import { blob, seq, struct, u8 } from 'buffer-layout'; import { accountFlagsLayout, publicKeyLayout, u128, u64 } from './layout'; import { Slab, SLAB_LAYOUT } from './slab'; import { DexInstructions } from './instructions'; import BN from 'bn.js'; import { Account, AccountInfo, Commitment, Connection, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, PublicKey, SystemProgram, Transaction, TransactionInstruction, TransactionSignature, } from '@solana/web3.js'; import { decodeEventQueue, decodeRequestQueue } from './queue'; import { Buffer } from 'buffer'; import { getFeeTier, supportsSrmFeeDiscounts } from './fees'; import { closeAccount, initializeAccount, MSRM_DECIMALS, MSRM_MINT, SRM_DECIMALS, SRM_MINT, TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, WRAPPED_SOL_MINT, } from './token-instructions'; import { getLayoutVersion } from './tokens_and_markets'; export const _MARKET_STAT_LAYOUT_V1 = struct([ blob(5), accountFlagsLayout('accountFlags'), publicKeyLayout('ownAddress'), u64('vaultSignerNonce'), publicKeyLayout('baseMint'), publicKeyLayout('quoteMint'), publicKeyLayout('baseVault'), u64('baseDepositsTotal'), u64('baseFeesAccrued'), publicKeyLayout('quoteVault'), u64('quoteDepositsTotal'), u64('quoteFeesAccrued'), u64('quoteDustThreshold'), publicKeyLayout('requestQueue'), publicKeyLayout('eventQueue'), publicKeyLayout('bids'), publicKeyLayout('asks'), u64('baseLotSize'), u64('quoteLotSize'), u64('feeRateBps'), blob(7), ]); export const _MARKET_STATE_LAYOUT_V2 = struct([ blob(5), accountFlagsLayout('accountFlags'), publicKeyLayout('ownAddress'), u64('vaultSignerNonce'), publicKeyLayout('baseMint'), publicKeyLayout('quoteMint'), publicKeyLayout('baseVault'), u64('baseDepositsTotal'), u64('baseFeesAccrued'), publicKeyLayout('quoteVault'), u64('quoteDepositsTotal'), u64('quoteFeesAccrued'), u64('quoteDustThreshold'), publicKeyLayout('requestQueue'), publicKeyLayout('eventQueue'), publicKeyLayout('bids'), publicKeyLayout('asks'), u64('baseLotSize'), u64('quoteLotSize'), u64('feeRateBps'), u64('referrerRebatesAccrued'), blob(7), ]); export class Market { private _decoded: any; private _baseSplTokenDecimals: number; private _quoteSplTokenDecimals: number; private _skipPreflight: boolean; private _commitment: Commitment; private _programId: PublicKey; private _openOrdersAccountsCache: { [publickKey: string]: { accounts: OpenOrders[]; ts: number }; }; private _feeDiscountKeysCache: { [publicKey: string]: { accounts: Array<{ balance: number; mint: PublicKey; pubkey: PublicKey; feeTier: number; }>; ts: number; }; }; constructor( decoded, baseMintDecimals: number, quoteMintDecimals: number, options: MarketOptions = {}, programId: PublicKey, ) { const { skipPreflight = false, commitment = 'recent' } = options; if (!decoded.accountFlags.initialized || ! { throw new Error('Invalid market state'); } this._decoded = decoded; this._baseSplTokenDecimals = baseMintDecimals; this._quoteSplTokenDecimals = quoteMintDecimals; this._skipPreflight = skipPreflight; this._commitment = commitment; this._programId = programId; this._openOrdersAccountsCache = {}; this._feeDiscountKeysCache = {}; } static getLayout(programId: PublicKey) { if (getLayoutVersion(programId) === 1) { return _MARKET_STAT_LAYOUT_V1; } return _MARKET_STATE_LAYOUT_V2; } static async load( connection: Connection, address: PublicKey, options: MarketOptions = {}, programId: PublicKey, ) { const { owner, data } = throwIfNull( await connection.getAccountInfo(address), 'Market not found', ); if (!owner.equals(programId)) { throw new Error('Address not owned by program: ' + owner.toBase58()); } const decoded = this.getLayout(programId).decode(data); if ( !decoded.accountFlags.initialized || ! || !decoded.ownAddress.equals(address) ) { throw