0) $path = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, $p); else $path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $path = path_format( substr($path, strlen($_SERVER['base_path'])) ); return $path; //return spurlencode($path, '/'); } function getGET() { $p = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'?'); if ($p>0) { $getstr = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $p+1); $getstrarr = explode("&",$getstr); foreach ($getstrarr as $getvalues) { if ($getvalues != '') { $pos = strpos($getvalues, "="); //echo $pos; if ($pos > 0) { $getarry[urldecode(substr($getvalues, 0, $pos))] = urldecode(substr($getvalues, $pos + 1)); } else { $getarry[urldecode($getvalues)] = true; } } } } if (isset($getarry)) { return $getarry; } else { return []; } } function get_refresh_token() { global $constStr; $url = path_format($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '/'); if ($_GET['authorization_code'] && isset($_GET['code'])) { $tmp = curl_request($_SERVER['oauth_url'] . 'token', 'client_id=' . $_SERVER['client_id'] .'&client_secret=' . $_SERVER['client_secret'] . '&grant_type=authorization_code&requested_token_use=on_behalf_of&redirect_uri=' . $_SERVER['redirect_uri'] .'&code=' . $_GET['code']); if ($tmp['stat']==200) $ret = json_decode($tmp['body'], true); if (isset($ret['refresh_token'])) { $tmptoken = $ret['refresh_token']; $str = ' refresh_token :
'; /*for ($i=1;strlen($tmptoken)>0;$i++) { $t['t' . $i] = substr($tmptoken,0,128); $str .= ' t' . $i . ':

'; $tmptoken=substr($tmptoken,128); } $str .= ' Add t1-t'.--$i.' to environments.*/ $str .= '

Adding refresh_token to Config. '; setConfig([ 'refresh_token' => $tmptoken ]); savecache('access_token', $ret['access_token'], $ret['expires_in'] - 60); $str .= ' '; return message($str, getconstStr('WaitJumpIndex')); } return message('
' . $tmp['body'] . '
', $tmp['stat']); //return message('
' . json_encode($ret, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . '
', 500); } if ($_GET['install3']) { if (getConfig('Onedrive_ver')=='MS' || getConfig('Onedrive_ver')=='CN' || getConfig('Onedrive_ver')=='MSC') { return message(' '.getconstStr('JumptoOffice').' ', getconstStr('Wait').' 1s', 201); } } if ($_GET['install2']) { // echo $_POST['Onedrive_ver']; if ($_POST['Onedrive_ver']=='MS' || $_POST['Onedrive_ver']=='CN' || $_POST['Onedrive_ver']=='MSC') { $tmp['Onedrive_ver'] = $_POST['Onedrive_ver']; if ($_POST['Onedrive_ver']=='MSC') { $tmp['client_id'] = $_POST['client_id']; $tmp['client_secret'] = $_POST['client_secret']; } $response = json_decode(setConfig($tmp)['body'], true); $title = getconstStr('MayinEnv'); $html = getconstStr('Wait') . ' 3s'; if (isset($response['id'])&&isset($response['message'])) { $html = $response['id'] . '
' . $response['message'] . '

function_name:' . $_SERVER['function_name'] . '
'; $title = 'Error'; } return message($html, $title, 201); } } if ($_GET['install1']) { if ($_POST['admin']!='') { $tmp['admin'] = $_POST['admin']; $tmp['language'] = $_POST['language']; $APIKey = getConfig('APIKey'); if ($APIKey=='') { $APIKey = $_POST['APIKey']; $tmp['APIKey'] = $APIKey; } $function_name = getConfig('function_name'); if ($function_name=='') { $tmp1 = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 0, strrpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '.')); $maindomain = substr($tmp1, strrpos($tmp1, '.')+1); if ($maindomain=='herokuapp') $function_name = substr($tmp1, 0, strrpos($tmp1, '.')); else $function_name = 'visit from x.herokuapp.com'; $tmp['function_name'] = $function_name; } $response = json_decode(setHerokuConfig($tmp, $function_name, $APIKey)['body'], true); if (isset($response['id'])&&isset($response['message'])) { $html = $response['id'] . '
' . $response['message'] . '

function_name:' . $_SERVER['function_name'] . '
'; $title = 'Error'; } else { if ($constStr['language']!='zh-cn') { $linklang='en-us'; } else $linklang='zh-cn'; $ru = "https://developer.microsoft.com/".$linklang."/graph/quick-start?appID=_appId_&appName=_appName_&redirectUrl=".$_SERVER['redirect_uri']."&platform=option-php"; $deepLink = "/quickstart/graphIO?publicClientSupport=false&appName=OneManager&redirectUrl=".$_SERVER['redirect_uri']."&allowImplicitFlow=false&ru=".urlencode($ru); $app_url = "https://apps.dev.microsoft.com/?deepLink=".urlencode($deepLink); $html = '

