
319 lines
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// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Package filters implements an ethereum filtering system for block,
// transactions and log events.
package filters
import (
// Type determines the kind of filter and is used to put the filter in to
// the correct bucket when added.
type Type byte
const (
// UnknownSubscription indicates an unkown subscription type
UnknownSubscription Type = iota
// LogsSubscription queries for new or removed (chain reorg) logs
// PendingLogsSubscription queries for logs for the pending block
// PendingTransactionsSubscription queries tx hashes for pending
// transactions entering the pending state
// BlocksSubscription queries hashes for blocks that are imported
var (
ErrInvalidSubscriptionID = errors.New("invalid id")
// Log is a helper that can hold additional information about vm.Log
// necessary for the RPC interface.
type Log struct {
Removed bool `json:"removed"`
func (l *Log) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
fields := map[string]interface{}{
"address": l.Address,
"data": fmt.Sprintf("0x%x", l.Data),
"blockNumber": fmt.Sprintf("%#x", l.BlockNumber),
"logIndex": fmt.Sprintf("%#x", l.Index),
"blockHash": l.BlockHash,
"transactionHash": l.TxHash,
"transactionIndex": fmt.Sprintf("%#x", l.TxIndex),
"topics": l.Topics,
"removed": l.Removed,
return json.Marshal(fields)
type subscription struct {
id rpc.ID
typ Type
created time.Time
logsCrit FilterCriteria
logs chan []Log
hashes chan common.Hash
headers chan *types.Header
installed chan struct{} // closed when the filter is installed
err chan error // closed when the filter is uninstalled
// EventSystem creates subscriptions, processes events and broadcasts them to the
// subscription which match the subscription criteria.
type EventSystem struct {
mux *event.TypeMux
sub event.Subscription
install chan *subscription // install filter for event notification
uninstall chan *subscription // remove filter for event notification
// NewEventSystem creates a new manager that listens for event on the given mux,
// parses and filters them. It uses the all map to retrieve filter changes. The
// work loop holds its own index that is used to forward events to filters.
// The returned manager has a loop that needs to be stopped with the Stop function
// or by stopping the given mux.
func NewEventSystem(mux *event.TypeMux) *EventSystem {
m := &EventSystem{
mux: mux,
install: make(chan *subscription),
uninstall: make(chan *subscription),
go m.eventLoop()
return m
// Subscription is created when the client registers itself for a particular event.
type Subscription struct {
ID rpc.ID
f *subscription
es *EventSystem
unsubOnce sync.Once
// Err returns a channel that is closed when unsubscribed.
func (sub *Subscription) Err() <-chan error {
return sub.f.err
// Unsubscribe uninstalls the subscription from the event broadcast loop.
func (sub *Subscription) Unsubscribe() {
sub.unsubOnce.Do(func() {
for {
// write uninstall request and consume logs/hashes. This prevents
// the eventLoop broadcast method to deadlock when writing to the
// filter event channel while the subscription loop is waiting for
// this method to return (and thus not reading these events).
select {
case sub.es.uninstall <- sub.f:
break uninstallLoop
case <-sub.f.logs:
case <-sub.f.hashes:
case <-sub.f.headers:
// wait for filter to be uninstalled in work loop before returning
// this ensures that the manager won't use the event channel which
// will probably be closed by the client asap after this method returns.
// subscribe installs the subscription in the event broadcast loop.
func (es *EventSystem) subscribe(sub *subscription) *Subscription {
es.install <- sub
return &Subscription{ID: sub.id, f: sub, es: es}
// SubscribeLogs creates a subscription that will write all logs matching the
// given criteria to the given logs channel.
func (es *EventSystem) SubscribeLogs(crit FilterCriteria, logs chan []Log) *Subscription {
sub := &subscription{
id: rpc.NewID(),
typ: LogsSubscription,
logsCrit: crit,
created: time.Now(),
logs: logs,
hashes: make(chan common.Hash),
headers: make(chan *types.Header),
installed: make(chan struct{}),
err: make(chan error),
return es.subscribe(sub)
// SubscribePendingLogs creates a subscription that will write pending logs matching the
// given criteria to the given channel.
