
484 lines
20 KiB
Raw Blame History

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function getpath()
$_SERVER['base_path'] = path_format(substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 0, -10) . '/');
$p = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'?');
if ($p>0) $path = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, $p);
else $path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$path = path_format( substr($path, strlen($_SERVER['base_path'])) );
return substr($path, 1);
//return spurlencode($path, '/');
function getGET()
$p = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'?');
if ($p>0) {
$getstr = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $p+1);
$getstrarr = explode("&",$getstr);
foreach ($getstrarr as $getvalues) {
if ($getvalues != '') {
$pos = strpos($getvalues, "=");
//echo $pos;
if ($pos > 0) {
$getarry[urldecode(substr($getvalues, 0, $pos))] = urldecode(substr($getvalues, $pos + 1));
} else {
$getarry[urldecode($getvalues)] = true;
if (isset($getarry)) {
return $getarry;
} else {
return [];
function getConfig($str, $disktag = '')
global $InnerEnv;
//include 'config.php';
if ($disktag=='') $disktag = $_SERVER['disktag'];
$s = file_get_contents('config.php');
$configs = substr($s, 18, -2);
if ($configs!='') {
$envs = json_decode($configs, true);
if (in_array($str, $InnerEnv)) {
if (isset($envs[$disktag][$str])) return $envs[$disktag][$str];
} else if (isset($envs[$str])) return $envs[$str];
return '';
function setConfig($arr, $disktag = '')
global $InnerEnv;
if ($disktag=='') $disktag = $_SERVER['disktag'];
//include 'config.php';
$s = file_get_contents('config.php');
$configs = substr($s, 18, -2);
if ($configs!='') $envs = json_decode($configs, true);
$disktags = explode("|",getConfig('disktag'));
//$indisk = 0;
$operatedisk = 0;
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
if (in_array($k, $InnerEnv)) {
$envs[$disktag][$k] = $v;
/*$diskconfig[$k] = $v;
$indisk = 1;*/
} elseif ($k=='disktag_add') {
array_push($disktags, $v);
$operatedisk = 1;
} elseif ($k=='disktag_del') {
$disktags = array_diff($disktags, [ $v ]);
$envs[$v] = '';
$operatedisk = 1;
} else {
$envs[$k] = $v;
/*if ($indisk) {
$diskconfig = array_filter($diskconfig, 'array_value_isnot_null');
$tmp[$disktag] = json_encode($diskconfig);
if ($operatedisk) {
$disktags = array_unique($disktags);
foreach ($disktags as $disktag) if ($disktag!='') $disktag_s .= $disktag . '|';
if ($disktag_s!='') $envs['disktag'] = substr($disktag_s, 0, -1);
else $envs['disktag'] = '';
$envs = array_filter($envs, 'array_value_isnot_null');
//echo '<pre>'. json_encode($envs, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT).'</pre>';
$prestr = '<?php $configs = \'
$aftstr = '
return file_put_contents('config.php', $prestr . json_encode($envs, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . $aftstr);
function get_refresh_token()
global $constStr;
global $CommonEnv;
foreach ($CommonEnv as $env) $envs .= '\'' . $env . '\', ';
$url = path_format($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '/');
if ($_GET['authorization_code'] && isset($_GET['code'])) {
$_SERVER['disktag'] = $_COOKIE['disktag'];
$tmp = curl_request($_SERVER['oauth_url'] . 'token', 'client_id=' . $_SERVER['client_id'] .'&client_secret=' . $_SERVER['client_secret'] . '&grant_type=authorization_code&requested_token_use=on_behalf_of&redirect_uri=' . $_SERVER['redirect_uri'] .'&code=' . $_GET['code']);
if ($tmp['stat']==200) $ret = json_decode($tmp['body'], true);
if (isset($ret['refresh_token'])) {
$tmptoken = $ret['refresh_token'];
$str = '
refresh_token :<br>';
/*for ($i=1;strlen($tmptoken)>0;$i++) {
$t['t' . $i] = substr($tmptoken,0,128);
$str .= '
t' . $i . ':<textarea readonly style="width: 95%">' . $t['t' . $i] . '</textarea><br><br>';
$str .= '
