import { ipcMain, dialog, Menu, clipboard, shell } from "electron"; import * as cheerio from "cheerio"; import url from "url"; import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import mime from "mime"; import index from "./index"; import util from "../util"; import xml2js from "xml2js"; import os from "os"; import request from "request"; import URI from "urijs"; import retry from "retry"; import cacheData from "../cache/data"; import ItemJS from "@/main/item/index"; import ClassificationJS from "@/main/classification/index"; const { execSync } = require("child_process"); /** * 随机user-agent * @returns {string} */ function getRandomUserAgent() { const userAgents = [ "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:89.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/89.0", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Firefox/89.0", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36 Edg/91.0.864.59", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36 Edg/91.0.864.59", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:89.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/89.0", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Firefox/89.0", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36 OPR/76.0.4017.123", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36 OPR/76.0.4017.123", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:89.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/89.0", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Firefox/89.0", ]; const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * userAgents.length); return userAgents[randomIndex]; } /** * 发送网址信息 * @param item */ function sendUrlInfo(item) { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("getUrlInfo", JSON.stringify(item)); } /** * 获取代理 */ function getProxy() { if ( && !util.strIsEmpty( { let uri = new URI(; if (!util.strIsEmpty(uri.protocol())) { let address = uri.protocol().toLowerCase() + "://"; if (!util.strIsEmpty( && !util.strIsEmpty( { address += + ":" + + "@"; } address += uri.hostname() + ":" + uri.port(); return address; } } return null; } /** * 获取网址信息 * @param u 网址 * @param r 是否支持跳转获取 */ function getUrlInfo(u, r) { let result = { status: false, message: null, name: null, icon: null, }; // 重试 const operation = retry.operation({ retries: 5, // 最多重试 5 次 factor: 1, // 每次重试之间的时间间隔加倍 minTimeout: 1000, // 第一次重试之前等待的时间 maxTimeout: 5000, // 最长等待时间 }); try { // 发起请求 operation.attempt((currentAttempt) => { request( { uri: u, proxy: getProxy(), timeout: 5000, headers: { "User-Agent": getRandomUserAgent(), }, }, function (error, response, body) { if (operation.retry(error)) { return; } if (!error && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { // 解析HTML let $ = cheerio.load(body); // 是否有跳转标签 let refresh = $("meta[http-equiv='refresh']"); if (refresh != null && !util.strIsEmpty(refresh.attr("content")) && r) { // 如果有跳转标签的话,就请求新网址并获取网址信息 let content = refresh.attr("content"); let contentSplit = content.split(";"); let urlProperty = contentSplit[contentSplit.length - 1]; let urlPropertySplit = urlProperty.split("="); let newUrl = urlPropertySplit[urlPropertySplit.length - 1]; // 重新获取新网址信息 getUrlInfo(newUrl, false); } else { // 解析HTML并返回信息 analysisHTML(u, body); } } else { sendUrlInfo(result); } } ); }); } catch (e) { sendUrlInfo(result); } } /** * 解析HTML并返回信息 * @param u url * @param data HTML */ function analysisHTML(u, data) { let result = { status: false, message: null, name: null, icon: null, }; try { // 解析HTML let $ = cheerio.load(data); // 获取标题 = $("head").find("title").text(); // 获取图标URL let iconUrl; let icon = $("link[rel='icon']"); if (icon != null && !util.strIsEmpty(icon.attr("href"))) { iconUrl = icon.attr("href"); } else { let shortcutIcon = $("link[rel='shortcut icon']"); if (shortcutIcon != null && !util.strIsEmpty(shortcutIcon.attr("href"))) { iconUrl = shortcutIcon.attr("href"); } else { iconUrl = "/favicon.ico"; } } if (!util.strIsEmpty(iconUrl)) { // 解析URL let urlParse = url.parse(u); // 新图标URL let newIconUrl = ""; // 去掉类似//这样域名的”//“字符 if (iconUrl.indexOf("//") == 0) { iconUrl = "http:" + iconUrl; } // 如果url包含https://或者http://就是正常的链接 if (iconUrl.indexOf("http://") >= 0 || iconUrl.indexOf("https://") >= 0) { newIconUrl = iconUrl; } else { // 无协议头,使用当前网址域名 newIconUrl = url.resolve("http://" + + (urlParse.port != null ? ":" + urlParse.port : ""), iconUrl); } // 重试 const operation = retry.operation({ retries: 5, // 最多重试 5 次 factor: 1, // 每次重试之间的时间间隔加倍 minTimeout: 1000, // 第一次重试之前等待的时间 maxTimeout: 5000, // 最长等待时间 }); operation.attempt((currentAttempt) => { // 下载图标 request( { uri: newIconUrl, proxy: getProxy(), encoding: null, timeout: 5000, headers: { "User-Agent": getRandomUserAgent(), }, }, function (error, response, body) { if (operation.retry(error)) { return; } if (!error && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { let buffer = Buffer.from(body); result.icon = "data:" + mime.getType(newIconUrl) + ";base64," + buffer.toString("base64"); result.status = true; sendUrlInfo(result); } else { sendUrlInfo(result); } } ); }); } else { sendUrlInfo(result); } } catch (e) { sendUrlInfo(result); } } /** * 获取文件图标 * @param target * @param message */ async function getFileIcon(target, message) { return await index.getFileIcon(target, message); } /** * 转换为菜单 * * @param classificationParentId * @param classificationChildId * @param id * @param list * @param del */ function convertMenu(classificationParentId, classificationChildId, id, list, del) { let menuList = []; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { let classification = list[i]; let menu = { label:, }; let submenu = []; if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(classification.childList)) { for (let j = 0; j < classification.childList.length; j++) { if (util.strIsEmpty(classification.childList[j].mapDirectory) && (classification.childList[j].type == null || classification.childList[j].type != 1)) { submenu.push({ label: classification.childList[j].name, click: () => { let params = { from: { classificationParentId: classificationParentId, classificationChildId: classificationChildId, id: id, }, to: { classificationParentId:, classificationChildId: classification.childList[j].id, }, del: del, }; global.mainWindow.webContents.send("moveItem", JSON.stringify(params)); }, }); } } } if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(submenu)) { menu.submenu = submenu; menu.type = "submenu"; } else { menu.type = "normal"; = () => { let params = { from: { classificationParentId: classificationParentId, classificationChildId: classificationChildId, id: id, }, to: { classificationParentId:, classificationChildId: null, }, del: del, }; global.mainWindow.webContents.send("moveItem", JSON.stringify(params)); }; } if (util.strIsEmpty(classification.mapDirectory) && (classification.type == null || classification.type != 1)) { menuList.push(menu); } } return menuList; } /** * 批量操作转换为菜单 * * @param list * @param del */ function batchOperationConvertMenu(list, del) { let menuList = []; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { let classification = list[i]; let menu = { label:, }; let submenu = []; if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(classification.childList)) { for (let j = 0; j < classification.childList.length; j++) { if (util.strIsEmpty(classification.childList[j].mapDirectory) && (classification.childList[j].type == null || classification.childList[j].type != 1)) { submenu.push({ label: classification.childList[j].name, click: () => { dialog .showMessageBox(global.mainWindow, { message: del ? global.currentLanguage.batchMoveItemMessage : global.currentLanguage.batchCopyItemMessage, buttons: [global.currentLanguage.ok, global.currentLanguage.cancel], type: "question", noLink: true, cancelId: 1, }) .then((r) => { if (r.response == 0) { let params = { to: { classificationParentId:, classificationChildId: classification.childList[j].id, }, del: del, }; global.mainWindow.webContents.send("batchMoveItem", JSON.stringify(params)); } }); }, }); } } } if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(submenu)) { menu.submenu = submenu; menu.type = "submenu"; } else { menu.type = "normal"; = () => { dialog .showMessageBox(global.mainWindow, { message: del ? global.currentLanguage.batchMoveItemMessage : global.currentLanguage.batchCopyItemMessage, buttons: [global.currentLanguage.ok, global.currentLanguage.cancel], type: "question", noLink: true, cancelId: 1, }) .then((r) => { if (r.response == 0) { let params = { to: { classificationParentId:, classificationChildId: null, }, del: del, }; global.mainWindow.webContents.send("batchMoveItem", JSON.stringify(params)); } }); }; } if (util.strIsEmpty(classification.mapDirectory) && (classification.type == null || classification.type != 1)) { menuList.push(menu); } } return menuList; } /** * 读取路径下的文件 * @param path * @returns {*[]} */ function getPathProgramList(path) { let resultList = []; try { // 读取开始菜单下所有内容 let pathList = fs.readdirSync(path); // 循环判断文件类型 for (let p of pathList) { // 完整路径 let fullPath = path + "\\" + p; // 判断文件类型 let stats; try { // 文件类型 stats = fs.statSync(fullPath); // 如果是文件夹继续向下读取,如果是文件则添加到返回列表 if (stats.isDirectory()) { // 文件夹 resultList.push(...getPathProgramList(fullPath)); } else { // 文件 resultList.push(fullPath); } } catch (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.log(e); } } } } catch (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.log(e); } } return resultList; } /** * 获取最大图标尺寸 */ function getMaxIconSize(list, name, type) { // 获取最大图标尺寸 let max = null; for (let targetSize of list) { let s = targetSize.replace(name + "." + type + "-", "").split("_"); let size = Number(s[0].replace(".png", "")); if (max == null) { max = size; } else { if (size > max) { max = size; } } } return max; } /** * 接续XML同步 * @param xml * @returns {Promise} */ async function xml2jsSync(xml) { let parser = new xml2js.Parser(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { parser.parseString(xml, function (err, json) { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(json); }); }); } /** * 获取AppxPropertiesLogo * @param installLocation * @param result * @returns {string|null} */ function getPropertiesIcon(installLocation, result) { if (result.Package.Properties != null) { if (result.Package.Properties[0].Logo != null) { let logo = result.Package.Properties[0].Logo[0]; return installLocation + "\\" + logo; } } return null; } /** * 获取Appx信息 */ async function getAppxInfo(installLocation) { let appxInfo = {}; let buffer, result; try { buffer = fs.readFileSync(installLocation + "\\AppxManifest.xml"); result = await xml2jsSync(buffer); // 备用,如果没有名称的话 let executable = null; // targetsize图标 let targetSizeIcon = null; let targetSizeIconMax = null; // scale图标 let scaleIcon = null; let scaleIconMax = null; // 图标 APPID if (result.Package.Applications != null && result.Package.Applications[0] != null) { if (result.Package.Applications[0].Application[0] != null) { // APPID appxInfo.appId = result.Package.Applications[0].Application[0].$.Id; // Executable executable = result.Package.Applications[0].Application[0].$.Executable; // 图标 if (result.Package.Applications[0].Application[0]["uap:VisualElements"] != null) { // logo地址 let logo = result.Package.Applications[0].Application[0]["uap:VisualElements"][0].