
791 lines
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2023-07-18 22:48:36 -07:00
import { shell, dialog, app } from "electron";
import path from "path";
import fs from "fs";
import util from "../util";
import { v4 } from "uuid";
import Jimp from "jimp";
import ClassificationJS from "../classification/index.js";
import data from "../data";
const { exec } = require("child_process");
* 校验无效项目
* @param itemList
function checkInvalidItemList(itemList) {
let list = [];
if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(itemList)) {
for (let item of itemList) {
// 只校验文件和文件夹
if (item.type == 0 || item.type == 1) {
// 获取绝对路径
item.path = getAbsolutePath(item.path);
try {
} catch (e) {
if (item.classificationParentId != null) {
list.push(item.classificationParentId + "-" + item.classificationId + "-" + item.id);
} else {
list.push(item.classificationId + "-" + item.id);
return list;
* 校验无效项目
* @returns {*[]}
function checkInvalidItem() {
let list = [];
for (let c of global.list) {
if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(c.childList)) {
for (let cc of c.childList) {
if (util.strIsEmpty(cc.mapDirectory)) {
} else {
if (util.strIsEmpty(c.mapDirectory)) {
return list;
* 解析环境变量
* @param p
function parseEnvPath(p) {
// 尝试解析环境变量
let parsedPath = path.parse(p);
let isBase = false;
let dirArr;
if (util.strIsEmpty(parsedPath.dir)) {
dirArr = parsedPath.base.split("\\");
isBase = true;
} else {
dirArr = parsedPath.dir.split("\\");
let newPathArr = [];
const pattern = /^%.*%$/;
for (let string of dirArr) {
if (pattern.test(string)) {
let nString = string.substring(1, string.length - 1);
if (!util.strIsEmpty(process.env[nString])) {
} else {
} else {
if (!isBase) {
return newPathArr.join("\\");
* 是否是绝对路径
* @param p
function isAbsolutePath(p) {
const regex = /^[a-zA-Z]:\\/;
return regex.test(p);
* 获取绝对路径
* @param path
function getAbsolutePath(p) {
if (!isAbsolutePath(p)) {
// 尝试解析环境变量
let newPath = parseEnvPath(p);
// 判断解析之后的路径是否是绝对路径
if (isAbsolutePath(newPath)) {
return newPath;
} else {
return path.resolve(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? path.resolve(".") : path.dirname(process.execPath), p);
return p;
* 运行项目
* @param item
* @param location 是否打开文件所在的位置
* @param openWith 打开方式
function itemRun(item, location, openWith) {
// 系统
if (item.type == 3) {
if (item.shell.indexOf("shell:") >= 0) {
} else {
if (item.shell == "cmd") {
if (item.admin) {
exec('powershell -Command "Start-Process cmd -Verb RunAs"', (error, stdout, stderr) => {});
} else {
exec("start cmd.exe", (error, stdout, stderr) => {});
} else if (item.shell == "turnOffMonitor") {
} else {
exec(item.shell, (error, stdout, stderr) => {});
} else if (item.type == 5) {
exec("start " + item.shell, (error, stdout, stderr) => {});
// 如果是类型是0或者1并且是相对路径的话恢复为绝对路径
if (item.type == 0 || item.type == 1) {
// 获取路径
item.path = getAbsolutePath(item.path);
let t = item.path;
let params = !util.strIsEmpty(item.params) ? item.params.trim() : "";
if (openWith != null && openWith && item.type == 0) {
exec("RUNDLL32.EXE SHELL32.DLL,OpenAs_RunDLL " + t + "", (error, stdout, stderr) => {});
} else {
let type = "open";
if (item.type == 0) {
if (location) {
// 如果是打开文件所在位置
exec('start %windir%\\explorer.exe /select, "' + item.path + '"', (error, stdout, stderr) => {});
} else {
// 以管理员身份运行
if (item.admin && (item.extension == ".exe" || item.extension == ".bat")) {
type = "runas";
} else if (item.type == 2) {
// 网址
t = item.url;
if (item.type == 0 || item.type == 1) {
// 判断文件或文件夹是否存在
try {
global.api.RunItem(type, t, params, item.type == 0 && !util.strIsEmpty(item.startLocation) ? item.startLocation : path.dirname(item.path));
} catch (e) {
let message;
if (item.type == 0 && !location) {
message = global.currentLanguage.notFoundFileMessage;
} else {
message = global.currentLanguage.notFoundFolderMessage;
message += '"' + t + '"。';
dialog.showMessageBox(global.mainWindow, {
title: "Dawn Launcher",
message: message,
buttons: [global.currentLanguage.ok],
type: "error",
noLink: true,
} else {
global.api.RunItem(type, t, params, null);
* 返回排序菜单
* @param classificationParentId
* @param classificationChildId
* @param haveClassificationChild
* @param sort
function itemSortMenu(classificationParentId, classificationChildId, haveClassificationChild, sort) {
