500) $event['body']=substr($event['body'],0,strpos($event['body'],'base64')+30) . '...Too Long!...' . substr($event['body'],-50); echo urldecode(json_encode($event, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)) . ' ' . urldecode(json_encode($context, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)) . ' '; } function GetGlobalVariable($event) { $_GET = $event['queryString']; $postbody = explode("&",$event['body']); foreach ($postbody as $postvalues) { $pos = strpos($postvalues,"="); $_POST[urldecode(substr($postvalues,0,$pos))]=urldecode(substr($postvalues,$pos+1)); } $cookiebody = explode("; ",$event['headers']['cookie']); foreach ($cookiebody as $cookievalues) { $pos = strpos($cookievalues,"="); $_COOKIE[urldecode(substr($cookievalues,0,$pos))]=urldecode(substr($cookievalues,$pos+1)); } $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = $event['headers']['user-agent']; $_SERVER['HTTP_TRANSLATE']==$event['headers']['translate'];//'f' $_SERVER['USER'] = 'qcloud'; } function GetPathSetting($event, $context) { $_SERVER['firstacceptlanguage'] = strtolower(splitfirst(splitfirst($event['headers']['accept-language'],';')[0],',')[0]); $_SERVER['function_name'] = $context['function_name']; $_SERVER['namespace'] = $context['namespace']; $_SERVER['Region'] = getenv('TENCENTCLOUD_REGION'); $host_name = $event['headers']['host']; $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $host_name; $serviceId = $event['requestContext']['serviceId']; if ( $serviceId === substr($host_name,0,strlen($serviceId)) ) { $_SERVER['base_path'] = '/'.$event['requestContext']['stage'].'/'.$_SERVER['function_name'].'/'; $path = substr($event['path'], strlen('/'.$_SERVER['function_name'].'/')); } else { $_SERVER['base_path'] = $event['requestContext']['path']; $path = substr($event['path'], strlen($event['requestContext']['path'])); } if (substr($path,-1)=='/') $path=substr($path,0,-1); $_SERVER['is_guestup_path'] = is_guestup_path($path); $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = path_format($_SERVER['base_path'] . $path); $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $event['requestContext']['sourceIp']; $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = $event['headers']['x-requested-with']; return $path; } function getConfig($str, $disktag = '') { global $InnerEnv; global $Base64Env; //include 'config.php'; $s = file_get_contents('config.php'); $configs = substr($s, 18, -2); if ($configs!='') { $envs = json_decode($configs, true); if (in_array($str, $InnerEnv)) { if ($disktag=='') $disktag = $_SERVER['disktag']; if (isset($envs[$disktag][$str])) { if (in_array($str, $Base64Env)) return equal_replace($envs[$disktag][$str],1); else return $envs[$disktag][$str]; } } else { if (isset($envs[$str])) { if (in_array($str, $Base64Env)) return equal_replace($envs[$str],1); else return $envs[$str]; } } } return ''; } function setConfig($arr, $disktag = '') { global $InnerEnv; global $Base64Env; if ($disktag=='') $disktag = $_SERVER['disktag']; //include 'config.php'; $s = file_get_contents('config.php'); $configs = substr($s, 18, -2); if ($configs!