# Sample Burner Wallet 2 Plugin This repo provides a boilerplate for building a new plugin for the Burner Wallet 2. ## Setup 1. Clone the repo 2. Run `yarn install`. This repo uses Lerna and Yarn Workspaces, so `yarn install` will install all dependencies and link modules in the repo 3. To connect to mainnet & most testnets, you'll need to provide an Infura key. Create a file named `.env` in the `basic-wallet` folder and set the contents to `REACT_APP_INFURA_KEY=` 4. Run `yarn start-local` to start the wallet while connected to Ganache, or run `yarn start-basic` to start the wallet connected to Mainnet & xDai ## Renaming the plugin To rename the plugin from "MyPlugin" to your own plugin name, you must update the following locations: 1. Rename the `my-plugin` directory 2. Change `my-plugin` in `lerna.json` and the root `package.json` 3. Change the name field in `package.json` in your plugin's `package.json` file 4. Rename `MyPlugin.ts` 5. Change `MyPlugin.js` and `MyPlugin.d.ts` in the plugin `package.json` file 6. Change the class name in the main plugin file 7. Change rename `my-plugin` dependency in `basic-wallet/package.json` & `local-wallet/package.json` 8. In `basic-wallet/src/index.tsx` and `local-wallet/src/index.tsx`, update the import `import MyPlugin from 'my-plugin';` as well as the `new MyPlugin()` constructor. 9. Finally, run `yarn install` in the root to re-link the packages