import { ipcMain, dialog, Menu, app, shell } from "electron"; import os from "os"; import data from "@/main/data"; import fs from "fs"; import settingIndex from "./setting/index"; import util from "./util"; import retry from "retry"; import request from "request"; import mime from "mime"; import path from "path"; /** * 固定位置 * @param fixedPosition * @param alwaysCenter */ function setFixedPosition(fixedPosition, alwaysCenter) { global.mainWindow.setMovable(fixedPosition); if (alwaysCenter) { global.mainWindow.setMovable(false); } } export default function () { // 隐藏 ipcMain.on("hide", (event, args) => { global.mainWindow.hide(); }); // 隐藏 ipcMain.on("hideMainWindow", (event, args) => { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("hideMainWindowBefore"); }); // 关闭 ipcMain.on("close", (event, args) => { global.mainWindow.close(); }); // 获取数据 ipcMain.on("getList", (event) => { let list = data.getList(); event.returnValue = list; }); // 保存数据 ipcMain.on("setList", (event, args) => { let params = JSON.parse(args); data.setList(params.list); settingIndex.setShortcutKey(global.setting); if (params.searchWindowGetData != null && params.searchWindowGetData) { if (global.searchWindow != null && !global.searchWindow.isDestroyed()) { global.searchWindow.webContents.send("searchWindowGetData"); } } }); // 错误消息 ipcMain.on("errorMessage", (event, args) => { dialog.showMessageBox(global.mainWindow, { title: "Dawn Launcher", message: args, buttons: [global.currentLanguage.ok], type: "error", noLink: true, cancelId: 1, }); }); // 文本框菜单 ipcMain.on("textRightMenu", (event, args) => { // 菜单 let m = Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { role: "cut", label: global.currentLanguage.cut, }, { role: "copy", label: global.currentLanguage.copy, }, { role: "paste", label: global.currentLanguage.paste, }, ]); util.menuListen(m); m.popup(); }); // 获取版本 ipcMain.on("getVersion", (event) => { event.returnValue = app.getVersion(); }); // 打开网页 ipcMain.on("openUrl", (event, args) => { shell.openExternal(args); }); // 检查更新 ipcMain.on("checkUpdate", () => { util.checkUpdate("checkUpdate"); }); // 统计 ipcMain.on("statistics", () => { try { let data = { system: os.type(), release: os.release(), locale: app.getLocale(), appVersion: app.getVersion(), }; // 重试 const operation = retry.operation({ retries: 5, // 最多重试 5 次 factor: 1, // 每次重试之间的时间间隔加倍 minTimeout: 1000, // 第一次重试之前等待的时间 maxTimeout: 5000, // 最长等待时间 }); // 发起请求 operation.attempt((currentAttempt) => { request( { uri: "", method: "POST", json: true, headers: { "content-type": "application/json", }, body: data, timeout: 5000, }, function (error, response, body) { if (operation.retry(error)) { return; } } ); }); } catch (e) {} }); // 备份数据 ipcMain.on("backup", () => { try { dialog .showSaveDialog(global.mainWindow, { title: global.currentLanguage.backUpData, defaultPath: "data", filters: [{ name: "JSON", extensions: ["json"] }], }) .then((r) => { if (!r.canceled && !util.strIsEmpty(r.filePath)) { fs.copyFileSync(app.getPath("userData") + "\\data.json", r.filePath); global.mainWindow.webContents.send("hideBackupRestore"); } }); } catch (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.log(e); } } }); // 恢复数据 ipcMain.on("restore", () => { try { dialog .showOpenDialog(global.mainWindow, { title: global.currentLanguage.restoreData, filters: [{ name: "JSON", extensions: ["json"] }], }) .then((r) => { if (!r.canceled && !util.arrayIsEmpty(r.filePaths)) { if (!util.strIsEmpty(r.filePaths[0])) { fs.copyFileSync(r.filePaths[0], app.getPath("userData") + "\\data.json"); // 清空所有文件映射监听 if (global.mapDirectoryWatcher != null) { for (let value of global.mapDirectoryWatcher.values()) { if (value != null && != null && {; } } global.mapDirectoryWatcher = new Map(); } // 初始化图标数据 data.getList(); data.splitData(); // 重新获取数据 global.mainWindow.webContents.send("getAllData"); } } }); } catch (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.log(e); } } }); // 设置置顶 ipcMain.on("setAlwaysTop", (event, args) => { if (args) { global.mainWindow.setAlwaysOnTop(true, "screen-saver"); } else { global.mainWindow.setAlwaysOnTop(false); } }); // 反馈 ipcMain.on("feedback", () => { shell.openExternal(""); }); // 锁定尺寸 ipcMain.on("setResize", (event, args) => { global.mainWindow.setResizable(args); }); // 设置透明度 ipcMain.on("setOpacity", (event, args) => { global.mainWindow.setOpacity(Number(args)); }); // 设置固定位置 ipcMain.on("setFixedPosition", (event, args) => { setFixedPosition(args[0], args[1]); }); // 永远居中 ipcMain.on("setAlwaysCenter", (event, args) => { if (args[0]) {; global.mainWindow.setMovable(false); } else { setFixedPosition(args[1], args[2]); } }); // 打赏赞助 ipcMain.on("rewardAndSponsorship", () => { shell.openExternal(""); }); // 跳转搜索窗口高度 