
432 lines
14 KiB

//! Account container that checks ownership on deserialization.
use crate::bpf_writer::BpfWriter;
use crate::error::{Error, ErrorCode};
use crate::{
AccountDeserialize, AccountSerialize, Accounts, AccountsClose, AccountsExit, Key, Owner,
Result, ToAccountInfo, ToAccountInfos, ToAccountMetas,
use solana_program::account_info::AccountInfo;
use solana_program::instruction::AccountMeta;
use solana_program::pubkey::Pubkey;
use solana_program::system_program;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use std::fmt;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
/// Wrapper around [`AccountInfo`](crate::solana_program::account_info::AccountInfo)
/// that verifies program ownership and deserializes underlying data into a Rust type.
/// # Table of Contents
/// - [Basic Functionality](#basic-functionality)
/// - [Using Account with non-anchor types](#using-account-with-non-anchor-types)
/// - [Out of the box wrapper types](#out-of-the-box-wrapper-types)
/// # Basic Functionality
/// Account checks that ` == T::owner()`.
/// This means that the data type that Accounts wraps around (`=T`) needs to
/// implement the [Owner trait](crate::Owner).
/// The `#[account]` attribute implements the Owner trait for
/// a struct using the `crate::ID` declared by [`declareId`](crate::declare_id)
/// in the same program. It follows that Account can also be used
/// with a `T` that comes from a different program.
/// Checks:
/// - ` == T::owner()`
/// - `!( == SystemProgram && == 0)`
/// # Example
/// ```ignore
/// use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
/// use other_program::Auth;
/// declare_id!("Fg6PaFpoGXkYsidMpWTK6W2BeZ7FEfcYkg476zPFsLnS");
/// #[program]
/// mod hello_anchor {
/// use super::*;
/// pub fn set_data(ctx: Context<SetData>, data: u64) -> Result<()> {
/// if (*ctx.accounts.auth_account).authorized {
/// (*ctx.accounts.my_account).data = data;
/// }
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// }
/// #[account]
/// #[derive(Default)]
/// pub struct MyData {
/// pub data: u64
/// }
/// #[derive(Accounts)]
/// pub struct SetData<'info> {
/// #[account(mut)]
/// pub my_account: Account<'info, MyData> // checks that == Fg6PaFpoGXkYsidMpWTK6W2BeZ7FEfcYkg476zPFsLnS
/// pub auth_account: Account<'info, Auth> // checks that == FEZGUxNhZWpYPj9MJCrZJvUo1iF9ys34UHx52y4SzVW9
/// }
/// // In a different program
/// ...
/// declare_id!("FEZGUxNhZWpYPj9MJCrZJvUo1iF9ys34UHx52y4SzVW9");
/// #[account]
/// #[derive(Default)]
/// pub struct Auth {
/// pub authorized: bool
/// }
/// ...
/// ```
/// # Using Account with non-anchor programs
/// Account can also be used with non-anchor programs. The data types from
/// those programs are not annotated with `#[account]` so you have to
/// - create a wrapper type around the structs you want to wrap with Account
/// - implement the functions required by Account yourself
/// instead of using `#[account]`. You only have to implement a fraction of the
/// functions `#[account]` generates. See the example below for the code you have
/// to write.
/// The mint wrapper type that Anchor provides out of the box for the token program ([source](
/// ```ignore
/// #[derive(Clone)]
/// pub struct Mint(spl_token::state::Mint);
/// // This is necessary so we can use "anchor_spl::token::Mint::LEN"
/// // because rust does not resolve "anchor_spl::token::Mint::LEN" to
/// // "spl_token::state::Mint::LEN" automatically
/// impl Mint {
/// pub const LEN: usize = spl_token::state::Mint::LEN;
/// }
/// // You don't have to implement the "try_deserialize" function
/// // from this trait. It delegates to
/// // "try_deserialize_unchecked" by default which is what we want here
/// // because non-anchor accounts don't have a discriminator to check
/// impl anchor_lang::AccountDeserialize for Mint {
/// fn try_deserialize_unchecked(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<Self> {
/// spl_token::state::Mint::unpack(buf).map(Mint)
/// }
/// }
/// // AccountSerialize defaults to a no-op which is what we want here
/// // because it's a foreign program, so our program does not
/// // have permission to write to the foreign program's accounts anyway
/// impl anchor_lang::AccountSerialize for Mint {}
/// impl anchor_lang::Owner for Mint {
/// fn owner() -> Pubkey {
/// // pub use spl_token::ID is used at the top of the file
/// ID
/// }
/// }
/// // Implement the "std::ops::Deref" trait for better user experience
/// impl Deref for Mint {
/// type Target = spl_token::state::Mint;
/// fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
/// &self.0
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// ## Out of the box wrapper types
/// ### Accessing BPFUpgradeableLoader Data
/// Anchor provides wrapper types to access data stored in programs owned by the BPFUpgradeableLoader
/// such as the upgrade authority. If you're interested in the data of a program account, you can use
/// ```ignore
/// Account<'info, BpfUpgradeableLoaderState>
/// ```
/// and then match on its contents inside your instruction function.
