Added LeaderScheduler module and tests

This commit is contained in:
Carl 2018-09-24 21:31:20 -07:00 committed by Greg Fitzgerald
parent f90488c77b
commit 23f3ff3cf0
3 changed files with 778 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
//! The `leader_scheduler` module implements a structure and functions for tracking and
//! managing the schedule for leader rotation
use bank::Bank;
use bincode::serialize;
use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt};
use hash::hash;
use solana_program_interface::pubkey::Pubkey;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io::Cursor;
pub struct ActiveValidators {
// Map from validator id to the last PoH height at which they voted,
pub active_validators: HashMap<Pubkey, u64>,
pub active_window_length: u64,
impl ActiveValidators {
pub fn new(active_window_length_option: Option<u64>) -> Self {
let mut active_window_length = 1000;
if let Some(input) = active_window_length_option {
active_window_length = input;
ActiveValidators {
active_validators: HashMap::new(),
// Finds all the active voters who have voted in the range
// (height - active_window_length, height], and removes
// anybody who hasn't voted in that range from the map
pub fn get_active_set(&mut self, height: u64) -> Vec<Pubkey> {
// Don't filter anything if height is less than the
// size of the active window. Otherwise, calculate the acceptable
// window and filter the active_validators
// Note: height == 0 will only be included for all
// height < self.active_window_length
if height >= self.active_window_length {
let lower_bound = height - self.active_window_length;
.retain(|_, height| *height > lower_bound);
// Push a vote for a validator with id == "id" who voted at PoH height == "height"
pub fn push_vote(&mut self, id: Pubkey, height: u64) -> () {
let old_height = self.active_validators.entry(id).or_insert(height);
if height > *old_height {
*old_height = height;
pub struct LeaderSchedulerConfig {
// The first leader who will bootstrap the network
pub bootstrap_leader: Pubkey,
// The interval at which to rotate the leader, should be much less than
// seed_rotation_interval
pub leader_rotation_interval_option: Option<u64>,
// The interval at which to generate the seed used for ranking the validators
pub seed_rotation_interval_option: Option<u64>,
// The last height at which the bootstrap_leader will be in power before
// the leader rotation process begins to pick future leaders
pub bootstrap_height_option: Option<u64>,
// The length of the acceptable window for determining live validators
pub active_window_length_option: Option<u64>,
// Used to toggle leader rotation in fullnode so that tests that don't
// need leader rotation don't break
impl LeaderSchedulerConfig {
pub fn new(
bootstrap_leader: Pubkey,
bootstrap_height_option: Option<u64>,
leader_rotation_interval_option: Option<u64>,
seed_rotation_interval_option: Option<u64>,
active_window_length_option: Option<u64>,
) -> Self {
LeaderSchedulerConfig {
pub struct LeaderScheduler {
// The interval at which to rotate the leader, should be much less than
// seed_rotation_interval
pub leader_rotation_interval: u64,
// The interval at which to generate the seed used for ranking the validators
pub seed_rotation_interval: u64,
// The first leader who will bootstrap the network
pub bootstrap_leader: Pubkey,
// The last height at which the bootstrap_leader will be in power before
// the leader rotation process begins to pick future leaders
pub bootstrap_height: u64,
// Maintain the set of active validators
pub active_validators: ActiveValidators,
// Round-robin ordering for the validators
leader_schedule: Vec<Pubkey>,
// The last height at which the seed + schedule was generated
last_seed_height: Option<u64>,
// The seed used to determine the round robin order of leaders
seed: u64,
// The LeaderScheduler implements a schedule for leaders as follows:
// 1) During the bootstrapping period of bootstrap_height PoH counts, the
// leader is hard-coded to the input bootstrap_leader.
// 2) After the first seed is generated, this signals the beginning of actual leader rotation.
// From this point on, every seed_rotation_interval PoH counts we generate the seed based
// on the PoH height, and use it to do a weighted sample from the set
// of validators based on current stake weight. This gets you the first leader A for
// the next leader_rotation_interval PoH counts. On the same PoH count we generate the seed,
// we also order the validators based on their current stake weight, and starting
// from leader A, we then pick the next leader sequentially every leader_rotation_interval
// PoH counts based on this fixed ordering, so the next
// seed_rotation_interval / leader_rotation_interval leaders are determined.
