import * as anchor from "@coral-xyz/anchor"; import { Program, Wallet } from "@coral-xyz/anchor"; import { IdlDoc } from "../../target/types/idl_doc"; const { expect } = require("chai"); const idl_doc_idl = require("../../target/idl/idl_doc.json"); describe("idl_doc", () => { // Configure the client to use the local cluster. const provider = anchor.AnchorProvider.env(); const wallet = provider.wallet as Wallet; anchor.setProvider(provider); const program = anchor.workspace.IdlDoc as Program; describe("IDL doc strings", () => { const instruction = program.idl.instructions.find( (i) => === "testIdlDocParse" ); it("includes instruction doc comment", async () => { expect([ "This instruction doc should appear in the IDL", ]); }); it("includes account doc comment", async () => { const act = instruction.accounts.find((i) => === "act"); expect([ "This account doc comment should appear in the IDL", "This is a multi-line comment", ]); }); const dataWithDoc = program.idl.accounts.find( // @ts-expect-error (i) => === "DataWithDoc" ); it("includes accounts doc comment", async () => { expect([ "Custom account doc comment should appear in the IDL", ]); }); it("includes account attribute doc comment", async () => { const dataField = dataWithDoc.type.fields.find((i) => === "data"); expect([ "Account attribute doc comment should appear in the IDL", ]); }); }); });