ipcMain.on("setSearchWindowHeight", (event, args) => { global.searchWindow.setBounds({ height: args }); }); // 隐藏搜索窗口 ipcMain.on("hideSearchWindow", () => { if (global.searchWindow.isVisible()) { global.searchWindow.hide(); } }); // 窗口设置透明 ipcMain.on("setSearchWindowOpacity", (event, args) => { global.searchWindow.setOpacity(args); event.returnValue = null; }); // 获取release ipcMain.on("getRelease", (event, args) => { event.returnValue = os.release(); }); // 获取背景图 ipcMain.on("getBackgroundImageBase64", (event, args) => { let params = JSON.parse(args); fs.readFile(app.getPath("userData") + "\\images\\" + params.backgroundImage, (err, data) => { if (!err) { try { let buffer = Buffer.from(data); let image = "data:" + mime.getType(params.backgroundImage) + ";base64," + buffer.toString("base64"); if ( == "main") { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("returnBackgroundImageBase64", image); } else { global.settingWindow.webContents.send("returnBackgroundImageBase64", image); } } catch (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.log(e); } } } }); }); // 通知快速搜索窗口获取数据 ipcMain.on("noticeSearchWindowGetData", () => { if (global.searchWindow != null) { global.searchWindow.webContents.send("searchWindowGetData"); } }); // 获取软件目录 ipcMain.on("getPath", (event, args) => { event.returnValue = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? path.resolve(".") : path.dirname(process.execPath); }); // 获取图标 ipcMain.on("getIconData", (event) => { let iconData = data.getIconData(); event.returnValue = iconData; }); // 更新图标 ipcMain.on("updateIconData", (event, args) => { // 参数 let updateIconData = JSON.parse(args); // 获取图标数据 let iconData ="iconData"); if (iconData != null) { // 删除 if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(updateIconData.delete)) { for (let del of updateIconData.delete) { let index; for (let i = 0; i < iconData.length; i++) { if ( iconData[i].classificationParentId == del.classificationParentId && iconData[i].classificationChildId == del.classificationChildId && iconData[i].itemId == del.itemId ) { index = i; break; } } if (index != null) { iconData.splice(index, 1); } } } // 添加 if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(updateIconData.add)) { for (let add of updateIconData.add) { let icon = { classificationParentId: add.classificationParentId, classificationChildId: add.classificationChildId, itemId: add.itemId, icon: add.icon, }; iconData.push(icon); } } // 更新 if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(updateIconData.update)) { for (let update of updateIconData.update) { let flag = false; for (let icon of iconData) { if ( icon.classificationParentId == update.classificationParentId && icon.classificationChildId == update.classificationChildId && icon.itemId == update.itemId ) { icon.icon = update.icon; flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { iconData.push(update); } } } // set"iconData", iconData); } // 更新搜索框图标数据 if (global.searchWindow != null && !global.searchWindow.isDestroyed()) { global.searchWindow.webContents.send("searchWindowUpdateIconData", args); } }); // 通知搜索窗口重新获取图标数据 ipcMain.on("searchWindowGetIconData", (event, args) => { if (global.searchWindow != null && !global.searchWindow.isDestroyed()) { global.searchWindow.webContents.send("getIconData"); } }); // showMessageBoxSync ipcMain.on("showMessageBoxSync", (event, args) => { let index = dialog.showMessageBoxSync(global.mainWindow, { title: "Dawn Launcher", message: args, buttons: [global.currentLanguage.ok, global.currentLanguage.cancel], type: "question", noLink: true, cancelId: 1, }); event.returnValue = index == 0 ? true : false; }); // 选择文件夹 ipcMain.on("openDirectory", (event, args) => { let params = JSON.parse(args); let options = { properties: ["openDirectory"], }; if (!util.strIsEmpty(params.defaultPath)) { options.defaultPath = params.defaultPath; } else { options.defaultPath = app.getPath("desktop"); } dialog.showOpenDialog(params.window == "mainWindow" ? global.mainWindow : null, options).then((r) => { if (r.filePaths.length > 0) { event.returnValue = r.filePaths[0]; } else { event.returnValue = null; } }); }); // 选择文件 ipcMain.on("openFile", (event, args) => { let params = JSON.parse(args); let options = {}; if (!util.strIsEmpty(params.defaultPath)) { options.defaultPath = params.defaultPath; } else { options.defaultPath = app.getPath("desktop"); } dialog.showOpenDialog(params.window == "mainWindow" ? global.mainWindow : null, options).then((r) => { if (r.filePaths.length > 0) { let filePath = r.filePaths[0]; if ( { if (mime.getType(filePath) == "application/x-ms-shortcut") { // 快捷方式 // 获取真实文件路径和参数 let shortcutDetail = global.api.GetShortcutFile(filePath); if (!util.strIsEmpty( { // 路径 filePath =; } } } event.returnValue = filePath; } else { event.returnValue = null; } }); }); }