? {
let s = s.trim_left_matches("0x");
let bytes = hex::decode(s).unwrap();
let outputs = function.decode_output(&bytes).unwrap();
let voting_state: v1::VotingState = match contract.kind {
ContractType::Keys => v1::KeysVotingState::from(outputs).into(),
ContractType::Threshold => v1::ThresholdVotingState::from(outputs).into(),
ContractType::Proxy => v1::ProxyVotingState::from(outputs).into(),
ContractType::Emission => return Err(Error::EmissionFundsV1ContractDoesNotExist),
return Ok(voting_state);
unreachable!("received non-string JSON response from `votingState`");
/// V2
// TODO: When V2 contracts have been published and ballots have begun, test that calling
// `.getBallotInfo()` with `Address::zero()` for the `votingKey` works (we don't care if
// `votingKey` has voted yet).
pub fn get_ballot_info(&self, contract: &PoaContract, ballot_id: U256) -> Result<v2::BallotInfo> {
// pub fn get_ballot_info(&self, contract: &PoaContract, ballot_id: U256, voting_key: Option<Address>) -> Result<v2::BallotInfo> {
let function = contract.function("getBallotInfo");
let mut tokens = vec![ethabi::Token::Uint(ballot_id)];
if function.inputs.len() == 2 {
if let Some(voting_key) = voting_key {
let mut tokens = vec![ethabi::Token::Uint(ballot_id)];
if function.inputs.len() == 2 {
let encoded_input = function.encode_input(&tokens).unwrap();
let function_call_request = web3::types::CallRequest {
to: contract.addr,
data: Some(encoded_input.into()),
from: None,
gas: None,
gas_price: None,
value: None,
let rpc_method_params = vec![
let req = self.build_request(RpcMethod::CallContractFunction, rpc_method_params)?;
if let json::Value::String(s) = self.send(req)? {
let s = s.trim_left_matches("0x");
let bytes = hex::decode(s).unwrap();
let outputs = function.decode_output(&bytes).unwrap();
let ballot_info: v2::BallotInfo = match contract.kind {
ContractType::Keys => v2::KeysBallotInfo::from(outputs).into(),
ContractType::Threshold => v2::ThresholdBallotInfo::from(outputs).into(),
ContractType::Proxy => v2::ProxyBallotInfo::from(outputs).into(),
ContractType::Emission => v2::EmissionBallotInfo::from(outputs).into(),
return Ok(ballot_info);
unreachable!("received non-string JSON response from `getBallotInfo`");
mod tests {
use std::env;
use dotenv::dotenv;
use web3::types::BlockNumber;
use super::RpcClient;
use config::{ContractType, ContractVersion, Network, PoaContract};
fn test_get_last_mined_block() {
dotenv().expect("Missing .env file");
let sokol_url = env::var("SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT").expect("Missing env-var: `SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT`");
let client = RpcClient::new(sokol_url);
let res = client.get_last_mined_block_number();
println!("sokol last mined block number => {:?}", res);
let core_url = env::var("CORE_RPC_ENDPOINT").expect("Missing env-var: `CORE_RPC_ENDPOINT`");
let client = RpcClient::new(core_url);
let res = client.get_last_mined_block_number();
println!("core last mined block number => {:?}", res);
fn test_get_ballot_created_logs() {
dotenv().expect("Missing .env file");
let contract = PoaContract::read(
).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to load contract: {:?}", e));
let endpoint = env::var("SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT").expect("Missing env-var: `SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT`");
let client = RpcClient::new(endpoint);
let res = client.get_ballot_created_logs(
println!("{:#?}", res);
fn test_get_voting_state() {
dotenv().expect("Missing .env file");
let contract = PoaContract::read(
).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to load contract: {:?}", e));
let sokol_url = env::var("SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT").expect("Missing env-var: `SOKOL_RPC_ENDPOINT`");
let client = RpcClient::new(sokol_url);
let res = client.get_voting_state(&contract, 2.into());
println!("{:#?}", res);
// TODO: write this tests once the V2 contracts are released
// #[test]
// fn test_get_ballot_info() {}