func (es *EventSystem) SubscribePendingLogs(crit FilterCriteria, logs chan []Log) *Subscription {
sub := &subscription{
id: rpc.NewID(),
typ: PendingLogsSubscription,
logsCrit: crit,
created: time.Now(),
logs: logs,
hashes: make(chan common.Hash),
headers: make(chan *types.Header),
installed: make(chan struct{}),
err: make(chan error),
return es.subscribe(sub)
// SubscribePendingTxEvents creates a sbuscription that writes transaction hashes for
// transactions that enter the transaction pool.
func (es *EventSystem) SubscribePendingTxEvents(hashes chan common.Hash) *Subscription {
sub := &subscription{
id: rpc.NewID(),
typ: PendingTransactionsSubscription,
created: time.Now(),
logs: make(chan []Log),
hashes: hashes,
headers: make(chan *types.Header),
installed: make(chan struct{}),
err: make(chan error),
return es.subscribe(sub)
// SubscribeNewHeads creates a subscription that writes the header of a block that is
// imported in the chain.
func (es *EventSystem) SubscribeNewHeads(headers chan *types.Header) *Subscription {
sub := &subscription{
id: rpc.NewID(),
typ: BlocksSubscription,
created: time.Now(),
logs: make(chan []Log),
hashes: make(chan common.Hash),
headers: headers,
installed: make(chan struct{}),
err: make(chan error),
return es.subscribe(sub)
type filterIndex map[Type]map[rpc.ID]*subscription
// broadcast event to filters that match criteria.
func broadcast(filters filterIndex, ev *event.Event) {
if ev == nil {
switch e := ev.Data.(type) {
case vm.Logs:
if len(e) > 0 {
for _, f := range filters[LogsSubscription] {
if ev.Time.After(f.created) {
if matchedLogs := filterLogs(convertLogs(e, false), f.logsCrit.Addresses, f.logsCrit.Topics); len(matchedLogs) > 0 {
f.logs <- matchedLogs
case core.RemovedLogsEvent:
for _, f := range filters[LogsSubscription] {
if ev.Time.After(f.created) {
if matchedLogs := filterLogs(convertLogs(e.Logs, true), f.logsCrit.Addresses, f.logsCrit.Topics); len(matchedLogs) > 0 {
f.logs <- matchedLogs
case core.PendingLogsEvent:
for _, f := range filters[PendingLogsSubscription] {
if ev.Time.After(f.created) {
if matchedLogs := filterLogs(convertLogs(e.Logs, false), f.logsCrit.Addresses, f.logsCrit.Topics); len(matchedLogs) > 0 {
f.logs <- matchedLogs
case core.TxPreEvent:
for _, f := range filters[PendingTransactionsSubscription] {
if ev.Time.After(f.created) {
f.hashes <- e.Tx.Hash()
case core.ChainEvent:
for _, f := range filters[BlocksSubscription] {
if ev.Time.After(f.created) {
f.headers <- e.Block.Header()
// eventLoop (un)installs filters and processes mux events.
func (es *EventSystem) eventLoop() {
var (
index = make(filterIndex)
sub = es.mux.Subscribe(core.PendingLogsEvent{}, core.RemovedLogsEvent{}, vm.Logs{}, core.TxPreEvent{}, core.ChainEvent{})
for {
select {
case ev, active := <-sub.Chan():
if !active { // system stopped
broadcast(index, ev)
case f := <-es.install:
if _, found := index[f.typ]; !found {
index[f.typ] = make(map[rpc.ID]*subscription)
index[f.typ][f.id] = f
case f := <-es.uninstall:
delete(index[f.typ], f.id)
// convertLogs is a helper utility that converts vm.Logs to []filter.Log.
func convertLogs(in vm.Logs, removed bool) []Log {
logs := make([]Log, len(in))
for i, l := range in {
logs[i] = Log{l, removed}
return logs