package Plugins import ( "encoding/binary" "encoding/hex" "errors" "fmt" "" "strings" "time" ) var ( negotiateProtocolRequest_enc = "G8o+kd/4y8chPCaObKK8L9+tJVFBb7ntWH/EXJ74635V3UTXA4TFOc6uabZfuLr0Xisnk7OsKJZ2Xdd3l8HNLdMOYZXAX5ZXnMC4qI+1d/MXA2TmidXeqGt8d9UEF5VesQlhP051GGBSldkJkVrP/fzn4gvLXcwgAYee3Zi2opAvuM6ScXrMkcbx200ThnOOEx98/7ArteornbRiXQjnr6dkJEUDTS43AW6Jl3OK2876Yaz5iYBx+DW5WjiLcMR+b58NJRxm4FlVpusZjBpzEs4XOEqglk6QIWfWbFZYgdNLy3WaFkkgDjmB1+6LhpYSOaTsh4EM0rwZq2Z4Lr8TE5WcPkb/JNsWNbibKlwtNtp94fIYvAWgxt5mn/oXpfUD" sessionSetupRequest_enc = "52HeCQEbsSwiSXg98sdD64qyRou0jARlvfQi1ekDHS77Nk/8dYftNXlFahLEYWIxYYJ8u53db9OaDfAvOEkuox+p+Ic1VL70r9Q5HuL+NMyeyeN5T5el07X5cT66oBDJnScs1XdvM6CBRtj1kUs2h40Z5Vj9EGzGk99SFXjSqbtGfKFBp0DhL5wPQKsoiXYLKKh9NQiOhOMWHYy/C+Iwhf3Qr8d1Wbs2vgEzaWZqIJ3BM3z+dhRBszQoQftszC16TUhGQc48XPFHN74VRxXgVe6xNQwqrWEpA4hcQeF1+QqRVHxuN+PFR7qwEcU1JbnTNISaSrqEe8GtRo1r2rs7+lOFmbe4qqyUMgHhZ6Pwu1bkhrocMUUzWQBogAvXwFb8" treeConnectRequest_enc = "+b/lRcmLzH0c0BYhiTaYNvTVdYz1OdYYDKhzGn/3T3P4b6pAR8D+xPdlb7O4D4A9KMyeIBphDPmEtFy44rtto2dadFoit350nghebxbYA0pTCWIBd1kN0BGMEidRDBwLOpZE6Qpph/DlziDjjfXUz955dr0cigc9ETHD/+f3fELKsopTPkbCsudgCs48mlbXcL13GVG5cGwKzRuP4ezcdKbYzq1DX2I7RNeBtw/vAlYh6etKLv7s+YyZ/r8m0fBY9A57j+XrsmZAyTWbhPJkCg==" transNamedPipeRequest_enc = "k/RGiUQ/tw1yiqioUIqirzGC1SxTAmQmtnfKd1qiLish7FQYxvE+h4/p7RKgWemIWRXDf2XSJ3K0LUIX0vv1gx2eb4NatU7Qosnrhebz3gUo7u25P5BZH1QKdagzPqtitVjASpxIjB3uNWtYMrXGkkuAm8QEitberc+mP0vnzZ8Nv/xiiGBko8O4P/wCKaN2KZVDLbv2jrN8V/1zY6fvWA==" trans2SessionSetupRequest_enc = "JqNw6PUKcWOYFisUoUCyD24wnML2Yd8kumx9hJnFWbhM2TQkRvKHsOMWzPVfggRrLl8sLQFqzk8bv8Rpox3uS61l480Mv7HdBPeBeBeFudZMntXBUa4pWUH8D9EXCjoUqgAdvw6kGbPOOKUq3WmNb0GDCZapqQwyUKKMHmNIUMVMAOyVfKeEMJA6LViGwyvHVMNZ1XWLr0xafKfEuz4qoHiDyVWomGjJt8DQd6+jgLk=" negotiateProtocolRequest, _ = hex.DecodeString(AesDecrypt(negotiateProtocolRequest_enc, key)) sessionSetupRequest, _ = hex.DecodeString(AesDecrypt(sessionSetupRequest_enc, key)) treeConnectRequest, _ = hex.DecodeString(AesDecrypt(treeConnectRequest_enc, key)) transNamedPipeRequest, _ = hex.DecodeString(AesDecrypt(transNamedPipeRequest_enc, key)) trans2SessionSetupRequest, _ = hex.DecodeString(AesDecrypt(trans2SessionSetupRequest_enc, key)) ) func MS17010(info *common.HostInfo) error { if common.IsBrute { return nil } err := MS17010Scan(info) if err != nil { errlog := fmt.Sprintf("[-] Ms17010 %v %v", info.Host, err) common.LogError(errlog) } return err } func MS17010Scan(info *common.HostInfo) error { ip := info.Host // connecting to a host in LAN if reachable should be very quick conn, err := common.WrapperTcpWithTimeout("tcp", ip+":445", time.Duration(common.Timeout)*time.Second) defer func() { if conn != nil { conn.Close() } }() if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("failed to connect to %s\n", ip) return err } err = conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Duration(common.Timeout) * time.Second)) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("failed