$.Square44x44Logo; // 解析路径 let parsedPath = path.parse(logo); // 获取文件夹下所有文件 let fileNameList = fs.readdirSync(installLocation + "\\" + parsedPath.dir); // 筛选出和包含logo名称的文件名 let filterList = fileNameList.filter((f) => f.indexOf( >= 0); if (filterList.length > 1) { // 获取targetsize图片 let targetSizeList = filterList.filter((f) => f.indexOf( + ".targetsize") >= 0); if (targetSizeList.length > 0) { // 获取最大图标尺寸 let max = getMaxIconSize(targetSizeList,, "targetsize"); if (max != null) { // 记录max targetSizeIconMax = max; // 先获取最终图标 let defaultList = targetSizeList.filter( (f) => f == + ".targetsize-" + max + "_altform-unplated_devicefamily-colorfulunplated.png" ); targetSizeIcon = defaultList.length > 0 ? installLocation + "\\" + parsedPath.dir + "\\" + + ".targetsize-" + max + "_altform-unplated_devicefamily-colorfulunplated.png" : null; if (targetSizeIcon == null) { // 获取 名称.targetsize-{max}_altform-unplated.png let defaultUnplatedList = targetSizeList.filter((f) => f == + ".targetsize-" + max + "_altform-unplated.png"); if (defaultUnplatedList.length > 0) { targetSizeIcon = installLocation + "\\" + parsedPath.dir + "\\" + + ".targetsize-" + max + "_altform-unplated.png"; } else { // 获取 名称.targetsize-{max}_altform.png let defaultAltFormList = targetSizeList.filter((f) => f == + ".targetsize-" + max + "_altform.png"); if (defaultAltFormList.length > 0) { targetSizeIcon = installLocation + "\\" + parsedPath.dir + "\\" + + ".targetsize-" + max + "_altform.png"; } else { // 获取 名称.targetsize-{max}.png let defaultTargetSizeList = targetSizeList.filter((f) => f == + ".targetsize-" + max + ".png"); if (defaultTargetSizeList.length > 0) { targetSizeIcon = installLocation + "\\" + parsedPath.dir + "\\" + defaultTargetSizeList[0]; } } } } } } // 获取scale图片 let scaleList = filterList.filter((f) => f.indexOf( + ".scale") >= 0); if (scaleList.length > 0) { // 获取最大图标尺寸 let max = getMaxIconSize(scaleList,, "scale"); if (max != null) { // 记录max scaleIconMax = max; // 获取 名称.scale-{max}.png let defaultList = scaleList.filter((f) => f == + ".scale-" + max + ".png"); if (defaultList.length > 0) { scaleIcon = installLocation + "\\" + parsedPath.dir + "\\" + defaultList[0]; } } } else { scaleList = filterList.filter((f) => f.indexOf( + ".Theme-Dark_Scale") >= 0); if (scaleList.length > 0) { let max = getMaxIconSize(scaleList,, "Theme-Dark_Scale"); if (max != null) { // 记录max scaleIconMax = max; // 获取 名称.Theme-Dark_Scale{max}.png let defaultList = scaleList.filter((f) => f == + ".Theme-Dark_Scale-" + max + ".png"); if (defaultList.length > 0) { scaleIcon = installLocation + "\\" + parsedPath.dir + "\\" + defaultList[0]; } } } } } else { if (filterList.length == 1) { // 只有一张图片 appxInfo.icon = installLocation + "\\" + parsedPath.dir + "\\" + filterList[0]; } } } } } if (appxInfo.icon == null) { // 判断图标大小 if (targetSizeIcon != null && scaleIcon == null) { appxInfo.icon = targetSizeIcon; } else if (targetSizeIcon == null && scaleIcon != null) { appxInfo.icon = scaleIcon; } else if (targetSizeIcon != null && scaleIcon != null) { if (targetSizeIconMax == 256 || targetSizeIconMax > scaleIconMax) { appxInfo.icon = targetSizeIcon; } else if (targetSizeIconMax < scaleIconMax) { appxInfo.icon = scaleIcon; } else { appxInfo.icon = targetSizeIcon; } } else if (targetSizeIcon == null && scaleIcon == null) { let propertiesIcon = getPropertiesIcon(installLocation, result); if (propertiesIcon != null) { appxInfo.icon = propertiesIcon; } } } // 名称 if (result.Package.Properties != null) { if (result.Package.Properties[0].DisplayName != null) { = result.Package.Properties[0].DisplayName[0]; } } if ( == null || ( != null &&"ms-resource:") >= 0)) { if (executable != null && executable.indexOf("ms-resource:") < 0) { = path.parse(executable).name; } else { = null; } } if ( == null) { if (result.Package.Identity != null && result.Package.Identity[0] != null) { let name = result.Package.Identity[0].$.Name; if (name != null && name.indexOf("ms-resource:") < 0) { = name; } } } } catch (ex) { if (result != null) { let propertiesIcon = getPropertiesIcon(installLocation, result); if (propertiesIcon != null) { appxInfo.icon = propertiesIcon; } } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.log(ex); } } return appxInfo; } /** * 刷新图标缓存 * @param item */ async function refreshIconCache(item) { let info = {}; if (item.type == 0 || item.type == 1) { info.icon = await getFileIcon(item.path, false); } else { let appxInfo = await getAppxInfo(item.installLocation); if (appxInfo.icon != null) { try { let buffer = fs.readFileSync(appxInfo.icon); info.icon = "data:" + mime.getType(appxInfo.icon) + ";base64," + buffer.toString("base64"); info.iconPath = appxInfo.icon; } catch (ex) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.log(ex); } } } } return info; } /** * 刷新图标缓存 * @param item */ async function refreshIconCacheList(classificationParentId, classificationChildId) { // 获取分类下所有项目 let classification; if (classificationParentId != null) { let classificationParent; for (let c of global.list) { if ( == classificationParentId) { classificationParent = c; break; } } if (classificationChildId != null) { if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(classificationParent.childList)) { let classificationChild; for (let c of classificationParent.childList) { if ( == classificationChildId) { classificationChild = c; break; } } classification = classificationChild; } else { classification = classificationParent; } } else { classification = classificationParent; } } let resultList = []; if (classification != null && !util.arrayIsEmpty(classification.itemList)) { // 刷新所有项目图标 for (let item of classification.itemList) { if ((item.type == 0 || item.type == 1 || item.type == 5) && (item.notRefreshIcon == null || !item.notRefreshIcon)) { let info = await refreshIconCache(item); info.itemId =; resultList.push(info); } } } return resultList; } /** * 读取文件 * @param pathArr */ async function readFiles(pathArr) { let itemList = []; for (let filePath of pathArr) { try { let item = { // id id: null, // 路径 path: null, // url url: null, // 名称 name: null, // 图标 icon: null, // 参数 params: null, // 以管理员身份运行 admin: false, // 类型 0:文件 1:文件夹 2:网址 type: 0, // 排序 order: 0, }; // path let target = filePath; // 文件名 = path.basename(target); // 判断是否是快捷方式,如果是的话,需要获取真实路径 if (mime.getType(filePath) == "application/x-ms-shortcut") { // 快捷方式 // 获取真实文件路径和参数 let shortcutDetail = global.api.GetShortcutFile(filePath); if (util.strIsEmpty( { // 路径 target = filePath; } else { // 路径 target =; } // 参数 item.params = !util.strIsEmpty(shortcutDetail.arguments) ? shortcutDetail.arguments : null; } // 文件类型 let stats = fs.statSync(target); // 路径 item.path = target; item.type = stats.isFile() ? 