Add t1-t'.--$i.' to environments.*/
$str .= '
<textarea readonly style="width: 95%">' . $tmptoken . '</textarea><br><br>
var texta=document.getElementsByTagName(\'textarea\');
for(i=0;i<texta.length;i++) {
texta[i].style.height = texta[i].scrollHeight + \'px\';
document.cookie=\'language=; path=/\';
document.cookie=\'disktag=; path=/\';
setConfig([ 'refresh_token' => $tmptoken, 'token_expires' => time()+30*24*60*60 ], $_COOKIE['disktag']);
savecache('access_token', $ret['access_token'], $ret['expires_in'] - 60);
$str .= '
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;URL=' . $url . '">';
return message($str, getconstStr('WaitJumpIndex'));
return message('<pre>' . $tmp['body'] . '</pre>', $tmp['stat']);
//return message('<pre>' . json_encode($ret, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . '</pre>', 500);
if ($_GET['install1']) {
$_SERVER['disk_oprating'] = $_COOKIE['disktag'];
$_SERVER['disktag'] = $_COOKIE['disktag'];
if (getConfig('Onedrive_ver')=='MS' || getConfig('Onedrive_ver')=='CN' || getConfig('Onedrive_ver')=='MSC') {
return message('
<a href="" id="a1">'.getconstStr('JumptoOffice').'</a>
url=location.protocol + "//" + + "'.$url.'";
url="'. $_SERVER['oauth_url'] .'authorize?scope='. $_SERVER['scope'] .'&response_type=code&client_id='. $_SERVER['client_id'] .'&redirect_uri='. $_SERVER['redirect_uri'] . '&state=' .'"+encodeURIComponent(url);
location.href = url;
', getconstStr('Wait').' 1s', 201);
if ($_GET['install0']) {
if ($_POST['disktag_add']!='' && ($_POST['Onedrive_ver']=='MS' || $_POST['Onedrive_ver']=='CN' || $_POST['Onedrive_ver']=='MSC')) {
if (in_array($_COOKIE['disktag'], $CommonEnv)) {
return message('Do not input ' . $envs . '<br><button onclick="location.href = location.href;">'.getconstStr('Reflesh').'</button><script>document.cookie=\'disktag=; path=/\';</script>', 'Error', 201);
$_SERVER['disktag'] = $_COOKIE['disktag'];
$tmp['disktag_add'] = $_POST['disktag_add'];
$tmp['diskname'] = $_POST['diskname'];
$tmp['Onedrive_ver'] = $_POST['Onedrive_ver'];
if ($_POST['Onedrive_ver']=='MSC') {
$tmp['client_id'] = $_POST['client_id'];
$tmp['client_secret'] = equal_replace(base64_encode($_POST['client_secret']));
$response = setConfig($tmp, $_COOKIE['disktag']);
$title = getconstStr('MayinEnv');
$html = getconstStr('Wait') . ' 3s<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;URL=' . $url . '?AddDisk&install1">';
if (!$response) {
$html = $response . '<br>
Can not write config to file.<br>
<button onclick="location.href = location.href;">'.getconstStr('Reflesh').'</button>';
$title = 'Error';
return message($html, $title, 201);
if ($constStr['language']!='zh-cn') {
} else $linklang='zh-cn';
$ru = "".$linklang."/graph/quick-start?appID=_appId_&appName=_appName_&redirectUrl=".$_SERVER['redirect_uri']."&platform=option-php";
$deepLink = "/quickstart/graphIO?publicClientSupport=false&appName=OneManager&redirectUrl=".$_SERVER['redirect_uri']."&allowImplicitFlow=false&ru=".urlencode($ru);
$app_url = "".urlencode($deepLink);
$html = '
<form action="?AddDisk&install0" method="post" onsubmit="return notnull(this);">
'.getconstStr('OnedriveDiskTag').':<input type="text" name="disktag_add" placeholder="' . getconstStr('EnvironmentsDescription')['disktag'] . '" style="width:100%"><br>
'.getconstStr('OnedriveDiskName').':<input type="text" name="diskname" placeholder="' . getconstStr('EnvironmentsDescription')['diskname'] . '" style="width:100%"><br>
<label><input type="radio" name="Onedrive_ver" value="MS" checked>MS: '.getconstStr('OndriveVerMS').'</label><br>
<label><input type="radio" name="Onedrive_ver" value="CN">CN: '.getconstStr('OndriveVerCN').'</label><br>
<label><input type="radio" name="Onedrive_ver" value="MSC" onclick="document.getElementById(\'secret\').style.display=\'\';">MSC: '.getconstStr('OndriveVerMSC').'
