import { Account, AccountInfo, Blockhash, Connection, Context, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, PublicKey, RpcResponseAndContext, Transaction, } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { Coin, Dir, Exchange, Fill, L2OrderBook, MarketInfo, Order, OrderInfo, OrderType, OwnOrders, Pair, RawTrade, TimestampedL2Levels, TokenAccountInfo, Trade, } from "./types"; import * as config from "../config"; import { COIN_MINTS, EXCHANGE_ENABLED_MARKETS, MINT_COINS } from "./config"; import { DirUtil, divideBnToNumber, getKeys, getUnixTs, logger, sleep, } from "../utils"; import assert from "assert"; import { Market, OpenOrders, Orderbook, TokenInstructions, } from "@project-serum/serum"; import { Order as SerumOrder } from "@project-serum/serum/lib/market"; import { Buffer } from "buffer"; import BN from "bn.js"; import { getTokenMultiplierFromDecimals, makeClientOrderId, parseMintData, parseTokenAccountData, } from "./utils"; import { OrderParams } from "@project-serum/serum/lib/market"; import { BLOCKHASH_CACHE_TIME, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT } from "../config"; import { createRpcRequest, GetMultipleAccountsAndContextRpcResult, RpcRequest, signAndSerializeTransaction, } from "./solana"; import { WRAPPED_SOL_MINT } from "@project-serum/serum/lib/token-instructions"; import { parse as urlParse } from "url"; export class SerumApi { static readonly exchange: Exchange = "serum"; static url = config.SOLANA_URL; readonly exchange: Exchange; readonly marketInfo: { [market: string]: MarketInfo }; readonly markets: Pair[]; readonly addressMarkets: { [address: string]: Pair }; readonly marketAddresses: { [market: string]: PublicKey }; readonly addressProgramIds: { [address: string]: PublicKey }; private _loadedMarkets: { [address: string]: Market }; private _connections: Connection[]; private _publicKey: PublicKey; private _privateKey: Array; private _account: Account; private _wsConnection: Connection; private _wsOrderbooks: { [market: string]: { buy: TimestampedL2Levels; sell: TimestampedL2Levels }; }; private _wsOrderbooksConnected: string[]; private _ownOrdersByMarket: { [market: string]: { orders: OwnOrders>; fetchedAt: number; }; }; private _openOrdersAccountCache: { [market: string]: { accounts: OpenOrders[]; ts: number; }; }; private _rpcRequest: RpcRequest; protected _tokenAccountsCache: { [coin: string]: { accounts: TokenAccountInfo[]; ts: number }; }; protected _blockhashCache: { blockhash: Blockhash; fetchedAt: number; }; constructor( exchange: Exchange, conections: Connection[], marketInfo: { [market: string]: MarketInfo }, markets: Pair[], marketAddresses: { [market: string]: PublicKey }, addressProgramIds: { [address: string]: PublicKey }, url: string ) { = exchange; this._connections = conections; this._privateKey = getKeys([`${}_private_key`])[0]; this._account = new Account(this._privateKey); this._publicKey = this._account.publicKey; this._loadedMarkets = {}; this._wsOrderbooks = {}; this._wsOrderbooksConnected = []; this._tokenAccountsCache = {}; this._blockhashCache = { blockhash: "", fetchedAt: 0 }; this._ownOrdersByMarket = {}; this._openOrdersAccountCache = {}; this._rpcRequest = createRpcRequest(urlParse(url).href); this.marketInfo = marketInfo; = markets; this.marketAddresses = marketAddresses; this.addressMarkets = Object.assign( {}, ...Object.entries(marketAddresses).map(([market, address]) => ({ [address.toBase58()]: Pair.fromKey(market), })) ); this.addressProgramIds = addressProgramIds; this._wsConnection = new Connection(url, "recent"); } static async create( options: { [optionName: string]: unknown } = {} ): Promise { const connections: Connection[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < config.NUM_CONNECTIONS; i++) { const url = "url" in options && typeof options.url === "string" ? options.url : this.url; const connection = new Connection(url, "recent"); connection.onSlotChange((slotInfo) => {}); connections.push(connection); } const marketAddresses = Object.fromEntries( EXCHANGE_ENABLED_MARKETS[].map((info) => [, info.address, ]) ); const markets = EXCHANGE_ENABLED_MARKETS[].map( (marketInfo) => ); const addressProgramIds = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries( EXCHANGE_ENABLED_MARKETS[] ).map(([market, info]) => [info.address.toBase58(), info.programId]) ); const marketInfo: Array<[Pair, MarketInfo]> = await Promise.all( => this.getMarketInfo( connections[0], market.coin, market.priceCurrency, marketAddresses[market.key()], addressProgramIds[marketAddresses[market.key()].toBase58()] ) ) ); return new this(, connections, Object.fromEntries([market, info]) => [market.key(), info]) ), markets, marketAddresses, addressProgramIds, this.url ); } get _connection(): Connection { return this._connections[ Math.floor(Math.random() * this._connections.length) ]; } static async getMarketInfo( connection: Connection, coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin, marketAddress: PublicKey, programId: PublicKey ): Promise { const market = new Pair(coin, priceCurrency); const serumMarket = await Market.load( connection, marketAddress, {}, programId ); assert( serumMarket.baseMintAddress.toBase58() === COIN_MINTS[coin], `${coin} on ${coin}/${priceCurrency} has wrong mint. Our mint: ${ COIN_MINTS[coin] } Serum's mint ${serumMarket.baseMintAddress.toBase58()}` ); assert( serumMarket.quoteMintAddress.toBase58() === COIN_MINTS[priceCurrency], `${priceCurrency} on ${coin}/${priceCurrency} has wrong mint. Our mint: ${ COIN_MINTS[priceCurrency] } Serum's mint ${serumMarket.quoteMintAddress.toBase58()}` ); return [ market, { coin: coin, priceCurrency: priceCurrency, address: marketAddress, baseMint: serumMarket.baseMintAddress, quoteMint: serumMarket.quoteMintAddress, minOrderSize: serumMarket.minOrderSize, tickSize: serumMarket.tickSize, programId: programId, }, ]; } async getMarketInfo(): Promise<{ [k: string]: { [prop: string]: string | number }; }> { return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(this.marketInfo).map(([market, info]) => [ market, {, address: info.address.toBase58(), baseMint: info.baseMint.toBase58(), quoteMint: info.quoteMint.toBase58(), programId: info.programId.toBase58(), minOrderSize: info.minOrderSize, tickSize: info.tickSize, }, ]) ); } async getMarketFromAddress(address: string | PublicKey): Promise { const stringAddress = typeof address === "string" ? address : address.toBase58(); if (stringAddress in this._loadedMarkets) { return this._loadedMarkets[stringAddress]; } const pubKeyAddress = typeof address === "string" ? new PublicKey(address) : address; const market = await Market.load( this._connection, pubKeyAddress, {}, this.addressProgramIds[stringAddress] ); this._loadedMarkets[stringAddress] = market; return market; } private getMarketAddress(coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin): PublicKey { return this.marketInfo[Pair.key(coin, priceCurrency)].address; } async getTrades(coin?: Coin, priceCurrency?: Coin): Promise { if (coin && priceCurrency) { const market = await this.getMarketFromAddress( this.getMarketAddress(coin, priceCurrency) ); const rawTrades = await market.loadFills(this._connection); const ourTrades = rawTrades.filter( (element) => !element.eventFlags.maker ); return this.parseRawTrades(ourTrades, coin, priceCurrency); } return Promise.all( => this.getTrades(market.coin, market.priceCurrency) ) ).then((trades) => trades.reduce((acc, curr) => { return [...acc, ...curr]; }) ); } parseRawTrades( rawTrades: RawTrade[], coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin ): Trade[] { const parseTrade = (rawTrade: RawTrade): Trade => { // Add ms timestamp to fill id for uniqueness const timeSec = getUnixTs(); const timeMs = Math.floor(timeSec * 1000); return { exchange:, coin: coin, priceCurrency: priceCurrency, id: `${rawTrade.orderId.toString()}|${rawTrade.size}|${timeMs}`, orderId: rawTrade.orderId.toString(), price: rawTrade.price, quantity: rawTrade.size, time: timeSec, side: DirUtil.parse(rawTrade.side), info: { ...rawTrade.eventFlags, openOrdersSlot: rawTrade.openOrdersSlot, quantityReleased: rawTrade.nativeQuantityReleased.toString(), quantityPaid: rawTrade.nativeQuantityPaid.toString(), openOrders: rawTrade.openOrders.toBase58(), }, }; }; return => parseTrade(trade)); } async getRestOrderBook( coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin ): Promise { const validAt = getUnixTs(); const marketAddress: PublicKey = this.getMarketAddress(coin, priceCurrency); const market = await this.getMarketFromAddress(marketAddress); const bidsPromise = market.loadBids(this._connection); const asksPromise = market.loadAsks(this._connection); const rawBids = await bidsPromise; const rawAsks = await asksPromise; const receivedAt = getUnixTs(); return { bids: Object.values(this.parseRawOrderBook(rawBids)), asks: Object.values(this.parseRawOrderBook(rawAsks)), market: new Pair(coin, priceCurrency), validAt, receivedAt, }; } async getWsOrderBook(coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin): Promise { const market = new Pair(coin, priceCurrency); const validAt = getUnixTs(); await this.subscribeToOrderBookUpdates(market); const bids = this._wsOrderbooks[market.key()][DirUtil.buySell(Dir.B)]; const asks = this._wsOrderbooks[market.key()][DirUtil.buySell(Dir.S)]; const receivedAt = Math.min(bids.receivedAt, asks.receivedAt); return { bids: bids.orderbook, asks: asks.orderbook, market: new Pair(coin, priceCurrency), validAt, receivedAt, }; } parseRawOrderBook(rawOrders: Orderbook): [number, number][] { const orders: [number, number][] = []; for (const [price, size] of rawOrders.getL2(100)) { orders.push([price, size]); } return orders; } async subscribeToOrderBookUpdates(market: Pair): Promise { if (this._wsOrderbooksConnected.includes(market.key())) { return; } const serumMarket = await this.getMarketFromAddress( this.getMarketAddress(market.coin, market.priceCurrency) ); const updateCallback = (side) => ( accountInfoUpdate: AccountInfo, context: Context ) => { this._wsOrderbooks[market.key()][DirUtil.buySell(side)] = { orderbook: this.parseRawOrderBook( Orderbook.decode(serumMarket, ), receivedAt: getUnixTs(), }; }; const [bids, asks] = await Promise.all([ serumMarket.loadBids(this._connection), serumMarket.loadAsks(this._connection), ]); this._wsOrderbooks[market.key()] = { buy: { orderbook: this.parseRawOrderBook(bids), receivedAt: getUnixTs() }, sell: { orderbook: this.parseRawOrderBook(asks), receivedAt: getUnixTs(), }, }; this._wsConnection.onAccountChange( serumMarket.bidsAddress, updateCallback(Dir.B) ); this._wsConnection.onAccountChange( serumMarket.asksAddress, updateCallback(Dir.S) ); if (this._wsOrderbooksConnected.length == 0) { this._wsConnection.onSlotChange((slotInfo) => {}); } this._wsOrderbooksConnected.push(market.key()); } async awaitTransactionSignatureConfirmation( txid: string, timeout: number = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ): Promise { let done = false; const result: string = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { (async () => { setTimeout(() => { if (done) { return; } done = true; const message = `awaitTransactionSignature timed out waiting for signature confirmation:\ntxid ${txid}`;; reject(message); }, timeout); try { this._connection.onSignature(txid, (result, context) => { `awaitTransactionSignature signature confirmed via callback:\ntxid ${txid}\nresult ${JSON.stringify( result )}` ); done = true; if (result.err) { reject(result.err); } else { resolve(txid); } }); } catch (e) { done = true; `awaitTransactionSignature encountered error setting up solana onSignature callback:\ntxid ${txid}\n${JSON.stringify( result )}` ); reject(e); } while (!done) { (async () => { try { const startTime = getUnixTs(); const signatureStatus = await this._connection.getSignatureStatuses( [txid] ); logger.debug( `getSignatureStatuses took ${getUnixTs() - startTime} seconds` ); const result = signatureStatus && signatureStatus.value[0]; if (!done) { if (!result) { // received null result return; } else if (result.err) { logger.log( "debug", `awaitTransactionSignature received error:\ntxid ${txid}\n${JSON.stringify( result.err )}` ); done = true; reject(JSON.stringify(result.err)); } else if (!result.confirmations) { // received update with no confirmations return; } else { logger.log( "debug", `awaitTransactionSignature received