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2022-03-24 11:40:38 -07:00
import assert from "assert";
import * as anchor from "@project-serum/anchor";
import * as borsh from "borsh";
import { Program } from "@project-serum/anchor";
import { Callee } from "../target/types/callee";
import { Caller } from "../target/types/caller";
const { SystemProgram } = anchor.web3;
describe("CPI return", () => {
const provider = anchor.Provider.env();
const callerProgram = anchor.workspace.Caller as Program<Caller>;
const calleeProgram = anchor.workspace.Callee as Program<Callee>;
const getReturnLog = (confirmedTransaction) => {
const prefix = "Program return: ";
let log = confirmedTransaction.meta.logMessages.find((log) =>
log = log.slice(prefix.length);
const [key, data] = log.split(" ", 2);
const buffer = Buffer.from(data, "base64");
return [key, data, buffer];
const cpiReturn = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
const confirmOptions = { commitment: "confirmed" };
it("can initialize", async () => {
await calleeProgram.methods
account: cpiReturn.publicKey,
user: provider.wallet.publicKey,
systemProgram: SystemProgram.programId,
it("can return u64 from a cpi", async () => {
const tx = await callerProgram.methods
cpiReturn: cpiReturn.publicKey,
cpiReturnProgram: calleeProgram.programId,
let t = await provider.connection.getTransaction(tx, {
commitment: "confirmed",
const [key, data, buffer] = getReturnLog(t);
assert.equal(key, calleeProgram.programId);
// Check for matching log on receive side
let receiveLog = t.meta.logMessages.find(
(log) => log == `Program data: ${data}`
assert(receiveLog !== undefined);
const reader = new borsh.BinaryReader(buffer);
assert.equal(reader.readU64().toNumber(), 10);
it("can make a non-cpi call to a function that returns a u64", async () => {
const tx = await calleeProgram.methods
account: cpiReturn.publicKey,
let t = await provider.connection.getTransaction(tx, {
commitment: "confirmed",
const [key, , buffer] = getReturnLog(t);
assert.equal(key, calleeProgram.programId);
const reader = new borsh.BinaryReader(buffer);
assert.equal(reader.readU64().toNumber(), 10);
it("can return a struct from a cpi", async () => {
const tx = await callerProgram.methods
cpiReturn: cpiReturn.publicKey,
cpiReturnProgram: calleeProgram.programId,
let t = await provider.connection.getTransaction(tx, {
commitment: "confirmed",
const [key, data, buffer] = getReturnLog(t);
assert.equal(key, calleeProgram.programId);
// Check for matching log on receive side
let receiveLog = t.meta.logMessages.find(
(log) => log == `Program data: ${data}`
assert(receiveLog !== undefined);
// Deserialize the struct and validate
class Assignable {
constructor(properties) {
Object.keys(properties).map((key) => {
this[key] = properties[key];
class Data extends Assignable {}
const schema = new Map([
[Data, { kind: "struct", fields: [["value", "u64"]] }],
const deserialized = borsh.deserialize(schema, Data, buffer);
assert(deserialized.value.toNumber() === 11);
it("can return a vec from a cpi", async () => {
const tx = await callerProgram.methods
cpiReturn: cpiReturn.publicKey,
cpiReturnProgram: calleeProgram.programId,
let t = await provider.connection.getTransaction(tx, {
commitment: "confirmed",
const [key, data, buffer] = getReturnLog(t);
assert.equal(key, calleeProgram.programId);
// Check for matching log on receive side
let receiveLog = t.meta.logMessages.find(
(log) => log == `Program data: ${data}`
assert(receiveLog !== undefined);
const reader = new borsh.BinaryReader(buffer);
const array = reader.readArray(() => reader.readU8());
assert.deepStrictEqual(array, [12, 13, 14, 100]);
it("sets a return value in idl", async () => {
const returnu64Instruction = calleeProgram._idl.instructions.find(
(f) => == "returnU64"
assert.equal(returnu64Instruction.returns, "u64");
const returnStructInstruction = calleeProgram._idl.instructions.find(
(f) => == "returnStruct"
assert.deepStrictEqual(returnStructInstruction.returns, {
defined: "StructReturn",