// 3) When we we hit the next seed rotation PoH height, step 2) is executed again to
// calculate the leader schedule for the upcoming seed_rotation_interval PoH counts.
impl LeaderScheduler {
pub fn new(config: &LeaderSchedulerConfig) -> Self {
let mut bootstrap_height = 1000;
if let Some(input) = config.bootstrap_height_option {
bootstrap_height = input;
let mut leader_rotation_interval = 100;
if let Some(input) = config.leader_rotation_interval_option {
leader_rotation_interval = input;
let mut seed_rotation_interval = 1000;
if let Some(input) = config.seed_rotation_interval_option {
seed_rotation_interval = input;
// Enforced invariants
assert!(seed_rotation_interval >= leader_rotation_interval);
assert!(bootstrap_height > 0);
assert!(seed_rotation_interval % leader_rotation_interval == 0);
LeaderScheduler {
active_validators: ActiveValidators::new(config.active_window_length_option),
leader_schedule: Vec::new(),
last_seed_height: None,
bootstrap_leader: config.bootstrap_leader,
seed: 0,
pub fn push_vote(&mut self, id: Pubkey, height: u64) {
self.active_validators.push_vote(id, height);
fn get_active_set(&mut self, height: u64) -> Vec<Pubkey> {
pub fn update_height(&mut self, height: u64, bank: &Bank) {
if height < self.bootstrap_height {
if height == self.bootstrap_height
|| (height - self.bootstrap_height) % self.seed_rotation_interval == 0
self.generate_schedule(height, bank);
// Uses the schedule generated by the last call to generate_schedule() to return the
// leader for a given PoH height in round-robin fashion
pub fn get_scheduled_leader(&self, height: u64) -> Option<Pubkey> {
// This covers cases where the schedule isn't yet generated.
if self.last_seed_height == None {
if height < self.bootstrap_height {
return Some(self.bootstrap_leader);
} else {
// If there's been no schedule generated yet before we reach the end of the
// bootstrapping period, then the leader is unknown
return None;
// If we have a schedule, then just check that we are within the bounds of that
// schedule [last_seed_height, last_seed_height + seed_rotation_interval).
// Leaders outside of this bound are undefined.
let last_seed_height = self.last_seed_height.unwrap();
if height >= last_seed_height + self.seed_rotation_interval || height < last_seed_height {
return None;
// Find index into the leader_schedule that this PoH height maps to
let index = (height - last_seed_height) / self.leader_rotation_interval;
let validator_index = index as usize % self.leader_schedule.len();
// Called every seed_rotation_interval entries, generates the leader schedule
// for the range of entries: [height, height + seed_rotation_interval)
fn generate_schedule(&mut self, height: u64, bank: &Bank) {
let seed = Self::calculate_seed(height);
self.seed = seed;
let active_set = self.get_active_set(height);
let ranked_active_set = Self::rank_active_set(bank, &active_set[..]);
// Handle case where there are no active validators with
// non-zero stake. In this case, use the bootstrap leader for
// the upcoming rounds
if ranked_active_set.is_empty() {
self.leader_schedule = vec![self.bootstrap_leader];
self.last_seed_height = Some(height);
let (mut validator_rankings, total_stake) = ranked_active_set.iter().fold(
(Vec::with_capacity(ranked_active_set.len()), 0),
|(mut ids, total_stake), (pk, stake)| {
(ids, total_stake + stake)
// Choose the validator that will be the first to be the leader in this new
// schedule
let ordered_account_stake = ranked_active_set.into_iter().map(|(_, stake)| stake);
let start_index = Self::choose_account(ordered_account_stake, self.seed, total_stake);
validator_rankings.rotate_left(start_index + 1);
// There are only seed_rotation_interval / self.leader_rotation_interval slots, so
// we only need to keep at most that many validators in the schedule
.truncate((self.seed_rotation_interval / self.leader_rotation_interval) as usize);
self.leader_schedule = validator_rankings;
self.last_seed_height = Some(height);
fn get_stake(id: &Pubkey, bank: &Bank) -> i64 {