='') $envs = json_decode($configs, true); $disktags = explode("|",getConfig('disktag')); $indisk = 0; $operatedisk = 0; foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { if (in_array($k, $InnerEnv)) { if (in_array($k, $Base64Env)) $envs[$disktag][$k] = equal_replace($v); else $envs[$disktag][$k] = $v; $indisk = 1; } elseif ($k=='disktag_add') { array_push($disktags, $v); $operatedisk = 1; } elseif ($k=='disktag_del') { $disktags = array_diff($disktags, [ $v ]); $envs[$v] = ''; $operatedisk = 1; } else { if (in_array($k, $Base64Env)) $envs[$k] = equal_replace($v); else $envs[$k] = $v; } } if ($indisk) { $diskconfig = $envs[$disktag]; $diskconfig = array_filter($diskconfig, 'array_value_isnot_null'); ksort($diskconfig); $envs[$disktag] = $diskconfig; } if ($operatedisk) { $disktags = array_unique($disktags); foreach ($disktags as $disktag) if ($disktag!='') $disktag_s .= $disktag . '|'; if ($disktag_s!='') $envs['disktag'] = substr($disktag_s, 0, -1); else $envs['disktag'] = ''; } $envs = array_filter($envs, 'array_value_isnot_null'); ksort($envs); $response = updateEnvironment($envs, $_SERVER['function_name'], $_SERVER['Region'], $_SERVER['namespace'], getConfig('SecretId'), getConfig('SecretKey')); WaitSCFStat($_SERVER['function_name'], $_SERVER['Region'], $_SERVER['namespace'], getConfig('SecretId'), getConfig('SecretKey')); return $response; } function WaitSCFStat($function_name, $Region, $Namespace, $SecretId, $SecretKey) { $trynum = 0; while( json_decode(getfunctioninfo($function_name, $Region, $Namespace, $SecretId, $SecretKey),true)['Response']['Status']!='Active' ) echo ' '.++$trynum; } function install() { global $constStr; if ($_GET['install2']) { $tmp['admin'] = $_POST['admin']; setConfig($tmp); if (needUpdate()) { OnekeyUpate(); return message('update to github version, reinstall. ', 'Program updating', 201); } return output('Jump ', 302); } if ($_GET['install1']) { $tmp['timezone'] = $_COOKIE['timezone']; $SecretId = getConfig('SecretId'); if ($SecretId=='') { $SecretId = $_POST['SecretId']; $tmp['SecretId'] = $SecretId; } $SecretKey = getConfig('SecretKey'); if ($SecretKey=='') { $SecretKey = $_POST['SecretKey']; $tmp['SecretKey'] = $SecretKey; } $tmp['ONEMANAGER_CONFIG_SAVE'] = $_POST['ONEMANAGER_CONFIG_SAVE']; $response = json_decode(SetbaseConfig($tmp, $_SERVER['function_name'], $_SERVER['Region'], $_SERVER['namespace'], $SecretId, $SecretKey), true)['Response']; if (api_error($response)) { $html = api_error_msg($response); $title = 'Error'; return message($html, $title, 201); } else { if ($tmp['ONEMANAGER_CONFIG_SAVE'] != 'file') { $html = getconstStr('ONEMANAGER_CONFIG_SAVE_ENV') . '
' . getconstStr('Home') . ''; $title = 'Reinstall'; return message($html, $title, 201); } $html .= '

'; $title = getconstStr('SetAdminPassword'); return message($html, $title, 201); } } if ($_GET['install0']) { $html .= '
'; foreach ($constStr['languages'] as $key1 => $value1) { $html .= '
'; } if (getConfig('SecretId')==''||getConfig('SecretKey')=='') $html .= ' '.getconstStr('Create').' SecretId & SecretKey

'; $html .= '

'; $html .= '
'; $title = getconstStr('SelectLanguage'); return message($html, $title, 201); } $html .= ''.getconstStr('ClickInstall').', '.getconstStr('LogintoBind'); $title = 'Error'; return message($html, $title, 201); } function post2url($url, $data) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); //echo $response; return $response; } function ReorganizeDate($arr) { $str = ''; ksort($arr); foreach ($arr as $k1 => $v1) { $str .= '&' . $k1 . '=' . $v1; } $str = substr($str, 1); // remove first '&'. 