import appInit from "./appInit"; import { app, BrowserWindow, dialog, ipcMain, Menu, protocol, Tray, screen } from "electron"; import { createProtocol } from "vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder/lib"; import classificationIpcEvent from "./classification/ipcEvent"; import itemIpcEvent from "./item/ipcEvent"; import settingIpcEvent from "./setting/ipcEvent"; import ipcEvent from "./ipcEvent"; import settingIndex from "./setting/index"; import path from "path"; import util from "./util"; import itemIndex from "./item/index"; import cacheData from "./cache/data"; import data from "./data"; // 解决透明窗口闪烁 app.commandLine.appendSwitch("wm-window-animations-disabled"); // 数据 const settingData = require("./setting/data"); protocol.registerSchemesAsPrivileged([{ scheme: "app", privileges: { secure: true, standard: true } }]); // 主窗口 let mainWindow = null; // 设置窗口 let settingWindow = null; // 搜索框 let searchWindow = null; /** * 创建主窗口 * @param init * @returns {Promise} */ async function createWindow(init) { // 浏览器开发者工具 let devTools; // 环境判断 if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { // 开发 devTools = true; } else { // 正式 devTools = false; } if (init) { // 初始化监听 await ipcEvent(); await classificationIpcEvent(); await itemIpcEvent(); await settingIpcEvent(); // 初始化数据 await settingData.initData(); await data.initData(); await data.splitData(); await data.validData(); // watch global.mapDirectoryWatcher = new Map(); } // 记录是否透明 if (global.setting.appearance.backgroundTransparency == 1) { global.backgroundTransparency = false; } else { global.backgroundTransparency = true; } // 主窗口 global.mainWindow = mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ minWidth: 300, minHeight: 400, width: 800, height: 600, frame: false, show: false, maximizable: false, minimizable: false, fullscreenable: false, transparent: global.backgroundTransparency, skipTaskbar: true, webPreferences: { backgroundThrottling: false, nodeIntegration: true, contextIsolation: false, spellcheck: false, devTools: devTools, }, }); // 加载页面 if (process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_URL) { // Load the url of the dev server if in development mode mainWindow.loadURL(process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_URL); } else { createProtocol("app"); // Load the index.html when not in development mainWindow.loadURL("app://./index.html"); } // 加载完webContents后再显示窗口 mainWindow.webContents.on("did-finish-load", function () { // 透明度 mainWindow.setOpacity(Number(global.setting.appearance.transparency)); // 永远居中不可移动 if (global.setting.general.alwaysCenter) { // 是否可移动 mainWindow.setMovable(false); } else { // 是否可移动 mainWindow.setMovable(!global.setting.general.fixedPosition); } // 恢复上一次的位置 let bounds = cacheData.cacheStore.get("bounds"); if (bounds != null) { mainWindow.setBounds(bounds); } // 永远置顶 if (global.setting.general.alwaysTop) { mainWindow.setAlwaysOnTop(true, "screen-saver"); } // 是否托盘化启动 if (!global.setting.general.startupTray) {; } // 锁定尺寸 mainWindow.setResizable(!global.setting.general.lockSize); // 检查更新 let checkUpdate = cacheData.cacheStore.get("checkUpdate"); if (checkUpdate == null || checkUpdate) { util.checkUpdate("init"); } // 永远居中 if (global.setting.general.alwaysCenter) {; } // 判断窗口位置 let displays = util.getWindowInScreen(); if (displays.length == 0) { // 代表窗口的位置不再任一屏幕内,将窗口位置移动到主窗口; } // 边缘吸附 util.edgeAdsorb(); }); // 禁用标题栏右键 mainWindow.hookWindowMessage(278, function (e) { // 窗口禁用 mainWindow.setEnabled(false); // 延时太快会立刻启动,太慢会妨碍窗口其他操作,可自行测试最佳时间 setTimeout(() => { mainWindow.setEnabled(true); }, 100); return true; }); // 窗口移动完毕 mainWindow.on("moved", () => { // 永远居中 if (global.setting.general.alwaysCenter) {; } // 记录位置 cacheData.cacheStore.set("bounds", mainWindow.getBounds()); // 边缘吸附 util.edgeAdsorb(); }); // 改变窗口大小完毕 mainWindow.on("resized", () => { // 永远居中 if (global.setting.general.alwaysCenter) {; } // 记录位置 cacheData.cacheStore.set("bounds", mainWindow.getBounds()); }); // 监听鼠标移动 const mouseEvent = require("./mouse"); mouseEvent.on("mousemove", (data) => { if (global.setting.general.edgeAutoHide && (global.blurHide == null || !global.blurHide) && !global.setting.general.alwaysCenter) { autoHide(data, 40, true); } }); // 监听鼠标抬起 mouseEvent.on("mouseup", (data) => { // 中键单击 if (data.button == 3 && global.setting.general.showHideMouseWheelClick) { if (util.notDisturb()) { return; } if (global.mainWindow.isVisible()) { // global.mainWindow.hide(); global.mainWindow.webContents.send("hideMainWindowBefore"); } else { util.showFollowMousePosition();; global.mainWindow.focus(); global.blurHide = true; } } // 双击任务栏显示/隐藏窗口 if (global.setting.general.doubleClickTaskbar) { // 不是左键的话 if (data.button != 1) { // 清除timeout clearTimeout(global.doubleClickTimer); // 清空 global.doubleClickCounter = 0; return; } // 双击操作 let displays = util.getWindowInScreen(); if (displays.length > 1 || displays.length == 0) { // 清除timeout clearTimeout(global.doubleClickTimer); // 清空 global.doubleClickCounter = 0; return; } // 获取鼠标位置 let point = screen.getCursorScreenPoint(); // 判断鼠标是否在当前屏幕内 if ( point.x >= displays[0].bounds.x && point.x <= displays[0].bounds.x + displays[0].bounds.width && point.y >= displays[0].bounds.y && point.y <= displays[0].bounds.y + displays[0].bounds.height ) { // 判断是否双击在任务栏上 let flag = false; // 判断任务栏在哪一侧 if (displays[0].bounds.height > displays[0].workArea.height) { if (displays[0].bounds.y == displays[0].workArea.y) { // 底部 let top = displays[0].workArea.y + displays[0].workArea.height; let bottom = displays[0].bounds.y + displays[0].bounds.height; if (point.y >= top && point.y <= bottom) { flag = true; } } else { // 顶部 if (point.y >= displays[0].bounds.y && point.y <= displays[0].workArea.y) { flag = true; } } } else if (displays[0].bounds.width > displays[0].workArea.width) { if (displays[0].bounds.x == displays[0].workArea.x) { // 右侧 let left = displays[0].workArea.x + displays[0].workArea.width; let right = displays[0].bounds.x + displays[0].bounds.width; if (point.x >= left && point.x <= right) { flag = true; } } else { // 左侧 if (point.x >= displays[0].bounds.x && point.x <= displays[0].workArea.x) { flag = true; } } } if (flag) { // 监听双击 if (global.doubleClickCounter == null) { global.doubleClickCounter = 0; } // +1 global.doubleClickCounter++; // 等于2就是双击 if (global.doubleClickCounter != null && global.doubleClickCounter == 2) { // 清除timeout clearTimeout(global.doubleClickTimer); // 清空 global.doubleClickCounter = 0; let className = global.api.getCursorPosWindowClassName(); if (className.indexOf("MSTask") >= 0 || className == "Shell_TrayWnd") { if (mainWindow.isVisible()) { // mainWindow.hide(); global.mainWindow.webContents.send("hideMainWindowBefore"); } else { util.showFollowMousePosition();; } } } else { // 间隔为500毫秒,如果超过500毫秒就代表不是双击 global.doubleClickTimer = setTimeout(function () { global.doubleClickCounter = 0; }, 500); } } else { // 清除timeout clearTimeout(global.doubleClickTimer); // 清空 global.doubleClickCounter = 0; } } else { // 清除timeout clearTimeout(global.doubleClickTimer); // 清空 global.doubleClickCounter = 0; } } }); // 失去焦点 mainWindow.on("blur", () => { if (global.setting.general.edgeAutoHide && global.blurHide) { let scaleFactor = screen.getPrimaryDisplay().scaleFactor; let data = { x: screen.getCursorScreenPoint().x * scaleFactor, y: screen.getCursorScreenPoint().y * scaleFactor, }; autoHide(data, 0, false); } if (mainWindow.isVisible()) { if (global.setting.general.hideLosingFocus && !global.setting.general.alwaysTop) { // 隐藏 // mainWindow.hide(); global.mainWindow.webContents.send("hideMainWindowBefore"); } } }); // 显示窗口 mainWindow.on("show", () => { // 检测无效项目 if (global.setting.item.checkInvalidItem) { global.mainWindow.webContents.send("checkInvalidItemResult", JSON.stringify(itemIndex.checkInvalidItem())); } // 