const anchor = require('@project-serum/anchor'); const assert = require("assert"); describe("interface", () => { // Configure the client to use the local cluster. anchor.setProvider(anchor.Provider.env()); const counter = anchor.workspace.Counter; const counterAuth = anchor.workspace.CounterAuth; it("Is initialized!", async () => { await; const stateAccount = await counter.state(); assert.ok(stateAccount.count.eq(new anchor.BN(0))); assert.ok(stateAccount.authProgram.equals(counterAuth.programId)); }); it("Should fail to go from even to event", async () => { await assert.rejects( async () => { await counter.state.rpc.setCount(new anchor.BN(4), { accounts: { authProgram: counterAuth.programId, }, }); }, (err) => { if (err.toString().split("custom program error: 0x32").length !== 2) { return false; } return true; } ); }); it("Shold succeed to go from even to odd", async () => { await counter.state.rpc.setCount(new anchor.BN(3), { accounts: { authProgram: counterAuth.programId, }, }); const stateAccount = await counter.state(); assert.ok(stateAccount.count.eq(new anchor.BN(3))); }); });