{ "Name": "CoreOS ETCD API Unauthorized Access", "Description": "ETCD is an open source project initiated by CoreOS. ETCD is a distributed and consistent KV storage system for shared configuration and service discovery. CoreOS ETCD cluster API has an unauthorized access vulnerability. ETCD is used as a Kubernetes backup storage area for all cluster data. This vulnerability may reveal a large amount of sensitive information.", "Product": "CoreOS etcd ", "Homepage": "https://coreos.com/etcd/", "DisclosureDate": "2021-06-09", "Author": "atdpa4sw0rd@gmail.com", "GobyQuery": "protocol=\"etcd\"", "Level": "3", "Impact": "

Attackers can obtain AWS keys, API keys, and sensitive information about a series of services, and use the obtained keys to control the cluster for further attacks, seriously threatening the user's data security.

", "Recommendation": "

1. Please refer to the official authentication document to add authentication: https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/blob/master/Documentation/v2/authentication.md, the password should preferably contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special Characters, etc., and the number of digits is greater than 8 digits.

2. If it is not necessary, the public network is prohibited from accessing the service.

3. Set access policies and whitelist access through security devices such as firewalls.

", "References": [ "https://elweb.co/the-security-footgun-in-etcd/" ], "HasExp": true, "ExpParams": null, "ExpTips": { "Type": "", "Content": "" }, "ScanSteps": null, "ExploitSteps": null, "Tags": [ "Disclosure of Sensitive Information" ], "CVEIDs": null, "CVSSScore": "0.0", "AttackSurfaces": { "Application": null, "Support": null, "Service": null, "System": null, "Hardware": null } }