const anchor = require("@project-serum/anchor"); const assert = require("assert"); describe("chat", () => { // Configure the client to use the local cluster. anchor.setProvider(anchor.Provider.env()); // Program client handle. const program = anchor.workspace.Chat; // Chat room account. const chatRoom = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate(); it("Creates a chat room", async () => { // Add your test here. await program.rpc.createChatRoom("Test Chat", { accounts: { chatRoom: chatRoom.publicKey, rent: anchor.web3.SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY, }, instructions: [ await program.account.chatRoom.createInstruction(chatRoom), ], signers: [chatRoom], }); const chat = await program.account.chatRoom(chatRoom.publicKey); const name = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(new Uint8Array(; assert.ok(name.startsWith("Test Chat")); // [u8; 280] => trailing zeros. assert.ok(chat.messages.length === 33607); assert.ok(chat.head.toNumber() === 0); assert.ok(chat.tail.toNumber() === 0); }); it("Creates a user", async () => { const authority = program.provider.wallet.publicKey; await program.rpc.createUser("My User", { accounts: { user: await program.account.user.associatedAddress(authority), authority, rent: anchor.web3.SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY, systemProgram: anchor.web3.SystemProgram.programId, }, }); const account = await program.account.user.associated(authority); assert.ok( === "My User"); assert.ok(account.authority.equals(authority)); }); it("Sends messages", async () => { const authority = program.provider.wallet.publicKey; const user = await program.account.user.associatedAddress(authority); // Only send a couple messages so the test doesn't take an eternity. const numMessages = 10; // Generate random message strings. const messages = new Array(numMessages).fill("").map((msg) => { return ( Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) ); }); // Send each message. for (let k = 0; k < numMessages; k += 1) { console.log("Sending message " + k); await program.rpc.sendMessage(messages[k], { accounts: { user, authority, chatRoom: chatRoom.publicKey, }, }); } // Check the chat room state is as expected. const chat = await program.account.chatRoom(chatRoom.publicKey); const name = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(new Uint8Array(; assert.ok(name.startsWith("Test Chat")); // [u8; 280] => trailing zeros. assert.ok(chat.messages.length === 33607); assert.ok(chat.head.toNumber() === numMessages); assert.ok(chat.tail.toNumber() === 0); chat.messages.forEach((msg, idx) => { if (idx < 10) { const data = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(new Uint8Array(; console.log("Message", data); assert.ok(msg.from.equals(user)); assert.ok(data.startsWith(messages[idx])); } else { assert.ok(new anchor.web3.PublicKey()); assert.ok( JSON.stringify( === JSON.stringify(new Array(280).fill(0)) ); } }); }); });