去掉第一个& return $str; } function getfunctioninfo($function_name, $Region, $Namespace, $SecretId, $SecretKey) { //$meth = 'GET'; $meth = 'POST'; $host = 'scf.tencentcloudapi.com'; $tmpdata['Action'] = 'GetFunction'; $tmpdata['FunctionName'] = $function_name; $tmpdata['Namespace'] = $Namespace; $tmpdata['Nonce'] = time(); $tmpdata['Region'] = $Region; $tmpdata['SecretId'] = $SecretId; $tmpdata['Timestamp'] = time(); $tmpdata['Token'] = ''; $tmpdata['Version'] = '2018-04-16'; $data = ReorganizeDate($tmpdata); $signStr = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $meth.$host.'/?'.$data, $SecretKey, true)); //echo urlencode($signStr); //return file_get_contents('https://'.$url.'&Signature='.urlencode($signStr)); return post2url('https://'.$host, $data.'&Signature='.urlencode($signStr)); } function getfunctioncodeurl($function_name, $Region, $Namespace, $SecretId, $SecretKey) { //$meth = 'GET'; $meth = 'POST'; $host = 'scf.tencentcloudapi.com'; $tmpdata['Action'] = 'GetFunctionAddress'; $tmpdata['FunctionName'] = $function_name; $tmpdata['Namespace'] = $Namespace; $tmpdata['Nonce'] = time(); $tmpdata['Region'] = $Region; $tmpdata['SecretId'] = $SecretId; $tmpdata['Timestamp'] = time(); $tmpdata['Token'] = ''; $tmpdata['Version'] = '2018-04-16'; $data = ReorganizeDate($tmpdata); $signStr = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $meth.$host.'/?'.$data, $SecretKey, true)); //echo urlencode($signStr); //return file_get_contents('https://'.$url.'&Signature='.urlencode($signStr)); return post2url('https://'.$host, $data.'&Signature='.urlencode($signStr)); } function updateEnvironment($Envs, $function_name, $Region, $Namespace, $SecretId, $SecretKey) { // 获取当前代码并解压 $codeurl = json_decode(getfunctioncodeurl($function_name, $Region, $Namespace, $SecretId, $SecretKey), true)['Response']['Url']; $codezip = '/tmp/oldcode.zip'; $outPath = '/tmp/code/'; file_put_contents($codezip, file_get_contents($codeurl)); //$phar = new PharData($codezip); //$phar = new Phar($codezip); $zip=new ZipArchive(); $zip->open($codezip); $html = $zip->extractTo($outPath); // 将配置写入 $prestr = 'open($source, ZipArchive::CREATE)){ addFileToZip($zip, $outPath); //调用方法,对要打包的根目录进行操作,并将ZipArchive的对象传递给方法 // $zip->close(); //关闭处理的zip文件 //} return updateProgram($function_name, $Region, $namespace, $SecretId, $SecretKey, $source); $tmp1['Response']['Error']['Message'] = $codeurl; error_log($tmp1['Response']['Error']['Message']); return json_encode($tmp1); } function SetbaseConfig($Envs, $function_name, $Region, $Namespace, $SecretId, $SecretKey) { if ($Envs['ONEMANAGER_CONFIG_SAVE'] == 'file') $Envs = Array( 'ONEMANAGER_CONFIG_SAVE' => 'file' ); else $Envs = Array( 'ONEMANAGER_CONFIG_SAVE' => '' ); $tmp = json_decode(getfunctioninfo($function_name, $Region, $Namespace, $SecretId, $SecretKey),true)['Response']['Environment']['Variables']; foreach ($tmp as $tmp1) { $tmp_env[$tmp1['Key']] = $tmp1['Value']; } foreach ($Envs as $key1 => $value1) { $tmp_env[$key1] = $value1; } $tmp_env = array_filter($tmp_env, 'array_value_isnot_null'); // remove null. 清除空值 //$tmp_env['Region'] = $Region; ksort($tmp_env); $i = 0; foreach ($tmp_env as $key1 => $value1) { $tmpdata['Environment.Variables.'.$i.'.Key'] = $key1; $tmpdata['Environment.Variables.'.$i.'