#!bash if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo " "$0" -i|u [-b branch] i a new install with empty config. u update use exist config. b install the branch after parameter b, default master example: "$0" -i "$0" -u "$0" -b master "$0" -r -b master "$0" -ib test " # exit echo "############### 0, new install 1, update" read -p "Input:" c [ g"$c" == g"0" ] && install=1 [ g"$c" == g"1" ] && update=1 fi i=0 para[$i]=$0 for av in "$@" do #echo $av ((i++)) para[$i]=$av if [ g"${av:0:1}" == g"-" ]; then while [ g"$av" != g"" ] do ag=${av:0:1} av=${av:1} [ g"$ag" == g"b" ] && isbranch=1 [ g"$ag" == g"i" ] && install=1 [ g"$ag" == g"u" ] && update=1 done else if [ g"$isbranch" == g"1" ]; then branch="-b $av" isbranch=0 fi fi done if [ g"$install" == g"1" -a g"$update" == g"1" ]; then echo "Both install & update, exit" exit fi if [ g"$install" != g"1" -a g"$update" != g"1" ]; then echo "Not install & Not update, exit" exit fi gitsource='https://github.com/qkqpttgf/OneManager-php' OneManagerPath=`cd $(dirname $0);pwd -P` cd ${OneManagerPath} git clone ${branch} ${gitsource} [ g"$install" == g"1" ] || \mv -b config.php OneManager-php/ \mv -b OneManager-php/* ./ \mv -b OneManager-php/.[^.]* ./ rm -rf *~ rm -rf .[^.]*~ rm -rf OneManager-php chmod 666 config.php