0 : 1; // 获取图标 item.icon = await getFileIcon(target, true); // 去掉后缀 if (item.type == 0) { = util.removeSuffix(; } // add itemList.push(item); } catch (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.log(e); } } } return itemList; } /** * 获取开始菜单程序 */ async function getStartMenuProgramList() { // 返回列表 let resultList = []; // appData let appDataPathList = getPathProgramList(process.env["AppData"] + "\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs"); // programData let programDataPathList = getPathProgramList(process.env["ProgramData"] + "\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs"); // list let pathList = []; pathList.push(...appDataPathList); pathList.push(...programDataPathList); // 查询缓存 let cacheStartMenuProgramList = cacheData.cacheStore.get("startMenuProgramList"); // 循环组装数据 for (let p of pathList) { // 获取后缀,必须是快捷方式 if (mime.getType(p) == "application/x-ms-shortcut") { // 获取名称去掉后缀 let name = util.removeSuffix(path.basename(p)); // 查重 let flag = false; for (let e of resultList) { if ( == name) { flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { let exist = false; // 是否存在如果存在的话不需要重新获取图标 if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(cacheStartMenuProgramList)) { for (let pro of cacheStartMenuProgramList) { if (name == && p == pro.path) { resultList.push(pro); exist = true; break; } } } if (!exist) { // data let data = { name: name, path: p, icon: await getFileIcon(p, true), }; // push resultList.push(data); } } } } // 排序 resultList.sort((a, b) =>; // 写入缓存 cacheData.cacheStore.set("startMenuProgramList", resultList); // 返回 return resultList; } /** * 获取Appx列表 */ async function getAppxList() { let resultList = []; try { let release = os.release(); let releaseSplit = release.split("."); if (Number(releaseSplit[0]) >= 10) { let stdout = execSync('powershell -Command "Get-AppxPackage | Select-Object PackageFamilyName, InstallLocation | Format-list"'); stdout = stdout.toString("UTF8"); let split = stdout.trim().split("\r\n"); split = split.filter((str) => str.trim() != ""); let list = []; let packageFamilyName = null; let installLocation = null; let prev = null; for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { let t = split[i].trim(); let s = t.split(" : "); if (s.length > 1) { if (s[0].trim() == "PackageFamilyName") { if (packageFamilyName != null && installLocation != null) { list.push({ packageFamilyName: packageFamilyName, installLocation: installLocation, }); packageFamilyName = s[1].trim(); installLocation = null; prev = "PackageFamilyName"; } else { packageFamilyName = s[1].trim(); prev = "PackageFamilyName"; } } else if (s[0].trim() == "InstallLocation") { installLocation = s[1].trim(); prev = "InstallLocation"; } } else { if (prev == "PackageFamilyName") { packageFamilyName += t; } else if (prev == "InstallLocation") { installLocation += t; } } } if (packageFamilyName != null && installLocation != null) { list.push({ packageFamilyName: packageFamilyName, installLocation: installLocation, }); } // 读取XML获取图标路径和名称 for (let e of list) { let appxInfo = await getAppxInfo(e.installLocation); e.appId = appxInfo.appId; e.icon = appxInfo.icon; =; } // 过滤 let filterList = list.filter((e) => e.icon != null && e.appId != null && != null); // 图标转BASE64 for (let e of filterList) { try { let buffer = fs.readFileSync(e.icon); let icon = "data:" + mime.getType(e.icon) + ";base64," + buffer.toString("base64"); e.originalIcon = e.icon; e.icon = icon; } catch (ex) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.log(ex); } e.icon = null; } } // 返回列表 resultList = filterList.filter((e) => e.icon != null); // 排序 resultList.sort((a, b) =>; } } catch (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.log(e); } } return resultList; } /** * 图片转BASE64 */ function imageToBase64(path) { fs.readFile(path, (err, data) => { let buffer = Buffer.from(data); let icon = "data:" + mime.getType(path) + ";base64," + buffer.toString("base64"); global.mainWindow.webContents.send("imageToBase64", icon); }); } /** * 下载图片 * @param url */ function downloadImage(url) { let result = { status: false, message: global.currentLanguage.downloadImageFailedMessage, name: null, icon: null, }; // 重试 const operation = retry.operation({ retries: 5, // 最多重试 5 次 factor: 1, // 每次重试之间的时间间隔加倍 minTimeout: 1000, // 第一次重试之前等待的时间 maxTimeout: 5000, // 最长等待时间 }); operation.attempt((currentAttempt) => { // 下载图片 request( { uri: url, proxy: getProxy(), encoding: null, timeout: 5000, headers: { "User-Agent": getRandomUserAgent(), }, }, function (error, response, body) { if (operation.retry(error)) { return; } if (!error && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { if (response.headers != null && response.headers["content-type"] != null) { let ext = mime.getExtension(response.headers["content-type"]); if (ext == "jpg" || ext == "jpeg" || ext == "png" || ext == "gif" || ext == "ico" || ext == "svg") { let buffer = Buffer.from(body); result.icon = "data:" + mime.getType(response.headers["content-type"]) + ";base64," + buffer.toString("base64"); result.status = true; result.message = null; } else { result.icon = null; result.status = false; result.message = global.currentLanguage.downloadImageNotImageFormatMessage; } } } returnDownloadImage(result); } ); }); } /** * 返回下载图片信息 * @param result */ function returnDownloadImage(result) { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("returnDownloadImage", JSON.stringify(result)); } /** * 添加/修改项目菜单项 * @param type * @param classificationParentId * @param classificationChildId * @param id * @param itemType */ function