'; $title = 'Install'; } return message($html, $title, 201); } } if ($_GET['install0']) { $html .= '
'; foreach ($constStr['languages'] as $key1 => $value1) { $html .= '
'; } if (getConfig('APIKey')=='') $html .= ' '.getconstStr('Create').' API Key

'; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $title = getconstStr('SelectLanguage'); return message($html, $title, 201); } $html .= 'refresh_token not exist, click to install.'; $title = 'Error'; return message($html, $title, 201); } function getConfig($str) { return getenv($str); } function array_value_isnot_null($arr) { return $arr!==''; } function setConfig($arr) { return setHerokuConfig($arr, getConfig('function_name'), getConfig('APIKey')); } function HerokuAPI($method, $url, $data = '', $apikey) { if ($method=='PATCH') { $headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; } $headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' . $apikey; $headers['Accept'] = 'application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3'; //if (!isset($headers['Accept'])) $headers['Accept'] = '*/*'; //if (!isset($headers['Referer'])) $headers['Referer'] = $url; $sendHeaders = array(); foreach ($headers as $headerName => $headerVal) { $sendHeaders[] = $headerName . ': ' . $headerVal; } error_log($method . $url . $data . $apikey); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST,$method); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $sendHeaders); $response['body'] = curl_exec($ch); $response['stat'] = curl_getinfo($ch,CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($ch); error_log($response['stat'].' '.$response['body'].' '); return $response; } function getHerokuConfig($function_name, $apikey) { return HerokuAPI('GET', 'https://api.heroku.com/apps/' . $function_name . '/config-vars', '', $apikey); } function setHerokuConfig($env, $function_name, $apikey) { $data = json_encode($env); return HerokuAPI('PATCH', 'https://api.heroku.com/apps/' . $function_name . '/config-vars', $data, $apikey); } function EnvOpt($function_name, $needUpdate = 0) { global $constStr; $constEnv = [ //'admin', 'adminloginpage', 'domain_path', 'guestup_path', 'passfile', //'private_path', 'public_path', 'sitename', 'language', 'theme' ]; asort($constEnv); $html = 'OneManager '.getconstStr('Setup').''; /*if ($_POST['updateProgram']==getconstStr('updateProgram')) { $response = json_decode(updataProgram($function_name, $Region, $namespace), true)['Response']; if (isset($response['Error'])) { $html = $response['Error']['Code'] . '
' . $response['Error']['Message'] . '

function_name:' . $_SERVER['function_name'] . '
Region:' . $_SERVER['Region'] . '
namespace:' . $namespace . '
'; $title = 'Error'; } else { $html .= getconstStr('UpdateSuccess') . '
'; $title = getconstStr('Setup'); } return message($html, $title); }*/ if ($_POST['submit1']) { foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { if (in_array($k, $constEnv)) { //if (!(getConfig($k)==''&&$v=='')) $tmp[$k] = $v; } } /*if ($tmp['domain_path']!='') { $tmp1 = explode("|",$tmp['domain_path']); $tmparr = []; foreach ($tmp1 as $multidomain_paths){ $pos = strpos($multidomain_paths,":"); if ($pos>0) $tmparr[substr($multidomain_paths, 0, $pos)] = path_format(substr($multidomain_paths, $pos+1)); } $tmp['domain_path'] = $tmparr; }*/ $response = setConfig($tmp); if (!$response) { $html = $response . '
'; $title = 'Error'; } else { $html .= ''; } } if ($_GET['preview']) { $preurl = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?preview'; } else { $preurl = path_format($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '/'); } $html .= ' '.getconstStr('Back').'    Github
'; /*if ($needUpdate) { $html .= '
' . $_SERVER['github_version'] . '
'; } else { $html .= getconstStr('NotNeedUpdate'); }*/ $html .= '
'; foreach ($constEnv as $key) { if ($key=='language') { $html .= ' '; } elseif ($key=='theme') { $theme_arr = scandir('theme'); $html .= ' '; } /*elseif ($key=='domain_path') { $tmp = getConfig($key); $domain_path = ''; foreach ($tmp as $k1 => $v1) { $domain_path .= $k1 . ':' . $v1 . '|'; } $domain_path = substr($domain_path, 0, -1); $html .= ' '; }*/ else $html .= ' '; } $html .= '
'; return message($html, getconstStr('Setup')); }