let submenu = [
label: global.currentLanguage.default,
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
sort: "default",
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemSort", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: (sort == null || sort == "default") && !haveClassificationChild ? util.getDot() : null,
label: global.currentLanguage.byInitial,
type: "normal",
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
sort: "initial",
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemSort", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: sort != null && sort == "initial" ? util.getDot() : null,
if (global.setting.item.openNumber) {
label: global.currentLanguage.byOpenNumber,
type: "normal",
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
sort: "openNumber",
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemSort", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: sort != null && sort == "openNumber" ? util.getDot() : null,
return {
label: global.currentLanguage.sort,
type: "submenu",
submenu: submenu,
* 返回布局和图标大小
* @param classificationParentId
* @param classificationChildId
* @param haveClassificationChild
* @param layout
* @param iconSize
function itemLayoutIconSize(classificationParentId, classificationChildId, haveClassificationChild, layout, iconSize) {
let menuList = [
label: global.currentLanguage.layout,
type: "submenu",
submenu: [
label: global.currentLanguage.default,
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
type: "default",
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemTile", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: (layout == null || layout == "default") && !haveClassificationChild ? util.getDot() : null,
label: global.currentLanguage.tile,
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
type: "tile",
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemTile", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: layout != null && layout == "tile" ? util.getDot() : null,
label: global.currentLanguage.list,
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
type: "list",
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemTile", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: layout != null && layout == "list" ? util.getDot() : null,
label: global.currentLanguage.iconSize,
type: "submenu",
submenu: [
label: global.currentLanguage.default,
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
type: null,
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemIconSize", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: iconSize == null && !haveClassificationChild ? util.getDot() : null,
label: global.currentLanguage.extraLarge,
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
type: 48,
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemIconSize", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: iconSize != null && iconSize == 48 ? util.getDot() : null,
label: global.currentLanguage.large,
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
type: 40,
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemIconSize", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: iconSize != null && iconSize == 40 ? util.getDot() : null,
label: global.currentLanguage.medium,
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
type: 32,
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemIconSize", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: iconSize != null && iconSize == 32 ? util.getDot() : null,
label: global.currentLanguage.small,
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
type: 24,
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemIconSize", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: iconSize != null && iconSize == 24 ? util.getDot() : null,
return menuList;
* 返回显示菜单
* @param classificationParentId
* @param classificationChildId
* @param haveClassificationChild
* @param showOnly
function itemShowOnly(classificationParentId, classificationChildId, haveClassificationChild, showOnly) {
let submenu = [
label: global.currentLanguage.default,
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
showOnly: "default",