边缘吸附 util.edgeAdsorb(); // 显示窗口时将输入法切换为英文模式 if (global.setting.general.switchEnglish) { global.api.SwitchEnglish(mainWindow.getNativeWindowHandle()); } }); // 隐藏窗口 mainWindow.on("hide", () => { global.blurHide = null; }); // 关闭窗口事件 mainWindow.on("close", () => { // 关闭搜索框 if (searchWindow != null && !searchWindow.isDestroyed()) { searchWindow.close(); } // 释放鼠标监听 global.api.disableMouseMove(); }); } /** * 创建搜索窗口 * @returns {Promise} */ async function createSettingWindow() { // 浏览器开发者工具 let devTools; // 环境判断 if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { // 开发 devTools = true; } else { // 正式 devTools = false; } // 设置窗口 global.settingWindow = settingWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: 600, height: 500, frame: false, show: false, maximizable: false, minimizable: false, fullscreenable: false, skipTaskbar: true, parent: mainWindow, resizable: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, contextIsolation: false, spellcheck: false, devTools: devTools, }, }); // 加载页面 if (process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_URL) { // Load the url of the dev server if in development mode settingWindow.loadURL(process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_URL + "#/setting"); } else { createProtocol("app"); // Load the index.html when not in development settingWindow.loadURL("app://./index.html#setting"); } // 加载完webContents后再显示窗口 settingWindow.webContents.on("did-finish-load", function () { // 显示窗口; }); // 禁用标题栏右键 settingWindow.hookWindowMessage(278, function (e) { // 窗口禁用 settingWindow.setEnabled(false); // 延时太快会立刻启动,太慢会妨碍窗口其他操作,可自行测试最佳时间 setTimeout(() => { settingWindow.setEnabled(true); }, 100); return true; }); } /** * 创建搜索窗口 * @returns {Promise} */ async function createSearchWindow() { // 是否可以显示 global.searchWindowShow = false; if (searchWindow != null && !searchWindow.isDestroyed()) { searchWindow.destroy(); } // 浏览器开发者工具 let devTools; // 环境判断 if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { // 开发 devTools = true; } else { // 正式 devTools = false; } // 窗口 global.searchWindow = searchWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: 600, height: 44, type: "toolbar", frame: false, show: false, maximizable: false, minimizable: false, fullscreenable: false, resizable: false, alwaysOnTop: true, backgroundColor: global.setting.appearance.theme.mainBackground.replace("bg-[", "").replace("]", ""), webPreferences: { backgroundThrottling: false, nodeIntegration: true, contextIsolation: false, spellcheck: false, devTools: devTools, }, }); // 加载页面 if (process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_URL) { // Load the url of the dev server if in development mode searchWindow.loadURL(process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_URL + "#/searchWindow"); } else { createProtocol("app"); // Load the index.html when not in development searchWindow.loadURL("app://./index.html#searchWindow"); } // 加载完webContents后再显示窗口 searchWindow.webContents.on("did-finish-load", function () { // 恢复上一次的位置 let bounds = cacheData.cacheStore.get("searchWindowBounds"); if (bounds != null) { searchWindow.setBounds({ x: bounds.x, y: bounds.y }); } // 设置可以显示 global.searchWindowShow = true; }); // 隐藏窗口 searchWindow.on("hide", () => { searchWindow.setBounds({ height: 44 }); searchWindow.webContents.send("hideSearchWindowOperation"); }); // 显示窗口 searchWindow.on("show", () => { searchWindow.setBackgroundColor(global.setting.appearance.theme.mainBackground.replace("bg-[", "").replace("]", "")); // 显示窗口时将输入法切换为英文模式 if (global.setting.general.switchEnglish) { global.api.SwitchEnglish(searchWindow.getNativeWindowHandle()); } }); // 窗口移动完毕 searchWindow.on("moved", () => { // 记录位置 cacheData.cacheStore.set("searchWindowBounds", searchWindow.getBounds()); }); // 失去焦点 searchWindow.on("blur", () => { if (searchWindow.isVisible() && global.setting.quickSearch.hideLosingFocus) { global.searchWindow.webContents.send("hideSearchWindowBefore"); } }); // 禁用标题栏右键 searchWindow.hookWindowMessage(278, function (e) { // 窗口禁用 searchWindow.setEnabled(false); // 延时太快会立刻启动,太慢会妨碍窗口其他操作,可自行测试最佳时间 setTimeout(() => { searchWindow.setEnabled(true); }, 100); return true; }); } /** * 自动隐藏 * @param data * @param size * @param timer */ function autoHide(data, size, timer) { if (global.mainWindow.isDestroyed()) { return; } try { let displays = util.getWindowInScreen(); if (displays.length > 1 || displays.length == 0) { return; } let workArea = displays[0].workArea; let scaleFactor = displays[0].scaleFactor; let bounds = mainWindow.getBounds(); if (mainWindow.isVisible()) { let flag = false; if (bounds.x + bounds.width >= workArea.x + workArea.width) { // 右侧 flag = data.x <= bounds.x * scaleFactor - size || data.y <= bounds.y * scaleFactor - size || data.y >= (bounds.y + bounds.height) * scaleFactor + size; } else if (bounds.x == workArea.x) { // 左侧 flag = data.x > (bounds.x + bounds.width) * scaleFactor + size || data.y <= bounds.y * scaleFactor - size || data.y >= (bounds.y + bounds.height) * scaleFactor + size; } else if (bounds.y + bounds.height >= workArea.y + workArea.height) { // 底部 flag = data.y < bounds.y * scaleFactor - size || data.x <= bounds.x * scaleFactor - size || data.x >= (bounds.x + bounds.width) * scaleFactor + size; } else if (bounds.y == workArea.y) { // 顶部 flag = data.y > (bounds.y + bounds.height) * scaleFactor + size || data.x <= bounds.x * scaleFactor - size || data.x >= (bounds.x + bounds.width) * scaleFactor + size; } if (flag) { if (global.menuShow != null && global.menuShow) { return; } if (timer && global.setting.general.delayHidingMS > 0 && global.autoHideTimer == null) { global.autoHideTimer = setTimeout(function () { // 隐藏 // mainWindow.hide(); global.mainWindow.webContents.send("hideMainWindowBefore"); }, global.setting.general.delayHidingMS); } else if (global.setting.general.delayHidingMS == 0 || !timer) { // 隐藏 // mainWindow.hide(); global.mainWindow.webContents.send("hideMainWindowBefore"); } } else { clearTimeout(global.autoHideTimer); global.autoHideTimer = null; } } else { if (global.direction != "none") { let flag = false; let x = bounds.x * scaleFactor; let y = bounds.y * scaleFactor; let windowWidthPosition = (bounds.x + bounds.width) * scaleFactor; let windowHeightPosition = (bounds.y + bounds.height) * scaleFactor; if (global.direction == "right" && data.x >= windowWidthPosition - 1 && data.y >= y && data.y <= windowHeightPosition) { // 右侧 flag = true; } else if (global.direction == "left" && data.x <= workArea.x && data.y >= y && data.y <= windowHeightPosition) { // 左侧 flag = true; } else if (global.direction == "bottom" && data.y >= windowHeightPosition - 1 && data.x >= x && data.x <= windowWidthPosition) { // 底部 flag = true; } else if (global.direction == "top" && data.y <= workArea.y && data.x >= x && data.x <= windowWidthPosition) { // 顶部 flag = true; } if (flag) { if (util.notDisturb()) { return; } if (timer && global.setting.general.delayDisplayMS > 0 && global.autoHideTimer == null) { global.autoHideTimer = setTimeout(function () { // 显示; if (!global.setting.general.alwaysTop) { global.mainWindow.setAlwaysOnTop(true, "screen-saver"); global.mainWindow.setAlwaysOnTop(false); } }, global.setting.general.delayDisplayMS); } else if (global.setting.general.delayDisplayMS == 0 || !timer) { // 显示; if (!global.setting.general.alwaysTop) { global.mainWindow.setAlwaysOnTop(true, "screen-saver"); global.mainWindow.setAlwaysOnTop(false); } } } else { clearTimeout(global.autoHideTimer); global.autoHideTimer = null; } } } } catch (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { console.log(e); } global.mainWindow.setBounds({ x: 1, y: 1 }); } } /** * 显示设置窗口 */ function showSettingWindow() { if (settingWindow != null && !settingWindow.isDestroyed()) { if (!settingWindow.isVisible()) {; } settingWindow.focus(); } else { createSettingWindow(); } } app.whenReady().then(() => { // 禁用debugtron for (let i = 0; i < process.argv.length; i++) { const arg = process.argv[i]; if (arg.indexOf("--inspect") !