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2020-12-29 01:17:10 -08:00
package common
import (
2022-07-07 00:04:59 -07:00
2020-12-29 01:17:10 -08:00
func init() {
go func() {
for {
2022-08-15 20:18:09 -07:00
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
2022-08-15 20:18:09 -07:00
func GC() {
2020-12-29 01:17:10 -08:00
func Banner() {
banner := `
___ _
/ _ \ ___ ___ _ __ __ _ ___| | __
/ /_\/____/ __|/ __| '__/ _` + "`" + ` |/ __| |/ /
/ /_\\_____\__ \ (__| | | (_| | (__| <
\____/ |___/\___|_| \__,_|\___|_|\_\
fscan version: ` + version + `
2020-12-29 01:17:10 -08:00
func Flag(Info *HostInfo) {
flag.StringVar(&Info.Host, "h", "", "IP address of the host you want to scan,for example: | |,")
flag.StringVar(&NoHosts, "hn", "", "the hosts no scan,as: -hn")
2020-12-29 01:17:10 -08:00
flag.StringVar(&Info.Ports, "p", DefaultPorts, "Select a port,for example: 22 | 1-65535 | 22,80,3306")
flag.StringVar(&PortAdd, "pa", "", "add port base DefaultPorts,-pa 3389")
2022-04-20 18:56:07 -07:00
flag.StringVar(&UserAdd, "usera", "", "add a user base DefaultUsers,-usera user")
flag.StringVar(&PassAdd, "pwda", "", "add a password base DefaultPasses,-pwda password")
2021-05-05 20:37:29 -07:00
flag.StringVar(&NoPorts, "pn", "", "the ports no scan,as: -pn 445")
flag.StringVar(&Command, "c", "", "exec command (ssh|wmiexec)")
2022-07-03 08:41:39 -07:00
flag.StringVar(&SshKey, "sshkey", "", "sshkey file (id_rsa)")
flag.StringVar(&Domain, "domain", "", "smb domain")
flag.StringVar(&Username, "user", "", "username")
flag.StringVar(&Password, "pwd", "", "password")
flag.Int64Var(&Timeout, "time", 3, "Set timeout")
flag.StringVar(&Scantype, "m", "all", "Select scan type ,as: -m ssh")
flag.StringVar(&Path, "path", "", "fcgi、smb romote file path")
2021-03-07 18:00:56 -08:00
flag.IntVar(&Threads, "t", 600, "Thread nums")
flag.IntVar(&LiveTop, "top", 10, "show live len top")
2021-06-29 20:07:24 -07:00
flag.StringVar(&HostFile, "hf", "", "host file, -hf ip.txt")
flag.StringVar(&Userfile, "userf", "", "username file")
flag.StringVar(&Passfile, "pwdf", "", "password file")
flag.StringVar(&PortFile, "portf", "", "Port File")
2022-04-20 18:56:07 -07:00
flag.StringVar(&PocPath, "pocpath", "", "poc file path")
flag.StringVar(&RedisFile, "rf", "", "redis file to write sshkey file (as: -rf id_rsa.pub) ")
flag.StringVar(&RedisShell, "rs", "", "redis shell to write cron file (as: -rs ")
flag.BoolVar(&IsWebCan, "nopoc", false, "not to scan web vul")
2021-11-24 18:16:39 -08:00
flag.BoolVar(&IsBrute, "nobr", false, "not to Brute password")
flag.IntVar(&BruteThread, "br", 1, "Brute threads")
2022-08-16 00:10:09 -07:00
flag.BoolVar(&NoPing, "np", false, "not to ping")
flag.BoolVar(&Ping, "ping", false, "using ping replace icmp")
flag.StringVar(&TmpOutputfile, "o", "result.txt", "Outputfile")
flag.BoolVar(&TmpSave, "no", false, "not to save output log")
2021-05-13 20:47:30 -07:00
flag.Int64Var(&WaitTime, "debug", 60, "every time to LogErr")
2021-05-13 19:43:26 -07:00
flag.BoolVar(&Silent, "silent", false, "silent scan")
flag.BoolVar(&PocFull, "full", false, "poc full scan,as: shiro 100 key")
flag.StringVar(&URL, "u", "", "url")
2021-03-25 00:36:21 -07:00
flag.StringVar(&UrlFile, "uf", "", "urlfile")
flag.StringVar(&Pocinfo.PocName, "pocname", "", "use the pocs these contain pocname, -pocname weblogic")
2022-07-03 08:41:39 -07:00
flag.StringVar(&Proxy, "proxy", "", "set poc proxy, -proxy")
2022-05-07 08:46:22 -07:00
flag.StringVar(&Socks5Proxy, "socks5", "", "set socks5 proxy, will be used in tcp connection, timeout setting will not work")
2022-07-03 08:48:06 -07:00
flag.StringVar(&Cookie, "cookie", "", "set poc cookie,-cookie rememberMe=login")
2022-07-03 08:41:39 -07:00
flag.Int64Var(&WebTimeout, "wt", 5, "Set web timeout")
2022-08-15 20:18:09 -07:00
flag.BoolVar(&DnsLog, "dns", false, "using dnslog poc")
2022-07-03 08:48:06 -07:00
flag.IntVar(&PocNum, "num", 20, "poc rate")
flag.StringVar(&SC, "sc", "", "ms17 shellcode,as -sc add")
flag.BoolVar(&IsWmi, "wmi", false, "start wmi")
2020-12-29 01:17:10 -08:00