FROM ubuntu:18.04 ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ARG SOLANA_CHANNEL=v1.2.17 ARG SOLANA_CLI=v1.5.6 ENV HOME="/root" ENV PATH="${HOME}/.cargo/bin:${PATH}" ENV PATH="${HOME}/.local/share/solana/install/active_release/bin:${PATH}" # Install base utilities. RUN mkdir -p /workdir && mkdir -p /tmp && \ apt-get update -qq && apt-get upgrade -qq && apt-get install -qq \ build-essential git curl wget jq pkg-config python3-pip \ libssl-dev libudev-dev # Install rust. RUN curl "" -sfo && \ sh -y && \ rustup component add rustfmt clippy # Install Solana tools. RUN curl -sSf${SOLANA_CLI}/install/ | sh -s - ${SOLANA_CLI} && \ # BPF sdk. curl -L --retry 5 --retry-delay 2 -o bpf-sdk.tar.bz2${SOLANA_CHANNEL}/bpf-sdk.tar.bz2 && \ rm -rf bpf-sdk && \ mkdir -p bpf-sdk && \ tar jxf bpf-sdk.tar.bz2 && \ rm -f bpf-sdk.tar.bz2 # Install anchor. RUN cargo install --git anchor-cli --locked # Build a dummy program to bootstrap the BPF SDK (doing this speeds up builds). RUN mkdir -p /tmp && cd tmp && anchor init dummy && cd dummy && anchor build WORKDIR /workdir