== -1 || arg.indexOf("--remote-debugging-port") !== -1) { dialog.showMessageBoxSync(global.mainWindow, { title: "Dawn Launcher", message: "达咩呦达咩达咩~", buttons: ["确定"], type: "error", noLink: true, }); app.quit(); return; } } // 禁止多开 const instanceLock = app.requestSingleInstanceLock(); if (!instanceLock) { app.quit(); return; } // 设置快捷键 let setting = settingData.get(); settingIndex.setShortcutKey(setting); // 引用c++ try { global.api = require("bindings")({ bindings: "api.node", module_root: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? path.resolve(".") : path.dirname(process.execPath), }); } catch (e) { dialog.showMessageBoxSync(global.mainWindow, { title: "Dawn Launcher", message: "缺少DLL文件,请重新下载安装包,安装后运行。", buttons: ["确定"], type: "error", noLink: true, }); app.quit(); return; } // 创建窗口 createWindow(true); }); app.on("second-instance", (event, commandLine, workingDirectory) => { if (mainWindow) { if (!mainWindow.isVisible()) {; mainWindow.focus(); global.blurHide = true; } else { mainWindow.focus(); } } }); app.on("window-all-closed", () => { // 释放鼠标监听 global.api.disableMouseMove(); if (process.platform !== "darwin") { app.quit(); } }); app.on("activate", () => { if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) { createWindow(false).then((r) => {}); } }); if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") { // 开机启动 const exeName = path.basename(process.execPath); ipcMain.on("setAutoLaunch", (event, args) => { app.setLoginItemSettings({ openAtLogin: args, openAsHidden: false, path: process.execPath, args: ["--processStart", `"${exeName}"`], }); }); } // 设置当前语言 ipcMain.on("setCurrentLanguage", (event, args) => { let currentLanguage = JSON.parse(args); global.currentLanguage = currentLanguage; // 托盘菜单 setTray(!global.setting.general.hideTray); }); /** * 托盘 */ function setTray(show) { // 获取语言 if (show) { if (global.tray == null) { // 环境判断 if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { // 开发 global.tray = new Tray("./public/images/logo-thick.ico"); } else { // 正式 global.tray = new Tray(path.join(__dirname, "./images/logo-thick.ico")); } } let contextMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { label: global.currentLanguage.displayMainInterface, click: function () {; global.blurHide = true; }, }, { label: global.currentLanguage.setting, click: function () { showSettingWindow(); }, }, { // 点击退出菜单退出程序 label: global.currentLanguage.exit, click: function () { mainWindow.close(); }, }, ]); // 托盘 global.tray.setToolTip("Dawn Launcher"); global.tray.setContextMenu(contextMenu); // 点击托盘图标,显示主窗口 global.tray.on("click", () => {; global.blurHide = true; }); } else { // 隐藏托盘 if (global.tray != null) { if (!global.tray.isDestroyed()) { global.tray.destroy(); global.tray = null; } } } } // 创建搜索窗口 ipcMain.on("createSearchWindow", () => { // 搜索框 createSearchWindow(); }); // 托盘 ipcMain.on("setTray", (event, args) => { setTray(args); }); // 开启快捷搜索 ipcMain.on("setEnableQuickSearch", (event, args) => { // 设置快捷键 let setting = settingData.get(); setting.quickSearch.enable = args; settingIndex.setShortcutKey(setting); }); // 设置背景透明度 ipcMain.on("setBackgroundTransparency", (event, args) => { if ((Number(args) == 1 && global.backgroundTransparency) || (Number(args) != 1 && !global.backgroundTransparency)) { mainWindow.destroy(); global.mainWindow = mainWindow = null; createWindow(false); } }); // 创建设置窗口 ipcMain.on("createSettingWindow", (event, args) => { showSettingWindow(); }); // 显示搜索窗口 ipcMain.on("searchWindowShow", (event, args) => { if (args != null) { searchWindow.setBounds({ height: args }); }; });