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemShowOnly", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: (showOnly == null || showOnly == "default") && !haveClassificationChild ? util.getDot() : null,
label: global.currentLanguage.showOnlyFiles,
type: "normal",
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
showOnly: "file",
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemShowOnly", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: showOnly != null && showOnly == "file" ? util.getDot() : null,
label: global.currentLanguage.showOnlyFolders,
type: "normal",
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
showOnly: "folder",
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemShowOnly", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: showOnly != null && showOnly == "folder" ? util.getDot() : null,
return {
label: global.currentLanguage.show,
type: "submenu",
submenu: submenu,
* 返回列数菜单
* @param classificationParentId
* @param classificationChildId
* @param haveClassificationChild
* @param columnNumber
function itemColumnNumber(classificationParentId, classificationChildId, haveClassificationChild, columnNumber) {
let submenu = [
label: global.currentLanguage.default,
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
columnNumber: 0,
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemColumnNumber", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: (columnNumber == null || columnNumber == 0) && !haveClassificationChild ? util.getDot() : null,
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
label: (i + 1).toString(),
click: () => {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
columnNumber: i + 1,
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemColumnNumber", JSON.stringify(params));
icon: columnNumber != null && columnNumber == i + 1 ? util.getDot() : null,
return {
label: global.currentLanguage.numberOfColumns,
type: "submenu",
submenu: submenu,
* 获取文件图标
* @param target
* @param message
async function getFileIcon(target, message) {
// 获取绝对路径
target = getAbsolutePath(target);
let size = 256;
try {
// 先获取一下文件判断是否存在,不存在抛出异常
let stats = fs.statSync(target);
// 图标临时地址
let tempPath = app.getPath("temp") + "\\" + v4() + ".png";
// 获取图标
let result = global.api.GetFileIcon(target, tempPath, size);
// 1为成功
if (result == 1) {
// 读取图标文件
let buffer = fs.readFileSync(tempPath);
// 如果透明区域占比大于80代表这个图标没有超大图标那么就获取48*48图标
let tempResult = await Jimp.read(tempPath);
let zero = 0;
let color = 0;
for (const { x, y, image } of tempResult.scanIterator(0, 0, tempResult.bitmap.width, tempResult.bitmap.height)) {
if (image.getPixelColor(x, y) == 0) {
} else {
// 计算占比
let proportion = Math.round((zero / (zero + color)) * 100);
// 删除临时文件
fs.unlink(tempPath, (err) => {});
// 透明区域大于80获取48*48图标
if (proportion >= 80) {
// 图标临时地址
tempPath = app.getPath("temp") + "\\" + v4() + ".png";
// 获取48*48图标
result = global.api.GetFileIcon(target, tempPath, 48);
// 1成功
if (result == 1) {
// 读取图标文件
buffer = fs.readFileSync(tempPath);
// 删除文件
fs.unlink(tempPath, (err) => {});
// 图标
let base64 = "data:image/png;base64," + buffer.toString("base64");
// 返回base64
return base64;
} catch (e) {
if (message) {
dialog.showMessageBox(global.mainWindow, {
title: "Dawn Launcher",
message: global.currentLanguage.targetNotExist + '"' + target + '"。',
buttons: [global.currentLanguage.ok],
type: "error",
noLink: true,
cancelId: 1,
return null;
* 新建文件夹监听
function addMapDirectoryWatcher(classificationParentId, classificationChildId, mapDirectory) {
// key
let key = classificationParentId + (classificationChildId != null ? "-" + classificationChildId : "");
// 先删除原有监听
deleteMapDirectoryWatcher(classificationParentId, classificationChildId);
// 新建监听
let data = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
mapDirectory: mapDirectory,
let timer;
let watch = fs.watch(mapDirectory, (event, filename) => {
if (timer) {
timer = null;
// 启动定时器,在指定的时间间隔后发送合并后的通知
timer = setTimeout(() => {
readMapDirectory(classificationParentId, classificationChildId, mapDirectory, false, true, true);
timer = null;
}, 1000);
watch.on("error", (error) => {
// 保存
data.watch = watch;
global.mapDirectoryWatcher.set(key, data);
* 删除文件夹监听
function deleteMapDirectoryWatcher(classificationParentId, classificationChildId) {
// 判断是否存在