fn rank_active_set<'a>(bank: &Bank, active: &'a [Pubkey]) -> Vec<(&'a Pubkey, u64)> {
let mut active_accounts: Vec<(&'a Pubkey, u64)> = active
.filter_map(|pk| {
let stake = Self::get_stake(pk, bank);
if stake > 0 {
Some((pk, stake as u64))
} else {
|(pk1, t1), (pk2, t2)| {
if t1 == t2 {
} else {
fn calculate_seed(height: u64) -> u64 {
let hash = hash(&serialize(&height).unwrap());
let bytes = hash.as_ref();
let mut rdr = Cursor::new(bytes);
fn choose_account<I>(stakes: I, seed: u64, total_stake: u64) -> usize
I: IntoIterator<Item = u64>,
let mut total = 0;
let mut chosen_account = 0;
let seed = seed % total_stake;
for (i, s) in stakes.into_iter().enumerate() {
// We should have filtered out all accounts with zero stake in
// rank_active_set()
assert!(s != 0);
total += s;
if total > seed {
chosen_account = i;
mod tests {
use bank::Bank;
use leader_scheduler::{LeaderScheduler, LeaderSchedulerConfig};
use mint::Mint;
use signature::{Keypair, KeypairUtil};
use solana_program_interface::pubkey::Pubkey;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
fn to_hashset<T>(slice: &[T]) -> HashSet<&T>
T: Eq + Hash,
fn to_hashset_owned<T>(slice: &[T]) -> HashSet<T>
T: Eq + Hash + Clone,
fn run_scheduler_test(
num_validators: usize,
bootstrap_height: u64,
leader_rotation_interval: u64,
seed_rotation_interval: u64,
) {
if num_validators == 0 {
// Allow the validators to be in the active window for the entire test
let active_window_length = seed_rotation_interval + bootstrap_height;
// Set up the LeaderScheduler struct
let bootstrap_leader_id = Keypair::new().pubkey();
let leader_scheduler_config = LeaderSchedulerConfig::new(
let mut leader_scheduler = LeaderScheduler::new(&leader_scheduler_config);
// Create the bank and validators, which are inserted in order of account balance
let mint = Mint::new((((num_validators + 1) / 2) * (num_validators + 1)) as i64);
let bank = Bank::new(&mint);
let mut validators = vec![];
let last_id = mint
.expect("Mint should not create empty genesis entries")
for i in 0..num_validators {
let new_validator = Keypair::new();
let new_pubkey = new_validator.pubkey();
// Vote to make the validator part of the active set for the entire test
// (we made the active_window_length large enough at the beginning of the test)
leader_scheduler.push_vote(new_pubkey, 1);
bank.transfer((i + 1) as i64, &mint.keypair(), new_pubkey, last_id)
// The scheduled leader during the bootstrapping period (assuming a seed + schedule
// haven't been generated, otherwise that schedule takes precendent) should always
// be the bootstrap leader
leader_scheduler.get_scheduled_leader(bootstrap_height - 1),
// Generate the schedule at the end of the bootstrapping period, should be the
// same leader for the next leader_rotation_interval entries
leader_scheduler.generate_schedule(bootstrap_height, &bank);
// The leader outside of the newly generated schedule window:
// [bootstrap_height, bootstrap_height + seed_rotation_interval]
// should be undefined
leader_scheduler.get_scheduled_leader(bootstrap_height - 1),
leader_scheduler.get_scheduled_leader(bootstrap_height + seed_rotation_interval),
// For the next seed_rotation_interval entries, call get_scheduled_leader every
// leader_rotation_interval entries, and the next leader should be the next validator
// in order of stake
// Note: seed_rotation_interval must be divisible by leader_rotation_interval, enforced
// by the LeaderScheduler constructor
let num_rounds = seed_rotation_interval / leader_rotation_interval;
let mut start_leader_index = None;
for i in 0..num_rounds {
let begin_height = bootstrap_height + i * leader_rotation_interval;
let current_leader = leader_scheduler
.expect("Expected a leader from scheduler");
// Note: The "validators" vector is already sorted by stake, so the expected order
// for the leader schedule can be derived by just iterating through the vector
// in order. The only excpetion is for the first leader in the schedule, we need to
// find the index into the "validators" vector where the schedule begins.
