using Client.Models; using static Client.Utils.TaskOps; using static Client.Models.Client; namespace Client.Utils { class SetTaskOpt : Models.Util { string OptName { get; set; } string OptValue { get; set; } public override string UtilName => "SetTaskOpt"; public override string Desc => "Set a task option"; public override string UtilExecute(string[] opts) { try { if (TaskName is null) { throw new AtlasException($"[-] Select a task before attempting to set task options\n"); } if (opts is null || opts.Length != 3) { throw new AtlasException($"[*] Usage: SetTaskOpt [optionName] [optionValue]\n"); } OptName = opts[1]; OptValue = opts[2]; var optList = ReturnMethod(); foreach (var opt in optList){ if (opt.GetPropertyValue("Name").ToString().Equals(OptName, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { opt.SetPropertyValue("Value", OptValue); return $"[*] {OptName} set to {OptValue}\n"; } } throw new AtlasException($"[-] Option {OptName} does not exist in the current context\n"); } catch (AtlasException e ) { return $"{e.Message}"; } } } }