.Value'] = $value1; $i++; } $meth = 'POST'; $host = 'scf.tencentcloudapi.com'; $tmpdata['Action'] = 'UpdateFunctionConfiguration'; $tmpdata['FunctionName'] = $function_name; $tmpdata['Namespace'] = $Namespace; $tmpdata['Nonce'] = time(); $tmpdata['Region'] = $Region; $tmpdata['SecretId'] = $SecretId; $tmpdata['Timestamp'] = time(); $tmpdata['Token'] = ''; $tmpdata['Version'] = '2018-04-16'; $tmpdata['Description'] = 'Onedrive index and manager in SCF.'; $tmpdata['MemorySize'] = 64; $tmpdata['Timeout'] = 30; $data = ReorganizeDate($tmpdata); //echo $data; $signStr = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $meth.$host.'/?'.$data, $SecretKey, true)); //echo urlencode($signStr); $response = post2url('https://'.$host, $data.'&Signature='.urlencode($signStr)); if (api_error(setConfigResponse($response))) { return $response; } if ( json_decode(getfunctioninfo($function_name, $Region, $Namespace, $SecretId, $SecretKey),true)['Response']['Timeout'] < 25 ) { $tmp['Response']['Error']['Message'] = 'Operating, please try again.'; $tmp['Response']['Error']['Code'] = 'Retry'; return json_encode($tmp); } WaitSCFStat($function_name, $Region, $Namespace, $SecretId, $SecretKey); $s = file_get_contents('config.php'); $configs = substr($s, 18, -2); if ($configs!='') $envs = json_decode($configs, true); foreach ($Envs as $k => $v) { $envs[$k] = $v; } $envs = array_filter($envs, 'array_value_isnot_null'); ksort($envs); $response = updateEnvironment($envs, $function_name, $Region, $Namespace, $SecretId, $SecretKey); return $response; } function updateProgram($function_name, $Region, $Namespace, $SecretId, $SecretKey, $source) { $secretId = $SecretId; $secretKey = $SecretKey; $host = 'scf.tencentcloudapi.com'; $service = "scf"; $version = "2018-04-16"; $action = "UpdateFunctionCode"; $region = $Region; $timestamp = time(); $algorithm = "TC3-HMAC-SHA256"; // step 1: build canonical request string $httpRequestMethod = "POST"; $canonicalUri = "/"; $canonicalQueryString = ""; $canonicalHeaders = "content-type:application/json; charset=utf-8\n"."host:".$host."\n"; $signedHeaders = "content-type;host"; //$tmpdata['Action'] = 'UpdateFunctionCode'; $tmpdata['Code']['ZipFile'] = base64_encode( file_get_contents($source) ); $tmpdata['CodeSource'] = 'ZipFile'; $tmpdata['FunctionName'] = $function_name; $tmpdata['Handler'] = 'index.main_handler'; //$tmpdata['Namespace'] = $Namespace; //$tmpdata['Nonce'] = time(); //$tmpdata['Region'] = $Region; //$tmpdata['SecretId'] = $SecretId; //$tmpdata['Timestamp'] = time(); //$tmpdata['Token'] = ''; //$tmpdata['Version'] = '2018-04-16'; $payload = json_encode($tmpdata); //$payload = '{"Limit": 1, "Filters": [{"Values": ["\u672a\u547d\u540d"], "Name": "instance-name"}]}'; $hashedRequestPayload = hash("SHA256", $payload); $canonicalRequest = $httpRequestMethod."\n" .$canonicalUri."\n" .$canonicalQueryString."\n" .$canonicalHeaders."\n" .$signedHeaders."\n" .$hashedRequestPayload; //echo $canonicalRequest.PHP_EOL; // step 2: build string to sign $date = gmdate("Y-m-d", $timestamp); $credentialScope = $date."/".$service."/tc3_request"; $hashedCanonicalRequest = hash("SHA256", $canonicalRequest); $stringToSign = $algorithm."\n" .$timestamp."\n" .$credentialScope."\n" .$hashedCanonicalRequest; //echo $stringToSign.PHP_EOL; // step 3: sign string $secretDate = hash_hmac("SHA256", $date, "TC3".$secretKey, true); $secretService = hash_hmac("SHA256", $service, $secretDate, true); $secretSigning = hash_hmac("SHA256", "tc3_request", $secretService, true); $signature = hash_hmac("SHA256", $stringToSign, $secretSigning); //echo $signature.PHP_EOL; // step 4: build authorization $authorization = $algorithm ." Credential=".