to connect to %s\n", ip) return err } _, err = conn.Write(negotiateProtocolRequest) if err != nil { return err } reply := make([]byte, 1024) // let alone half packet if n, err := conn.Read(reply); err != nil || n < 36 { return err } if binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(reply[9:13]) != 0 { // status != 0 return err } _, err = conn.Write(sessionSetupRequest) if err != nil { return err } n, err := conn.Read(reply) if err != nil || n < 36 { return err } if binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(reply[9:13]) != 0 { // status != 0 //fmt.Printf("can't determine whether %s is vulnerable or not\n", ip) var Err = errors.New("can't determine whether target is vulnerable or not") return Err } // extract OS info var os string sessionSetupResponse := reply[36:n] if wordCount := sessionSetupResponse[0]; wordCount != 0 { // find byte count byteCount := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(sessionSetupResponse[7:9]) if n != int(byteCount)+45 { fmt.Println("[-]", ip+":445", "ms17010 invalid session setup AndX response") } else { // two continous null bytes indicates end of a unicode string for i := 10; i < len(sessionSetupResponse)-1; i++ { if sessionSetupResponse[i] == 0 && sessionSetupResponse[i+1] == 0 { os = string(sessionSetupResponse[10:i]) os = strings.Replace(os, string([]byte{0x00}), "", -1) break } } } } userID := reply[32:34] treeConnectRequest[32] = userID[0] treeConnectRequest[33] = userID[1] // TODO change the ip in tree path though it doesn't matter _, err = conn.Write(treeConnectRequest) if err != nil { return err } if n, err := conn.Read(reply); err != nil || n < 36 { return err } treeID := reply[28:30] transNamedPipeRequest[28] = treeID[0] transNamedPipeRequest[29] = treeID[1] transNamedPipeRequest[32] = userID[0] transNamedPipeRequest[33] = userID[1] _, err = conn.Write(transNamedPipeRequest) if err != nil { return err } if n, err := conn.Read(reply); err != nil || n < 36 { return err } if reply[9] == 0x05 && reply[10] == 0x02 && reply[11] == 0x00 && reply[12] == 0xc0 { //fmt.Printf("%s\tMS17-010\t(%s)\n", ip, os) //if runtime.GOOS=="windows" {fmt.Printf("%s\tMS17-010\t(%s)\n", ip, os) //} else{fmt.Printf("\033[33m%s\tMS17-010\t(%s)\033[0m\n", ip, os)} result := fmt.Sprintf("[+] %s\tMS17-010\t(%s)", ip, os) common.LogSuccess(result) defer func() { if common.SC != "" { MS17010EXP(info) } }() // detect present of DOUBLEPULSAR SMB implant trans2SessionSetupRequest[28] = treeID[0] trans2SessionSetupRequest[29] = treeID[1] trans2SessionSetupRequest[32] = userID[0] trans2SessionSetupRequest[33] = userID[1] _, err = conn.Write(trans2SessionSetupRequest) if err != nil { return err } if n, err := conn.Read(reply); err != nil || n < 36 { return err } if reply[34] == 0x51 { result := fmt.Sprintf("[+] %s has DOUBLEPULSAR SMB IMPLANT", ip) common.LogSuccess(result) } } else { result := fmt.Sprintf("[*] %s (%s)", ip, os) common.LogSuccess(result) } return err }