if None == start_leader_index {
start_leader_index = Some(
.position(|v| *v == current_leader)
let expected_leader =
validators[(start_leader_index.unwrap() + i as usize) % num_validators];
assert_eq!(current_leader, expected_leader);
// Check that the same leader is in power for the next leader_rotation_interval entries
leader_scheduler.get_scheduled_leader(begin_height + leader_rotation_interval - 1),
fn test_active_set() {
let leader_id = Keypair::new().pubkey();
let active_window_length = 1000;
let leader_scheduler_config = LeaderSchedulerConfig::new(
let mut leader_scheduler = LeaderScheduler::new(&leader_scheduler_config);
// Insert a bunch of votes at height "start_height"
let start_height = 3;
let num_old_ids = 20;
let mut old_ids = HashSet::new();
for _ in 0..num_old_ids {
let pk = Keypair::new().pubkey();
leader_scheduler.push_vote(pk, start_height);
// Insert a bunch of votes at height "start_height + active_window_length"
let num_new_ids = 10;
let mut new_ids = HashSet::new();
for _ in 0..num_new_ids {
let pk = Keypair::new().pubkey();
leader_scheduler.push_vote(pk, start_height + active_window_length);
let all_ids = old_ids.union(&new_ids).collect();
// Queries for the active set
let result = leader_scheduler.get_active_set(active_window_length + start_height - 1);
assert_eq!(result.len(), num_old_ids + num_new_ids);
let result_set = to_hashset(&result);
assert_eq!(result_set, all_ids);
let result = leader_scheduler.get_active_set(active_window_length + start_height);
assert_eq!(result.len(), num_new_ids);
let result_set = to_hashset_owned(&result);
assert_eq!(result_set, new_ids);
let result = leader_scheduler.get_active_set(2 * active_window_length + start_height - 1);
assert_eq!(result.len(), num_new_ids);
let result_set = to_hashset_owned(&result);
assert_eq!(result_set, new_ids);
let result = leader_scheduler.get_active_set(2 * active_window_length + start_height);
assert_eq!(result.len(), 0);
let result_set = to_hashset_owned(&result);
fn test_seed() {
// Check that num_seeds different seeds are generated
let num_seeds = 1000;
let mut old_seeds = HashSet::new();
for i in 0..num_seeds {
let seed = LeaderScheduler::calculate_seed(i);
fn test_rank_active_set() {
let num_validators: usize = 101;
// Give mint sum(1..num_validators) tokens
let mint = Mint::new((((num_validators + 1) / 2) * (num_validators + 1)) as i64);
let bank = Bank::new(&mint);
let mut validators = vec![];
let last_id = mint
.expect("Mint should not create empty genesis entries")
for i in 0..num_validators {
let new_validator = Keypair::new();
let new_pubkey = new_validator.pubkey();
(num_validators - i) as i64,
let validators_pk: Vec<Pubkey> = validators.iter().map(Keypair::pubkey).collect();
let result = LeaderScheduler::rank_active_set(&bank, &validators_pk[..]);
assert_eq!(result.len(), validators.len());
// Expect the result to be the reverse of the list we passed into the rank_active_set()
for (i, (pk, stake)) in result.into_iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(stake, i as u64 + 1);
assert_eq!(*pk, validators[num_validators - i - 1].pubkey());
// Transfer all the tokens to a new set of validators, old validators should now
// have balance of zero and get filtered out of the rankings
let mut new_validators = vec![];
for i in 0..num_validators {
let new_validator = Keypair::new();
let new_pubkey = new_validator.pubkey();
(num_validators - i) as i64,
let all_validators: Vec<Pubkey> = validators
let result = LeaderScheduler::rank_active_set(&bank, &all_validators[..]);
assert_eq!(result.len(), new_validators.len());
for (i, (pk, balance)) in result.into_iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(balance, i as u64 + 1);
assert_eq!(*pk, new_validators[num_validators - i - 1].pubkey());
// Break ties between validators with the same balances using public key
let mint = Mint::new(num_validators as i64);
let bank = Bank::new(&mint);
let mut tied_validators_pk = vec![];
let last_id = mint
.expect("Mint should not create empty genesis entries")
for _ in 0..num_validators {
let new_validator = Keypair::new();
let new_pubkey = new_validator.pubkey();
bank.transfer(1, &mint.keypair(), new_pubkey, last_id)
let result = LeaderScheduler::rank_active_set(&bank, &tied_validators_pk[..]);
let mut sorted: Vec<&Pubkey> = tied_validators_pk.iter().map(|x| x).collect();
sorted.sort_by(|pk1, pk2| pk1.cmp(pk2));
assert_eq!(result.len(), tied_validators_pk.len());
for (i, (pk, s)) in result.into_iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(s, 1);