<div id="secret" style="display:none">
<a href="'.$app_url.'" target="_blank">'.getconstStr('GetSecretIDandKEY').'</a><br>
client_secret:<input type="text" name="client_secret"><br>
client_id:<input type="text" name="client_id" placeholder="12345678-90ab-cdef-ghij-klmnopqrstuv"><br>
<input type="submit" value="'.getconstStr('Submit').'">
function notnull(t)
if (t.disktag_add.value==\'\') {
alert(\'Input Disk Tag\');
return false;
envs = [' . $envs . '];
if (envs.indexOf(t.disktag_add.value)>-1) {
alert(\'' . $envs . '\');
return false;
var reg = /^[a-zA-Z]([-_a-zA-Z0-9]{1,20})$/;
if (!reg.test(t.disktag_add.value)) {
return false;
document.cookie=\'disktag=\'+t.disktag_add.value+\'; path=/\';
return true;
$title = 'Bind Onedrive';
return message($html, $title, 201);
function install()
global $constStr;
if ($_GET['install1']) {
if ($_POST['admin']!='') {
$tmp['admin'] = $_POST['admin'];
$tmp['language'] = $_POST['language'];
$response = setConfig($tmp);
if (!$response) {
$html = $response . '<br>
Can not write config to file.<br>
<button onclick="location.href = location.href;">'.getconstStr('Reflesh').'</button>';
$title = 'Error';
return message($html, $title, 201);
} else {
return output('Jump<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;URL=' . path_format($_SERVER['base_path'] . '/') . '">', 302);
if ($_GET['install0']) {
if (!ConfigWriteable()) {
$html .= getconstStr('MakesuerWriteable');
$title = 'Error';
return message($html, $title, 201);
if (!RewriteEngineOn()) {
$html .= getconstStr('MakesuerRewriteOn');
$title = 'Error';
return message($html, $title, 201);
$html .= '
<form action="?install1" method="post" onsubmit="return notnull(this);">
foreach ($constStr['languages'] as $key1 => $value1) {
$html .= '
<label><input type="radio" name="language" value="'.$key1.'" '.($key1==$constStr['language']?'checked':'').' onclick="changelanguage(\''.$key1.'\')">'.$value1.'</label><br>';
$html .= '
<label>Set admin password:<input name="admin" type="password" placeholder="' . getconstStr('EnvironmentsDescription')['admin'] . '" size="' . strlen(getconstStr('EnvironmentsDescription')['admin']) . '"></label><br>';
$html .= '
<input type="submit" value="'.getconstStr('Submit').'">
function changelanguage(str)
document.cookie=\'language=\'+str+\'; path=/\';
location.href = location.href;
function notnull(t)
if (t.admin.value==\'\') {
alert(\'input admin\');
return false;
return true;
$title = getconstStr('SelectLanguage');
return message($html, $title, 201);
$html .= '<a href="?install0">'.getconstStr('ClickInstall').'</a>, '.getconstStr('LogintoBind');
$title = 'Error';
return message($html, $title, 201);
function ConfigWriteable()
$t = md5( md5(time()).rand(1000,9999) );
setConfig([ 'tmp' => $t ]);
$tmp = getConfig('tmp');
setConfig([ 'tmp' => '' ]);
if ($tmp == $t) return true;
return false;
function RewriteEngineOn()
$http_type = ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https')) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
$tmpurl = $http_type . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
$tmpurl .= path_format($_SERVER['base_path'] . '/config.php');
$tmp = curl_request($tmpurl);
if ($tmp['stat']==200) return false;
if ($tmp['stat']==201) return true; //when install return 201, after installed return 404 or 200;
return false;
function EnvOpt($function_name, $needUpdate = 0)
global $constStr;
global $ShowedCommonEnv;
global $ShowedInnerEnv;
$html = '<title>OneManager '.getconstStr('Setup').'</title>';
/*if ($_POST['updateProgram']==getconstStr('updateProgram')) {
$response = json_decode(updataProgram($function_name, $Region, $namespace), true)['Response'];
if (isset($response['Error'])) {
$html = $response['Error']['Code'] . '<br>
' . $response['Error']['Message'] . '<br><br>
function_name:' . $_SERVER['function_name'] . '<br>
Region:' . $_SERVER['Region'] . '<br>
namespace:' . $namespace . '<br>
<button onclick="location.href = location.href;">'.getconstStr('Reflesh').'</button>';
$title = 'Error';
} else {
$html .= getconstStr('UpdateSuccess') . '<br>
<button onclick="location.href = location.href;">'.getconstStr('Reflesh').'</button>';