new Error('Invalid market'); } const [baseMintDecimals, quoteMintDecimals] = await Promise.all([ getMintDecimals(connection, decoded.baseMint), getMintDecimals(connection, decoded.quoteMint), ]); return new Market( decoded, baseMintDecimals, quoteMintDecimals, options, programId, ); } get programId(): PublicKey { return this._programId; } get address(): PublicKey { return this._decoded.ownAddress; } get publicKey(): PublicKey { return this.address; } get baseMintAddress(): PublicKey { return this._decoded.baseMint; } get quoteMintAddress(): PublicKey { return this._decoded.quoteMint; } get bidsAddress(): PublicKey { return this._decoded.bids; } get asksAddress(): PublicKey { return this._decoded.asks; } async loadBids(connection: Connection): Promise { const { data } = throwIfNull( await connection.getAccountInfo(this._decoded.bids), ); return Orderbook.decode(this, data); } async loadAsks(connection: Connection): Promise { const { data } = throwIfNull( await connection.getAccountInfo(this._decoded.asks), ); return Orderbook.decode(this, data); } async loadOrdersForOwner( connection: Connection, ownerAddress: PublicKey, cacheDurationMs = 0, ): Promise { const [bids, asks, openOrdersAccounts] = await Promise.all([ this.loadBids(connection), this.loadAsks(connection), this.findOpenOrdersAccountsForOwner( connection, ownerAddress, cacheDurationMs, ), ]); return this.filterForOpenOrders(bids, asks, openOrdersAccounts); } filterForOpenOrders( bids: Orderbook, asks: Orderbook, openOrdersAccounts: OpenOrders[], ): Order[] { return [...bids, ...asks].filter((order) => openOrdersAccounts.some((openOrders) => order.openOrdersAddress.equals(openOrders.address), ), ); } async findBaseTokenAccountsForOwner( connection: Connection, ownerAddress: PublicKey, includeUnwrappedSol = false, ): Promise }>> { if (this.baseMintAddress.equals(WRAPPED_SOL_MINT) && includeUnwrappedSol) { const [wrapped, unwrapped] = await Promise.all([ this.findBaseTokenAccountsForOwner(connection, ownerAddress, false), connection.getAccountInfo(ownerAddress), ]); if (unwrapped !== null) { return [{ pubkey: ownerAddress, account: unwrapped }, ...wrapped]; } return wrapped; } return await this.getTokenAccountsByOwnerForMint( connection, ownerAddress, this.baseMintAddress, ); } async getTokenAccountsByOwnerForMint( connection: Connection, ownerAddress: PublicKey, mintAddress: PublicKey, ): Promise }>> { return ( await connection.getTokenAccountsByOwner(ownerAddress, { mint: mintAddress, }) ).value; } async findQuoteTokenAccountsForOwner( connection: Connection, ownerAddress: PublicKey, includeUnwrappedSol = false, ): Promise<{ pubkey: PublicKey; account: AccountInfo }[]> { if (this.quoteMintAddress.equals(WRAPPED_SOL_MINT) && includeUnwrappedSol) { const [wrapped, unwrapped] = await Promise.all([ this.findQuoteTokenAccountsForOwner(connection, ownerAddress, false), connection.getAccountInfo(ownerAddress), ]); if (unwrapped !== null) { return [{ pubkey: ownerAddress, account: unwrapped }, ...wrapped]; } return wrapped; } return await this.getTokenAccountsByOwnerForMint( connection, ownerAddress, this.quoteMintAddress, ); } async findOpenOrdersAccountsForOwner( connection: Connection, ownerAddress: PublicKey, cacheDurationMs = 0, ): Promise { const strOwner = ownerAddress.toBase58(); const now = new Date().getTime(); if ( strOwner in this._openOrdersAccountsCache && now - this._openOrdersAccountsCache[strOwner].ts < cacheDurationMs ) { return this._openOrdersAccountsCache[strOwner].accounts; } const openOrdersAccountsForOwner = await OpenOrders.findForMarketAndOwner( connection, this.address, ownerAddress, this._programId, ); this._openOrdersAccountsCache[strOwner] = { accounts: openOrdersAccountsForOwner, ts: now, }; return openOrdersAccountsForOwner; } async placeOrder( connection: Connection, { owner, payer, side, price, size, orderType = 'limit', clientId, openOrdersAddressKey, feeDiscountPubkey, }: OrderParams, ) { const { transaction, signers } = await this.makePlaceOrderTransaction< Account >(connection, { owner, payer, side, price, size, orderType, clientId, openOrdersAddressKey, feeDiscountPubkey, }); return await this._sendTransaction(connection, transaction, [ owner, ...signers, ]); } getSplTokenBalanceFromAccountInfo( accountInfo: AccountInfo, decimals: number, ): number { return divideBnToNumber( new BN(, 72), 10, 'le'), new BN(10).pow(new BN(decimals)), ); } get supportsSrmFeeDiscounts() { return supportsSrmFeeDiscounts(this._programId); } get supportsReferralFees() { return getLayoutVersion(this._programId) > 1; } async findFeeDiscountKeys( connection: Connection, ownerAddress: PublicKey, cacheDurationMs = 0, ): Promise< Array<{ pubkey: PublicKey; feeTier: number; balance: number; mint: PublicKey; }> > { let sortedAccounts: Array<{ balance: number; mint: PublicKey; pubkey: PublicKey; feeTier: number; }> = []; const now = new Date().getTime(); const strOwner = ownerAddress.toBase58(); if ( strOwner in this._feeDiscountKeysCache && now - this._feeDiscountKeysCache[strOwner].ts < cacheDurationMs ) { return this._feeDiscountKeysCache[strOwner].accounts; } if (this.supportsSrmFeeDiscounts) { // Fee discounts based on (M)SRM holdings supported in newer versions const msrmAccounts = ( await this.getTokenAccountsByOwnerForMint( connection, ownerAddress, MSRM_MINT, ) ).map(({ pubkey, account }) => { const balance = this.getSplTokenBalanceFromAccountInfo( account, MSRM_DECIMALS, ); return { pubkey, mint: MSRM_MINT, balance, feeTier: getFeeTier(balance, 0), }; }); const srmAccounts = ( await this.getTokenAccountsByOwnerForMint( connection, ownerAddress, SRM_MINT, ) ).map(({ pubkey, account }) => { const balance = this.getSplTokenBalanceFromAccountInfo( account, SRM_DECIMALS, ); return { pubkey, mint: SRM_MINT, balance, feeTier: getFeeTier(0, balance), }; }); sortedAccounts = msrmAccounts.concat(srmAccounts).sort((a, b) => { if (a.feeTier > b.feeTier) { return -1; } else if (a.feeTier < b.feeTier) { return 1; } else { if (a.balance > b.balance) { return -1; } else if (a.balance < b.balance) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } }); } this._feeDiscountKeysCache[strOwner] = { accounts: sortedAccounts, ts: now, }; return sortedAccounts; } async findBestFeeDiscountKey( connection: Connection, ownerAddress: PublicKey, cacheDurationMs = 0, ): Promise<{ pubkey: PublicKey | null; feeTier: number }> { const accounts = await this.findFeeDiscountKeys( connection, ownerAddress, cacheDurationMs, ); if (accounts.length > 0) { return { pubkey: accounts[0].pubkey, feeTier: accounts[0].feeTier, }; } return { pubkey: null, feeTier: 0, }; } async makePlaceOrderTransaction( connection: Connection, { owner, payer, side, price, size, orderType = 'limit', clientId, openOrdersAddressKey, feeDiscountPubkey = null, }: OrderParams, cacheDurationMs = 0, feeDiscountPubkeyCacheDurationMs = 0, ) { // @ts-ignore const ownerAddress: PublicKey = owner.publicKey ?? owner; const openOrdersAccounts = await this.findOpenOrdersAccountsForOwner( connection, ownerAddress, cacheDurationMs, ); const transaction = new Transaction(); const signers: Account[] = []; // Fetch an SRM fee discount key if the market supports discounts and it is not supplied feeDiscountPubkey = feeDiscountPubkey || (this.supportsSrmFeeDiscounts ? ( await this.findBestFeeDiscountKey( connection, ownerAddress, feeDiscountPubkeyCacheDurationMs, ) ).pubkey : null); let openOrdersAddress; if (openOrdersAccounts.length === 0) { const