confirmation:\ntxid ${txid}\n${JSON.stringify( result )}` ); done = true; resolve(result?.toString()); } } } catch (e) { if (!done) { `awaitTransactionsSignature encountered error:\ntxid ${txid}\n${JSON.stringify( e )}` ); done = true; reject(e); } } })(); await sleep(1000); } })(); }); done = true; return result; } async sendTransaction( transaction: Transaction, signers: Account[], transactionSignatureTimeout: number = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, onError?: (err) => void ): Promise { const blockhash = await this.getCachedBlockhash(); const rawTransaction = await signAndSerializeTransaction( this._connection, transaction, signers, blockhash ); let done = false; const startTime = getUnixTs(); let retries = 0; const txid = await this._connection.sendRawTransaction(rawTransaction, { skipPreflight: true, });`Started sending transaction for: ${txid}`); const awaitSignaturePromise = this.awaitTransactionSignatureConfirmation( txid, transactionSignatureTimeout ) .then((res) => { done = true; }) .catch((e) => { done = true; if (onError) { onError(e); } else { `transaction failed with error:\ntxid ${txid}\nerror ${e}` ); } throw e; }); while (!done && getUnixTs() - startTime < DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) { await sleep(5000); if (retries < 2) { this._connection.sendRawTransaction(rawTransaction, { skipPreflight: true, }); retries += 1; } } await awaitSignaturePromise; return txid; } async getCachedBlockhash(): Promise { const updateBlockhashCache = async () => { const now = getUnixTs(); await this._connection.getRecentBlockhash().then((res) => { this._blockhashCache = { blockhash: res.blockhash, fetchedAt: now, }; }); }; if (getUnixTs() - this._blockhashCache.fetchedAt > BLOCKHASH_CACHE_TIME) { await updateBlockhashCache(); } else if ( getUnixTs() - this._blockhashCache.fetchedAt > BLOCKHASH_CACHE_TIME / 2 ) { updateBlockhashCache(); } return this._blockhashCache.blockhash; } async placeOrder( side: Dir, coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin, quantity: number, price: number, orderType: OrderType = OrderType.limit, options: { [k: string]: unknown } = {} ): Promise { const clientId = typeof options.clientId === "string" || typeof options.clientId === "number" ? new BN(options.clientId) : makeClientOrderId(); const { transaction, signers } = await this.makeOrderTransaction( clientId, side, coin, priceCurrency, quantity, price, orderType, options ); const onError = (e) => { `placeOrder encountered error when creating transaction:\norderId ${clientId}\nerror ${e}` ); }; const txid = await this.sendTransaction( transaction, signers, 5000, onError ); `makeOrder completed transaction for:\n${clientId.toString()}\n${txid}` ); return clientId.toString(); } async makeOrderTransaction( clientId: BN, side: Dir, coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin, quantity: number, price: number, orderType: OrderType = OrderType.limit, options: { [k: string]: unknown } = {} ): Promise<{ transaction: Transaction; signers: Account[] }> { `Order parameters: ${side}, ${coin}, ${priceCurrency}, ${quantity}, ${price}, ${orderType}` ); const owner = new Account(this._privateKey); let payer; if (coin === "SOL" && side === Dir.S) { payer = this._publicKey; } else if (side === Dir.S) { payer = (await this.getTokenAccounts(coin, 600))[0].pubkey; } else { payer = (await this.getTokenAccounts(priceCurrency, 600))[0].pubkey; } const [market, openOrdersAccount] = await Promise.all([ this.getMarketFromAddress(this.getMarketAddress(coin, priceCurrency)), this._getOpenOrdersAccountToUse(coin, priceCurrency), ]); const params: OrderParams = { owner, payer, side: DirUtil.buySell(side), price, size: quantity, orderType, clientId, openOrdersAddressKey: openOrdersAccount, }; const transaction = new Transaction(); transaction.add(market.makeMatchOrdersTransaction(15)); const { transaction: placeOrderTransaction, signers, } = await market.makePlaceOrderTransaction( this._connection, params, 600000 ); transaction.add(placeOrderTransaction); transaction.add(market.makeMatchOrdersTransaction(15)); return { transaction, signers, }; } async _getOpenOrdersAccountToUse( coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin ): Promise { let accountsForMarket = await this.getOpenOrdersAccountsForMarket( coin, priceCurrency ); if (accountsForMarket.length === 0) { // try again without caching in case an account was recently created accountsForMarket = await this.getOpenOrdersAccountsForMarket( coin, priceCurrency, 0 ); } if (accountsForMarket.length === 0) { const serumMarket = await this.getMarketFromAddress( this.getMarketAddress(coin, priceCurrency) ); const newOpenOrdersAccount = new Account(); await OpenOrders.makeCreateAccountTransaction( this._connection, serumMarket.address, this._publicKey, newOpenOrdersAccount.publicKey, this.marketInfo[new Pair(coin, priceCurrency).key()].programId ); return newOpenOrdersAccount.publicKey; } return accountsForMarket.sort(this.compareOpenOrdersAccounts)[0].publicKey; } compareOpenOrdersAccounts(a: OpenOrders, b: OpenOrders): number { const aAddress = a.address.toBase58(); const bAddress = b.address.toBase58(); if (aAddress < bAddress) { return -1; } else if (aAddress === bAddress) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } async getOpenOrdersAccountsForMarket( coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin, cacheDurationSec = 60 ): Promise { const market = await this.getMarketFromAddress( this.getMarketAddress(coin, priceCurrency) ); return market.findOpenOrdersAccountsForOwner( this._connection, this._publicKey, cacheDurationSec * 1000 ); } async cancelByClientId( orderId: string, coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin ): Promise { const { transaction, signers } = await this.makeCancelByClientIdTransaction( orderId, coin, priceCurrency ); const txid = await this.sendTransaction( transaction, signers, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, () => {} ); logger.debug( `finished sending cancel transaction:\n${orderId}\ntxid ${txid}` ); } async makeCancelByClientIdTransaction( orderId: string, coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin ): Promise<{ transaction: Transaction; signers: Account[] }> { const accountsForMarket = await this.getOpenOrdersAccountsForMarket( coin, priceCurrency ); if (!accountsForMarket) { throw Error( `Could not find an open order accounts for market ${coin}/${priceCurrency}` ); } const m = new Pair(coin, priceCurrency); const order = this.getOrderFromOwnOrdersCache(orderId, m); let account = accountsForMarket.find( (account) => account.address.toBase58() === order?.info.openOrdersAddress ); if (!order || !account) { this.getOwnOrders(coin, priceCurrency); // update the cache in the background // Assume we sent with lowest sort open orders account account = accountsForMarket.sort(this.compareOpenOrdersAccounts)[0]; logger.debug( `Did not find order (${orderId}) in open order accounts. Using ${account.publicKey.toBase58()} as account.` ); } `Cancelling ${orderId} using account ${account.publicKey.toBase58()}` ); const market = await this.getMarketFromAddress( this.getMarketAddress(coin, priceCurrency) ); const txn = await market.makeCancelOrderByClientIdTransaction( this._connection, this._publicKey, account.address, new BN(orderId) ); txn.add(market.makeMatchOrdersTransaction(5)); const signers = [new Account(this._privateKey)]; return { transaction: txn, signers, }; } async cancelByStandardOrderId( orderId: string, coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin ): Promise { const { transaction, signers, } = await this.makeCancelByStandardIdTransaction( orderId, coin, priceCurrency ); const txid = await this._connection.sendTransaction(transaction, signers, { skipPreflight: true, }); await this.awaitTransactionSignatureConfirmation(txid); } async makeCancelByStandardIdTransaction( orderId: string, coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin ): Promise<{ transaction: Transaction; signers: Account[] }> { const market = new Pair(coin, priceCurrency); let order = this.getOrderFromOwnOrdersCache(orderId, market); if (!order) { this.getOwnOrders(coin, priceCurrency); order = this.getOrderFromOwnOrdersCache(orderId, market); if (!order) { throw Error("Could not find order for cancellation."); } } `Cancelling ${orderId} ${coin} ${priceCurrency} using orderId ${}` ); const serumMarket = await this.getMarketFromAddress( this.getMarketAddress(coin, priceCurrency) ); const transaction = await serumMarket.makeCancelOrderTransaction( this._connection, this._publicKey, ); transaction.add(serumMarket.makeMatchOrdersTransaction(5)); const signers = [new Account(this._privateKey)]; return { transaction, signers, }; } getOrderFromOwnOrdersCache( orderId: string, market: Pair ): Order | null { const cachedOwnOrders = this._ownOrdersByMarket[market.key()]?.orders || {}; let usableOrderId; if (orderId in cachedOwnOrders) { // use orderId to cancel usableOrderId = orderId; } else if ( Object.values(cachedOwnOrders) .map((order) => .includes(orderId) ) { // orderid is client id, usableOrderId = Object.values(cachedOwnOrders).filter( (order) => === orderId )[0].info.orderId; } else { return null; } return cachedOwnOrders[usableOrderId]; } async getOwnOrders( coin?: Coin, priceCurrency?: Coin ): Promise>> { if (coin && priceCurrency) { const market = await this.getMarketFromAddress( this.getMarketAddress(coin, priceCurrency) ); const fetchedAt = getUnixTs(); const [bids, asks] = await Promise.all([ market.loadBids(this._connection), market.loadAsks(this._connection), ]); const openOrdersAccounts = await this.getOpenOrdersAccountsForMarket( coin, priceCurrency ); const rawOrders = await market.filterForOpenOrders( bids, asks, openOrdersAccounts ); const orders = this.parseRawOrders(rawOrders, coin, priceCurrency); this._ownOrdersByMarket[new Pair(coin, priceCurrency).key()] = { orders, fetchedAt, }; return orders; } return Promise.all( => this.getOwnOrders(market.coin, market.priceCurrency) ) ).then((orders) => orders.reduce((acc, curr) => { return { ...acc, ...curr }; }) ); } parseRawOrders( rawOrders: SerumOrder[], coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin ): OwnOrders> { return Object.fromEntries( => [ order.orderId, { exchange:, coin: coin, priceCurrency: priceCurrency, side: DirUtil.parse(order.side), price: order.price, quantity: order.size, info: new OrderInfo( order.orderId.toString(), order.openOrdersAddress.toBase58(), order.openOrdersSlot, order.price, order.priceLots.toString(), order.size, order.sizeLots.toString(), order.side, order.clientId ? order.clientId.toString() : "", order.feeTier ), }, ]) ); } async getFills(coin?: Coin, priceCurrency?: Coin): Promise { if (coin && priceCurrency) { const market = await this.getMarketFromAddress( this.getMarketAddress(coin, priceCurrency) ); const rawFills = await market.loadFills(this._connection); const openOrdersAccount = ( await this.getOpenOrdersAccountsForMarket(coin, priceCurrency) ).map((account) => account.address.toBase58()); const ourFills = rawFills.filter((rawFill) => openOrdersAccount.includes(rawFill.openOrders.toBase58()) ); return this.parseRawFills(ourFills, coin, priceCurrency); } return Promise.all( => this.getFills(market.coin, market.priceCurrency) ) ).then((fills) => fills.reduce((acc, curr) => [...acc, ...curr])); } parseRawFills(rawFills: RawTrade[], coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin): Fill[] { const time = getUnixTs(); const parseFill = (rawFill): Fill => { return { exchange:, coin: coin, priceCurrency: priceCurrency, side: DirUtil.parse(rawFill.side), price: parseFloat(rawFill.price), quantity: parseFloat(rawFill.size), orderId: rawFill.orderId.toString(), fee: rawFill.feeCost, time: time, info: { ...rawFill.eventFlags, openOrdersSlot: rawFill.openOrdersSlot, quantityReleased: rawFill.nativeQuantityReleased.toString(), quantityPaid: rawFill.nativeQuantityPaid.toString(), openOrders: rawFill.openOrders.toBase58(), clientId: rawFill.clientOrderId.toString(), feeOrRebate: rawFill.nativeFeeOrRebate.toString(), }, }; }; return => parseFill(rawFill)); } async getBalances(): Promise<{ [key: string]: { mintKey: string; coin: string; total: number; free: number; }; }> { const [tokenAccounts, openOrdersAccounts] = await Promise.all([ this.getTokenAccounts(undefined, 60), this.getOpenOrdersAccounts(undefined, 60), ]); const accountsByCoin: { [coin: string]: { mint: PublicKey; tokenAccounts: PublicKey[]; openOrdersAccounts: { [key: string]: Pair }; }; } = {}; for (const [marketKey, marketOpenOrdersAccounts] of Object.entries( openOrdersAccounts )) { for (const openOrdersAccount of marketOpenOrdersAccounts) { const market = Pair.fromKey(marketKey); const key = openOrdersAccount.publicKey.toBase58(); if (!