
65 lines
1.8 KiB

use std::io::stderr;
use slog::{Drain, Logger};
use slog_term::{FullFormat, PlainSyncDecorator};
use web3::types::BlockNumber;
use error::Error;
use notify::Notification;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref LOGGER: Logger = {
let log_decorator = PlainSyncDecorator::new(stderr());
let drain = FullFormat::new(log_decorator).build().fuse();
Logger::root(drain, o!())
pub fn log_ctrlc() {
warn!(LOGGER, "recieved ctrl-c signal, gracefully shutting down...");
pub fn log_no_email_recipients_configured() {
warn!(LOGGER, "email notifications are enabled, but there are no email recipients");
pub fn log_reached_notification_limit(notification_limit: u64) {
"reached notification limit, gracefully shutting down...";
"limit" => notification_limit
pub fn log_finished_block_window(start: BlockNumber, stop: BlockNumber) {
let block_range = format!("{:?}...{:?}", start, stop);
info!(LOGGER, "finished checking blocks"; "block_range" => block_range);
pub fn log_notification(notif: &Notification) {
let log = notif.log();
"governance notification";
"ballot" => format!("{:?}", log.ballot_type),
"ballot_id" => format!("{}", log.ballot_id),
"block_number" => format!("{}", log.block_number)
pub fn log_notification_verbose(notif: &Notification) {
info!(LOGGER, "governance notification\n{}", notif.email_text());
pub fn log_failed_to_build_email(e: Error) {
warn!(LOGGER, "failed to build email"; "error" => format!("{:?}", e));
pub fn log_failed_to_send_email(recipient: &str, e: Error) {
warn!(LOGGER, "failed to send email"; "recipient" => recipient, "error" => format!("{:?}", e));
pub fn log_email_sent(recipient: &str) {
info!(LOGGER, "email sent"; "to" => recipient);