$secretId."/".$credentialScope .", SignedHeaders=content-type;host, Signature=".$signature; //echo $authorization.PHP_EOL; //$curl = "curl -X POST https://".$host // .' -H "Authorization: '.$authorization.'"' // .' -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"' // .' -H "Host: '.$host.'"' // .' -H "X-TC-Action: '.$action.'"' // .' -H "X-TC-Timestamp: '.$timestamp.'"' // .' -H "X-TC-Version: '.$version.'"' // .' -H "X-TC-Region: '.$region.'"' // ." -d '".$payload."'"; //error_log( $curl.PHP_EOL ); //return '{"response": {"Error": {"Message":"' . $curl . '"}}}'; $headers['Authorization'] = $authorization; $headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; $headers['Host'] = $host; $headers['X-TC-Action'] = $action; $headers['X-TC-Timestamp'] = $timestamp; $headers['X-TC-Version'] = $version; $headers['X-TC-Region'] = $region; return curl_request('https://'.$host, $payload, $headers)['body']; } function api_error($response) { return isset($response['Error']); return ($response==null)||isset($response['Error']); } function api_error_msg($response) { return $response['Error']['Code'] . '
' . $response['Error']['Message'] . '

function_name:' . $_SERVER['function_name'] . '
Region:' . $_SERVER['Region'] . '
namespace:' . $_SERVER['namespace'] . '
'; } function setConfigResponse($response) { return json_decode( $response, true )['Response']; } function OnekeyUpate($auth = 'qkqpttgf', $project = 'OneManager-php', $branch = 'master') { $source = '/tmp/code.zip'; $outPath = '/tmp/'; // 从github下载对应tar.gz,并解压 $url = 'https://github.com/' . $auth . '/' . $project . '/tarball/' . urlencode($branch) . '/'; $tarfile = '/tmp/github.tar.gz'; file_put_contents($tarfile, file_get_contents($url)); $phar = new PharData($tarfile); $html = $phar->extractTo($outPath, null, true);//路径 要解压的文件 是否覆盖 // 获取包中目录名 $tmp = scandir('phar://'.$tarfile); $name = $auth.'-'.$project; foreach ($tmp as $f) { if ( substr($f, 0, strlen($name)) == $name) { $outPath .= $f; break; } } // 放入配置文件 file_put_contents($outPath . '/config.php', file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/../config.php')); // 将目录中文件打包成zip //$zip=new ZipArchive(); $zip=new PharData($source); //if($zip->open($source, ZipArchive::CREATE)){ addFileToZip($zip, $outPath); //调用方法,对要打包的根目录进行操作,并将ZipArchive的对象传递给方法 // $zip->close(); //关闭处理的zip文件 //} return updateProgram($_SERVER['function_name'], $_SERVER['Region'], $_SERVER['namespace'], getConfig('SecretId'), getConfig('SecretKey'), $source); } function addFileToZip($zip, $rootpath, $path = '') { if (substr($rootpath,-1)=='/') $rootpath = substr($rootpath, 0, -1); if (substr($path,0,1)=='/') $path = substr($path, 1); $handler=opendir(path_format($rootpath.'/'.$path)); //打开当前文件夹由$path指定。 while($filename=readdir($handler)){ if($filename != "." && $filename != ".."){//文件夹文件名字为'.'和‘..’,不要对他们进行操作 $nowname = path_format($rootpath.'/'.$path."/".$filename); if(is_dir($nowname)){// 如果读取的某个对象是文件夹,则递归 $zip->addEmptyDir($path."/".$filename); addFileToZip($zip, $rootpath, $path."/".$filename); }else{ //将文件加入zip对象 $newname = $path."/".$filename; if (substr($newname,0,1)=='/') $newname = substr($newname, 1); $zip->addFile($nowname, $newname); //$zip->renameName($nowname, $newname); } } } @closedir($path); }