# Assert Balances [![Build Status](https://app.travis-ci.com/project-serum/assert-balances.svg?branch=master)](https://app.travis-ci.com/project-serum/assert-balances) Assert Balances can be used as an additional safety check by wallets and other apps to ensure the outcome of a given transaction is as expected. One can insert into the end of a transaction an instruction that calls this program, asserting that balances are greater than or equal to some expected amount. If a transaction ends up changing balances more than expected, it will abort. ## Developing ### Build [Anchor](https://github.com/project-serum/anchor) is used for developoment, and it's recommended workflow is used here. To get started, see the [guide](https://project-serum.github.io/anchor/getting-started/introduction.html). ```bash anchor build ``` ### Run the Test Run the tests ``` anchor test ```