newOpenOrdersAccount = new Account(); transaction.add( await OpenOrders.makeCreateAccountTransaction( connection, this.address, ownerAddress, newOpenOrdersAccount.publicKey, this._programId, ), ); openOrdersAddress = newOpenOrdersAccount.publicKey; signers.push(newOpenOrdersAccount); // refresh the cache of open order accounts on next fetch this._openOrdersAccountsCache[ownerAddress.toBase58()].ts = 0; } else if (openOrdersAddressKey) { openOrdersAddress = openOrdersAddressKey; } else { openOrdersAddress = openOrdersAccounts[0].address; } let wrappedSolAccount: Account | null = null; if (payer.equals(ownerAddress)) { if ( (side === 'buy' && this.quoteMintAddress.equals(WRAPPED_SOL_MINT)) || (side === 'sell' && this.baseMintAddress.equals(WRAPPED_SOL_MINT)) ) { wrappedSolAccount = new Account(); let lamports; if (side === 'buy') { lamports = Math.round(price * size * 1.01 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); if (openOrdersAccounts.length > 0) { lamports -= openOrdersAccounts[0].quoteTokenFree.toNumber(); } } else { lamports = Math.round(size * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); if (openOrdersAccounts.length > 0) { lamports -= openOrdersAccounts[0].baseTokenFree.toNumber(); } } lamports = Math.max(lamports, 0) + 1e7; transaction.add( SystemProgram.createAccount({ fromPubkey: ownerAddress, newAccountPubkey: wrappedSolAccount.publicKey, lamports, space: 165, programId: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, }), ); transaction.add( initializeAccount({ account: wrappedSolAccount.publicKey, mint: WRAPPED_SOL_MINT, owner: ownerAddress, }), ); signers.push(wrappedSolAccount); } else { throw new Error('Invalid payer account'); } } const placeOrderInstruction = this.makePlaceOrderInstruction(connection, { owner, payer: wrappedSolAccount?.publicKey ?? payer, side, price, size, orderType, clientId, openOrdersAddressKey: openOrdersAddress, feeDiscountPubkey, }); transaction.add(placeOrderInstruction); if (wrappedSolAccount) { transaction.add( closeAccount({ source: wrappedSolAccount.publicKey, destination: ownerAddress, owner: ownerAddress, }), ); } return { transaction, signers, payer: owner }; } makePlaceOrderInstruction( connection: Connection, { owner, payer, side, price, size, orderType = 'limit', clientId, openOrdersAddressKey, feeDiscountPubkey = null, }: OrderParams, ): TransactionInstruction { // @ts-ignore const ownerAddress: PublicKey = owner.publicKey ?? owner; if (this.baseSizeNumberToLots(size).lte(new BN(0))) { throw new Error('size too small'); } if (this.priceNumberToLots(price).lte(new BN(0))) { throw new Error('invalid price'); } if (!this.supportsSrmFeeDiscounts) { feeDiscountPubkey = null; } return DexInstructions.newOrder({ market: this.address, requestQueue: this._decoded.requestQueue, baseVault: this._decoded.baseVault, quoteVault: this._decoded.quoteVault, openOrders: openOrdersAddressKey, owner: ownerAddress, payer, side, limitPrice: this.priceNumberToLots(price), maxQuantity: this.baseSizeNumberToLots(size), orderType, clientId, programId: this._programId, feeDiscountPubkey, }); } private async _sendTransaction( connection: Connection, transaction: Transaction, signers: Array, ): Promise { const signature = await connection.sendTransaction(transaction, signers, { skipPreflight: this._skipPreflight, }); const { value } = await connection.confirmTransaction( signature, this._commitment, ); if (value?.err) { throw new Error(JSON.stringify(value.err)); } return signature; } async cancelOrderByClientId( connection: Connection, owner: Account, openOrders: PublicKey, clientId: BN, ) { const transaction = await this.makeCancelOrderByClientIdTransaction( connection, owner.publicKey, openOrders, clientId, ); return await