{ "Name": "ShopXO download File read (CNVD-2021-15822)", "Description": "Shopxo is an open source enterprise level open source e-commerce system. Shopxo has an arbitrary file read vulnerability that an attacker can use to obtain sensitive information", "Product": "Shopxo has an arbitrary file read vulnerability that an attacker can use to obtain sensitive information", "Homepage": "https://www.shopxo.net/", "DisclosureDate": "2021-05-18", "Author": "PeiQi", "GobyQuery": "body=\"/public/index.php?s=/index/user/modallogininfo.html\"", "Level": "2", "Impact": "File read", "Recommendation": "", "References": [ "http://wiki.peiqi.tech" ], "HasExp": true, "ExpParams": [ { "name": "File", "type": "input", "value": "/etc/passwd" } ], "ScanSteps": [ "AND", { "Request": { "data": "", "data_type": "text", "follow_redirect": true, "method": "GET", "uri": "/" }, "ResponseTest": { "checks": [ { "bz": "", "operation": "==", "type": "item", "value": "200", "variable": "$code" } ], "operation": "AND", "type": "group" } } ], "ExploitSteps": null, "Tags": ["RCE"], "CVEIDs": null, "CVSSScore": "0.0", "AttackSurfaces": { "Application": ["ESAFENET DLP"], "Support": null, "Service": null, "System": null, "Hardware": null } }