addEditItemMenu(type, classificationParentId, classificationChildId, id, itemType) { let params = { type: type, classificationParentId: classificationParentId, classificationChildId: classificationChildId, id: id, itemType: itemType, }; global.mainWindow.webContents.send("showItemAddEditWindow", JSON.stringify(params)); } /** * 清空项目菜单 * @param classificationParentId * @param classificationChildId * @param confirm */ function clearItemMenu(classificationParentId, classificationChildId, confirm) { let params = { classificationParentId: classificationParentId, classificationChildId: classificationChildId, confirm: confirm, }; global.mainWindow.webContents.send("clearItem", JSON.stringify(params)); } /** * 项目刷新图标缓存列表菜单 * @param classificationParentId * @param classificationChildId */ function refreshIconCacheListItemMenu(classificationParentId, classificationChildId) { dialog .showMessageBox(global.mainWindow, { message: global.currentLanguage.refreshIconCurrentClassificationMessage, buttons: [global.currentLanguage.ok, global.currentLanguage.cancel], type: "question", noLink: true, cancelId: 1, }) .then((r) => { if (r.response == 0) { refreshIconCacheList(classificationParentId, classificationChildId).then((res) => { let params = { classificationParentId: classificationParentId, classificationChildId: classificationChildId, list: res, }; global.mainWindow.webContents.send("refreshIconCacheList", JSON.stringify(params)); }); } }); } /** * 项目转换路径菜单 * @param classificationParentId * @param classificationChildId * @param type */ function convertPathListItemMenu(classificationParentId, classificationChildId, type) { dialog .showMessageBox(global.mainWindow, { message: type == "relative" ? global.currentLanguage.relativeCurrentClassificationMessage : global.currentLanguage.absoluteCurrentClassificationMessage, buttons: [global.currentLanguage.ok, global.currentLanguage.cancel], type: "question", noLink: true, cancelId: 1, }) .then((r) => { if (r.response == 0) { let params = { classificationParentId: classificationParentId, classificationChildId: classificationChildId, type: type, }; global.mainWindow.webContents.send("convertPathList", JSON.stringify(params)); } }); } export default function () { // 项目空白处右键菜单 ipcMain.on("itemContentRightMenu", (event, args) => { // 参数 let p = JSON.parse(args); // 在拥有子级分类的父级分类下右键 let addSubmenu = []; let clearSubmenu = []; let refreshIconCacheSubmenu = []; let convertRelativePathSubmenu = []; let convertAbsolutePathSubmenu = []; if (p.haveClassificationChild && p.classificationChildId == null) { for (let i = 0; i < global.list.length; i++) { if (global.list[i].id == p.classificationParentId) { for (let j = 0; j < global.list[i].childList.length; j++) { if ( util.strIsEmpty(global.list[i].childList[j].mapDirectory) && (global.list[i].childList[j].type == null || global.list[i].childList[j].type != 1) ) { addSubmenu.push({ label: global.list[i].childList[j].name, click: () => { addEditItemMenu(0, p.classificationParentId, global.list[i].childList[j].id); }, }); clearSubmenu.push({ label: global.list[i].childList[j].name, click: () => { clearItemMenu(p.classificationParentId, global.list[i].childList[j].id, true); }, }); convertRelativePathSubmenu.push({ label: global.list[i].childList[j].name, click: () => { convertPathListItemMenu(p.classificationParentId, global.list[i].childList[j].id, "relative"); }, }); convertAbsolutePathSubmenu.push({ label: global.list[i].childList[j].name, click: () => { convertPathListItemMenu(p.classificationParentId, global.list[i].childList[j].id, "absolute"); }, }); } if (global.list[i].childList[j].type == null || global.list[i].childList[j].type != 1) { refreshIconCacheSubmenu.push({ label: global.list[i].childList[j].name, click: () => { refreshIconCacheListItemMenu(p.classificationParentId, global.list[i].childList[j].id); }, }); } } } } } // 菜单 let menuList = []; if (p.haveClassificationChild && p.classificationChildId == null) { if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(addSubmenu)) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.newItem, type: "submenu", submenu: addSubmenu, }); } } else { if (!p.isMapDirectory && !p.aggregate) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.newItem, click: () => { addEditItemMenu(0, p.classificationParentId, p.classificationChildId); }, }); } } if (!p.aggregate) { menuList.push(index.itemSortMenu(p.classificationParentId, p.classificationChildId, p.haveClassificationChild, p.sort)); } menuList.push(...index.itemLayoutIconSize(p.classificationParentId, p.classificationChildId, p.haveClassificationChild, p.layout, p.iconSize)); menuList.push(ItemJS.itemShowOnly(p.classificationParentId, p.classificationChildId, p.haveClassificationChild, p.showOnly)); if ( !p.haveClassificationChild && ((p.layout != null && p.layout == "list") || (global.setting.item.layout == "list" && (p.layout == null || p.layout == "default"))) ) { menuList.push(ItemJS.itemColumnNumber(p.classificationParentId, p.classificationChildId, p.haveClassificationChild, p.columnNumber)); } menuList.push({ type: "separator" }); if (p.haveClassificationChild && p.classificationChildId == null) { if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(refreshIconCacheSubmenu)) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.batchRefreshIconCache, type: "submenu", submenu: refreshIconCacheSubmenu, }); } } else { if (!p.aggregate) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.batchRefreshIconCache, click: () => { refreshIconCacheListItemMenu(p.classificationParentId, p.classificationChildId); }, }); } } if (p.haveClassificationChild && p.classificationChildId == null) { if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(convertRelativePathSubmenu)) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.batchConversionRelativePath, type: "submenu", submenu: convertRelativePathSubmenu, }); } } else { if (!p.isMapDirectory && !p.aggregate) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.batchConversionRelativePath, click: () => { convertPathListItemMenu(p.classificationParentId, p.classificationChildId, "relative"); }, }); } } if (p.haveClassificationChild && p.classificationChildId == null) { if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(convertAbsolutePathSubmenu)) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.batchConversionAbsolutePath, type: "submenu", submenu: convertAbsolutePathSubmenu, }); } } else { if (!p.isMapDirectory && !p.aggregate) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.batchConversionAbsolutePath, click: () => { convertPathListItemMenu(p.classificationParentId, p.classificationChildId, "absolute"); }, }); } } menuList.push({ type: "separator" }); if (p.haveClassificationChild && p.classificationChildId == null) { if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(clearSubmenu)) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.clearItem, type: "submenu", submenu: clearSubmenu, }); } } else { if (!p.isMapDirectory && !p.aggregate) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.clearItem, click: () => { clearItemMenu(p.classificationParentId, p.classificationChildId, true); }, }); } } menuList.push({ type: "separator" }); if (!p.isMapDirectory && !p.aggregate) { menuList.push({ label: p.lockItem ? global.currentLanguage.unlockItem : global.currentLanguage.lockItem, click: () => { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("setLockItem", !p.lockItem); cacheData.cacheStore.set("lockItem", !p.lockItem); }, }); menuList.push({ type: "separator" }); } if (!p.lockItem && !p.isMapDirectory && !p.aggregate) { menuList.push({ label: p.batchOperation ? global.currentLanguage.cancelBatchOperation : global.currentLanguage.batchOperation, click: () => { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("setBatchOperation", !p.batchOperation); }, }); } let m = Menu.buildFromTemplate(menuList); util.menuListen(m); m.popup(); }); // 项目右键 ipcMain.on("itemRightMenu", (event, args) => { // 参数 let p = JSON.parse(args); // 项目 let item = p.item; // 转为菜单 let moveSubmenu = []; let copySubmenu = []; if (( == null || ! && (p.searchWindow == null || !p.searchWindow) && !p.isMapDirectory && !p.aggregate) { moveSubmenu = convertMenu(p.classificationParentId, p.classificationChildId,, global.list, true); copySubmenu = convertMenu(p.classificationParentId, p.classificationChildId,, global.list, false); } // 菜单 let menuList = [ { label:, click: () => { if (p.searchWindow != null && p.searchWindow) { global.searchWindow.hide(); } index.itemRun(item, false); if ( != null && { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("closeSearch"); } }, }, { label: global.currentLanguage.emptyRecycleBin, visible: item.type == 3 && == "shell:RecycleBinFolder", click: () => { global.api.EmptyRecycleBin(global.mainWindow.getNativeWindowHandle()); }, }, { label: global.currentLanguage.openWith, visible: item.type == 0 && item.extension != ".exe" && item.extension != ".bat" && item.extension != ".lnk", click: () => { if (p.searchWindow != null && p.searchWindow) { global.searchWindow.hide(); } index.itemRun(item, false, true); if ( != null && { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("closeSearch"); } }, }, { label: global.currentLanguage.runAsAdministrator, visible: (item.type == 0 && (item.extension == ".exe" || item.extension == ".bat")) || (item.type == 3 && == "cmd"), click: () => { item.admin = true; index.itemRun(item, false); if ( != null && { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("closeSearch"); } if (p.searchWindow != null && p.searchWindow) { global.searchWindow.hide(); } }, }, { label: global.currentLanguage.openLocation, visible: item.type == 0, click: () => { index.itemRun(item, true); if ( != null && { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("closeSearch"); } if (p.searchWindow != null && p.searchWindow) { global.searchWindow.hide(); } }, }, ]; menuList.push({ type: "separator", }); if (item.type != 3 && item.type != 4 && item.type != 5) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.copyFullPath, click: () => { if (item.type == 0 || item.type == 1) { clipboard.writeText(index.getAbsolutePath(item.path)); } else if (item.type == 2) { clipboard.writeText(item.url); } if ( != null && { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("closeSearch"); } if (p.searchWindow != null && p.searchWindow) { global.searchWindow.hide(); } }, }); } if (item.type == 0 || item.type == 1 || item.type == 5) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.createDesktopShortcut, click: () => { dialog .showSaveDialog(global.mainWindow, { title: global.currentLanguage.createDesktopShortcut, defaultPath: util.removeSuffix(\\n/g, " ")), filters: [{ name: "lnk", extensions: ["lnk"] }], }) .then((r) => { if (!r.canceled && !util.strIsEmpty(r.filePath)) { if (item.type == 0 || item.type == 1) { // 获取绝对路径 item.path = index.getAbsolutePath(item.path); } shell.writeShortcutLink(r.filePath, "create", { target: item.type == 5 ? : item.path, }); } }); }, }); } menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.exportIcon, click: () => { if (!util.strIsEmpty(item.icon) || !util.strIsEmpty(item.htmlIcon)) { let re = new RegExp("data:(?.*?);base64,.