import * as anchor from "@coral-xyz/anchor"; import { AnchorError, Program } from "@coral-xyz/anchor"; import { InitIfNeeded } from "../../target/types/init_if_needed"; import { SystemProgram, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { expect } from "chai"; describe("init-if-needed", () => { const provider = anchor.AnchorProvider.env(); anchor.setProvider(provider); const program = anchor.workspace.InitIfNeeded as Program; it("init_if_needed should reject a CLOSED discriminator if init is NOT NEEDED", async () => { const account = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate(); await program.methods .initialize(1) .accounts({ acc: account.publicKey, }) .signers([account]) .rpc(); const oldState = await program.account.myData.fetch(account.publicKey); expect(oldState.val.toNumber()).to.equal(1000); // This initialize call should fail because the account has the account discriminator // set to the CLOSED one try { await program.methods .initialize(5) .accounts({ acc: account.publicKey, }) .signers([account]) .preInstructions([ await program.methods .close() .accounts({ acc: account.publicKey, receiver: provider.wallet.publicKey, }) .instruction(), SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: provider.wallet.publicKey, toPubkey: account.publicKey, lamports: 1 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }), ]) .rpc(); } catch (_err) { expect(_err); const err: AnchorError = _err; expect(err.error.errorCode.code).to.equal("AccountDiscriminatorMismatch"); } }); it("init_if_needed should reject a discriminator of a different account if init is NOT NEEDED", async () => { const account = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate(); console.log("account: ", account.publicKey.toBase58()); const otherAccount = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate(); console.log("otherAccount: ", otherAccount.publicKey.toBase58()); await program.methods .initialize(1) .accounts({ acc: account.publicKey, }) .signers([account]) .rpc(); const oldState = await program.account.myData.fetch(account.publicKey); expect(oldState.val.toNumber()).to.equal(1000); await program.methods .secondInitialize(1) .accounts({ acc: otherAccount.publicKey, }) .signers([otherAccount]) .rpc(); const secondState = await program.account.otherData.fetch( otherAccount.publicKey ); expect(secondState.otherVal.toNumber()).to.equal(2000); try { await program.methods .initialize(3) .accounts({ acc: otherAccount.publicKey, }) .signers([otherAccount]) .rpc(); } catch (_err) { expect(_err); const err: AnchorError = _err; expect(err.error.errorCode.code).to.equal("AccountDiscriminatorMismatch"); } }); });