$title = getconstStr('Setup');
return message($html, $title);
if ($_POST['submit1']) {
$_SERVER['disk_oprating'] = '';
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
if (in_array($k, $ShowedCommonEnv)||in_array($k, $ShowedInnerEnv)||$k=='disktag_del' || $k=='disktag_add') {
$tmp[$k] = $v;
if ($k == 'disk') $_SERVER['disk_oprating'] = $v;
/*if ($tmp['domain_path']!='') {
$tmp1 = explode("|",$tmp['domain_path']);
$tmparr = [];
foreach ($tmp1 as $multidomain_paths){
$pos = strpos($multidomain_paths,":");
if ($pos>0) $tmparr[substr($multidomain_paths, 0, $pos)] = path_format(substr($multidomain_paths, $pos+1));
$tmp['domain_path'] = $tmparr;
$response = setConfig($tmp, $_SERVER['disk_oprating']);
if (!$response) {
$html = $response . '<br>
<button onclick="location.href = location.href;">'.getconstStr('Reflesh').'</button>';
$title = 'Error';
} else {
$html .= '<script>location.href=location.href</script>';
if ($_GET['preview']) {
$preurl = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?preview';
} else {
$preurl = path_format($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '/');
$html .= '
<a href="'.$preurl.'">'.getconstStr('Back').'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['base_path'].'">'.getconstStr('Back').getconstStr('Home').'</a><br>
<a href="">Github</a><br>';
/*if ($needUpdate) {
$html .= '<pre>' . $_SERVER['github_version'] . '</pre>
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="updateProgram" value="'.getconstStr('updateProgram').'">
} else {
$html .= getconstStr('NotNeedUpdate');
$html .= 'Can not update by a click!<br>
<table border=1 width=100%>
<form name="common" action="" method="post">
<td colspan="2">'.getconstStr('PlatformConfig').'</td>
foreach ($ShowedCommonEnv as $key) {
if ($key=='language') {
$html .= '
<td><label>' . $key . '</label></td>
<td width=100%>
<select name="' . $key .'">';
foreach ($constStr['languages'] as $key1 => $value1) {
$html .= '
<option value="'.$key1.'" '.($key1==getConfig($key)?'selected="selected"':'').'>'.$value1.'</option>';
$html .= '
} elseif ($key=='theme') {
$theme_arr = scandir('theme');
$html .= '
<td><label>' . $key . '</label></td>
<td width=100%>
<select name="' . $key .'">
<option value=""></option>';
foreach ($theme_arr as $v1) {
if ($v1!='.' && $v1!='..') $html .= '
<option value="'.$v1.'" '.($v1==getConfig($key)?'selected="selected"':'').'>'.$v1.'</option>';
$html .= '
} /*elseif ($key=='domain_path') {
$tmp = getConfig($key);
$domain_path = '';
foreach ($tmp as $k1 => $v1) {
$domain_path .= $k1 . ':' . $v1 . '|';
$domain_path = substr($domain_path, 0, -1);
$html .= '
<td><label>' . $key . '</label></td>
<td width=100%><input type="text" name="' . $key .'" value="' . $domain_path . '" placeholder="' . getconstStr('EnvironmentsDescription')[$key] . '" style="width:100%"></td>
}*/ else $html .= '
<td><label>' . $key . '</label></td>
<td width=100%><input type="text" name="' . $key .'" value="' . getConfig($key) . '" placeholder="' . getconstStr('EnvironmentsDescription')[$key] . '" style="width:100%"></td>
$html .= '
<tr><td><input type="submit" name="submit1" value="'.getconstStr('Setup').'"></td></tr>
foreach (explode("|",getConfig('disktag')) as $disktag) {
if ($disktag!='') {
$html .= '
<table border=1 width=100%>
<form action="" method="post">
<td colspan="2">'.$disktag.'
<input type="hidden" name="disktag_del" value="'.$disktag.'">
<input type="submit" name="submit1" value="'.getconstStr('DelDisk').'">
if (getConfig('refresh_token', $disktag)!='') {
$html .= '
<form name="'.$disktag.'" action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="disk" value="'.$disktag.'">';
foreach ($ShowedInnerEnv as $key) {
$html .= '
<td><label>' . $key . '</label></td>
<td width=100%><input type="text" name="' . $key .'" value="' . getConfig($key, $disktag) . '" placeholder="' . getconstStr('EnvironmentsDescription')[$key] . '" style="width:100%"></td>
$html .= '
<tr><td><input type="submit" name="submit1" value="'.getconstStr('Setup').'"></td></tr>
$html .= '
$html .= '
<a href="?AddDisk">'.getconstStr('AddDisk').'</a>';
return message($html, getconstStr('Setup'));