(market.coin in accountsByCoin)) { accountsByCoin[market.coin] = { mint: new PublicKey(COIN_MINTS[market.coin]), tokenAccounts: [], openOrdersAccounts: {}, }; } if (!(market.priceCurrency in accountsByCoin)) { accountsByCoin[market.priceCurrency] = { mint: new PublicKey(COIN_MINTS[market.priceCurrency]), tokenAccounts: [], openOrdersAccounts: {}, }; } accountsByCoin[market.coin].openOrdersAccounts[key] = market; accountsByCoin[market.priceCurrency].openOrdersAccounts[key] = market; } } for (const tokenAccount of tokenAccounts) { const coin = MINT_COINS[]; if (!(coin in accountsByCoin)) { accountsByCoin[coin] = { mint:, tokenAccounts: [], openOrdersAccounts: {}, }; } accountsByCoin[coin].tokenAccounts.push(tokenAccount.pubkey); } if (!("SOL" in accountsByCoin)) { accountsByCoin["SOL"] = { mint: WRAPPED_SOL_MINT, tokenAccounts: [], openOrdersAccounts: {}, }; } accountsByCoin["SOL"].tokenAccounts.push(this._publicKey); accountsByCoin["SOL"].mint = TokenInstructions.WRAPPED_SOL_MINT; const coins = Object.keys(accountsByCoin); const accountContents = await Promise.all( => this.getMultipleSolanaAccounts([ accountsByCoin[coin].mint, ...accountsByCoin[coin].tokenAccounts, ...Object.keys(accountsByCoin[coin].openOrdersAccounts).map( (stringKey) => new PublicKey(stringKey) ), ]) ) ); const accountContentsByCoin = Object.fromEntries(, i) => [coin, accountContents[i]]) ); const balances = {}; Object.entries(accountContentsByCoin).forEach(([coin, accountsInfo]) => { const mintValue = accountsInfo.value[accountsByCoin[coin].mint.toBase58()]; if (mintValue === null) { return; } const mint = parseMintData(; const ooFree = {}; const ooTotal = {}; for (const openOrdersAccountKey of Object.keys( accountsByCoin[coin].openOrdersAccounts )) { const accountValue = accountsInfo.value[openOrdersAccountKey]; if (accountValue === null) { continue; } const market = accountsByCoin[coin].openOrdersAccounts[openOrdersAccountKey]; const parsedAccount = OpenOrders.fromAccountInfo( new PublicKey(openOrdersAccountKey), accountValue, this.marketInfo[market.key()].programId ); if (coin == market.coin) { ooFree[coin] = ooFree[coin] ? parsedAccount.baseTokenFree.add(ooFree[coin]) : parsedAccount.baseTokenFree; ooTotal[coin] = ooTotal[coin] ? parsedAccount.baseTokenTotal.add(ooTotal[coin]) : parsedAccount.baseTokenTotal; } else { ooFree[coin] = ooFree[coin] ? parsedAccount.quoteTokenFree.add(ooFree[coin]) : parsedAccount.quoteTokenFree; ooTotal[coin] = ooTotal[coin] ? parsedAccount.quoteTokenTotal.add(ooTotal[coin]) : parsedAccount.quoteTokenTotal; } } let total = 0; let free = 0; for (const tokenAccountKey of accountsByCoin[coin].tokenAccounts) { const accountValue = accountsInfo.value[tokenAccountKey.toBase58()]; if (accountValue === null) { continue; } if (coin === "SOL") { total += (accountValue.lamports ?? 0) / LAMPORTS_PER_SOL; free += total; } else { const parsedAccount = parseTokenAccountData(; const additionalAmount = divideBnToNumber( new BN(parsedAccount.amount), getTokenMultiplierFromDecimals(mint.decimals) ); total += additionalAmount; free += additionalAmount; } } if (ooFree[coin]) { free += divideBnToNumber( ooFree[coin], getTokenMultiplierFromDecimals(mint.decimals) ); } if (ooTotal[coin]) { total += divideBnToNumber( ooTotal[coin], getTokenMultiplierFromDecimals(mint.decimals) ); } balances[coin] = { mintKey: accountsByCoin[coin].mint.toBase58(), coin, total, free, }; }); return balances; } async getOpenOrdersAccounts( market?: Pair, cacheDurationSec = 2 ): Promise<{ [market: string]: OpenOrders[] }> { let serumMarkets: Market[]; if (market) { serumMarkets = [ await this.getMarketFromAddress( this.getMarketAddress(market.coin, market.priceCurrency) ), ]; } else { serumMarkets = await Promise.all( => this.getMarketFromAddress( this.getMarketAddress(market.coin, market.priceCurrency) ) ) ); } const now = getUnixTs(); const openOrdersAccounts: { [market: string]: OpenOrders[]; } = await Promise.all( => serumMarket.findOpenOrdersAccountsForOwner( this._connection, this._publicKey, cacheDurationSec * 1000 ) ) ) .then((openOrdersAccounts) => openOrdersAccounts.reduce((r, a) => r.concat(a), []) ) .then((openOrdersAccounts) => { return openOrdersAccounts.reduce((rv, account) => { const market = this.addressMarkets[].key(); (rv[market] = rv[market] || []).push(account); return rv; }, {}); }); for (const [marketKey, openOrders] of Object.entries(openOrdersAccounts)) { this._openOrdersAccountCache[marketKey] = { accounts: openOrders, ts: now, }; } return openOrdersAccounts; } async getTokenAccounts( coin?: Coin, cacheDurationSecs = 0 ): Promise { const now = getUnixTs(); if ( coin && coin in this._tokenAccountsCache && now - this._tokenAccountsCache[coin].ts < cacheDurationSecs ) { return this._tokenAccountsCache[coin].accounts; } const tokenAccounts = await this._connection.getTokenAccountsByOwner( this._publicKey, { programId: TokenInstructions.TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, } ); const cache: { [coin: string]: { accounts: TokenAccountInfo[]; ts: number }; } = {}; for (const account of tokenAccounts.value) { const parsedTokenAccount = { pubkey: account.pubkey, ...parseTokenAccountData(, }; const coin = MINT_COINS[]; if (!coin) { continue; } if (!(coin in cache)) { cache[coin] = { accounts: [], ts: now }; } cache[coin].accounts.push(parsedTokenAccount); } this._tokenAccountsCache = cache; if (!coin) { return Object.values(cache) .map((a) => a.accounts) .reduce((a, c) => [...a, ...c]); } return cache[coin].accounts; } async getMultipleSolanaAccounts( publicKeys: PublicKey[] ): Promise< RpcResponseAndContext<{ [key: string]: AccountInfo | null }> > { const args = [ => k.toBase58()), { commitment: "recent" }, ]; const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest("getMultipleAccounts", args); const res = GetMultipleAccountsAndContextRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( "failed to get info about accounts " + => k.toBase58()).join(", ") + ": " + res.error.message ); } assert(typeof res.result !== "undefined"); const accounts: Array<{ executable: any; owner: PublicKey; lamports: any; data: Buffer; } | null> = []; for (const account of res.result.value) { let value: { executable: any; owner: PublicKey; lamports: any; data: Buffer; } | null = null; if (res.result.value) { const { executable, owner, lamports, data } = account; assert(data[1] === "base64"); value = { executable, owner: new PublicKey(owner), lamports, data: Buffer.from(data[0], "base64"), }; } accounts.push(value); } return { context: { slot: res.result.context.slot, }, value: Object.fromEntries(, i) => [publicKeys[i].toBase58(), account]) ), }; } async settleFunds(coin: Coin, priceCurrency: Coin): Promise { const market = await this.getMarketFromAddress( this.getMarketAddress(coin, priceCurrency) ); const promises: Promise[] = []; for (const openOrders of await this.getOpenOrdersAccountsForMarket( coin, priceCurrency )) { if ( BN("0")) || BN("0")) ) { // spl-token accounts to which to send the proceeds from trades let baseTokenAccount; let quoteTokenAccount; if (coin == "SOL") { const priceCurrencyTokenAccount = await this.getTokenAccounts( priceCurrency, 60 ); baseTokenAccount = this._publicKey; quoteTokenAccount = priceCurrencyTokenAccount[0].pubkey; } else { const [ coinTokenAccount, priceCurrencyTokenAccount, ] = await Promise.all([ this.getTokenAccounts(coin, 60), this.getTokenAccounts(priceCurrency, 60), ]); baseTokenAccount = coinTokenAccount[0].pubkey; quoteTokenAccount = priceCurrencyTokenAccount[0].pubkey; } logger.debug(`Settling funds on ${coin}/${priceCurrency}`); promises.push( market .settleFunds( this._connection, new Account(this._privateKey), openOrders, baseTokenAccount, quoteTokenAccount ) .then((txid) => this.awaitTransactionSignatureConfirmation(txid)) ); } } await Promise.all(promises); } }