/// Alternatively, you can use
/// ```ignore
/// Account<'info, ProgramData>
/// ```
/// to let anchor do the matching for you and return the ProgramData variant of BpfUpgradeableLoaderState.
/// # Example
/// ```ignore
/// use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
/// use crate::program::MyProgram;
/// declare_id!("Cum9tTyj5HwcEiAmhgaS7Bbj4UczCwsucrCkxRECzM4e");
/// #[program]
/// pub mod my_program {
/// use super::*;
/// pub fn set_initial_admin(
/// ctx: Context<SetInitialAdmin>,
/// admin_key: Pubkey
/// ) -> Result<()> {
/// ctx.accounts.admin_settings.admin_key = admin_key;
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// pub fn set_admin(...){...}
/// pub fn set_settings(...){...}
/// }
/// #[account]
/// #[derive(Default, Debug)]
/// pub struct AdminSettings {
/// admin_key: Pubkey
/// }
/// #[derive(Accounts)]
/// pub struct SetInitialAdmin<'info> {
/// #[account(init, payer = authority, seeds = [b"admin"], bump)]
/// pub admin_settings: Account<'info, AdminSettings>,
/// #[account(mut)]
/// pub authority: Signer<'info>,
/// #[account(constraint = program.programdata_address()? == Some(program_data.key()))]
/// pub program: Program<'info, MyProgram>,
/// #[account(constraint = program_data.upgrade_authority_address == Some(authority.key()))]
/// pub program_data: Account<'info, ProgramData>,
/// pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
/// }
/// ```
/// This example solves a problem you may face if your program has admin settings: How do you set the
/// admin key for restricted functionality after deployment? Setting the admin key itself should
/// be a restricted action but how do you restrict it without having set an admin key?
/// You're stuck in a loop.
/// One solution is to use the upgrade authority of the program as the initial
/// (or permanent) admin key.
/// ### SPL Types
/// Anchor provides wrapper types to access accounts owned by the token program. Use
/// ```ignore
/// use anchor_spl::token::TokenAccount;
/// #[derive(Accounts)]
/// pub struct Example {
/// pub my_acc: Account<'info, TokenAccount>
/// }
/// ```
/// to access token accounts and
/// ```ignore
/// use anchor_spl::token::Mint;
/// #[derive(Accounts)]
/// pub struct Example {
/// pub my_acc: Account<'info, Mint>
/// }
/// ```
/// to access mint accounts.
pub struct Account<'info, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Clone> {
account: T,
info: AccountInfo<'info>,
impl<'info, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Clone + fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug
for Account<'info, T>
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
self.fmt_with_name("Account", f)
impl<'info, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Clone + fmt::Debug> Account<'info, T> {
pub(crate) fn fmt_with_name(&self, name: &str, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("account", &self.account)
.field("info", &
impl<'a, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Clone> Account<'a, T> {
pub(crate) fn new(info: AccountInfo<'a>, account: T) -> Account<'a, T> {
Self { info, account }
pub(crate) fn exit_with_expected_owner(
expected_owner: &Pubkey,
program_id: &Pubkey,
) -> Result<()> {
// Only persist if the owner is the current program and the account is not closed.
if expected_owner == program_id && !crate::common::is_closed(& {
let info = self.to_account_info();
let mut data = info.try_borrow_mut_data()?;
let dst: &mut [u8] = &mut data;
let mut writer = BpfWriter::new(dst);
self.account.try_serialize(&mut writer)?;
/// Reloads the account from storage. This is useful, for example, when
/// observing side effects after CPI.
pub fn reload(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let mut data: &[u8] = &;
self.account = T::try_deserialize(&mut data)?;
pub fn into_inner(self) -> T {
/// Sets the inner account.
