import * as anchor from "@coral-xyz/anchor"; import { Program, AnchorError } from "@coral-xyz/anchor"; import { Keypair, Transaction, TransactionInstruction } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, Token } from "@solana/spl-token"; import { assert, expect } from "chai"; import { Errors } from "../target/types/errors"; const withLogTest = async (callback, expectedLogs) => { let logTestOk = false; const listener = anchor.getProvider().connection.onLogs( "all", (logs) => { const index = logs.logs.findIndex( (logLine) => logLine === expectedLogs[0] ); if (index === -1) { console.log("Expected: "); console.log(expectedLogs); console.log("Actual: "); console.log(logs); } else { const actualLogs = logs.logs.slice(index, index + expectedLogs.length); for (let i = 0; i < expectedLogs.length; i++) { if (actualLogs[i] !== expectedLogs[i]) { console.log("Expected: "); console.log(expectedLogs); console.log("Actual: "); console.log(logs); return; } } logTestOk = true; } }, "recent" ); try { await callback(); } catch (err) { anchor.getProvider().connection.removeOnLogsListener(listener); throw err; } anchor.getProvider().connection.removeOnLogsListener(listener); assert.isTrue(logTestOk); }; describe("errors", () => { // Configure the client to use the local cluster. const provider = anchor.AnchorProvider.local(); provider.opts.skipPreflight = true; // processed failed tx do not result in AnchorErrors in the client // because we cannot get logs for them (only through overkill `onLogs`) provider.opts.commitment = "confirmed"; anchor.setProvider(provider); const program = anchor.workspace.Errors as Program; it("Emits a Hello error", async () => { await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.methods.hello().rpc(); assert.ok(false); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; const errMsg = "This is an error message clients will automatically display"; const fullErrMsg = "AnchorError thrown in programs/errors/src/ Error Code: Hello. Error Number: 6000. Error Message: This is an error message clients will automatically display."; assert.strictEqual(err.toString(), fullErrMsg); assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorMessage, errMsg); assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 6000); assert.strictEqual( err.program.toString(), program.programId.toString() ); expect(err.error.origin).to.deep.equal({ file: "programs/errors/src/", line: 13, }); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError thrown in programs/errors/src/ Error Code: Hello. Error Number: 6000. Error Message: This is an error message clients will automatically display.", ]); }); it("Emits a Hello error via require!", async () => { try { const tx = await program.methods.testRequire().rpc(); assert.ok(false); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; const errMsg = "This is an error message clients will automatically display"; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorMessage, errMsg); assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 6000); assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.code, "Hello"); } }); it("Emits a Hello error via err!", async () => { try { const tx = await program.methods.testErr().rpc(); assert.ok(false); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; const errMsg = "This is an error message clients will automatically display"; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorMessage, errMsg); assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 6000); } }); it("Logs a ProgramError", async () => { await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.methods.testProgramError().rpc(); assert.ok(false); } catch (err) { expect( => pk.toString())).to.deep.equal([ program.programId.toString(), ]); expect(err.program.toString()).to.equal(program.programId.toString()); } }, [ "Program log: ProgramError occurred. Error Code: InvalidAccountData. Error Number: 17179869184. Error Message: An account's data contents was invalid.", ]); }); it("Logs a ProgramError with source", async () => { await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.methods.testProgramErrorWithSource().rpc(); assert.ok(false); } catch (err) { expect( => pk.toString())).to.deep.equal([ program.programId.toString(), ]); } }, [ "Program log: ProgramError thrown in programs/errors/src/ Error Code: InvalidAccountData. Error Number: 17179869184. Error Message: An account's data contents was invalid.", ]); }); it("Emits a HelloNoMsg error", async () => { try { const tx = await program.methods.helloNoMsg().rpc(); assert.ok(false); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorMessage, "HelloNoMsg"); assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 6123); } }); it("Emits a HelloNext error", async () => { try { const tx = await program.methods.helloNext().rpc(); assert.ok(false); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorMessage, "HelloNext"); assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 6124); } }); it("Emits a mut error", async () => { await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.rpc.mutError({ accounts: { myAccount: anchor.web3.SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY, }, }); assert.ok(false); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual( err.error.errorMessage, "A mut constraint was violated" ); assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 2000); assert.strictEqual(err.error.origin, "my_account"); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError caused by account: my_account. Error Code: ConstraintMut. Error Number: 2000. Error Message: A mut constraint was violated.", ]); }); it("Emits a has one error", async () => { await withLogTest(async () => { try { const account = new Keypair(); const tx = await program.rpc.hasOneError({ accounts: { myAccount: account.publicKey, owner: anchor.web3.SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY, }, // this initializes the account.owner variable with