package common import ( "bufio" "encoding/hex" "flag" "fmt" "net/url" "os" "strconv" "strings" ) func Parse(Info *HostInfo) { ParseUser() ParsePass(Info) ParseInput(Info) ParseScantype(Info) } func ParseUser() { if Username == "" && Userfile == "" { return } var Usernames []string if Username != "" { Usernames = strings.Split(Username, ",") } if Userfile != "" { users, err := Readfile(Userfile) if err == nil { for _, user := range users { if user != "" { Usernames = append(Usernames, user) } } } } Usernames = RemoveDuplicate(Usernames) for name := range Userdict { Userdict[name] = Usernames } } func ParsePass(Info *HostInfo) { var PwdList []string if Password != "" { passs := strings.Split(Password, ",") for _, pass := range passs { if pass != "" { PwdList = append(PwdList, pass) } } Passwords = PwdList } if Passfile != "" { passs, err := Readfile(Passfile) if err == nil { for _, pass := range passs { if pass != "" { PwdList = append(PwdList, pass) } } Passwords = PwdList } } if URL != "" { urls := strings.Split(URL, ",") TmpUrls := make(map[string]struct{}) for _, url := range urls { if _, ok := TmpUrls[url]; !ok { TmpUrls[url] = struct{}{} if url != "" { Urls = append(Urls, url) } } } } if UrlFile != "" { urls, err := Readfile(UrlFile) if err == nil { TmpUrls := make(map[string]struct{}) for _, url := range urls { if _, ok := TmpUrls[url]; !ok { TmpUrls[url] = struct{}{} if url != "" { Urls = append(Urls, url) } } } } } if PortFile != "" { ports, err := Readfile(PortFile) if err == nil { newport := "" for _, port := range ports { if port != "" { newport += port + "," } } Info.Ports = newport } } } func Readfile(filename string) ([]string, error) { file, err := os.Open(filename) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Open %s error, %v\n", filename, err) os.Exit(0) } defer file.Close() var content []string scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) scanner.Split(bufio.ScanLines) for scanner.Scan() { text := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text()) if text != "" { content = append(content, scanner.Text()) } } return content, nil } func ParseInput(Info *HostInfo) { if Info.Host == "" && HostFile == "" && URL == "" && UrlFile == "" { fmt.Println("Host is none") flag.Usage() os.Exit(0) } if BruteThread <= 0 { BruteThread = 1 } if TmpSave == true { IsSave = false } if Info.Ports == DefaultPorts { Info.Ports += "," + Webport } if PortAdd != "" { if strings.HasSuffix(Info.Ports, ",") { Info.Ports += PortAdd } else { Info.Ports += "," + PortAdd } } if UserAdd != "" { user := strings.Split(UserAdd, ",") for a := range Userdict { Userdict[a] = append(Userdict[a], user...) Userdict[a] = RemoveDuplicate(Userdict[a]) } } if PassAdd != "" { pass := strings.Split(PassAdd, ",") Passwords = append(Passwords, pass...) Passwords = RemoveDuplicate(Passwords) } if Socks5Proxy != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(Socks5Proxy, "socks5://") { if !strings.Contains(Socks5Proxy, ":") { Socks5Proxy = "socks5://" + Socks5Proxy } else { Socks5Proxy = "socks5://" + Socks5Proxy } } if Socks5Proxy != "" { fmt.Println("Socks5Proxy:", Socks5Proxy) _, err := url.Parse(Socks5Proxy) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Socks5Proxy parse error:", err) os.Exit(0) } NoPing = true } if Proxy != "" { if Proxy == "1" { Proxy = "" } else if Proxy == "2" { Proxy = "socks5://" } else if !strings.Contains(Proxy, "://") { Proxy = "" + Proxy } fmt.Println("Proxy:", Proxy) if !strings.HasPrefix(Proxy, "socks") && !strings.HasPrefix(Proxy, "http") { fmt.Println("no support this proxy") os.Exit(0) } _, err := url.Parse(Proxy) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Proxy parse error:", err) os.Exit(0) } } if Hash != "" && len(Hash) != 32 { fmt.Println("[-] Hash is error,len(hash) must be 32") os.Exit(0) } else { var err error HashBytes, err = hex.DecodeString(Hash) if err != nil { fmt.Println("[-] Hash is error,hex decode error") os.Exit(0) } } } func ParseScantype(Info *HostInfo) { _, ok := PORTList[Scantype] if !ok { showmode() } if Scantype != "all" && Info.Ports == DefaultPorts+","+Webport { switch Scantype { case "wmiexec": Info.Ports = "135" case "wmiinfo": Info.Ports = "135" case "smbinfo": Info.Ports = "445" case "hostname": Info.Ports = "135,137,139,445" case "smb2": Info.Ports = "445" case "web": Info.Ports = Webport case "webonly": Info.Ports = Webport case "ms17010": Info.Ports = "445" case "cve20200796": Info.Ports = "445" case "portscan": Info.Ports = DefaultPorts + "," + Webport case "main": Info.Ports = DefaultPorts default: port, _ := PORTList[Scantype] Info.Ports = strconv.Itoa(port) } fmt.Println("-m ", Scantype, " start scan the port:", Info.Ports) } } func CheckErr(text string, err error, flag bool) { if err != nil { fmt.Println("Parse", text, "error: ", err.Error()) if flag { if err != ParseIPErr { fmt.Println(ParseIPErr) } os.Exit(0) } } } func showmode() { fmt.Println("The specified scan type does not exist") fmt.Println("-m") for name := range PORTList { fmt.Println(" [" + name + "]") } os.Exit(0) }