this._sendTransaction(connection, transaction, [owner]); } async makeCancelOrderByClientIdTransaction( connection: Connection, owner: PublicKey, openOrders: PublicKey, clientId: BN, ) { const transaction = new Transaction(); transaction.add( DexInstructions.cancelOrderByClientId({ market: this.address, owner, openOrders, requestQueue: this._decoded.requestQueue, clientId, programId: this._programId, }), ); return transaction; } async cancelOrder(connection: Connection, owner: Account, order: Order) { const transaction = await this.makeCancelOrderTransaction( connection, owner.publicKey, order, ); return await this._sendTransaction(connection, transaction, [owner]); } async makeCancelOrderTransaction( connection: Connection, owner: PublicKey, order: Order, ) { const transaction = new Transaction(); transaction.add(this.makeCancelOrderInstruction(connection, owner, order)); return transaction; } makeCancelOrderInstruction( connection: Connection, owner: PublicKey, order: Order, ) { return DexInstructions.cancelOrder({ market: this.address, owner, openOrders: order.openOrdersAddress, requestQueue: this._decoded.requestQueue, side: order.side, orderId: order.orderId, openOrdersSlot: order.openOrdersSlot, programId: this._programId, }); } async settleFunds( connection: Connection, owner: Account, openOrders: OpenOrders, baseWallet: PublicKey, quoteWallet: PublicKey, referrerQuoteWallet: PublicKey | null = null, ) { if (!openOrders.owner.equals(owner.publicKey)) { throw new Error('Invalid open orders account'); } if (referrerQuoteWallet && !this.supportsReferralFees) { throw new Error('This program ID does not support referrerQuoteWallet'); } const { transaction, signers } = await this.makeSettleFundsTransaction( connection, openOrders, baseWallet, quoteWallet, referrerQuoteWallet, ); return await this._sendTransaction(connection, transaction, [ owner, ...signers, ]); } async makeSettleFundsTransaction( connection: Connection, openOrders: OpenOrders, baseWallet: PublicKey, quoteWallet: PublicKey, referrerQuoteWallet: PublicKey | null = null, ) { // @ts-ignore const vaultSigner = await PublicKey.createProgramAddress( [ this.address.toBuffer(), this._decoded.vaultSignerNonce.toArrayLike(Buffer, 'le', 8), ], this._programId, ); const transaction = new Transaction(); const signers: Account[] = []; let wrappedSolAccount: Account | null = null; if ( (this.baseMintAddress.equals(WRAPPED_SOL_MINT) && baseWallet.equals(openOrders.owner)) || (this.quoteMintAddress.equals(WRAPPED_SOL_MINT) && quoteWallet.equals(openOrders.owner)) ) { wrappedSolAccount = new Account(); transaction.add( SystemProgram.createAccount({ fromPubkey: openOrders.owner, newAccountPubkey: wrappedSolAccount.publicKey, lamports: await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(165), space: 165, programId: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, }), ); transaction.add( initializeAccount({ account: wrappedSolAccount.publicKey, mint: WRAPPED_SOL_MINT, owner: openOrders.owner, }), ); signers.push(wrappedSolAccount); } transaction.add( DexInstructions.settleFunds({ market: this.address, openOrders: openOrders.address, owner: openOrders.owner, baseVault: this._decoded.baseVault, quoteVault: this._decoded.quoteVault, baseWallet: baseWallet.equals(openOrders.owner) && wrappedSolAccount ? wrappedSolAccount.publicKey : baseWallet, quoteWallet: quoteWallet.equals(openOrders.owner) && wrappedSolAccount ? wrappedSolAccount.publicKey : quoteWallet, vaultSigner, programId: this._programId, referrerQuoteWallet, }), ); if (wrappedSolAccount) { transaction.add( closeAccount({ source: wrappedSolAccount.publicKey, destination: openOrders.owner, owner: openOrders.owner, }), ); } return { transaction, signers, payer: openOrders.owner }; } async matchOrders(connection: Connection, feePayer: Account, limit: number) { const tx = this.makeMatchOrdersTransaction(limit); return await this._sendTransaction(connection, tx, [feePayer]); } makeMatchOrdersTransaction(limit: number): Transaction { const tx = new Transaction(); tx.add( DexInstructions.matchOrders({ market: this.address, requestQueue: this._decoded.requestQueue, eventQueue: this._decoded.eventQueue, bids: this._decoded.bids, asks: this._decoded.asks, baseVault: this._decoded.baseVault, quoteVault: this._decoded.quoteVault, limit, programId: this._programId, }), ); return tx; } async loadRequestQueue(connection: Connection) { const { data } = throwIfNull( await connection.getAccountInfo(this._decoded.requestQueue), ); return decodeRequestQueue(data); } async loadEventQueue(connection: Connection) { const { data } = throwIfNull( await connection.getAccountInfo(this._decoded.eventQueue), ); return decodeEventQueue(data); } async loadFills(connection: Connection, limit = 100) { // TODO: once there's a separate source of fills use that instead const { data } = throwIfNull( await connection.getAccountInfo(this._decoded.eventQueue), ); const events = decodeEventQueue(data, limit); return events .filter( (event) => event.eventFlags.fill && event.nativeQuantityPaid.gtn(0), ) .map(this.parseFillEvent.bind(this)); } parseFillEvent(event) { let size, price, side, priceBeforeFees; if ( { side = 'buy'; priceBeforeFees = event.eventFlags.maker ? event.nativeQuantityPaid.add(event.nativeFeeOrRebate) : event.nativeQuantityPaid.sub(event.nativeFeeOrRebate); price = divideBnToNumber( priceBeforeFees.mul(this._baseSplTokenMultiplier), this._quoteSplTokenMultiplier.mul(event.nativeQuantityReleased), ); size = divideBnToNumber( event.nativeQuantityReleased, this._baseSplTokenMultiplier, ); } else { side = 'sell'; priceBeforeFees = event.eventFlags.maker ? event.nativeQuantityReleased.sub(event.nativeFeeOrRebate) : event.nativeQuantityReleased.add(event.nativeFeeOrRebate); price = divideBnToNumber( priceBeforeFees.mul(this._baseSplTokenMultiplier), this._quoteSplTokenMultiplier.mul(event.nativeQuantityPaid), ); size = divideBnToNumber( event.nativeQuantityPaid, this._baseSplTokenMultiplier, ); } return { ...event, side, price, feeCost: this.quoteSplSizeToNumber(event.nativeFeeOrRebate) * (event.eventFlags.maker ? -1 : 1), size, }; } private get _baseSplTokenMultiplier() { return new BN(10).pow(new BN(this._baseSplTokenDecimals)); } private get _quoteSplTokenMultiplier() { return new BN(10).pow(new BN(this._quoteSplTokenDecimals)); } priceLotsToNumber(price: BN) { return divideBnToNumber( price.mul(this._decoded.quoteLotSize).mul(this._baseSplTokenMultiplier), this._decoded.baseLotSize.mul(this._quoteSplTokenMultiplier), ); } priceNumberToLots(price: number): BN { return new BN( Math.round( (price * Math.pow(10, this._quoteSplTokenDecimals) * this._decoded.baseLotSize.toNumber()) / (Math.pow(10, this._baseSplTokenDecimals) * this._decoded.quoteLotSize.toNumber()), ), ); } baseSplSizeToNumber(size: BN) { return divideBnToNumber(size, this._baseSplTokenMultiplier); } quoteSplSizeToNumber(size: BN) { return divideBnToNumber(size, this._quoteSplTokenMultiplier); } baseSizeLotsToNumber(size: BN) { return divideBnToNumber( size.mul(this._decoded.baseLotSize), this._baseSplTokenMultiplier, ); } baseSizeNumberToLots(size: number): BN { const native = new BN( Math.round(size * Math.pow(10, this._baseSplTokenDecimals)), ); // rounds down to the nearest lot size return native.div(this._decoded.baseLotSize); } quoteSizeLotsToNumber(size: BN) { return divideBnToNumber( size.mul(this._decoded.quoteLotSize), this._quoteSplTokenMultiplier, ); } quoteSizeNumberToLots(size: number): BN { const native = new BN( Math.round(size * Math.pow(10, this._quoteSplTokenDecimals)), ); // rounds down to the nearest lot size return native.div(this._decoded.quoteLotSize); } get minOrderSize() { return this.baseSizeLotsToNumber(new BN(1)); } get tickSize() { return this.priceLotsToNumber(new BN(1)); } } export interface MarketOptions { skipPreflight?: boolean; commitment?: Commitment; } export interface OrderParams { owner: T; payer: PublicKey; side: 'buy' | 'sell'; price: number; size: number; orderType?: 'limit' | 'ioc' | 'postOnly'; clientId?: BN; openOrdersAddressKey?: PublicKey; feeDiscountPubkey?: PublicKey | null; } export const _OPEN_ORDERS_LAYOUT_V1 = struct([ blob(5), accountFlagsLayout('accountFlags'), publicKeyLayout('market'), publicKeyLayout('owner'), // These are in spl-token (i.e. not lot) units u64('baseTokenFree'), u64('baseTokenTotal'), u64('quoteTokenFree'), u64('quoteTokenTotal'), u128('freeSlotBits'), u128('isBidBits'), seq(u128(), 128, 'orders'), seq(u64(), 128, 'clientIds'), blob(7), ]); export const _OPEN_ORDERS_LAYOUT_V2 = struct([ blob(5), accountFlagsLayout('accountFlags'), publicKeyLayout('market'), publicKeyLayout('owner'), // These are in spl-token (i.e. not lot) units u64('baseTokenFree'), u64('baseTokenTotal'), u64('quoteTokenFree'), u64('quoteTokenTotal'), u128('freeSlotBits'), u128('isBidBits'), seq(u128(), 128, 'orders'), seq(u64(), 128, 'clientIds'), u64('referrerRebatesAccrued'), blob(7), ]); export class OpenOrders { private _programId: PublicKey; address: PublicKey; market!: PublicKey; owner!: PublicKey; baseTokenFree!: BN; baseTokenTotal!: BN; quoteTokenFree!: BN; quoteTokenTotal!: BN; orders!: BN[]; clientIds!: BN[]; constructor(address: PublicKey, decoded, programId: PublicKey) { this.address = address; this._programId = programId; Object.assign(this, decoded); } static getLayout(programId: PublicKey) { if (getLayoutVersion(programId) === 1) { return _OPEN_ORDERS_LAYOUT_V1; } return _OPEN_ORDERS_LAYOUT_V2; } static async findForOwner( connection: Connection, ownerAddress: PublicKey, programId: PublicKey, ) { const filters = [ { memcmp: { offset: this.getLayout(programId).offsetOf('owner'), bytes: ownerAddress.toBase58(), }, }, { dataSize: this.getLayout(programId).span, }, ]; const accounts = await getFilteredProgramAccounts( connection, programId, filters, ); return{ publicKey, accountInfo }) => OpenOrders.fromAccountInfo(publicKey, accountInfo, programId), ); } static async findForMarketAndOwner( connection: Connection, marketAddress: PublicKey, ownerAddress: PublicKey, programId: PublicKey, ) { const filters = [ { memcmp: { offset: this.getLayout(programId).offsetOf('market'), bytes: marketAddress.toBase58(), }, }, { memcmp: { offset: this.getLayout(programId).offsetOf('owner'), bytes: ownerAddress.toBase58(), }, }, { dataSize: this.getLayout(programId).span, }, ]; const accounts = await getFilteredProgramAccounts( connection, programId, filters, ); return{ publicKey, accountInfo }) => OpenOrders.fromAccountInfo(publicKey, accountInfo, programId), ); } static async load( connection: Connection, address: PublicKey, programId: PublicKey, ) { const accountInfo = await connection.getAccountInfo(address); if (accountInfo === null) { throw new Error('Open orders account not found'); } return OpenOrders.fromAccountInfo(address, accountInfo, programId); } static fromAccountInfo( address: PublicKey, accountInfo: AccountInfo, programId: PublicKey, ) { const { owner, data } = accountInfo; if (!owner.equals(programId)) { throw new Error('Address not owned by program'); } const decoded = this.getLayout(programId).decode(data); if (!decoded.accountFlags.initialized || !decoded.accountFlags.openOrders) { throw new Error('Invalid open orders