assert_eq!(*pk, *sorted[i]);
fn test_choose_account() {
let tokens = vec![10, 30, 50, 5, 1];
let total_tokens = tokens.iter().sum();
let mut seed = tokens[0];
LeaderScheduler::choose_account(tokens.clone(), seed, total_tokens),
seed = tokens[0] - 1;
LeaderScheduler::choose_account(tokens.clone(), seed, total_tokens),
seed = 0;
LeaderScheduler::choose_account(tokens.clone(), seed, total_tokens),
seed = total_tokens;
LeaderScheduler::choose_account(tokens.clone(), seed, total_tokens),
seed = total_tokens - 1;
LeaderScheduler::choose_account(tokens.clone(), seed, total_tokens),
tokens.len() - 1
seed = tokens[0..3].iter().sum();
LeaderScheduler::choose_account(tokens.clone(), seed, total_tokens),
fn test_scheduler() {
// Test when the number of validators equals
// seed_rotation_interval / leader_rotation_interval, so each validator
// is selected once
let mut num_validators = 100;
let mut bootstrap_height = 500;
let mut leader_rotation_interval = 100;
let mut seed_rotation_interval = leader_rotation_interval * num_validators;
leader_rotation_interval as u64,
seed_rotation_interval as u64,
// Test when there are fewer validators than
// seed_rotation_interval / leader_rotation_interval, so each validator
// is selected multiple times
num_validators = 3;
bootstrap_height = 500;
leader_rotation_interval = 100;
seed_rotation_interval = 1000;
leader_rotation_interval as u64,
seed_rotation_interval as u64,
// Test when there are fewer number of validators than
// seed_rotation_interval / leader_rotation_interval, so each validator
// may not be selected
num_validators = 10;
bootstrap_height = 500;
leader_rotation_interval = 100;
seed_rotation_interval = 200;
leader_rotation_interval as u64,
seed_rotation_interval as u64,
// Test when seed_rotation_interval == leader_rotation_interval,
// only one validator should be selected
num_validators = 10;
bootstrap_height = 1;
leader_rotation_interval = 1;
seed_rotation_interval = 1;
leader_rotation_interval as u64,
seed_rotation_interval as u64,
fn test_scheduler_active_window() {
let num_validators = 10;
// Set up the LeaderScheduler struct
let bootstrap_leader_id = Keypair::new().pubkey();
let bootstrap_height = 500;
let leader_rotation_interval = 100;
// Make sure seed_rotation_interval is big enough so we select all the
// validators as part of the schedule each time (we need to check the active window
// is the cause of validators being truncated later)
let seed_rotation_interval = leader_rotation_interval * num_validators;
let active_window_length = 1;
let leader_scheduler_config = LeaderSchedulerConfig::new(
let mut leader_scheduler = LeaderScheduler::new(&leader_scheduler_config);
// Create the bank and validators
let mint = Mint::new((((num_validators + 1) / 2) * (num_validators + 1)) as i64);
let bank = Bank::new(&mint);
let mut validators = vec![];
let last_id = mint
.expect("Mint should not create empty genesis entries")
for i in 0..num_validators {
let new_validator = Keypair::new();
let new_pubkey = new_validator.pubkey();
// Vote at height i * active_window_length for validator i
leader_scheduler.push_vote(new_pubkey, i * active_window_length);
bank.transfer((i + 1) as i64, &mint.keypair(), new_pubkey, last_id)
// Generate schedule every active_window_length entries and check that
// validators are falling out of the rotation as they fall out of the
// active set
for i in 0..num_validators {
leader_scheduler.generate_schedule(i * active_window_length, &bank);
let result = &leader_scheduler.leader_schedule;
assert_eq!(num_validators - i, result.len() as u64);
let expected_set = to_hashset(&validators[i as usize..]);
let result_set = to_hashset(&result[..]);
assert_eq!(expected_set, result_set);

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ pub mod erasure;
pub mod fetch_stage; pub mod fetch_stage;
pub mod fullnode; pub mod fullnode;
pub mod hash; pub mod hash;
pub mod leader_scheduler;
pub mod ledger; pub mod ledger;
pub mod logger; pub mod logger;
pub mod metrics; pub mod metrics;

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ impl ReplicateStage {
let t_replicate = Builder::new() let t_replicate = Builder::new()
.name("solana-replicate-stage".to_string()) .name("solana-replicate-stage".to_string())
.spawn(move || { .spawn(move || {
let _exit = Finalizer::new(exit);; let _exit = Finalizer::new(exit);
let now = Instant::now(); let now = Instant::now();
let mut next_vote_secs = 1; let mut next_vote_secs = 1;
loop { loop {