/// Instead of this:
/// ```ignore
/// pub fn new_user(ctx: Context<CreateUser>, new_user:User) -> Result<()> {
/// (*ctx.accounts.user_to_create).name =;
/// (*ctx.accounts.user_to_create).age = new_user.age;
/// (*ctx.accounts.user_to_create).address = new_user.address;
/// }
/// ```
/// You can do this:
/// ```ignore
/// pub fn new_user(ctx: Context<CreateUser>, new_user:User) -> Result<()> {
/// ctx.accounts.user_to_create.set_inner(new_user);
/// }
/// ```
pub fn set_inner(&mut self, inner: T) {
self.account = inner;
impl<'a, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Owner + Clone> Account<'a, T> {
/// Deserializes the given `info` into a `Account`.
pub fn try_from(info: &AccountInfo<'a>) -> Result<Account<'a, T>> {
if info.owner == &system_program::ID && info.lamports() == 0 {
return Err(ErrorCode::AccountNotInitialized.into());
if info.owner != &T::owner() {
return Err(Error::from(ErrorCode::AccountOwnedByWrongProgram)
.with_pubkeys((*info.owner, T::owner())));
let mut data: &[u8] = &info.try_borrow_data()?;
Ok(Account::new(info.clone(), T::try_deserialize(&mut data)?))
/// Deserializes the given `info` into a `Account` without checking
/// the account discriminator. Be careful when using this and avoid it if
/// possible.
pub fn try_from_unchecked(info: &AccountInfo<'a>) -> Result<Account<'a, T>> {
if info.owner == &system_program::ID && info.lamports() == 0 {
return Err(ErrorCode::AccountNotInitialized.into());
if info.owner != &T::owner() {
return Err(Error::from(ErrorCode::AccountOwnedByWrongProgram)
.with_pubkeys((*info.owner, T::owner())));
let mut data: &[u8] = &info.try_borrow_data()?;
T::try_deserialize_unchecked(&mut data)?,
impl<'info, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Owner + Clone> Accounts<'info>
for Account<'info, T>
T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Owner + Clone,
fn try_accounts(
_program_id: &Pubkey,
accounts: &mut &[AccountInfo<'info>],
_ix_data: &[u8],
_bumps: &mut BTreeMap<String, u8>,
_reallocs: &mut BTreeSet<Pubkey>,
) -> Result<Self> {
if accounts.is_empty() {
return Err(ErrorCode::AccountNotEnoughKeys.into());
let account = &accounts[0];
*accounts = &accounts[1..];
impl<'info, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Owner + Clone> AccountsExit<'info>
for Account<'info, T>
fn exit(&self, program_id: &Pubkey) -> Result<()> {
self.exit_with_expected_owner(&T::owner(), program_id)
impl<'info, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Clone> AccountsClose<'info>
for Account<'info, T>
fn close(&self, sol_destination: AccountInfo<'info>) -> Result<()> {
crate::common::close(self.to_account_info(), sol_destination)
impl<'info, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Clone> ToAccountMetas for Account<'info, T> {
fn to_account_metas(&self, is_signer: Option<bool>) -> Vec<AccountMeta> {
let is_signer = is_signer.unwrap_or(;
let meta = match {
false => AccountMeta::new_readonly(*, is_signer),
true => AccountMeta::new(*, is_signer),
impl<'info, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Clone> ToAccountInfos<'info>
for Account<'info, T>
fn to_account_infos(&self) -> Vec<AccountInfo<'info>> {
impl<'info, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Clone> AsRef<AccountInfo<'info>>
for Account<'info, T>
fn as_ref(&self) -> &AccountInfo<'info> {
impl<'info, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Clone> AsRef<T> for Account<'info, T> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &T {
impl<'a, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Clone> Deref for Account<'a, T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<'a, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Clone> DerefMut for Account<'a, T> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
#[cfg(feature = "anchor-debug")]
if ! {
solana_program::msg!("The given Account is not mutable");
&mut self.account
impl<'info, T: AccountSerialize + AccountDeserialize + Clone> Key for Account<'info, T> {
fn key(&self) -> Pubkey {