account'); } return new OpenOrders(address, decoded, programId); } static async makeCreateAccountTransaction( connection: Connection, marketAddress: PublicKey, ownerAddress: PublicKey, newAccountAddress: PublicKey, programId: PublicKey, ) { return SystemProgram.createAccount({ fromPubkey: ownerAddress, newAccountPubkey: newAccountAddress, lamports: await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption( this.getLayout(programId).span, ), space: this.getLayout(programId).span, programId, }); } get publicKey() { return this.address; } } export const ORDERBOOK_LAYOUT = struct([ blob(5), accountFlagsLayout('accountFlags'), SLAB_LAYOUT.replicate('slab'), blob(7), ]); export class Orderbook { market: Market; isBids: boolean; slab: Slab; constructor(market: Market, accountFlags, slab: Slab) { if (!accountFlags.initialized || !(accountFlags.bids ^ accountFlags.asks)) { throw new Error('Invalid orderbook'); } = market; this.isBids = accountFlags.bids; this.slab = slab; } static get LAYOUT() { return ORDERBOOK_LAYOUT; } static decode(market: Market, buffer: Buffer) { const { accountFlags, slab } = ORDERBOOK_LAYOUT.decode(buffer); return new Orderbook(market, accountFlags, slab); } getL2(depth: number): [number, number, BN, BN][] { const descending = this.isBids; const levels: [BN, BN][] = []; // (price, size) for (const { key, quantity } of this.slab.items(descending)) { const price = getPriceFromKey(key); if (levels.length > 0 && levels[levels.length - 1][0].eq(price)) { levels[levels.length - 1][1].iadd(quantity); } else if (levels.length === depth) { break; } else { levels.push([price, quantity]); } } return[priceLots, sizeLots]) => [,, priceLots, sizeLots, ]); } *[Symbol.iterator](): Generator { for (const { key, ownerSlot, owner, quantity, feeTier, clientOrderId, } of this.slab) { const price = getPriceFromKey(key); yield { orderId: key, clientId: clientOrderId, openOrdersAddress: owner, openOrdersSlot: ownerSlot, feeTier, price:, priceLots: price, size:, sizeLots: quantity, side: (this.isBids ? 'buy' : 'sell') as 'buy' | 'sell', }; } } } export interface Order { orderId: BN; openOrdersAddress: PublicKey; openOrdersSlot: number; price: number; priceLots: BN; size: number; feeTier: number; sizeLots: BN; side: 'buy' | 'sell'; clientId?: BN; } function getPriceFromKey(key) { return key.ushrn(64); } function divideBnToNumber(numerator: BN, denominator: BN): number { const quotient = numerator.div(denominator).toNumber(); const rem = numerator.umod(denominator); const gcd = rem.gcd(denominator); return quotient + rem.div(gcd).toNumber() / denominator.div(gcd).toNumber(); } const MINT_LAYOUT = struct([blob(44), u8('decimals'), blob(37)]); export async function getMintDecimals( connection: Connection, mint: PublicKey, ): Promise { if (mint.equals(WRAPPED_SOL_MINT)) { return 9; } const { data } = throwIfNull( await connection.getAccountInfo(mint), 'mint not found', ); const { decimals } = MINT_LAYOUT.decode(data); return decimals; } async function getFilteredProgramAccounts( connection: Connection, programId: PublicKey, filters, ): Promise<{ publicKey: PublicKey; accountInfo: AccountInfo }[]> { // @ts-ignore const resp = await connection._rpcRequest('getProgramAccounts', [ programId.toBase58(), { commitment: connection.commitment, filters, encoding: 'base64', }, ]); if (resp.error) { throw new Error(resp.error.message); } return ({ pubkey, account: { data, executable, owner, lamports } }) => ({ publicKey: new PublicKey(pubkey), accountInfo: { data: Buffer.from(data[0], 'base64'), executable, owner: new PublicKey(owner), lamports, }, }), ); } function throwIfNull(value: T | null, message = 'account not found'): T { if (value === null) { throw new Error(message); } return value; }