*"); let res = re.exec(item.icon); let htmlIcon = !util.strIsEmpty(item.htmlIcon); if (res || htmlIcon) { try { dialog .showSaveDialog(global.mainWindow, { title: global.currentLanguage.exportIcon, defaultPath: "icon", filters: [{ name: htmlIcon ? "svg" : mime.getExtension(res.groups.ext), extensions: [htmlIcon ? "svg" : mime.getExtension(res.groups.ext)] }], }) .then((r) => { if (!r.canceled && !util.strIsEmpty(r.filePath)) { if (htmlIcon) { fs.writeFile(r.filePath, item.htmlIcon, function (err) {}); } else { let arr = item.icon.split(","); if (arr.length == 2) { let base64Data = arr[1]; let dataBuffer = Buffer.from(base64Data, "base64"); fs.writeFile(r.filePath, dataBuffer, function (err) {}); } } } }); } catch (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.log(e); } } } } }, }); if ( (item.type == 0 || item.type == 1 || item.type == 5) && ( == null || ! && (p.searchWindow == null || !p.searchWindow) && (item.notRefreshIcon == null || !item.notRefreshIcon) && !p.aggregate ) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.refreshIconCache, click: () => { // 获取图标 refreshIconCache(item).then((res) => { if (res.icon != null) { let { classificationParentId, classificationChildId } = ClassificationJS.convertClassificationId( item.classificationId, item.classificationParentId ); let params = { classificationParentId: classificationParentId, classificationChildId: classificationChildId, id:, icon: res.icon, }; if (item.type == 5) { params.iconPath = res.iconPath; } global.mainWindow.webContents.send("refreshIconCache", JSON.stringify(params)); } }); }, }); } if ( (item.type == 0 || item.type == 1) && ( == null || ! && (p.searchWindow == null || !p.searchWindow) && !p.isMapDirectory && !p.aggregate ) { menuList.push({ label: ItemJS.isAbsolutePath(item.path) ? global.currentLanguage.convertRelativePath : global.currentLanguage.convertAbsolutePath, click: () => { let { classificationParentId, classificationChildId } = ClassificationJS.convertClassificationId(item.classificationId, item.classificationParentId); let params = { classificationParentId: classificationParentId, classificationChildId: classificationChildId, id:, type: ItemJS.isAbsolutePath(item.path) ? "relative" : "absolute", }; global.mainWindow.webContents.send("convertPath", JSON.stringify(params)); }, }); } if (item.type == 0 || item.type == 1 || item.type == 3) { let flag = false; let itemPath; if (item.type == 3) { if ( == "shell:MyComputerFolder" || == "shell:DocumentsLibrary" || == "shell:ControlPanelFolder" || == "shell:RecycleBinFolder" ) { itemPath =; flag = true; } else if ( == "services.msc") { itemPath = process.env.SystemRoot + "\\System32\\services.msc"; flag = true; } else if ( == "cmd") { itemPath = process.env.SystemRoot + "\\System32\\cmd.exe"; flag = true; } else if ( == "taskmgr") { itemPath = process.env.SystemRoot + "\\System32\\taskmgr.exe"; flag = true; } else if ( == "regedit") { itemPath = process.env.SystemRoot + "\\regedit.exe"; flag = true; } else if ( == "powercfg.cpl") { itemPath = process.env.SystemRoot + "\\System32\\powercfg.exe"; flag = true; } else if ( == "compmgmt.msc /s") { itemPath = process.env.SystemRoot + "\\System32\\compmgmt.msc"; flag = true; } } else { flag = true; itemPath = index.getAbsolutePath(item.path); } if (flag) { menuList.push({ type: "separator", }); menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.explorerMenu, click: () => { const mouseEvent = require("../mouse"); let screen = util.getWindowInScreen(); let scaleFactor = 1; if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(screen)) { scaleFactor = screen[0].scaleFactor; } // 暂停鼠标事件 mouseEvent.pauseMouseEvents(); try { global.api.ContextMenu(global.mainWindow.getNativeWindowHandle(), itemPath, p.x * scaleFactor, p.y * scaleFactor); } finally { // 恢复鼠标事件 mouseEvent.resumeMouseEvents(); } }, }); } } if ( (!util.arrayIsEmpty(moveSubmenu) || !util.arrayIsEmpty(copySubmenu)) && ( == null || ! && (p.searchWindow == null || !p.searchWindow) && !p.isMapDirectory && !p.aggregate ) { menuList.push({ type: "separator", }); if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(moveSubmenu)) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.moveTo, visible: !util.arrayIsEmpty(moveSubmenu), type: "submenu", submenu: moveSubmenu, }); } if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(copySubmenu)) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.copyTo, visible: !util.arrayIsEmpty(copySubmenu), type: "submenu", submenu: copySubmenu, }); } } if (( == null || ! && (p.searchWindow == null || !p.searchWindow) && !p.isMapDirectory && !p.aggregate) { menuList.push( { type: "separator", }, { label: global.currentLanguage.newItem, click: () => { addEditItemMenu(0, p.classificationParentId, p.classificationChildId); }, }, { type: "separator", }, { label: global.currentLanguage.edit, click: () => { addEditItemMenu(1, p.classificationParentId, p.classificationChildId,, item.type); }, }, { label: global.currentLanguage.delete, click: () => { dialog .showMessageBox(global.mainWindow, { message: global.currentLanguage.deleteItemMessage, buttons: [global.currentLanguage.ok, global.currentLanguage.cancel], type: "question", noLink: true, cancelId: 1, }) .then((r) => { if (r.response == 0) { let params = { classificationParentId: p.classificationParentId, classificationChildId: p.classificationChildId, id:, }; global.mainWindow.webContents.send("deleteItem", JSON.stringify(params)); } }); }, } ); } if (( == null || ! && (p.searchWindow == null || !p.searchWindow) && p.isMapDirectory && !p.aggregate) { menuList.push({ type: "separator" }); menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.hideThisItem, click: () => { let params = { classificationParentId: p.classificationParentId, classificationChildId: p.classificationChildId, item: item, }; global.mainWindow.webContents.send("hiddenItem", JSON.stringify(params)); }, }); } // 菜单 let m = Menu.buildFromTemplate(menuList); util.menuListen(m); m.popup(); }); // 多选项目右键 ipcMain.on("multiItemRightMenu", (event, args) => { // 菜单列表 let menuList = []; // 全选 menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.selectAll, click: () => { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("batchOperationSelectAll"); }, }); menuList.push({ type: "separator" }); // 转为菜单 let moveSubmenu = batchOperationConvertMenu(global.list, true); let copySubmenu = batchOperationConvertMenu(global.list, false); // 移动 复制 