import * as anchor from "@coral-xyz/anchor"; import { Program } from "@coral-xyz/anchor"; import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { assert } from "chai"; import { MultipleSuites } from "../../../target/types/multiple_suites"; describe("multiple-suites", () => { // Configure the client to use the local cluster. anchor.setProvider(anchor.AnchorProvider.env()); const program = anchor.workspace.MultipleSuites as Program; it("Is initialized!", async () => { // Add your test here. const tx = await program.rpc.initialize(new anchor.BN(9348239), {}); // SOME_TOKEN.json should exist. const SOME_TOKEN = await program.provider.connection.getAccountInfo( new PublicKey("C4XeBpzX4tDjGV1gkLsj7jJh6XHunVqAykANWCfTLszw") ); // SOME_ACCOUNT.json should NOT exist. const SOME_ACCOUNT = await program.provider.connection.getAccountInfo( new PublicKey("3vMPj13emX9JmifYcWc77ekEzV1F37ga36E1YeSr6Mdj") ); assert.isNotNull(SOME_TOKEN); assert.isNull(SOME_ACCOUNT); console.log("Your transaction signature", tx); }); });