let key = classificationParentId + (classificationChildId != null ? "-" + classificationChildId : "");
let watcherData = global.mapDirectoryWatcher.get(key);
if (watcherData != null) {
// 存在
if (watcherData.watch != null && watcherData.watch) {
watcherData.watch = null;
* 读取映射文件夹内容
* @param classificationParentId
* @param classificationChildId
* @param mapDirectory
* @param listener
* @param old
* @param notice
async function readMapDirectory(classificationParentId, classificationChildId, mapDirectory, listener, old, notice) {
let itemList = [];
try {
// 判断是否含有环境变量
mapDirectory = parseEnvPath(mapDirectory);
// 获取图标数据
let iconData = data.store.get("iconData");
let iconDataMap = new Map();
// 转为Map
if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(iconData)) {
for (let icon of iconData) {
iconDataMap.set(util.getKey(icon.classificationParentId, icon.classificationChildId, icon.itemId), icon);
// 文件类型
let stats = fs.statSync(mapDirectory);
// 必须是文件夹
if (stats.isDirectory()) {
// 获取旧列表
let oldItemList = [];
let hiddenItem;
// 分类
let classification = ClassificationJS.getClassificationById(classificationParentId, classificationChildId);
if (classification != null) {
if (old != null && old) {
oldItemList = classification.itemList;
hiddenItem = classification.hiddenItem;
// 转为数组
let hiddenItemArr = [];
if (!util.strIsEmpty(hiddenItem)) {
hiddenItemArr = hiddenItem.split(",");
// 读取文件夹下面的所有文件
let pathList = fs.readdirSync(mapDirectory);
let i = 1;
for (let p of pathList) {
try {
// 判断是否隐藏
let flag = false;
for (let item of hiddenItemArr) {
if (item != null && p == item.trim()) {
flag = true;
if (flag) {
// 组合路径
let np = path.join(mapDirectory, p);
// 获取类型 0:文件 1:文件夹
let type = fs.statSync(np).isDirectory() ? 1 : 0;
// 如果旧数据有的话,获取旧数据
let icon;
let openNumber;
let lastOpen;
let quickSearchOpenNumber;
let quickSearchLastOpen;
if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(oldItemList)) {
for (let oldItem of oldItemList) {
if (
(type == 0 && oldItem.name == util.removeSuffix(p) && oldItem.path == np && oldItem.type == type) ||
(type == 1 && oldItem.name == p && oldItem.path == np && oldItem.type == type)
) {
// 通过旧数据获取图标
let oldIcon = iconDataMap.get(util.getKey(classificationParentId, classificationChildId, oldItem.id));
if (oldIcon != null) {
icon = oldIcon.icon;
openNumber = oldItem.openNumber;
lastOpen = oldItem.lastOpen;
quickSearchOpenNumber = oldItem.quickSearchOpenNumber;
quickSearchLastOpen = oldItem.quickSearchLastOpen;
let item = {
// id
id: i++,
// 路径
path: np,
// 名称
name: type == 1 ? p : util.removeSuffix(p),
// 全称
fullName: p,
// 图标
icon: icon != null ? icon : await getFileIcon(np, false),
// 类型 0:文件 1:文件夹
type: type,
// 打开次数
openNumber: openNumber,
// 最近打开
lastOpen: lastOpen,
// 快速搜索 打开次数
quickSearchOpenNumber: quickSearchOpenNumber,
// 快速搜索 最近打开
quickSearchLastOpen: quickSearchLastOpen,
} catch (e) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
if (listener != null && listener) {
// 新建监听
addMapDirectoryWatcher(classificationParentId, classificationChildId, mapDirectory);
if (notice) {
let params = {
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
itemList: itemList,
clear: true,
// 添加项目
global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemAdd", JSON.stringify(params));
} catch (e) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
return itemList;
* 初始化映射文件夹
async function initMapDirectory() {
let list = [];
for (let c of global.list) {
if (util.arrayIsEmpty(c.childList)) {
// 没有子级
if (!util.strIsEmpty(c.mapDirectory)) {
let { classificationParentId, classificationChildId } = ClassificationJS.convertClassificationId(c.id, c.parentId);
let itemList = await readMapDirectory(classificationParentId, classificationChildId, c.mapDirectory, true, true, false);
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
itemList: itemList,
} else {
for (let cc of c.childList) {
if (!util.strIsEmpty(cc.mapDirectory)) {
let { classificationParentId, classificationChildId } = ClassificationJS.convertClassificationId(cc.id, cc.parentId);
let itemList = await readMapDirectory(classificationParentId, classificationChildId, cc.mapDirectory, true, true, false);
classificationParentId: classificationParentId,
classificationChildId: classificationChildId,
itemList: itemList,
return list;
export default {