Pubkey::default instructions: [ await program.account.hasOneAccount.createInstruction(account), ], signers: [account], }); assert.ok(false); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual( err.error.errorMessage, "A has one constraint was violated" ); assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 2001); assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.code, "ConstraintHasOne"); assert.strictEqual(err.error.origin, "my_account"); assert.strictEqual( err.program.toString(), program.programId.toString() ); expect( => pk.toString()) ).to.deep.equal([ "11111111111111111111111111111111", "SysvarRent111111111111111111111111111111111", ]); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError caused by account: my_account. Error Code: ConstraintHasOne. Error Number: 2001. Error Message: A has one constraint was violated.", "Program log: Left:", "Program log: 11111111111111111111111111111111", "Program log: Right:", "Program log: SysvarRent111111111111111111111111111111111", ]); }); // This test uses a raw transaction and provider instead of a program // instance since the client won't allow one to send a transaction // with an invalid signer account. it("Emits a signer error", async () => { let signature; const listener = anchor .getProvider() .connection.onLogs("all", (logs) => (signature = logs.signature)); try { const tx = new Transaction(); tx.add( new TransactionInstruction({ keys: [ { pubkey: anchor.web3.SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY, isWritable: false, isSigner: false, }, ], programId: program.programId, data: program.coder.instruction.encode("signer_error", {}), }) ); await program.provider.sendAndConfirm(tx); assert.ok(false); } catch (err) { anchor.getProvider().connection.removeOnLogsListener(listener); const errMsg = `Error: Raw transaction ${signature} failed ({"err":{"InstructionError":[0,{"Custom":3010}]}})`; assert.strictEqual(err.toString(), errMsg); } finally { anchor.getProvider().connection.removeOnLogsListener(listener); } }); it("Emits a raw custom error", async () => { try { const tx = await program.rpc.rawCustomError({ accounts: { myAccount: anchor.web3.SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY, }, }); assert.ok(false); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; const errMsg = "HelloCustom"; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorMessage, errMsg); assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 6125); } }); it("Emits a account not initialized error", async () => { await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.rpc.accountNotInitializedError({ accounts: { notInitializedAccount: new anchor.web3.Keypair().publicKey, }, }); "Unexpected success in creating a transaction that should have fail with `AccountNotInitialized` error" ); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; const errMsg = "The program expected this account to be already initialized"; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorMessage, errMsg); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError caused by account: not_initialized_account. Error Code: AccountNotInitialized. Error Number: 3012. Error Message: The program expected this account to be already initialized.", ]); }); it("Emits an AccountOwnedByWrongProgram error", async () => { let client = await Token.createMint( program.provider.connection, (provider.wallet as anchor.Wallet).payer, provider.wallet.publicKey, provider.wallet.publicKey, 9, TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID ); await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.rpc.accountOwnedByWrongProgramError({ accounts: { wrongAccount: client.publicKey, }, }); "Unexpected success in creating a transaction that should have failed with `AccountOwnedByWrongProgram` error" ); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; const errMsg = "The given account is owned by a different program than expected"; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorMessage, errMsg); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError caused by account: wrong_account. Error Code: AccountOwnedByWrongProgram. Error Number: 3007. Error Message: The given account is owned by a different program than expected.", "Program log: Left:", "Program log: TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA", "Program log: Right:", "Program log: Fg6PaFpoGXkYsidMpWTK6W2BeZ7FEfcYkg476zPFsLnS", ]); }); it("Emits a ValueMismatch error via require_eq", async () => { await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.methods.requireEq().rpc(); "Unexpected success in creating a transaction that should have failed with `ValueMismatch` error" ); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 6126); expect(err.error.comparedValues).to.deep.equal(["5241", "124124124"]); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError thrown in programs/errors/src/ Error Code: ValueMismatch. Error Number: 6126. Error Message: ValueMismatch.", "Program log: Left: 5241", "Program log: Right: 124124124", ]); }); it("Emits a RequireEqViolated error via require_eq", async () => { await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.methods.requireEqDefaultError().rpc(); "Unexpected success in creating a transaction that should have failed with `ValueMismatch` error" ); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 2501); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError thrown in programs/errors/src/ Error Code: RequireEqViolated. Error Number: 2501. Error Message: A require_eq expression was violated.", "Program log: Left: 5241", "Program log: Right: 124124124", ]); }); it("Emits a ValueMatch error via require_neq", async () => { await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.methods.requireNeq().rpc(); "Unexpected success in creating a transaction that should have failed with `ValueMatch` error" ); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 6127); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError thrown in programs/errors/src/ Error Code: ValueMatch. Error Number: 6127. Error Message: ValueMatch.", "Program log: Left: 500", "Program log: Right: 500", ]); }); it("Emits a RequireNeqViolated error via require_neq", async () => { await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.methods.requireNeqDefaultError().rpc(); "Unexpected success in creating a transaction that should have failed with `RequireNeqViolated` error" ); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 2503); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError thrown in programs/errors/src/ Error Code: RequireNeqViolated. Error Number: 2503. Error Message: A require_neq expression was violated.", "Program log: Left: 500", "Program log: Right: 500", ]); }); it("Emits a ValueMismatch error via require_keys_eq", async () => { const someAccount = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate().publicKey; await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.rpc.requireKeysEq({ accounts: { someAccount, }, }); "Unexpected success in creating a transaction that should have failed with `ValueMismatch` error" ); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 6126); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError thrown in programs/errors/src/ Error Code: ValueMismatch. Error Number: 6126. Error Message: ValueMismatch.", "Program log: Left:", `Program log: ${someAccount}`, "Program log: Right:", `Program log: ${program.programId}`, ]); }); it("Emits a RequireKeysEqViolated error via require_keys_eq", async () => { const someAccount = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate().publicKey; await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.rpc.requireKeysEqDefaultError({ accounts: { someAccount, }, }); "Unexpected success in creating a transaction that should have failed with `ValueMismatch` error" ); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 2502); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError thrown in programs/errors/src/ Error Code: RequireKeysEqViolated. Error Number: 2502. Error Message: A require_keys_eq expression was violated.", "Program log: Left:", `Program log: ${someAccount}`, "Program log: Right:", `Program log: ${program.programId}`, ]); }); it("Emits a ValueMatch error via require_keys_neq", async () => { const someAccount = program.programId; await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.rpc.requireKeysNeq({ accounts: { someAccount, }, }); "Unexpected success in creating a transaction that should have failed with `ValueMatch` error" ); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 6127); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError thrown in programs/errors/src/ Error Code: ValueMatch. Error Number: 6127. Error Message: ValueMatch.", "Program log: Left:", `Program log: ${someAccount}`, "Program log: Right:", `Program log: ${program.programId}`, ]); }); it("Emits a RequireKeysNeqViolated error via require_keys_neq", async () => { const someAccount = program.programId; await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.rpc.requireKeysNeqDefaultError({ accounts: { someAccount, }, }); "Unexpected success in creating a transaction that should have failed with `RequireKeysNeqViolated` error" ); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 2504); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError thrown in programs/errors/src/ Error Code: RequireKeysNeqViolated. Error Number: 2504. Error Message: A require_keys_neq expression was violated.", "Program log: Left:", `Program log: ${someAccount}`, "Program log: Right:", `Program log: ${program.programId}`, ]); }); it("Emits a ValueLessOrEqual error via require_gt", async () => { await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.methods.requireGt().rpc(); "Unexpected success in creating a transaction that should have failed with `ValueLessOrEqual` error" ); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 6129); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError thrown in programs/errors/src/ Error Code: ValueLessOrEqual. Error Number: 6129. Error Message: ValueLessOrEqual.", "Program log: Left: 5", "Program log: Right: 10", ]); }); it("Emits a RequireGtViolated error via require_gt", async () => { await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.methods.requireGtDefaultError().rpc(); "Unexpected success in creating a transaction that should have failed with `RequireGtViolated` error" ); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 2505); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError thrown in programs/errors/src/ Error Code: RequireGtViolated. Error Number: 2505. Error Message: A require_gt expression was violated.", "Program log: Left: 10", "Program log: Right: 10", ]); }); it("Emits a ValueLess error via require_gte", async () => { await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.methods.requireGte().rpc(); "Unexpected success in creating a transaction that should have failed with `ValueLess` error" ); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 6128); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError thrown in programs/errors/src/ Error Code: ValueLess. Error Number: 6128. Error Message: ValueLess.", "Program log: Left: 5", "Program log: Right: 10", ]); }); it("Emits a RequireGteViolated error via require_gte", async () => { await withLogTest(async () => { try { const tx = await program.methods.requireGteDefaultError().rpc(); "Unexpected success in creating a transaction that should have failed with `RequireGteViolated` error" ); } catch (_err) { assert.isTrue(_err instanceof AnchorError); const err: AnchorError = _err; assert.strictEqual(err.error.errorCode.number, 2506); } }, [ "Program log: AnchorError thrown in programs/errors/src/ Error Code: RequireGteViolated. Error Number: 2506. Error Message: A require_gte expression was violated.", "Program log: Left: 5", "Program log: Right: 10", ]); }); });