if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(moveSubmenu) || !util.arrayIsEmpty(copySubmenu)) { if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(moveSubmenu)) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.moveTo, visible: !util.arrayIsEmpty(moveSubmenu), type: "submenu", submenu: moveSubmenu, }); } if (!util.arrayIsEmpty(copySubmenu)) { menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.copyTo, visible: !util.arrayIsEmpty(copySubmenu), type: "submenu", submenu: copySubmenu, }); } } menuList.push({ type: "separator" }); menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.delete, click: () => { dialog .showMessageBox(global.mainWindow, { message: global.currentLanguage.batchDeleteItemMessage, buttons: [global.currentLanguage.ok, global.currentLanguage.cancel], type: "question", noLink: true, cancelId: 1, }) .then((r) => { if (r.response == 0) { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("batchDeleteItem"); } }); }, }); menuList.push({ type: "separator" }); menuList.push({ label: global.currentLanguage.cancelBatchOperation, click: () => { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("setBatchOperation", false); }, }); // 菜单 let m = Menu.buildFromTemplate(menuList); util.menuListen(m); m.popup(); }); // 运行项目 ipcMain.on("itemRun", (event, args) => { let params = JSON.parse(args); index.itemRun(params.item, params.location); let setItemDataParams = { item: params.item, recordQuickSearch: params.recordQuickSearch, }; global.mainWindow.webContents.send("setItemData", JSON.stringify(setItemDataParams)); }); // 获取文件图标 ipcMain.on("getFileIcon", (event, args) => { getFileIcon(args, true).then((res) => { event.sender.send("getFileBase64", res); }); }); // 获取网址信息 ipcMain.on("getUrlInfo", (event, args) => { getUrlInfo(args, true); }); // 读取文件 ipcMain.on("readFiles", (event, args) => { let params = JSON.parse(args); readFiles(params.path).then((res) => { // 主窗口编辑分类 let itemAddParams = { classificationParentId: params.classificationParentId, classificationChildId: params.classificationChildId, itemList: res, clear: false, }; global.mainWindow.webContents.send("itemAdd", JSON.stringify(itemAddParams)); }); }); // 图片转base64 ipcMain.on("imageToBase64", (event, args) => { imageToBase64(args); }); // 清空项目 ipcMain.on("clearItemDialog", (event, args) => { let params = JSON.parse(args); dialog .showMessageBox(global.mainWindow, { message: global.currentLanguage.clearItemMessage, buttons: [global.currentLanguage.ok, global.currentLanguage.cancel], type: "question", noLink: true, cancelId: 1, }) .then((r) => { if (r.response == 0) { clearItemMenu(params.classificationParentId, params.classificationChildId, false); } }); }); // 获取文件后缀 ipcMain.on("getFileExtension", (event, args) => { event.returnValue = path.extname(args); }); // 拖出文件 ipcMain.on("ondragstart", (event, args) => { let params = JSON.parse(args); try { // 网站和系统不能拖出 if (params.type == 2 || params.type == 3) { // 取消拖出状态 global.mainWindow.webContents.send("cancelDragOut"); return; } let icon; // 环境判断 if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { // 开发 icon = "./public/images/drag-and-drop.png"; } else { // 正式 icon = path.join(__dirname, "./images/drag-and-drop.png"); } event.sender.startDrag({ file: index.getAbsolutePath(params.path), icon: icon, }); } finally { // 取消拖出状态 global.mainWindow.webContents.send("cancelDragOut"); } }); // 获取锁定项目状态 ipcMain.on("getLockItem", (event, args) => { let lockItem = cacheData.cacheStore.get("lockItem"); event.returnValue = lockItem == null ? false : lockItem; }); // 读取文件夹 ipcMain.on("readDirectory", (event, args) => { let pathArr = JSON.parse(args); let resultList = []; for (let p of pathArr) { try { // 获取文件类型 let stats; try { // 文件类型 stats = fs.statSync(p); } catch (e) { p = p.replace(" (x86)", ""); try { stats = fs.statSync(p); } catch (e) {} } // 只要文件夹 if (stats != null && stats.isDirectory()) { // 读取文件夹下的内容 let files = fs.readdirSync(p); // 组装路径 let fileList = []; for (let file of files) { fileList.push(path.join(p, file)); } // 返回信息 let name = path.basename(p); resultList.push({ name: util.strIsEmpty(name) ? p : name, fileList: fileList, }); } } catch (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.log(e); } } } // 返回 event.returnValue = JSON.stringify(resultList); }); // 校验无效项目 ipcMain.on("checkInvalidItem", (event, args) => { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("checkInvalidItemResult", JSON.stringify(index.checkInvalidItem())); }); // 获取开始菜单程序 ipcMain.on("getStartMenuProgramList", (event, args) => { getStartMenuProgramList().then((res) => { // 返回数据 global.mainWindow.webContents.send("resultStartMenuProgramList", JSON.stringify(res)); }); }); // 获取Appx列表 ipcMain.on("getAppxList", (event, args) => { getAppxList().then((res) => { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("returnAppxList", JSON.stringify(res)); }); }); // 初始化映射文件夹 ipcMain.on("initMapDirectory", (event, args) => { // 初始化映射文件夹 index.initMapDirectory().then((res) => { if (res != null) { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("returnInitMapDirectory", JSON.stringify(res)); } }); }); // 读取映射文件夹 ipcMain.on("readMapDirectory", (event, args) => { let params = JSON.parse(args); index.readMapDirectory(params.classificationParentId, params.classificationChildId, params.mapDirectory, true, false, true); }); // 删除文件夹监听 ipcMain.on("deleteMapDirectoryWatch", (event, args) => { let params = JSON.parse(args); index.deleteMapDirectoryWatcher(params.classificationParentId, params.classificationChildId); }); // 上传图标 ipcMain.on("uploadIcon", (event, args) => { let ext = path.extname(args); if (ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".jpeg" || ext == ".png" || ext == ".gif" || ext == ".ico" || ext == ".svg") { // 图片 imageToBase64(args); } else { // 获取文件图标 getFileIcon(args, true).then((res) => { event.sender.send("getFileBase64", res); }); } }); // 下载图片 ipcMain.on("downloadImage", (event, args) => { downloadImage(args); }); }