
309 lines
7.4 KiB

package types
import (
type Header struct {
// Hash to the previous block
ParentHash common.Hash
// Uncles of this block
UncleHash common.Hash
// The coin base address
Coinbase common.Address
// Block Trie state
Root common.Hash
// Tx sha
TxHash common.Hash
// Receipt sha
ReceiptHash common.Hash
// Bloom
Bloom Bloom
// Difficulty for the current block
Difficulty *big.Int
// The block number
Number *big.Int
// Gas limit
GasLimit *big.Int
// Gas used
GasUsed *big.Int
// Creation time
Time uint64
// Extra data
Extra string
// Mix digest for quick checking to prevent DOS
MixDigest common.Hash
// Nonce
Nonce [8]byte
func (self *Header) rlpData(withNonce bool) []interface{} {
fields := []interface{}{
if withNonce {
fields = append(fields, self.MixDigest, self.Nonce)
return fields
func (self *Header) RlpData() interface{} {
return self.rlpData(true)
func (self *Header) Hash() common.Hash {
return common.BytesToHash(crypto.Sha3(common.Encode(self.rlpData(true))))
func (self *Header) HashNoNonce() common.Hash {
return common.BytesToHash(crypto.Sha3(common.Encode(self.rlpData(false))))
type Block struct {
// Preset Hash for mock (Tests)
HeaderHash common.Hash
ParentHeaderHash common.Hash
// ^^^^ ignore ^^^^
header *Header
uncles []*Header
transactions Transactions
Td *big.Int
receipts Receipts
Reward *big.Int
func NewBlock(parentHash common.Hash, coinbase common.Address, root common.Hash, difficulty *big.Int, nonce uint64, extra string) *Block {
header := &Header{
Root: root,
ParentHash: parentHash,
Coinbase: coinbase,
Difficulty: difficulty,
Time: uint64(time.Now().Unix()),
Extra: extra,
GasUsed: new(big.Int),
GasLimit: new(big.Int),
block := &Block{header: header, Reward: new(big.Int)}
return block
func (self *Header) setNonce(nonce uint64) {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(self.Nonce[:], nonce)
func NewBlockWithHeader(header *Header) *Block {
return &Block{header: header}
func (self *Block) DecodeRLP(s *rlp.Stream) error {
var extblock struct {
Header *Header
Txs []*Transaction
Uncles []*Header
TD *big.Int // optional
if err := s.Decode(&extblock); err != nil {
return err
self.header = extblock.Header
self.uncles = extblock.Uncles
self.transactions = extblock.Txs
self.Td = extblock.TD
return nil
func (self *Block) Header() *Header {
return self.header
func (self *Block) Uncles() []*Header {
return self.uncles
func (self *Block) SetUncles(uncleHeaders []*Header) {
self.uncles = uncleHeaders
self.header.UncleHash = common.BytesToHash(crypto.Sha3(common.Encode(uncleHeaders)))
func (self *Block) Transactions() Transactions {
return self.transactions
func (self *Block) Transaction(hash common.Hash) *Transaction {
for _, transaction := range self.transactions {
if transaction.Hash() == hash {
return transaction
return nil
func (self *Block) SetTransactions(transactions Transactions) {
self.transactions = transactions
self.header.TxHash = DeriveSha(transactions)
func (self *Block) AddTransaction(transaction *Transaction) {
self.transactions = append(self.transactions, transaction)
func (self *Block) Receipts() Receipts {
return self.receipts
func (self *Block) SetReceipts(receipts Receipts) {
self.receipts = receipts
self.header.ReceiptHash = DeriveSha(receipts)
self.header.Bloom = CreateBloom(receipts)
func (self *Block) AddReceipt(receipt *Receipt) {
self.receipts = append(self.receipts, receipt)
func (self *Block) RlpData() interface{} {
return []interface{}{self.header, self.transactions, self.uncles}
func (self *Block) RlpDataForStorage() interface{} {
return []interface{}{self.header, self.transactions, self.uncles, self.Td /* TODO receipts */}
// Header accessors (add as you need them)
func (self *Block) Number() *big.Int { return self.header.Number }
func (self *Block) NumberU64() uint64 { return self.header.Number.Uint64() }
func (self *Block) MixDigest() common.Hash { return self.header.MixDigest }
func (self *Block) Nonce() uint64 {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(self.header.Nonce[:])
func (self *Block) SetNonce(nonce uint64) {
func (self *Block) Bloom() Bloom { return self.header.Bloom }
func (self *Block) Coinbase() common.Address { return self.header.Coinbase }
func (self *Block) Time() int64 { return int64(self.header.Time) }
func (self *Block) GasLimit() *big.Int { return self.header.GasLimit }
func (self *Block) GasUsed() *big.Int { return self.header.GasUsed }
func (self *Block) Root() common.Hash { return self.header.Root }
func (self *Block) SetRoot(root common.Hash) { self.header.Root = root }
func (self *Block) Size() common.StorageSize { return common.StorageSize(len(common.Encode(self))) }
func (self *Block) GetTransaction(i int) *Transaction {
if len(self.transactions) > i {
return self.transactions[i]
return nil
func (self *Block) GetUncle(i int) *Header {
if len(self.uncles) > i {
return self.uncles[i]
return nil
// Implement pow.Block
func (self *Block) Difficulty() *big.Int { return self.header.Difficulty }
func (self *Block) HashNoNonce() common.Hash { return self.header.HashNoNonce() }
func (self *Block) Hash() common.Hash {
if (self.HeaderHash != common.Hash{}) {
return self.HeaderHash
} else {
return self.header.Hash()
func (self *Block) ParentHash() common.Hash {
if (self.ParentHeaderHash != common.Hash{}) {
return self.ParentHeaderHash
} else {
return self.header.ParentHash
func (self *Block) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`BLOCK(%x): Size: %v TD: %v {
NoNonce: %x
`, self.header.Hash(), self.Size(), self.Td, self.header.HashNoNonce(), self.header, self.transactions, self.uncles)
func (self *Header) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
ParentHash: %x
UncleHash: %x
Coinbase: %x
Root: %x
TxSha %x
ReceiptSha: %x
Bloom: %x
Difficulty: %v
Number: %v
GasLimit: %v
GasUsed: %v
Time: %v
Extra: %v
MixDigest: %x
Nonce: %x`,
self.ParentHash, self.UncleHash, self.Coinbase, self.Root, self.TxHash, self.ReceiptHash, self.Bloom, self.Difficulty, self.Number, self.GasLimit, self.GasUsed, self.Time, self.Extra, self.MixDigest, self.Nonce)
type Blocks []*Block
type BlockBy func(b1, b2 *Block) bool
func (self BlockBy) Sort(blocks Blocks) {
bs := blockSorter{
blocks: blocks,
by: self,
type blockSorter struct {
blocks Blocks
by func(b1, b2 *Block) bool
func (self blockSorter) Len() int { return len(self.blocks) }
func (self blockSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
self.blocks[i], self.blocks[j] = self.blocks[j], self.blocks[i]
func (self blockSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return self.by(self.blocks[i], self.blocks[j]) }
func Number(b1, b2 *Block) bool { return b1.Header().Number.Cmp(b2.Header().Number) < 0 }