#!/usr/bin/env bash # These variable must be set before the main body is called SOLANA_LOCK_FILE="${SOLANA_LOCK_FILE:?}" SECONDARY_DISK_MOUNT_POINT="${SECONDARY_DISK_MOUNT_POINT:?}" SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS="${SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS:?}" RC=false if [[ -f "${SOLANA_LOCK_FILE}" ]]; then exec 9<>"${SOLANA_LOCK_FILE}" flock -x -n 9 || ( echo "Failed to acquire lock!" 1>&2 && exit 1 ) # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "${SOLANA_LOCK_FILE}" if [[ "${SOLANA_LOCK_USER}" = "${SOLANA_USER}" ]]; then # Begin running process cleanup CLEANUP_PID=$$ CLEANUP_PIDS=() CLEANUP_PPIDS=() get_pids() { CLEANUP_PIDS=() CLEANUP_PPIDS=() declare line maybe_ppid maybe_pid while read -r line; do read -r maybe_ppid maybe_pid _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <<<"${line}" CLEANUP_PIDS+=( "${maybe_pid}" ) CLEANUP_PPIDS+=( "${maybe_ppid}" ) done < <(ps jxh | sort -rn -k2,2) } CLEANUP_PROC_CHAINS=() resolve_chains() { CLEANUP_PROC_CHAINS=() declare i pid ppid handled n for i in "${!CLEANUP_PIDS[@]}"; do pid=${CLEANUP_PIDS[${i}]} ppid=${CLEANUP_PPIDS[${i}]} handled=false for j in "${!CLEANUP_PROC_CHAINS[@]}"; do if grep -q "^${ppid}\b" <<<"${CLEANUP_PROC_CHAINS[${j}]}"; then CLEANUP_PROC_CHAINS[${j}]="${pid} ${CLEANUP_PROC_CHAINS[${j}]}" handled=true break elif grep -q "\b${pid}\$" <<<"${CLEANUP_PROC_CHAINS[${j}]}"; then CLEANUP_PROC_CHAINS[${j}]+=" ${ppid}" handled=true # Don't break, we may be the parent of may proc chains fi done if ! ${handled}; then n=${#CLEANUP_PROC_CHAINS[@]} CLEANUP_PROC_CHAINS[${n}]="${pid} ${ppid}" fi done } # Kill screen sessions while read -r SID; do screen -S "${SID}" -X quit done < <(screen -wipe 2>&1 | sed -e 's/^\s\+\([^[:space:]]\+\)\s.*/\1/;t;d') # Kill tmux sessions tmux kill-server &> /dev/null # Kill other processes for SIG in INT TERM KILL; do get_pids if [[ ${#CLEANUP_PIDS[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then break else resolve_chains for p in "${CLEANUP_PROC_CHAINS[@]}"; do if ! grep -q "\b${CLEANUP_PID}\b" <<<"${p}"; then read -ra TO_KILL <<<"${p}" N=${#TO_KILL[@]} ROOT_PPID="${TO_KILL[$((N-1))]}" if [[ 1 -ne ${ROOT_PPID} ]]; then LAST_PID_IDX=$((N-2)) for I in $(seq 0 ${LAST_PID_IDX}); do pid="${TO_KILL[${I}]}" kill "-${SIG}" "${pid}" &>/dev/null done fi fi done get_pids if [[ ${#CLEANUP_PIDS[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then sleep 5 fi fi done # End running process cleanup # Begin filesystem cleanup git clean -qxdff rm -f /solana-scratch/* /solana-scratch/.[^.]* cat > "${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys" <&2 fi exec 9>&- fi ${RC}